
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, 27th. April 1935 Give your children protection. HOW?
to commemorate their Work on Pan American Highway to Start to stems reveEXCURSION TRAIN TO SAN JOSE unto Easter and the Resurrection of Christ Discourse delivered at Easter 104 times in the Testament. It service in Church of Seventh Day is the prominent and cardinal point Adventists.
in the apostolic testimony. The Res: of Christ is one of the fun.
Text Phil: 3:10. That may damental truths of the gospel, the What to become of your youngsters if you should die know Him and the power of His other being His atoning death.
Our hope of salvation from sin before they are self supporting?
depends upon the Res: of Jesus At this time of the year the Christ. Cor: 15: 12 20.
question of the resurrection is most Another question may be asked, GET LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. prominent in the minds of chris Is it not well to commemorate the tian people as we are in what is Res: of Christ? Certainly. But is called Ecaster season.
it best to take a heathen festival to Easter is the annual festival celebrate the redeeming work of observed throughout christendom the Divine son God? If God in commemoration of the resur desired that men should commemoThrough any local Agent or office of the rection of our Lord Jesus Christ. rate chat important event by sett. The word Easter from EASTRE, ing apart a day, would not He Banco Nacional de Seguros or EOSTRE Anglo Saxon, and have made it known in His Word OSTERN German, is a survival just a He made known the Sabbath from the old Teutonic Mythology. in commemoration of His work of The world Easter from EAS Creation? Did He not instruct the British Film man Here Easter is from Estre the name Isrealites of the Saxon goddess worshipped deliverance from Egypt by instiIn our previous issue we advised several Central American Repub Mr. Cedric Mallabey, propric variety of scenic spots which could.
in the Spring to whom the fourth cuting the Passover? And did not that the government had authoriz lics and that don Juan Matamoros tor of the well known Picture be utilized for such purposes, and month answering to our April was Jesus just before He gave His life ed the expenditure necessary for has been selected to take charge of Company The British Adventure which would be a splendid means dedicated. This goddess exemplifi. on the cross to terminate that localizing the Right of Way of the department which will be under Films has arrived in this country of advertising the scenery of our ed the fruitfulness and producti. typical feast, did He not institute this International Roadway. It is the supervision of our Minister of for the purpose of taking scenes life and help in the propaganda for veness of nature, and was worsh another ordinance in its place now stated that the United States Public Works.
for Film purposes and producing attracting Tourists. Every facility hipped with offerings of flowers, the Sacrament which reminds the government will open a central of In view of our economic condi them in English, Spanish, German ought to be afforded this adventueggs etc. It was a sun and nature church of His death? For even fice in San Jose in connection with tion, the American government and French.
rer in his scheme for placing Costa worship.
Christ our Passover is sacrificed the work to be carried out in the proposes advance the total Rica prominently before the travelThere is no doubt but that the for us Cor 5:7.
amount required for the building Undoubtedly affords a great ling world.
primitive christians celebrated in a For as often as ye eat this bread of our section of the highway on way Christ resurrection from the and drink this cup, ye show forth. BREAD BREAD. the understanding that all the madead, but they never designed to the Lord death until He come terial and machinery will be of Our Banana Output Eat only the best bread.
set apart a day for that purpose, a Cor 11:26. BERLIN SPECIAL LOAF American manufacture.
For the first quarter of the pres. is, year by year, dwindling into fact stated over and over again by Yes, the historical event and the the early Fathers.
Messrs. James and Peck, who ent year Costa Rica has exported insignificance; Jamaica has alreacelebration of the day would mean Made only by BOOTH As with other heathen festivals nothing to men. Not the fact of The best that may be had represent the American Roads Com 531, 020 stems of Bananas, which dy gone ever five million in the country.
mission estimate that when the yielded the sum of 10, 620. 40 in for the same three months.
the rapid apostatizing church the Res: but the POWER of the Don forget to call at work is properly under way about Export Tax. Compared with other thought it would be a good thing to Res: demonstrated in the lives of During the same period coffee BOOTH and take home a leight hundred thousand dollars countries, it will be noticed that has given the government a connect the heathen feast of Eas the folloers of Jesus is the grandloaf of Berlin Special will be spent monthly.
ter with celebration of the Pas est and fittest memorial of that the Banana industry of the country nue of 445, 224. 95.
ter with the celebration of the a great every.
sover, so it came into the church, So we read in the text. Phil 3:10 Trying one will convince and it was called the Paschal That may know Him and the you, that this is positively Feast.
the best loaf of bread, power of His Resurrection, and the made in Costa Rica To witness the EPISCOPAL CONSECRATION of his Just, at what time it came into fellowship of His suffering, being the church we are not able to say, made conformable Lordship ALBERTO WOLLGARTEN Bishop Elect of Limón His but at an early day the Roman death.
church endeavoured to place the quicken your mortal bodies by his Train Leaves Limón p. April 30th When we crucify the flesh with Spirit that dwelleth in you. Rom celebration of the Res: on Sunday the affections and lusts, we are 8:11. Crucified, dead, buried and Return from San José on May 1st at p.
