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PAGINA Saturv; 20 th. April 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE SAL UVINA THE RIGHT SALTS For Liver and Stomach Ailments Invaluable for the Treatment of ht in Maduro Lumber Yard to Poles Demonstrate Against the purpose, 200 head of the best Pan American Highway The Germans breed of cattle, some of which came Surveys Authorized from the noted Stock Farms of Hundreds of windos were smas. King George and the Prince of On Saturday last Mr. Wstruction, localizing the right of hed and several persons seriously Wales.
James, Chief of the Highway way, the number and type of bridinjured as the result of demonsTransport Division of the United ges required to be built, and so tration in several towns in Poland Alleged Plots Against Mussolini States Bureau of Public Roads, arrive at as near as possible the and Laval against the German residents in and Mr. Peck, Economist amount which will have to be apretaliation for the reported ill From London is reported that of the Highway Commission, ar propriated as this country share treatment of a number of Poles information coming from Geneva rived in San Jose by plane from of the expense.
by the Germans mentioned the discovery of a plot Panama to further consult with As a result of the consultations to assassinate Premier Mussolini the government regarding the which have already taken place, SHONG LUNG FAI and Laval. The discovery was made building of Costa Rica section of the government has authorized the LIMON on the arrest at Marseilles of an the proposed Pan American High expenditure for the surveying and Italian anarchist and his associate, way. The consultation will of con localizing the right of way, and Licores who confessed the existence of two sultation will be mainly in connec. has appointed local Engineers to Artículos del País groups of anarchists who had protion as to the best means of con assist in this work.
posed to cross the frontier to asLos precios más sassinate Mussolini possibly at Pirris Farm Company bajos.
Stresa and Laval at Geneva.
Manzana 23 Flatulence In Financial Difficulties And all forms 100 Houses for Labourets EmLote número ployees in San Salvador Indigestion of Stomach Due, we understand, to the us have gone into Bankruptey, and sucessful marketing of the Bana don Felipe Alvarado has instituThe National Board of Social Colics Disorders nas produced on their farms in the ted a claim for 93, 000 against American Nations Sign Roerich Defense have decided to construct Paulic section of the country, the them under mortgages held by him Pact.
one hundred houses for labourers Pirris Farm and Trading Company on certain of their holdings.
and other employees in San Salva FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES Representatives of nineteen dor The government of the RepuThe Cup Competition American Nations celebrated Pan blic is stated to be giving every MANUFACTURED BY: American Day April 1th. by sign assitance to the movement and it is Te second game in connection rent if there was an efficient keeping the Roerich Pact in the presen. hoped the houses will in a short Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa with the Competition came off on er behind the stumps. Joe. Brown ce of President Roosevelt at the time be ready for accupation.
SAN JOSE Sunday last when the Burial Sche could not find a place because the White House, Washington. The me Athletic Club met the Wander batsmen jumped out to him with Pach ensures protection for instituers. Rain fell during the night impunity. Can the Burial Scheme tions, monuments and edifices previous and in the morning and not draft in a good Keeper? Do the time of war 000 Workers on Panama Roads it was thought the game would the Officers of this Club not know FRANK MADURO Jr.
have to be abandoned, but with the that a real good man in this posithan SALOMON CHING WE LEE During the past two months the salaries amounted to more Prop.
aid of a bright sunshine a new tion is fifty per cent of the winnRoads Department of Panama is 41, 000 and increased to pitch was prepared so the game ing game.
Estrada stated have displayed a great 43, 000 for the past month.
Best native did not start until 12. 45 The lumber This is one position which none Abarrotes y Licores amount of activity, having no Te department is taking, it is Wanderers won the toss and sent of the young circketers will pracat moderate prices, Less than a fortnightly average of said, every advantage of the dry the Schemers to bat disposing ottise, not seeming to realizethe great Artículos del País 1, 000 men on its pay rolls. During season to push ahead on the various them for the small score of fifty importance of such a player who February payments in wages and road projects in hand.
is in reality a very great asset to Precios Econó nicos METROPOLITAN BUREAU The Wanderers then went in and any Club, because then every batsLA IBERIA DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA in two hours had up 125 for seven man must respect the bowler, Legal, Notarial General wickets. Kelwin Johnson played knowing the danger he runs when Avenida San José Business Transactions free cricket for 48, but gave ajattempting to take liberties with Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad chance behind the wickets at three difficult bowling.
Hind:t; and Mussulmen Clash Box 544. Cable, Metrobur. and Colegio de Señoritas My untarnished reputation of and should have been stumped at What hampers the Clubs is the MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, 12.
