
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, 13th. April 135.
The Cup Competition Give your children protection. HOW?
Banco Nacional de Seguros To Canalize Nicaraguan River The first match of the Season two for 25. Tre individual scores luas taken place; th. Construc are: Construction CC. HarriLion under the Captaincy son, 14; Ramsay, 6; Ailen. O; of Mr. Mc Rae, met the Mo Stewart 8: Reid 3: Francis tive Power Sport Club on Sun 14; Banton 0; Isaacs 0: McRae What to become of your youngsters if you should die day last. The result was a Wi0; Lewis 1: Lawrence 4: Exfor the Motive Power.
tras 4: Total 54.
before they are self supporting?
The Construction won the Motive Power: Lawrence tors and elected to bat sending O; Leray 41: Reid 8: GET LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. in Harrison and Raanny who mallen 5: Scott 6; Dowden 9; Whi de a good stand None of the te 0; Rairweather 1: Babb 0: other players did anything of Hunter 38: Delpratt (cap. 2: consequer. ce wit. the exceptior Exmas Total 118.
of Isaac Francis. They could on The next match takes place ly muster 54 ruas in all iMo tomorrow between the Burial Through any local Agent or office of the tive Power the followed with Scheme and the Wanderers. The Lawrence and Leray who former will be represented by played a fine inning for 4! Cy. Bernard (Cap. McKenril Hunter also plaved a very zie; McIntosh; Fuller; forceful inning for 38, hitting se Legister; Harrison; ven boundaries of four runs Brown; Gayle; Powell; cach; three of which were regis Mills; Myrie; with Reser India Negatives Birth Control METROPOLITAN BUREAU tered in one over along with a ves, Campbell, Spence Suggestion Legal, Notarial General single ofi Isaacs. The uning clo and Nation.
Business Transactions According to a recent issue of ſand fifty miles, from the Aduana sed for total of 118.
BOMBAY. The Central Lethe Excelsior of Bluefields, the at Cabo Gracias a Dios to Worthy of note was the bowgislative Senate negatived a proBox 544. Cable. Metrobur. the ling of Babb for the Motive My untarnished reputation of Bragman Bluff Lumber Company point called Aguasvila. This will LUIS WA CHONG posal that the government furnish Power; he got four wickets for birth control information and eshonesty. My intelligence and having decided to extand their enable the large boats to navigative 16 runs in four Orers of which GUACIMO GUAPILES tablish travellling clinics in an ef high calibre efficiency constitute activities in the banana business, the river.
one was a maiden and having At present the Company is exCantina, Licores Extranje fort to check the alarming increase the necessary and all important have requested permission of the the honour of performing the in India population. The govern FACTORS which constitute my Nicaraguan government to canalize porting a weekly average of ten ros y del país Hat Trick in his the first ment spokesman said the problem Iron Clad Guarantee to my ac the Coco River in order to facili thousand stems of bananas, but if match of the Sea on For the Tienda bien surtida y was too subtle, too difficult, for tual and prospective CLIENTS, tate them in the handling of a lar. the project goes through the Construction, who confide to my care, di ger output of fruit. The proposal quantity would be increased, it is Bertie Lewis got Abarrotes en general State action.
rection and administration, the is to clean and deepen the river for estimated, to about forty thousand.
four wickets for 26 runs, Isa Precios sin competencia handling of their BUSINESS and a distance of about two hundred acs two for 32 and Francis GENERAL AFFAIRS.
SALE OF BLOODED EGBERT POLSON DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA STOCK Accountant, Interpreter, Trans lator, Judicial Business Agent.
El tren de pasajeros de Limón a San José se detiene en SiAvenida San José To the Stock Breeders of quirres 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan almorzar Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad the Province, Mr. Simeon cómodamente. Compre su tiquete en el tren para que sea aten and Colegio de Señoritas Richards of Penshurst of.
Tornado causes serious Loss to dido a la llegada. El precio es 2. 50. El Restaurant queda a la MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, fers for Sale, a Fine Lot of.
Life and Property derecha de la Estación. Cantina, Cigarros y Cigarillos. Se habla inglés, español, francés y alemán.
Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb Nine Cows and a Montgo NEW ORLEANS. TorW. KISSLING SURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the mery Pole Buffalo Bull.
nado which struck East Central Administrador neck of Womb Anyone requiring genuine RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (smail Lousiana and the Southern part of good milking Cows should medium sized) by way of the Urethra Mississippi, caused the deaths of commnicate with Mr. Rithirty three persons and injuries to chards, Penshurst Estrella several hundreds. The property At last the Cup Competition has connection with the Umpire. The Line.
damage is estimated at millions of started with six Clubs of the City Umpire should not contend with such dollars.
