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More of Our Banana Problem TIE ATLANTIC VOICE History Repeats Itselt In Europe was a menace o 1 conroute ferred to There has been much complain It was also explained that when Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone ings in connection with the serious a long drought is experienced the tess of Banana rejections during men generally our the fruit the Año No. 42 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, 27th. April 1935.
Price: 15 per copy the past two weeks; some Contrac evening before they should; which tors going as far as to say they accelerates these unfavourable would have to cease cutting if such conditions.
The colourful aspect conditions were to continue. of the fruit, we were further in The President and In consequence of these com formed, cannot be disguised to the plaints, we interested ourselves in trained eye; they are more easily Mr. Lindo Of the nations that assisted at European diplomacy, knew full the matter and made investigations; bruised and when the bruised finome Contractors assert the rejec gers in heavy fruit are picked off, che conferences at Stresa, the al well, before Germany placed the bons have, certainly been heavy it renders the ragged appearance most unhappy incident has Dissatisfaction of the President most unanimity of the votes given fate of the Nation in the hands of but there has been on undue pres more apparent and detestable. In occurred between don Ricardo Ji. No sooner, however, than Pres at the Council of the League of her Generals, that the war ure on the part of the Company conclusion, we were assured that it menez, as President of Costa Rica, ident Jimenez got information that Nations on the resolution which adverse to her aspirations, in spite is there were causes; Due to the was neither the Receiver nor the and Mr. Cecil Vernor Lindo, Lindo was not donating this School condemned Germany as the violator of the super human efforts of her constant rains, since the middle of Company who were bringing suf world famed Capitalist, Resident Water Works and Hospital, as of the military clauses of the soldiers and the recognized tactics last year, a wonderful amount offering to the doors of these unin this country.
Carnegie and Rockefeller did other Treaty of Versalles, England, of her officers. Her loss occurred vater has accumulated in the soil; fortunate people, but rather the institutions in other countries, but France and Italy were the most in the diplomatic battles of Tanthis has considerably affected the forces of Nature. In reality eighty It appears that Mr. Lindo, ac would be making money from the surprised.
gier, Bosnia and Agadir.
production by giving the fruit a five per cent of the present farms cuated by his love for the town of transactions by exporting his cofAlthough there is much specula In 1914 the government and bloated appearance, which is not are to be found on swampy lands, Juan Viñas, being the founder of fee to Germany and obtaining the tion as to the terms of Hitler com people of Britain were convinced soticed by the ordinary farmer, but which had been previously pro that properous district through the material needed for these works munication in reply to this trans that Germany constituted an imeasily detected by the Expert. nounced and reported on as unfit manipulations of his immense cof from that country in exchange for cendal verdict, official observers, minent danger to the peace of Hence when the rejections are for the cultivation of Bananas; 60 fee and sugar industries, proposed his produce, he got infuriated and especially those of the three Powers, Europe by her defiant attitude. made, the inexperienced grower from the ten months of almost con donating a plot of land for the threw out in the impression of La who promoted this international France recognized this Esqueals and diagnoses this as a tinuous rain fall it will be seen that erection of a school. the old one Tribuna of the 18th. instant, some incident, agree that European his soon after the conference of Aga.
spiteful trick of the Company. there is possibly only about fifteen being much delapidated. and unpleasant, sarcastic, insinuations tory is being repeated in exactly dir in 1911. Russia had long before We next sought further informa per cent of fruit really fit for ex granting the Municipality of that regarding the business propensities the same manner as it presented arrived at this conclusion after the tion from some of our best Receiv portation, and these are obtained Canton or Parish, a loan for prov of Mr Lindo. in this and other itself in the year 1914.
incidents of Bosnia in 1908; even ers, who gave us practically the from the higher lands.
iding the township with a water deals, which led up to a witty CaImmediately the result of the the Italians, the former Ally of same diagnosis. They told us that The foregoing explanations re supply and a hospital; the loan to raciture in the same issue by the voting was made known, the dele Germany, refused in 1914 to march a majority of the farms are over garding dumping are full of bear interest after rate of six per Editor of the Journal where he ap gates of England, France and Ita to the fields of battle along with Laden with water in the subsoil; reasonings, and we exhort our cent, be repayable in ten years and peared as a Pugilist knocking out authorized the publication of an her, and went against her in 1915.
