
THE ATLANTIC VOICE NEWS FROM THE POINT on en sta 30 Judgment Against International issue The Obseryant Pointer.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Of news to lots of Pointers will in sight and Mac expects to leave Ano No. 41 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, 20 th. April 1935.
Price: 15 per copy be the announcement of the enga shortly for his stamping grounds.
re gement of Willy Hug to Señorita Ligia Piza Quiros. Congratulations. Mr. Ames and Mr. Krauth left Limon on the tenth for a short Death and Resurrection of Saviour Banana Production Increase The famous Sparkle brass visit to Almirante. plane trip of World Generally polish is now being used success each way certainly cuts down on fully in most Point homes.
the time making the journey. remember the hours consumed in the In all ages man temperament corners, as not fit for the associa According to information re been a marked increase from the The OBSERVANT POINTER old trail trip and the attending has exhibited to the thoughtful cion of men of the present age; heceived during the past week, the Atlantic side; the increase for the student of human psychology, the is condemned to die socially, mo outpout of Bananas from Jamaica first week of this month being extends sincere sympathy to Dr. discomfort.
inconsistencies. the impetuosities of rally, and physically; though spiri and Panama are shewing important fully 15, 000 stems. Conditions are Salisbury upon leaning of the reI am glad to report that Mr.
man nature, so truthfully expres tually he rises high above his accus increases.
said to be very encouraging throug cent death of his brother at Marion, Ohio.
and Mrs. Weeks are coming along sed in the phrase. The same toners. Thus we find Jesus surprising Exportations from Jamaica dur hout the Atlantic seaboard, with nicely at the hospital and should gue which praises will be the same and dumbfounding His accusers ing the first week of this month greater promise for the future.
Mr. and Mrs. MacGowan be able to leave there shortly.
to curse and condemn.
of His day, by His glorious resur are reported to have exceeded half In so far as our production is sailed from Limon on March 7th How few moments pass in the rection. Every precaution is taken a million stems, the largest quantity concerned, in consequence of reon vacation to the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Smith enlife of the Christian, when, as year by His condemners to see that the since the commencement of the cent activities in both this and the tertained Mr. and Mrs. Prince, by year we record the passing of spiritual sidi of His life would be year, and the indications are that Pacific Zones, there is every exAmong the passengers on the Mr. and Mrs. Bookout and Dr.
events, thoughts change in such subjected to their control, so that shipments will shew greater im. pectation that the improvement, Steamship Peten Sunday was Mr. and Mrs. Salisbury to dinner few rapid succession as to accomplish the populace would not condemn provement during the next already observed, will continue to Johnston. Bob is not a mem the night of April 4th.
the very reserve actions to those of them for their actions in the con months; competition in the trade advance steadily until the maxijust a previous moment.
demnation of THIS JUST of that Island is, as a result, ex mum is reached when the additio ber of the Point but his frequent presence there leads us to accept Franz Eduarte has returned from The Season has again arrived MAN. but could they subjugate ceedingly keen. Messrs Elders nal areas, newly planted out, come os him as such.
Colombia for service in this diviwhen the Christian is faced with His spiritual nature. His psychic Fyffe, who now make two ship into full production.
sion. Franz is sene up around the the immutability of Divine plans. existence? No, He rose triumphan ments a week, are expected to just a few days ago was the cele tly. in spite of the tons of rock shortly commence loading three While all these important in the home of Mr. and Mrs. is during the past several days.