The old ones are in players as his decision is absolutely On Sunday April 7th, the thirty two members.
again, and we wish them all gool final, and players should not contend members of Our Lady of Vic It is hoped that the efforts of luck.
Excursión a Turrialba, Domingo de Mayo 1935 with Umpires after they have given ory Ausiliary of the Knights these good Catholics will be reof St. John attended the a. warded with every success.
IDA VUELTA 2. 50. TREN SALE LAS 30 The game last Sunday was good their decisions, to a certain atage. The fielding of am particularly asking this Mass in a body and received Hothe Construction could not have been Wicketkeep to note these remarks Sunday Excursion to Turrialba, 5th, May 1935 ly Communion. Owing to the worse. it was rotten. would ask and make every effort to play the ADULTS 50. TRAIN LEAVES AT 30 VIA ZENT loss of its funds by the failure one favour of Captain McRae, that game from now on. in the inteof the John Keith Bank, he endeavour to get his Wicket keep rest of Sport instead of for self athe Society had not been active to play the game of a gentleman. grandizement; for should a complain for the past two years; but FRANK MADURO Jr.
The fact is, this Wicket keep made be lodged against him before the thanks to the strenuous efforts of Prop.
an appeal for stump against a Board of Control, he may be dethe past Officers, a Social has batsman; the Umpire disallowed it, barred from playing any more durnow been started with a view of Best native lumber At about Noon last Monday, sent to the Morgue for the Doc and, with his unbred habits, he pas ing the Season.
re organizing the Society. The a man known by the name of tor Autopsy.
sed all sorts of unkind remarks in Spectator attendance at the Mass was ve.
at moderate prices, Sandy Brown (not Sandy Mac Ty encouraging and numbered Donald) dropped dead as the The deseased was quite a Ce.
Restaurant Siquirres Spectator on the Competition Reunion of Catholic Auxiliary Maduro Lumber Yard COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION Sudden Death entered the shop of a Chinese llebraty in the vicinity: he styled Cubans Under Murder In Jamaica Charge a See the Radio that thinks! lver Jubilee Fair In CA VICTOR Magic Brain. Range, Tone and Reception Hamburg. Amerika Linie trader on the Santa Rosa Track. himself Ninety nine Farquhar The First Alcalde, don Ma son and was always ailing. He nuel Martínez, was soon on the was protege of Mr. David spot and made the necessary in Brown, Kniwn among his peo Two Cubans, who are known by Island as stowaways, landed in Ivestigations, after which the bo ple as Pa. on whon will the names of Alfonso Roubal Haiti and continued their flight dy was placed in a Camion and fall the expenses of the funeral. alias) Edmundo Argomante and by airplane to Porto Rico, tha Cerofino Diaz and are suspected were, however, pursued, caught and of having murdered two other Cu taken back to Jamaica by the pobans maned Francisco Gomez and lice authorities. Their case comes In commmemoration of the Fair on the Lawn of the Baptist Kingston some weeks ago, left that instant.
Aurelio Pollan, respectively, in on before the courts on the 15th 25th anniversary of the Acce Church. Every effoft will be ssion of King George the Fifth, used to make this Fair worthy of there will be held (D V) on Co the occasion.
ronation Day, May the 6th. at General Admission 50. p. a Grand Silver Jubilee Children. 25.
Próximas Salidas de Puerto Limón Are Finer than Ever!
med bandits operating with the Several Indians, caught by a Sen PATRICIA 16 Abril methods used by the James Boys try while hunting for something decades ago, boarded the Louisian beneath the wings of a tri motored IBERIA 30 Abril crack New Orleans train of the transport plane, confessed they Illinois Central Railroad, as it left were looking for the big bird Para GUATEMALA (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
Chicago and before reaching Kan eggs. The savage Tribes of this kakee held up forty or more pas desolate region saw their first plan IBERIA 24 Abril sengers on five cars. One man, es only recently, when the governwho was slow in raising his hands ment established an air line from SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS was shot in the left leg. Carrying Bogota to Puerto Carre on the Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a: their loot, estimated at several Orinoco River.
thousand dollars, the bandits leapHAPAG LLOYD Perry Girton ed off the train as it lowed down Agencia Costa Rica at Viaduct a few blocks north of Teléfono 2086 the Kankakee station.
IMPRENTA BORRASE HNOS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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