
kurday 13th. April 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA Rear Admiral and Mrs. Byrd Visit Costa Rica SAL UVINA Goodwill Fliers Welcomed On Return To New York THE RIGHT SALTS For Liver and Stomach Ailments Invaluable for the Treatment of גם three years.
Obituary Capt. Wyatt sJaw Fractured in racial amity in the West Indies, can and America national anthems Four Places Hop Lee Lung During the earlier hours of the presentatives of the government, prizes will each get a Diploma of the American Legation, the ForeMr. Anderson and Dr. Central and South America. Th: Admiral Richard Byrd, the interpid ign Office as well as by their relaForsythe, whose goodwill Pan Doctor lauded Mr. Anderson as polar explorer, and his wife arrived itves, General and Miss Byrd of American goodwill flight ended the greatest flyer of African deshere by plane from Panama. They Westover, Cartago.
some months ago when their plane cent, and declared that his was his were enthusiastically greeted by re The Admiral is on his return crashed in Trinidad, were given a modesty and devotion to aviation from his second expedition to the rousing welcome on their recent that had kept him from being puSouth Pole where he has been carryarrival in New York, according to blicized as much as many less ef. BREAD BREAD. ing out further antartic exploraan announcement in the Panama ficient flyers.
Eat only the best bread. Star Herald.
tio Dr. Forsythe further stated BERLIN SPECIAL LOAF months, and where he was at one The welcome and reception was that, although their flight and enMade only by BOOTH time seriously ill.
arranged by the American Council ded wen their plane crashed in The best that may be had After spending a short time en: at St. James Presbyterian Church Trinidad, after negotiating 4, 000 in the country.
on West Indian Affairs and held miles, te trip was not a failure joying the bracing climate of the Don forget to call at Central Plateau, the distinguished in Harlem.
because it gave West Indians and BOOTH and take home a visitors will go back to Panama Mr. Anderson was unable to South Americans new and wholeloaf of Berlin Special and then on home by steamer. The Flatulence And all forms attend by weather condition which some views of the Negroes in bread.
Admiral will then commence the prevented him from leaving the America.
Trying one will convince labour of placing on record the Indigestion of Stomach Pacific Coast.
The Diplomatic representatives you, that this is positively result of all his scientific accomA special feature of the function who spoke on behalf of their the best loaf of bread, plishments which, he estimates will Colics Disorders was the presentation of addresses, tions were Messrs. Vincent, made in Costa Rica occupy his time during the next written on scrolls of pachment, in Consul General of Haiti; Manuel recognition of the Fliers outstand de Moya of Dominica and Ca FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES ing achievement in promoting in yetano de Quesada, Consul of Cu ternational and inter racial unders ba. Mr. Shepard of MANUFACTURED BY: tanding and goodwill. s Council, presented the Doctor Dr. Forsythe, in his response to with a scroll of honour from re: Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa the plaudits of the many speakers, presentatives of Organizations. The Grim Reaper has again vi ment some years ago, he lived the SAN JOSE stated they had not attempted their poem, written for the occasion, was 13, 000 mile flight because of their read by Attorney Hill and sited our Community and taken quiet life of a Country ntleman, primary interest in aviation, but be the attending Orchestra played the from us that retired, gentlemanly typical of the Scottish Esquire. He cause they wished to cement inter British, Haitian, Dominican, Cufigure. Mr. William Turriff. was hardly ever seen in public The sad event took place last Sa without a flaring hibiscus in his turday night, and his remains, af buttonhole.
ter receiving the solemn rites of the He is survived by a daughter, Catholic Church, were interred the Mrs. Jim Wood who had the pri In previous issues we mention England, an Ray examination following afternoon at the Camp vilege of being with her parented the very unfortunate accident was made of the injury which dis One Cemetery in the prence of a during his last moments, a son in suffered by Mr. Wyatt, the Cap closed that the jaw is fractured in large number of friends. Colombia and two other daughters tain of the Team, while four places. It is said it may be Establecimiento de licores, Tienda y Abarrotes The deceased came to this coun residing elsewhere, to whom, as playing in the fourth West Indies necessary ta graft a piece of bone El más surtido en Matina try very many years ago and was well as the other members of the Test match in Jamaica.
into the jaw.
long employed as an Overseer on family The Atlantic Voice takes Since the return of the Team to various properties of the United this means of tendering its most From Nicaragua Fruit Company. After his retire sincere condolence.
The Scottsboro Youths To Get New Trial There is the possibility of Blue sels of the Lake Nicaragua.