Mrs. Owens is a visitor at Point quite frequently of late, that bration of that which is known as (or concrete) hwich might have boats; the Banana Producers As creases will, undoubtedly, afford Johnson Palm Sunday; the day set apart to been placed at the door of the sociation send weekly shipments to producers the benefits so very much Joe Dudley wanders around commemorate the triumphant entry Sepulchre to keep Him there. the English and European markets needed, it is to be hoped that there Your news gleaner notices that looking sort of lost since his of the Lord, Peace in heaven, And so as Easter comes to cele with another to New York; while will be no falling off in the de. Mr. MacLaurin is out of the hos pardner left for the closed in trod this earth, into the symbolic brate the resurrection of our Mas the Standard Fruit Co. also ship mand in the foreign markets and pital and around again. It has spaces. Cheer up Joe, it happens City of Jerusalem. There, the master, may it be to us a Symbolism regularly to England and the Con that prices will remain firm; for been a long struggle but the end is only once in two years.
ses were so convinced of the ge of that change which should come tinent. In addition to these, there should these materially drop there nuineness of the character of this into our lives, if we are to live for are the usual exportations by the would be an oversupply which Personage, that they regarded the any useful purpose as followers of United Fruit Co. Supplies to Ca would bring about a far greater carth as not being good enough Christ in this Vale of tears and nada are als okept up regularly by amount of hardship than hithereto; We beg to call your attention to our remark for him to walk upon, so palm woes.
the several Companies.
and in this respect it should be at the back of receipt which reads: leaves were cut, plaited and placed Let this lesson, as demonstrated With regard to the Panamanian borne in mind that the Republic of il for him to tread on; and where in the Passion, death and resurrec output, it is stated that since the Haiti is now making appreciative This bill must be paid at our these were insufficient, garments tion or changing of this Just Men, latter part of last month, there has exportations.
and ruge would be thrown as a as ilate knew Him, be a change in office before the 15th of the month token of their recognition of his our understanding and compreprobity of life; and we hear the hension of the Divine Laws of nastrains of rejoicings, not by that ture; so we may eliminate forever Bank for over 100. 000 Be so good as to comply with this request Angelic Band as at His birth, but our former erroneous and false and do not oblige us to suspend our service, by human Chords shouting Bles conceptions, which have enslaved The International Bank hased to Mr. Niehaus credit. After a step which we would much regret to take.
sed is He who cometh in the name us and retarded our progress tow been condemned by the Supreme the fall of the Tinocos, a law was of the Lord, Pease in heaven, ard the right line of living. May Court to pay Mr. Guillermo Nie pased nullifying the entire Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Hosanna in the Highest. Eastertime symbolize to us a broodhaus the sum of 84, 000 in the of these Bills.
But, how quickly the scene chan er vision in life, giving us a new long pending suit, arising out of Some time later on Mr. Niehaus ges, how suddenly does the incon viewpoint, a new power for use in the famous one thousand colones applied to the Bank for the with sistencies of human nature make the mastering of the many intricate Bills isued during the Tinoco re drawal of the amount and was in RECEPTION FOR BISHOP. themselves manifest; in a few brief problems of our troubled lives. gime, and known as the Billetes formed there was nothing at his On Monday, May 6th. there San Jose on May 1st.
moments, all these praises and May each new experience demon Sabanas.
credit, as the bills had been annul ill be heldw a special Reception in ejaculations of honour and eulogy strate to us not only the means of The Reception will take place in The particulars of the case are, led as prescribed by the law. The honour of the Ret. Rev. Albert the Catholic Schoolroom commenare gone, and the same tongues overcoming our many obstacles, as we understand them: Mr. Nie matter then went before the courts Wollgarten, Vicar Apostolic of cing at 30 very selected most eagerly condemn. Why? but may it convince us of the dehaus had a certain amount of dol and, after many years of litigation, Limon, whose episcopal consecration programme is being got together, Jesus going into the Temple, pendability of the new path upon lars, said to be 20, 000, which he the Supreme Court has now con is to take place in the Cathedral and all are cordially invited.
and contemplating the erroneous which we have made a start It is arranged to sell for colones at the demned the Bank to make the condition in the lives of men, en here we will find ourselves posses the rate of exchange, stated as 430 payment as mentioned above toget.
