
Encouraging New Industries THIE ATLANTIC VOICE Master and courte Our Monetary Exchanges Northern Railway Tariff Charges Fixed Al 450 matter was in our done it bore heavily our a Ministers Discuss Boundary Question Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone The Chamber of Commerce has zes, there will be other recognitions pened up a new avenue of inter of honour. those taking the first Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, 13th. April 1935.
Price: 0. 15 per copy sal revenue, by endeavouring to prizes will each get a Diplom of Año No. 40 encourage the manufacture of Excellence with a gold medal; the TOYS in the Country so as to second a Silver Medal; the third eliminate the foreign trade.
The ingenuity of the population of Honourable recognition will be tested by inventions of this those who may fall in the fourth, There is not a citizen of this merchant from Bankruptcy.
kind as prizes are being offered fifth and sixth categories.
The Diario de Costa Rica. in for the best productions with the Besides the making of articles beautiful country of ours, who is view of instituting factories, where ofr Playdom, consideration is to be not suffering from the continuous an issue of a few days ago shewed Elsewhere in this issue we make use the railroad, as it meant a sethese things can be made in suf directed towards the making of ar fluctuations of the rates of exchan that within 35 days of business comment on the serious difficulties rious increase to the regular tariff.
ficient quantities to warrant com ticles fit for notions to suit the ge, actuating among us. exchanges, one million two hundred with which our people are being the was, consequently, mercial transactions. Importations whims of our Tourists.
While the government has pla thousand dollars changed hands on will, as a result, be impeded, as This is a real, genuine, call to ced as a legitimate rate of exchan which a profit of one million eight encountered by reason of the con brought to the attention of the tinuous abnormal fluctuations in Company Officials with a request merchants dealing this all who may have an inventive ge, the sum of four colones and a hundred thousand colones monetary exchange. And in that an appropriate stable be fixed line of modity will be encouraged mind along these lines, to present half for a Dollar of Uncle Sam made be those having the gold to this connection we here wish to call so as to eliminate the constant and to make their purchases locally. It themselves to the Commission ap money, it nevertheless goes as high sell. Who suffers for all these in attention to what we think we may prejudicial fluctuations, but at the is, therefore now up to the think pointed by the Chamber of Com as five colones and ninety cents; conveniences? the poor consumer, justly regard as a magnanimous same time affording sufficient ing sons and daughters of Costa merce of San Jose, in the National this naturally means that merchants principally the labouring man. act on the part of the Management protection to the interests of both.
Rica to get busy and concentrate Exhibition of Jugetes, as early as and others who must have gold to What comes out of all this unscru of their business. were compclieu to The Company Management themselves on some line of Playth possible, so as to help in the unfulfil their purchasing obligations. pulous trading? misery, discontent; pany.
gave the matter their usual sympamust buy at and then strikes and revolutions.
sings (Jugetes. We have seen foldment of an indhstry which in foreign markets, may Soon after Control of the thetic consideration with the result Will the government not allow many samples of Engines fitted be of great economic value to the such prices as are demanded, or exchange was abandoned and fluc that they have decided that these with tenders, automobiles, camions, country as well as a new avenue otherwise suffer their foreign cre the United Fruit Co. to flood the tuations began to be of almost accounts should, until further adv.
waggons drawn by oxen as well as of personal profit.
dits to be stopped and the depre country with gold, by paying her dally occurrence, the Company had ised, by liquidated after the exchanhorses, as also dolls, miniature ri This call gives an oportunity for ciation of their hitherto good na people in gold bills instead of gold to revert to the method of collect ge rate of 430 per cent. We consifles and revolvers made by our creating a bright future for any mes. The direct result of this ab cheques, which are eagerly bought ing its gold colones charges after der this rate an exceedingly reasmer up by the Capitalists, to be held by the daily rate. This advanced until onable one in view of the existing youths, for the mere fun of it. one so inclined, rich or poor, of normal fluctuation is, that chandise which was obtained There is no reason why these ima every class nou Community.
on them for a period and resold at it reached the high figure of 550 conditions, and on behalf of our ginative minds should not, hence It is a pity the time for the get credit abroad at the time when the fabulous exchanges.
per cent. Such a rate, naturally, hard pressed community we once echange was four for one, has now If somwthing be not forth, be put to profitable operating together of the exhibits is so on importers and more feel they have earned tions within our homes since a limited; but this is, we to be paid for at the rate of five would not be surprising to us to others who, in the ordinary course grateful thanks, which are hereby suppose, market will be found for such ar due to the fact that May and June ninety for one. a difference of hear of another strike taking place. of teir business, were compelled to tendered tem.
ticles and many others, whereby are the months in which orders for 47 12 per cent in advance; thus No country can peacefully exist many will be able to obtain a steady Jugetes are placed abroad by our the price of our goods has to be under the conditions we are expelivelihood. We are sure parents and merchants. Had this thought aro raised, that much now, to save the riencing here.
guardians will readily help an in ginated, say in January, we are at International Bridge ventive girl or boy with a few co assured our ingenious ones would lones to procure the necessary ma have been able to place on exhibi We beg to call your attention to our remark BOCAS DEL TORO. April. being conducted between the two terials for the carrying out of their tion a profuse line of splendid In a dramite and impressive cerem governments, for putting an end imaginations on any such projects. manufacture; however, let us hope at the back of receipt which reads: ony culminating the efforts of both to the problem with which they The direct idea of those who are our youths will take this intimation countries to settle their boundary have been confronted since 1921.