Sevently one deaths were regis. honesty. My intelligence and fact that they only practise with Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb tered and 50 persons injured in high calibre efficiency constitute The bowling power of the Sche bat and ball, refusing to bring out SURGICAL DIA THERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the consequence of clash which occur the necessary and all important mers was very ineffectual, the only the gloves so that aspirants for batneck of Womb red between Hindus and Mussul FACTORS which constitute my one who showed any judgment was ting and keeping wickets could RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small men on the 14th. instant at New Iron Clad Guarantee to my acMyrie; but he was not assisted. practise as though they were in a medium sized) by way of the Urethra Delhi, India.
tual and prospective CLIENTS, The Wicketkee qwas so feeble that match. Every players wants to bar who confide to my care, di.
batsmen jumped ut as they preas (or bowl, nothing is thought of the Brazilian Govt; Purchases Castle rection and administration, the ed to hit the bowlers to boundary. fielding side of the game.
In England.
handling of their BUSINESS and On several occasions the batsmen In this game Umpire Drummond GENERAL AFFAIRS.
should have been out if the Wic. did the right thing by No balling It is announced that the Brazilian EGBERT POLSON Government throught its represenAccountant, Interpreter, Trans plying to an article in one of our might acknowledge them the same him, but he did not attempt. If ing with Cricketing. Bravo DrumMadam Gustave Michaud, re children; for even though the Laws ketkeep could have held the ball. McKenzie five times for pitching Four catches should have taken by these players are mixing Baseballtatives who went to England for lator, Judicial Business Agent.
evening papers, protesting the rights and protection as the legiti rights of illegitimate children, ex mate, they lack warmth and affec. Capt. Bernard cannot import pressed herself thus in La Tribution of home life and the aid of Wicketkeep, why not practise the Silver Jubilee Fair na of the 14th. instant. Illegi the farther.
Broom, he fields well. The game On Sunday next the Pathfinders timate children are rarely ever the If they are the fruits of Adul.
would certainly have been diffe will meet the Excelsior.
In commmemoration of the Fair on the Lawn of the Baptist fruits of Love, but are generally tery, the inevitable weight of Sha25th anniversary of the Acce Church Every effort will be the result of dicorder and Bestia. me hangs over them always. Men Excursión a Turrialba, Domingo de Mayo 1935 ssion of King George the Fifth, used to make this Fair worthy of the result of disorder and she of noble minds ought to band them IDA VUELTA 2. 50. TREN SALE LAS 30 there will be held (D V) on Co the occasion.
ity. The man who does not marry selves together to combat this laxity tonation Day, May the 6th. at General Admission 50. and take upon himself the obliga of customs conclusive to the total Sunday Excursion to Turrialba, 5th, May 1935 p. a Grand Silver Jubilee Children. 25.
tion of family life, should not have demorization of the populace. ADULTS 50. TRAIN LEAVES AT 30 A, VIA ZENT We remember hearing. years ago, a great Jurist, on delivering COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION sentence in a case of illegitimacy, remarking An illegitimate Child Porto Ricans Declare Independence is not a Child by Law.
SAN JUAN, PORTO RICO. ce of Porto Rico, announing as her The well known Leader of the first constitutional President, RaPorto Rican Liberal Party, Antofael Martinez, actual President of Banco del Estado State Bank nio Ramirez Barcelo, presiding on the Islands Senate.
the night of the 14th. instant, at! Governor Winship left hurridly Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue Corredor Jurado a large meeting, in which delegates the next day for Washington to of every Republican League of the confer with the Federal Authorities, ofrece al público los Ofters the Public the Comisionista Island participated, declared and but before leaving decreed Marcial proclaimed the absolute independen Law throughout the Island.
servicios de su Services of its APARTADO 127 Limón On Illegitimate Children a mond.
Banco Internacional de Costa Rica Egbert Thompson Words Of Wisdom SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE EN LA In adversity man findeth him him; he trusteth to others and in self abandoned by others; he findste end they deceive him.
that all his hopes are centered with. in himself; he arouses Soul, he en The Soul alone can truly advise countereth his difficulties and they man in distress, but prosperity yield before him.
blindeth the Truth.
IN THE CIUDAD DE LIMON LUIS WA CHONG GUACIMO GUAPILES Cantina, Licores Extranjeros y del país CITY OF LIMON para toda clase de servicio bancario All Kinds of Bank Service Rendered Tienda bien surtida y Abarrotes en general Precios sin competencia In prosperity, man fancieth him Better is the sorrow that leadeth self safe; he thinks he is beloved to contentment, than the joy that of all who smile about his table; rendereth man unable to endure hegrows careless and remiss; he sees distress, and later plungeth himself not the danger that lies before into it.
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