that some farmers, large and small formers to think of the veracity be guaranteed by the tax poayable his opponent Lindo in a hopeless official note to all the countries When in August 1914 she alike, do not sufficiently drain of these statements; to be reason by the Juan Viñas Estate to the condition.
of the world giving a resume of launched her declarations of War, their farms; others do so, but, due able and do everything possible to Municipal Board for the manufac On the face of this incident, the happenings which brought Germany was fully aware that the to the anormal amount of water improve the production of their ture of its refined Sugar. All went Mr. Lindo adopted the only course about the resolution.
whole world condemned her attituwntained in the rivers and creeks, fruit.
well; the members of the Munici open to him that of advising To refresh our minds of the de, and that in one united front, there is no flow in the deeper drains pal and Educational Boards agreed the members of the Boards occurrences which follow the un as now, they were pr. pared by so there can always be found, in The Company wishes the fruit and signed the necessary docu cerned of his entire withdrawal foldment of European politics, it means of armed forces to these, from eighteen to twenty four and would not tolerate undue rements.
from the proposed transactious.
is well to recall all the incidents this attitude of defiant policy.
inches of stagnant water, which jections; but it must be remember from the year 1904 to 1914, noting During the entire period of the must affect the fruit. One Recei ed that there are other Companies such which prove that within a War, the German soldiers fought ver, an experienced and reliable who are also exporting selections quarter of a centuary, the exact with a courage and loyalty seldom man, told us that on visiting the of graded fruit to the same mark. We beg to call your attention to our remark political phenomena are repeating equalled in all the military annals docks he was, at times, ashamed toets, so what would she gain if she themselves on the European Con of History, but despite all their nserve the appearance of the fruit exported sodden tasteless fruit from at the back of receipt which reads: tinent.
sacrifices, they found themselves, he had selected, for on the opening Costa Rica. If nature be against us During these ten years Germany at the end, humiliated as never any the railroad car the fruit was at this time, we must only bear our This bill must be paid at our adopted a truly defiant policy Power was, in a state of moral and from appearance altogether unfit chastisement patiently; we cannot which bordered on madness, insa financial bankruptcy and considfor shipment due to the causes re fight the elements. Present conoffice before the 15th of the month nity; not only making claims devoidered as an inferior people.
Iditions will not last for ever.
of all legal reasonings, but the When Napoleon fell, who darBe so good as to comply with this request manner in which they were presented to treat or think of the French Hideous Insanitary Nuisance and do not oblige us to suspend our service, ed and desired to be enforced, as the Germans have been?
made it impossible for any free Now the facts return to repeat The residents around the corner sion halted there, our attention was a step which we would much regret to take. nation to think of satisfying such themselves with mathematical preof Third Avenue and Fifth Street, very forcibly called to it. The aspirations, notwithstanding the cision. Step by step it will be obas well as our Church goers, com sanctifying essence of the Divine Compañía Eléctrica de Limón fact that the Kaiser, Prince Beulow served that by the Bath of Blood plain very much of the insanitary worship was entirely eliminated by and their secret Ally Holstein, in of Berlin in June, the Putsch of condition of the Cloacas in that the diabolic aroma coming from treating to enforce their plans, Austria in July, and the law of vicinity. If our Chief Sanitary the Cloaca Well and gave rise to knew the war was lost before the compulsory military service of last Inspector, don Rogelio Amador, an abusive thought for our Health first shot was fired.