instead of the day of the Pas crucified with Christ, when we die raised.
to sin as Christ died for sin, then Fares: Limón to San José and Return (5. 00. Siquirres to San José (4. 00 Victor the bishop of Rome about we are made conformable unto His from its trespasses and sins, when When a human soul awakes the close of the 2nd century attemp. death. Trace the steps through the the love of God is poured into a great event of the Res: is to have ted to lord it over his brethren of scriptures: Rom 5:5, Knowing heart that was the East, and sent a letter demand that our old man it crucified with when the Spirit of God breathes lives showing to the world that we cold and empty, this power demonstrated in ing that they keep the day observ. Christ, the old life is put on the into a spirit lying powerless in the are resurrected from sin and death Here am once more to bowl, will now throw out a few Adadvise ed by the Western churches in ce cross Eph 4:22; we then reckon flesh, this is as true a rising from to the holy life of the Son of God. a few good lengths and perchance vices. First, wish to lebrating the Paschal Feast.
These Eastern churches refused 11; then we ourselves to be dead unto sin Rom the dead as when Jesus our Lord Not the celebration of a day, but a few bodylines. Should some one Cape. McRea to try and get himare buried with and were therefore excomunicated Christ by baptism into His death came out of the supulcher. a daily living the Christ life happen to get hit. dont get funny, self among a more sportive set of just watch the pitch of the Balls fellows; where he is now, is no from the church. That may know Him and through the power of God.
verse (first part. but as Christ the power of His Resurrection To then use the bat and hit the next place for a man of sportsmanlike So where did Easter come from. Now the God of the boundary. activities. Then would suggest was raised on the Res: morning. know this Power Not from the sacred writings of we too rise from the watery grave Apostle Paul discounted all things Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd Irons fell heavily on the poor tain Reid organize a regular class in his life the brought again from the dead our Well, like a ton of bricks the that Leader Spence and Vice Capscripture. There is no scriptural to walk in newness of life, verse he had gained in this world, all of the sheep, through the blood of Constructors warrene for it whatsoever. The last part. Col 3:1. Ifye then be the honour, position, all the ad. the everlasting covernant, make last Sunday. The Motive Power niques of the game, so that Rama fortnight ago to instruct their players in the tecword Easter is mentioned once in risen with Christ, seek those things vantages and opportunities. and not you perfect in every good work to has been our Champions for the say and others may know when to the Bible in Acts 12:4, which is a which are above.
mis translation, and should be only counted them of less value, do His will, working in you last two seasons: and it was said put out a Batsman like Cyril translated PASSOVER.
but utterly contemptible when com that which well they were so simply because the Hunter. Lastly suggest that more In the Encyclopedia Brittanica For if the Spirit of Him that pared with this knowledge of pleasing in is sight through Jesus Good Clubs, namely the Construc Line players be brought in for the raised speaking of Easter, we read: up Jesus from the dead Christ and the Power of his Re Christ; to whom be glory for evertion and the Wanderers, were not return match with the Motive There is no trace of the celebradwell in you, He that raised upłsurrection.
and ever. Amen.
in the Competition. To verify this Power. Capt. Delpratt has personChrist from the dead shall also tion of Easter as a christian festival The grandest memorial of the Rogers. both Clubs came in this year. Then ally promised me to permit the either in the New Testament or in to give us a good opening, the Construction to bat fifteen men on the writings of the Apostolic FarFixture Committee pitted the that occasion; and as he is a man hers.
Champions against the Construc who always keeps his given word, There is no sacredness attached tion. The latter had a formidable if you doubt me ask him yourself.
to it and those who keep it side (on paper) and one would The Ball memory of the Res: of Christ can have thought they would have erwell bring home to their hearts the ected a huge edifice out of the question the Lord Hinself asks Irons. but as Might and Brute Who hath required this at your Banco del Estado State Bank force do not always prevail, the hands Isah 1:12.
result was that five bits of Iron Unico Emisor Corredor Jurado Sole Bank of Issue Can sinful man day were enough to clear the regiment make a of Builders. They fell before holy? And what made the ThursComisionista ofrece al público los day Holy? Was it the carrying out Offers the Public the the Champions for the low score of 54 all out. This was beaten by of the greatest murder plot by a servicios de su Services of its APARTADO 127 five of the Motive Power bats and blood thirsty mob led by a treachthe rest playfully carried the score Limón herous disciple? Did the putting to to 118.
death of the innocent and sinless Christ make the Friday good, when envy and hatred dominated justice DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA when the Governor said find no fault in him and the furious mob EN LA Avenida San José IN THE Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad shouted Crucify Him, and when and Colegio de Señoritas very Nature seemed to veil her face MEDICAL DLATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, from the bloody scene?
Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb But some may ask: Is not the Res: of Christ an important event?
para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service SURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the neck of Womb Certainly, the all important event, servicio bancario Rendered RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small stone of the christian medium sized) by way of the Urethra doctrine, directly mentioned over sover.
our Advices By The Ball peace that one hard ro Banco Internacional de Costa Rica in Egbert Thompson SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON the corner


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