
turday 6th April 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA Negro Weakness in Cohesive Propensities SAL UVINA For Liver and Stomach Ailments Invaluable for the Treatment of Indigestion FIRE AT CIENEGUITA com.
to the Lloyd Smith, publisher of Catholic Prelates Coming To Dumping ground, where a thrifty getting the Officers of the HygieA GREAT SEND OFF On Tursday last we were cor evening and morning as well. Hardly dially invited to the residence of our anything need be said of the feast friend Phil. Booth, of Berlin Bread. on tepiscuit (Conejo Pintado)
To the careful observer, it will lantrophist. In the issue of the fame, for a pleasant evening at ho and other delicacies, a la mode e seen that no study of the cha Literary Digest of 2nd. March me, among his many friends; and Booth. because of the fact is was acteristics of the man of colour we find, in the line of Sports, indeed it was very pleasant.
in the hands of those who know neccessary to find that the rea that Eddie Tolan, Ralph Metcai. THE RIGHT SALTS The evening object was a send do it.
on for all the failures is to be fe, DeHart Hubbard, Fritz Po.
off in the true spirit of frienship. Mr. Norton left by the Caound in his lack of cohesion to lard, Jessie Owens and Oze Sim to Mr. Walter Norton of Sav vina on Friday evening with the bose of his kith and Kin. mons have all excelled as Negro la mar, Jamaica, a school chum of happiest reminiscencies of his friends If we go into every Organiza Athletes and have been so ackPhil whom he had not met since in this City. He went off, in a jolly jon, whether religious, commer nowledged by the world. These those happy days of long ago. Like fashion, under the strains of Auld inl, literary, sporting or social, outstanding figures are to be met the jovial traveller he is, Wallic paid Lang Syne.
we find the same deficiency. The with in every line of achievement a flying trip to Costa Rica in Fete are those who excel in some in Medicine, Law, Arts, Aero branary last to have a glimpse at his. BREAD BREAD. particular line of pursuit; yet be nautics, Mechanics and Invenold friends and relatives, among Eat only the best bread.
ause of his affinity to the ma tions. But is it so here? Why cant them, Mr. Lester Norton of Siqui BERLIN SPECIAL LOAF ses, he is not appreciated nor all get together?
rres and Mr. Frank Cox, travelling is his trusiness supported, pre Recently a team of West InMade only by BOOTH Flatulence And all forms Salesman of Messrs. Allan Sime.
The best that may be had ference being given to the stran dian Cricketers far excelled the When Booth does anything, it is in the country.
ger by the thousands who should powerful, nearly all professional, of Stomach always beyond the ordinary, so we Don forget to call at support him. these stand aloof team sent out by England to found that on this occasion the mu BOOTH and take home a ad he is left to eke out an exis play against all West Indies; and Colics Disorders sic was supplied by our super Maesloaf of Berlin Special ence as best he can to the de according to reports it is pleasing tro Steve Robotham with his famous bread.
riment of racial aspirations. to note that, for the first time in Orchestra; and that the friends we Trying one will convince Here we find a boy or a girl, history, a West Indian coloured FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES re among the pick of our coloured you, that this is positively exceptionally smart in schooi, team so coordinated and coopecitizenship. The charming attentions the best loaf of bread, with tendencies for a bright ca rated with one another as to scMANUFACTURED BY: of Miss Ethin Booth to all her guests, made in Costa Rica reer in some trade or profession, cure for themselves an overwhel lent colour to the enjoyment of the but unable to attain same by reaming victory. What a lesson this Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa son of the impoverished condi should be to the West Indies. For SAN JOSE tion of his or her parents; yet merly there was to be found all none will be found, with such a sorts of perochialisms slack At abou: o clock Tuesday have been destroyed.
philantropic mind, as to come to fielding, why? Secause two the rescue by having that boys Jamaicans were bowling and Recent Deaths in Public Hospital night. the populace of our munity were set on the or girl life insured a period of ce versa; runs not made, becaumove by Last week we sounded a warnAmong those who passed away the 17th. ultimo; Oscar Gittens an alarm of Fire. There was the ing, consequent on the apprehenyears to mature at the time when se the stroke, being made by recently in the San Juan de Dios Phillips, of this city, on the usual bustling and hustling to dissions from clogged chimneys. We be or she should begin his or her ja Bardadian his batting partner Hospital, are the following from Coralia Hidalgo Badilla, also of of professional course of studies to would not run to cooperate, and cover where the alarm came from. will again advise all owners our Zone: Clotilde Rugaman, a this City, on the 22nd. idem.
eventually become a Lawyer, so on all through every It was soon ascertained that the premises to safeguard their properenga Nicaraguan, from Old Harbour en doctor, Engineer, Chemist or gement. Again we exclaim wath blaze was in the vicinity of the ties by calling the attention of the member of some other profe a gloriusc lesson to West Indians.