March, the same foreign reverbewould give the Northeastern cor Officer rather than one of thanks It was always held, and so it rations have been produced as ner of that locality a visit, he and praise to our Redeemer. It is now repeats itself, that Germany those of twenty five years ago by would be surprised by the most evident Dr. Umaña Due to the threatening attitude ily clear that Japan does not wish lous by her defeat at the Marne; an the incidents of Tangier, Bosnia was not in unwholesome smell arising from that procession and that he does of Germany during the past to meddle in European Politics; error of calculation. All who were and Agadir.
the Sewerage.
not pass that corner on foot very month, and judging from the un while she is aware of all these mov in possession of the secrets of. To be concluded next issue. On Friday last, while the proces often. We wish he would.
certainty of the intentions of Ja ements, she does not wish nor has pan by her resignation from the she ever solicited the formation of Meeting of Diplomats ran high as to a possible alliance policy of isolation, Japan would with Hitler in the war fever so have no objection, first in discuss From Tokio comes the news of land. Reports describe it as the worst During the past week Costa tertaining three American Diplo much in evidence; and especially ing with Russia certain measures a most destructive earthquake catastrophe the country has suf.
Rica has been favoured with the mats the same time.
The was this so after the hurried visit of disarming the frontiers of the which has caused most serious da fered since the destruction to Tovisits of no less than two American Mexican Minister to Nicaragua of the Emperor of Manchukuo to Far East; secondly Japan recogni mage to the Island of Formosa, kio in 1923. Salvage is rendered Splomats: The Minister to Ni was also here on a visit, our Fore Tokio. Japan has, however, spoken zes, with all its value, her pact occasioning than 3, 000 deaths and the more difficult by constant rains caragua, Mr. Arthur Bliss Lane, ign Minister, Lic. Raul Gurdian, in no uncertain tone through her with France in 1907, though so over 10, 000 injured with 250, 000 coupled with the treatened inundaand the Minister to El Salvador, consequently had a very busy time Minister of Foreign Affairs, who vague in its significance since the without shelter; hardly a house is tion of the stricken territory by Dr. Corrigan. They came and to this must be added the visit says.
World War; thirdly, Japan rejects said to be left standing in the Is Ithe river Tanzu.
pver by invitation of Mr. Leo of the Cruiser Trenton. With regard to the existing the slightest idea of an alliance Sacks, the American Minister res The Atlantic Voice wishes that supposition that Japan is inclining with the Germany of Hitler.
Jubilee Dance By British Community ident here, thus bringing about they all will have spent a very more toward Germany than the This official declaration is conthe unusual occurrence of our en pleasant time among us. other European Powers Japan sidered by diplomats as very sig. tion of the Silver Jubilee of the ity House on the 6th of May; the In connection with the celebra will give a dance at the Communcould not even think of an alliance nificant; they regard it as implying Accession of His Majesty King invitations are being sent out by with Germany, because this count a non aggresive pact with the sory has grater points of contact viet, so that Russia could withdraw George V, the British Community the British Vice Consul. Línea Holandesa de Vapores)
with the Powers which are trying her troops from the Siberian fronto balance the European situation tier, for use in Europe to settle the The 1935 Cricket Guessing than she has with Adolph Hitler. Braggadocie of Hitler, should the We wish it to be made perfecte necessity arise.
Competition SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS The Political Campaign LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS COUPON de Mayo The campaign in connection soon declare, as well as Mr. Mora with the coming Presidential elec. of the Communist Party. Should The 1935 Cricket Guessing Competition Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fletes, dirigirse a tions has been seriously started; the latter two really come forward don Leon Cortes, ex Minister of the electors will have no less than Prize. 25. 00 Compañía Ultramar Fomento, and don Julio Acosta, a four candidates, or one more than Agentos Generales former President of the President on the last occasion, among whom Highest Individual Score FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs. of the Republic, have launched to divide their votes, as we gather Name Sub Agentes en their candidacy. It is said that Gen it is now decided that, according Address LIMON PUNTARENAS (eral Volio of the Reform Party, to the Law on Elections, there can (TEN CENTS ENCLOSED)
who counts on 15, 000 votes, will be no reelection of don Ricardo.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. Japan Defines Her Policy Society of Nations, speculations. Locarne Pact. To assure this Japan Again Suffers By Earthquake at e Royal Netherlands Steamship Co.
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