reavours to correct the modes of sing new power to create and bring per cent. The purchaser tendered her with interest after the rate of Derek Saely, Noted Cricketer, procedure, endeavours to emulate into manifestation a new expres payment with the Billetes Saba six per cent per annum from the the rectitude of action of which sion of our lives, and so produce nas which were refused as Mr. 20th. July 1928. This will, thereInjured that Temple was but a symbol, en new results in all our activities. Niehaus doubted their genuineness. ore, bring the total of the amount deavours to corret the modes of And as the weeks and morths. They were however taken to the involved by the judgment to more Barbadian, Derek Saelly, who ma skidded at a sharp curve and struck The many admirers of the young car, in which he was a passenger of one time admirers into the right go by, our advancement shall be Bank where they were received han one hundred thousand colo de such a splendid showing in the a wall; Seally was knocked line of thought insofar as the use come not only more definite, but without any objection and deposit nes.
fulness for which that Temple was our victory over past erroneous recent West Indies Test Matches, conscious and remained so up to intended by the Divine Architect; conditions, shall be made more mawill regret to learn that on the 2nd. a late hour the following day. He instant he sustained somewhat se is reported to be suffering from own death warrant; He decrees His tances, and to ourselves; and rious injuries in a motor car acci concussion, although the medical own downfall. And is not this same shall soon find ourselves enthralldent.
Mr. Samuel Zemurray, the Ma Carib. He came down here report from the hospital, in which shing being done in the lives of ed by the attainment we make in naging Director of the United Company in these and other parts The noted Cricketer was return. be is a patient, stated he was makmen today? How often we see a our rapid approach toward the Fruit Company, arrived in San of the Carib. He came down here ing home from a farewell function ing good recovery.
man coming up among us heavily elimination from our personalities Jose last Monday by plane from Pa the same afternoon and sailed in given in his honour, prior to his laden with honourable recognition of the inconsistencies of human nama, accompanied by Mr. Chit. the evening for Honduras.
departure for Trinidad to take up 50 unfortunate an for his rectitude of life; then so nature. May such be the interpretenden, our Division General The Atlantic Voice wishes an appointment with the Trinidad accident will, in no way, interfere Leaseholds Ltd. when the sooner than he endeavours to in tation of the changings of this Manager, and other officials of the him a pleasant time while in motor with his fuure cricketing career.
duce others around him to live Easter Season to us all, and may Company.
midst and that the manipulations similarly, under the very conditions Life henceforth be to us one grand of his representatives here, Messrs.
for which he had just been lauded, Song of Praise of Him whose Mr. Zemurray is, we understand, Chittenden and Ames, he is stamped a crook, an impos triumph over the changing scenes on a tour of inspection of the may meet his highest approbation.
tor; he iz relegated to the dark of Life we now celebrate.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES Cuba on Verge of Another Revolution Salidos semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK Advices from Havana state that as nothing other than a military the government of Cuba has been dictatirship which has thrown asice con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA.
notified of the preparations being the civil authorities.
LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS made for a new revolutionary mov In the meantine the government, VAPORES ement with the co operation of all in order to impose exemplary penalSALIDAS COUPON the opposition parties for the pur dies on all who took part in the QUIRIGUA 21 de Abril pose of overthrowing the existing last revolutionary strike, has turn.
PETEN The 1935 Cricket Guessing Competition 28 de Abril government of Col. Mendieta.
led such parties the VERAGUA. de Mayo Prize 25. 00 Ex President San Martin, who military tribunals. During the earis at present in Miami, Florida, de lier days of the present month, it FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs. Highest Individual Score clares that this new revolution is, is reported that these tribunals sen inevitable and may be launched at tenced over two hundred persons Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS Name any moment. He is, further, of the to various prison terms and that Para otros informes, dirijase. las oficinas de la United Address opinion that the oppositionists are there were still more than three Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica (TEN CENTS ENCLOSED)
sufficiently strong to succeed, and hundred others to be tried.
TELEFONO 3156 The describes the Mendieta regime Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
unand. by so doing. He signs His nifest to our friends, our acquain. United Fruit Co Managing Director On Visit we on We trust our UNITED FRUIT Co.
The 1935 Cricket Guessing Competition over to


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