The of the Scottsboro The other five youths, who were fields being directly connected with Boys, which evoked such world fof the seven originally convicted, Managua in the near future; a Suero Butantán brought protest against their con were held spending the result of the Atlantic Coast, reaching as far is soon to be promulgated under wide time ago and not a time. They road As the result of the law which victions from every quarter of the this appeal on behalf of their two as Muelle de los Bueyes. and the which the gold output of the ReContra mordedura de serpienfes. Téngalo siempre a mano civilized world, is once more com companions.
Public Works Department is now public is to be controlled, the Luz en su finca. Hombre prevenido vale por dos.
ing before the public.
considering whether to build a rails and Los Angeles Mining ComExistencia permanente: On April 1st. the upreme Court Attorney amuel Leibowitz, who road or a highway from La Liber pany have notified the government of the United States ruled that on argued the case before the Supre tad to Bluefields, making connec that they will be investing a furtLaboratorio de Análisis Clínicos del Lic. Carlos Víquez the second trial of two of the ac me Court on behalf of the accused, tion with the Capital and other her sum of two million dollars in cused, their case was unconstitu said the victory was the culmina points of the interior, by the ves their operations in the country.
Avenida Central. Frente a las Compañias Eléctricas tionally excluded from the Jury, tion of the hopes of 15, 200, 000 the sentences of death imposed on negroes in the United States and Britain is Prospering Sensational Divorce Case them were, therefore, set aside and a triumph for North American The last financial year of the the revenue had exceeded the Bud a new trial ordered.
United Kingdom has closed with no get estimates by 921. 000; with In Local Courts less a surplus than 7, 562, 879. In expenditures rising correspondingly Current Items of Interest come Taxes have been maintly res by 3, 575, 000. ponsible for this unexpected good What is regarded as one of the wife of one of the country lar Congress has closed her Extra country for packed fish, will not ad fortune, having yielded 8, 377, 000 On the other hand Postal Depart most sensational cases to be placed cuses her husband of Cruelty and ordinary Session, so as to prepare more than was anticipated. ment trassactions fell off 750, 000 before the Civil Courts of the gest producers of Coffe. She ac for the opening of the regular Ses Broadcasting Station has beca The total Revenue for the year due, principally, to reaction in Te Country in recent times, is that of claims an idemnification of half asion on the las, of May.
erected in the Soledad Church, San which came to a close on the 30th. lebraph charges and recent cuts in a Divorce which was filed, a few million.
Jose, be means of which the sermons of march last, showed 716, 441, 050 postage rates. The estimates for Cusdays ago, with the First Civil Judge The Court has ordered an in Mr. Robert Johnston, British Con preached there may be heard in eve while the expendidure amounted to toms and excise lived up to wha!
of San Jose ventory to be immediately taken of sul and Agent for the Macaya Na ry corned of Costa Rica. This is the 708, 879, 171.
was expected of them by yielding The Petitioner is said to be the the property of the defendant. tional Airways, left last Saturday first of its kind here.
The year account disclosed that 290, 000, 000.
for the United States in company with Mr. Macaya, who goes to select another Airplane to extend his aerial 10 case Fighters Hurled Into Space, One Dies operations. We wish them a pieasant 10 Banco Internacional de Costa Rica State Bank Sole Bank of Issue Offers the Public the Services of its and successful time up North.
What appears to have been a the outcome of an argument betfree for all fight took place among ween the caretaker and one of the The government has forbidden the the tenants of a tenement building tenants in which several others importation of Calumet Baking Poin Panama City about a week or joined. The battle is reported tower, as also those of the Monkey Banco del Estado so ago; it terminated rather dra have been at its best when, deterior. Bod White and Success Brands oa matically, though fatally, with one ared apparently by age, a part of account if its having been disco killed and five, more or less, seri the balcony and railing collapsed vered that they contain chemicals deUnico Emisor ously injured.
from the weight and struggles of crimental to Public Health.
the contestants and hurled chem ofrece al público los The Puntarenas Wharf has been The fight occurred on the bal into the yard below. The majority found badly damaged and is under servicios de su cony of the upper floor, and was of the injured were onlookers.
going inspection for extensive repairs. The Co wharf there has also suffered from the heavy tides, and a large number of creosoted PARK HOTEL piles have been rushed from this Port to effect the neccessary repairs.
EN LA Limón, Costa Rica Situado frente al may Cómodas habitaciones great Fishing industry, in which Unico establecimiento en el Puerto con cuartos con baño an American Company is disposed Cantina bien surtida. Salón para muestras to expend 300. 000, will very likely soon be started at Puntarenas; the para toda clase de LUISE SCHUSTER, Propietaria fish is to be caught and exported servicio bancario Teléfono No. for packing in the United States, Apartado 236 as the heacy duty charged in that Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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