Cieneguita Beach, near the City authorities to this danger, and ssion, and so be a credit race and an outstanding figure the Trinidad sporting Chronicle, wrinative among the supermen and women tes a most thrilling article on this Costa Rica themselves, a little home to escape inspections.
of the world. No, however much recent achievement. How unusual to the so oft impetuous inquiries of that pupil may shine among his hear a Trinidadian give merit to a In response to the request of part in the centenary celebrations a Landlord.
METROPOLITAN BUREAU or her classmates, he or she must Jamaican and vice versa. He writes Monseñor Chiarlo, the Papal Nun lof the Virgen de los Angeles to and alone and be even ridicu. of Headley, the Jamaican who put cio resident here, the Pope has be held in Cartago during the When the Brigade and the ac. Legal, Notarial General by other members of the rauf his 270 not our but after his conceded permission for the Arch month of August.
his one mistake at 82, his was batt bishops of Panama and Managua; companying crowd arrived, it was Business Transactions e and so fudge out a circunscriing fit for the Olyimpian fields with the Bishops of Colon and Leon ed, last for seven The celebrations will, it is expect observed that the little home was bed life, the highest attainments the Gods as spectators: Of the great and the Vicar Apostolico of Blue attended by thousands of visitors that ail that could be done was to days and be so far in the grip of the flames, Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. of which being usually a yardstiMy umtarnished reputation of cker behind some one counter sef, he says Will we ever again Constantine, Trinidadian like himfields to visit Costa Rica and take from the neighbouring Republics. endeavour to save the adjoining honesty. My intelligence and or the occupant of some semibuilding; after a hard fight, this high calibre efficiency constitute have a Cricketing Constantine like menial position, with a pencil tre present? gravely and sorrowful. There has always been a longing This Test match has proven it. Wit was effected, much to the relief the necessary and all important FACTORS which constitute my stuck, behind the car, for 150 ly doubt. And of Seally, the Bar and a craving to hear and witness haut co operation and co ordination of the owner and occupants. and so it is every department badian, for his 91, he writes the merited achievements of one West we are nowhere. The result of the While there were many who ably Iron Clad Guarantee to my acof life; why? Lack of Cohesion.
Indian acknowledged and acclaimed match, and the perfomances, of the assisted in subduing the flames, we tual and prospective CLIENTS, that Baby in long clothes graIn every walk of life, abroad, cefully by the other, and here Mr. Smith representatives of Jamaica and other cannot who confide to refrain from mentioning care, di.
cutting, square carting there willl be found an indivi thern anway to leg driving beatiful has done it.
Islands, all combining splendidly as that had it not been for the emrection and administration, the dual, who is outstanding in his ly, etc. etc. What a lesson on true On the winning of the Test, he one united whole, hace done West ployees of the Fruit Company, handling of their BUSINESS and line, bolstered up by some phi co ordination, on real clannishness. explains the crowd goes wild, panIndian sport a great service; it has from the Zone, who did splendid GENERAL AFFAIRS.
demonium breaks loose, aspectators proved the necessity for, and will go work with their Chemical ExtinW. EGBERT POLSON get drunk with the joy and excitement. long way, towards bringing the guishers, the entire nest of houses Excursión a Turrialba, Domingo de Mayo 1935 of is all, the crowd surges in front Hlands closer, more friendly and moalong with Mr. Garron Soap Accountant, Interpreter, Trans IDA VUELTA 2. 50. TREN SALE LAS 30 AM of the stands and shout loudly for reunited than they have ever been Factory would, in all probability, lator, Judicial Business Agent.
famous performers. Never Sunday Excursion to Turrialba, 5th, May 1935 says he, will see another such West Indies Match until 1939.
ADULTS 2 50. TRAIN LEAVES AT 30 AM. VIA ZENT Let us hope this lesson will be Then he concludes. The West taken by the West Indians, and COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION Indies, as a United whole, can be a their progeny, of Limon. Let us great fighting unit in divers ways. hope they will co ordinate unselfishly; will realize that by liv.
ing in closer unison, one with the other in every stage of life, great e prosperity, greater recognition and greater respeot for every mem.
be of the Race will be the result.
In RCA VICTOR There is possibly no community in the world in which the need for Banco del Estado State Bank closer racial unity is more urgent than it is in this; yet the youths do Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue not or will not recognize it. They are snubbed, insulted, depreciated, Are Finer than Ever!
ofrece al público los Offers the Public the starved out by the meanest wages, so as to be virtually segregated, servicios de su Services of its yet all these conditions do not awaken the spirit of co ordination among them It is wondered, at times, what is the cause of this indolence towards the awakening of a manly spirit. Is it the Church?
Is it the Education? Is it a lack EN LA IN THE of home training? It cant, certainly, be the first nor the second, so it must be concluded that the fault lies in the Home. Can the para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service parents and Organizations not then increasing menance toward them.
servicio bancario.
Rendered youths, the spirit of Clannishness, Perry Girton so to be able to ride over this ever increasing menance toward the.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
my again. before.
more See the Radio that thinks!
Banco Internacional de Costa Rica Magic Brain. Range, Tone and Reception SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE CA VICTOR RADIO CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON Costa Rica Radio


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