taking an active part in the per as sufficient and GO TO IT. We This bill must be paid at our differences, Dr. Arosemena, Arosemena arrived here by sonal is to encourage any and every would advise each one to concen Foreign Secretary of Panama and plane with Dr. Alejandro Tapia, one who possesses the adaptability trate on a single plan at a time, office before the 15th of the month Lic. Raul Gurdian, Foreign Sec. Secy of Agriculture and Public for this class of manufacture. and make the object they have in retary of Costa Rila, shook hands, Works, and Engineer Frank MoThere is to be and Exhibition of mind a perfection within the six Be so good as to comply with this request extending their arms over the three rales of the Bureau of Public these works on the 29th. and 30th. weeks at disposal. dont go and do not oblige us to suspend our service, hhge nails of te nternational Bridge Works. Shortly after their arrival of May, when their excellence will trying too many different things which spans the frontier.
they went to Almirante and from be adjudicated on, and the Cham at once and so eventually fail; a step which we would much regret to take.
there to Guabito; and on the Inber of Commerce is offering three make one line a success, then tacThe Foreign Ministers had an ternational Bridge they met Lic.
first prizes of one hundred colones kle another. Each member of the Compañía Eléctrica de Limón opportdnity to lengthily discuss the Gurdian, who was accompanied by each; three second prizes of seventy home can idealize something and boundary questions at a luncheon don Francisco de la Espriella, Pafive colones each; three third prizes perfect it as a worthy competitor tendered on this side of the border namanian Minister in Costa Rica of fifty colones each, four fourth of the imported object.
line by Secretary Arosemena. La and by the Costa Rican Engineer, prizes of twenty five colones each; This Journal is at the disposal ter, Secretary Gurdian offered a Juan Matamoros, who together five fifth prizes of ten colones each of any one who may wish to comtoast, with champagne, on the Cos with the Panamanian Engineer, and ten sixth prizes of five colones pete, and would like to obtain furtta Rican side, completing the very Macario Solis, effected a survey each; in addition to these cash pri her information on the matter.
By La Tribuna of the 4th. constructions, drainage, etc.
significant exchange of courtesies. of the area of compensation, the instant, it is noted that Dr. Duncanson is sent here by the Both Ministers showed themsel basis of the proposed border setDuncanson, of the Sanitary De instructions of Dr. Washburn, ves as very optimistic over the fi tlement between Panama and Cospartment of Jamaica, under the who was for many years in charge nal outcome of the negociations, ta Rica. Fron the Star Herald. supervision of the Rockefeller In of the Rockefeller activities in JaThere has been a marked shortage exportation of these coins as also stitute for the prevention of Tro maica, but is now at the head of Tax on sugar in the circulation, latterly, of our silve in bars! The shortage is, ne pical Diseases, will be arriving the operation in Central America By a small Tax of two cents Tax of five cents per pound one colon and fifty cents pieces; vertheless, becoming more and today to consult with the Officers and Panama.
this is said, by those who have in more pronouncedand it is the be of our Public Health Department The Doctor will be with us for per pound placed on Sugar, Ca on Sugar and 25 certs per litro terested themselves in the matter, by those who can afford to do so under Dr. Solon Nuñez, regarding about month and Atlantic nada has, during the past year, oun Alcohol would find us all raised an additional revea de of the gold we would need for our to be due to their being accumul in the expectation that they will our methods of Sanitation, and to Voice wishes him a very pleasant twenty million dollars; trade and would place our moated by certain speculators for ex be worth a premium later on. inspect our systems of Sewerage and instructive time.
wath of Costa Rica?
netary exchange back at the old portation to the United States, To overcome the difficulty which Would it not be wise for our rate of two for one. Will the where they can be readily sold as is being acutely felt in various dis The 1935 Cricket Guessing government to raise a loan su Board of Control not consider Silver for much more than their tructs, particularly those inhabited fficient to get in enough Gold this? But, perhaps it might not onetary value.
by the poorer class, there is now a We cannot say if any have al. proposal, under consideration, for to set us on a gold basis and gua be suitable for then there would ready been sent out the country, securing the emission of one milranteeing same by placing a be no neccessity for continuing but the scheme was brought to the lion colones in one colon and fifty small Tax on our Sugar and AL the life of the Board and so its attention of the Executive and oncent Bills. It is possible that this Here is a chance to win 25. 00. All you are required coholic consumption?
Officers would not be required.
their request, Congress recently may be done in another week or to do is to guess what will be the highest individual Score promulgated a law prohibiting the. so.
made by a Cricketer in the Costa Rica Cup Competition Motsive. The person who guesses the correc score will receive a gift of Twenty five Colones. Each Guess must be accompanied with TEN CENTS. Fill out the attached Coupon and mail or SERVICIO DE VAPORES (Línea Holandesa de Vapores)
send it to Drummond. Box 465. Limon. person can make as many guesses as he likes, provided he sends in TEN Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK CENTS FOR EACH GUESS.
con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA The results of the weekly matches will be published week LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS y in this paper, so get a copy and send in your guess.
14 de Abril COUPON 19 de Abril QUIRIGUA 21 de Abril The 1935 Cricket Guessing Competition PETEN 28 de Abril Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fletes, dirigirse a Compañía Ultramar Prize 25. 00 FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs.
Agentes Generales Highest Individual Score LIMON y PUNTARENAS FELIPEJ ALVAR Co. Sucs A Name Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United Sub Agentes en Address Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica LIMON DUNTARENAS (TEN CENTS ENCLOSED)
TELEFONO 3156 To Study Sanitary Organization of Costa Rica Speculating With Our Silver Coins a four Competition ches which will be played from April 7th. to June 9th. inclu UNITED FRUIT Co.
Royal Netherlands Steamship Co.
Vapor COSTA RICA Agentes para Este documento es propiedad Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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