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Saturday, th. Aprü 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA OUR VISITORS Eyesight Restored very successful SAL UVINA For Liver and Stomach Ailments in Eastertide in Limón to The White Gloves To Estrada es.
bition games.
The City was pleased to welco cently closed a Peter Samuel Lewis, once a res him in his days of total blindness.
me the visit of an old Limonense, scholastic career with brilliant reident of Guacimo, who some time If possible, his gratitude is much Mrs. Laurel Clunie of Carta sults in her final examinations at ago lost both hands by an untimely deeper to Mrs. McGuinness and go; who came in our midst for a the well known Wolmers in the explosion while blasting fish, and Doctor Corvetti.
two fold purpose: the one, to join Isle of Springs, and has now rehas since lived by the charitable It would be well to remind our her former religious confreres in turned to her parents home to dif THE RIGHT SALTS disposition of his friends, in Lireaders that the St. Vincent de the celebrations of Holy Week, fuse joy and sunshine therein. The mon, desires to express his gratitu Paul Society helps hundreds of our and the other, to receive her youn Voice bids them thrice welcome de to Doctor Corvetti and the poor, and deserves be acknow.
ger daughter, the charming Ma and to Miss Maria, a radiant life Nurses of the San Juan de Dios ledged by all who can subscribe by demoiselle Maria Clunic, who re among us.
Hospital for the restoration of his donations of any kind, whether in sight. cash, clothing or food, so that it In addition to the loss of both may côntinue, in a more effective CONVALESCENT hands, Lewis grew blind some two manner, the good and charitable or three years ago; his case was work of assisting the poor and the We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Daysley is loud in her for the Treatment Invaluable of brought to the attention of the St. needy.
the leading Soprano of the Choir praise for the treatment of these Vincent de Paul Society by Mrs.
of the Church of St. Mark will Doctors, and the tender care of McGuinness, one of this charisoon be able to resume her seat by Nurse John, during her stay Flatulence And all forms the Organ. Mrs. Adassah Daysley the Institution, and her table Institution most philantro METROPOLITAN BUREAU many pic workers, and he was provided Legal, Notarial General has been under a technical surgical friends join in grateful acknowwith a room on a property belongof Stomach aceatment, at the hands of Doctors ledgment for the attention accord Indigestion ing to the Banco de Costa Rica in Business Transactions Salisbury and Oreamuno, in the ed her by these professionals.
Colics Disorders this City. More recently, in keep Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. hospital here.
ing with its well known tenets, the My utarnished reputation of Society sent Lewis to the Hospital honesty. My intelligence and FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES in San Jose for treatment, with high calibre efficiency constitute the result chat his sight has been the necessary and all important restored and he is once more to be FACTORS which constitute my MANUFACTURED BY: seen along our streets soliciting alms Iron Clad Guarantee to my acThe Season has passed without the midst of a terrible downpour.
for his existence.
tual and prospective CLIENTS, Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa any incident of consequence The Cruiser Trenton We know of no expression which who confide to my care, di.
note. On Holy Thursday, due, arrived on Saturday morning and SAN JOSE can effectively protray the gratitu rection and administration, the sossibly, to the threatening rains, after being accorded and returnde of this unfortunate man for handling of their BUSINESS and which had been falling previously ing the accustomed salute, her men Ethiopia Obtains German Aid Aerial Raids By Germany those who have been instrumental GENERAL AFFAIRS.
for several days, the procession was were given shore leave; some went in affording him the opportunity EGBERT POLSON lot as it usually has been. On by special train to San Jose, while From Rome comes the informa Germany plans aerial attacks on of again viewing the daylight and Accountant, Interpreter, Trans Good Friday the attendance was others enjoyed the many haunts tion that Abysinia is concentrating London and Paris according to the faces of all who were kind to lator, Judicial Business Agent.
ar superior, yet no where as great of our City as best as Sailors can. an extraordinary large number of latest information from the latter or as enthusiastic as customary. It is a pity that the Municipality troops along the frontier of Italian City. The attacks would, it is statThe rains, which fell continuously has not yet removed from the Ba Somaliland, and has contracted ed, take place from three strategic som Saturday evening and all day seball ground, the unseemly shacks much armaments and equipment points within an hour and a quara Sunday, spoilt all the arrange erected for the Bullplaying, from Germany as well as German ter.
In passing through this District, within the Tomb the amont deents made for the Easter celebra which prevented these visitors in Officers to train her soldiers. The Aerial forces of Germany are one is struck by the abandoned manded would be paid, hence the on, none but the very faithful dulging in their national game of In Italian military circles the divided into 258 aerdromes provided state of its House of Correction. reason for such a construction.
ere to be observed wending their Baseball and affording us the fear is expressed that the formation with subterranean hangers and com This fortress, built of concrete, Those days are past and gone, hapays to the different Divine serv pleasure of witnessing some exhi of a modern well disciplined army prising nigh on to two thousand was, in the days of yore, a menace pily, and Estrada seem to be now managed and directed in the cen planes, with facility for cons to the offenders against Law and rid of her hardened criminals, as The excursion train, run from May we ask when these hideous tre of Africa by Ethiopia will place tructing many hundreds more with Order. At the time of its erection, it is noted that the boarded walkSan Jose by Mr. Jose Angel Cha shacks are to be removed from our the interests of European nations in a period of a few days as their Estrada must have had the most way to the front of the Lock Up, ves, came in early Thursday af play ground? Do the Municipal in serious difficulties and would various compartiments are already hardened criminals in the country, the only wooden thing in connecternoon thronged to the utmost Fathers not realize that this space be a grave menace to European being made for assembling later hence the necessity for contriving tion with this Institution, has rotwith visitors, but the inclement was granted us for recreation pur domination on the African Conti on.
such a hot house for the purpose ted and fallen away.
weather prevented them from en poses and that the continued pres nent.
of melting not only a great deal Therefore, as in keeping with an joying the charms of our City as ence of the shacks is a disgrace to SHONG LUNG FAI off their physical fat but their en old established custom in British they should have done. They left our City? Why then encroach on LIMON tire hearts as well.
Jurisprudenre, there being no cases on Sunday for the Metropolis in our privileges?
SALE OF BLOODED Those who originated such a to stain the purity of the District, Licores beastly lodging for human beings The White Gloves of Innocence STOCK Artículos del País ought to have been called upon to are presented, as to a Judge pres To the Stock Breeders of no Crime, Los precios más pass a day or two therein themsel iding. Bravo Estrada, the Province, Mr. Simeon ves, as a reminder, to such dispen no need for a Tomb for Criminals!
Richards of Penshurst of sers of justice, that there are none Contra mordedura de serpientes. Téngalo siempre a mano fers for Sale, a Fine Lot of.
Manzana 23 perfect; and that there is no knowing by what legal intrigue anyone en su finca. Hombre prevenido vale por dos.
Nine Cows and a Montgo Lote número may be placed within its walls.
Existencia permanente: mery Pole Buffalo Bull.
We have been told of incidents Anyone requiring genuine Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos del Lic. Carlos Viguez whereby innocent persons (as in FRANK MADURO Jr.
good milking Cows should France Mobilizing 200, 000 Men. the days of the Inquisition) were Prop.
Avenida Central commnicate with Mr. RiFrente a las Compañías Eléctricas introduced to this Mausoleum, for chards, Pensliurst Estrella All the members of the constrip the purpose of abstracting fabulous Best native lumber Line.
tion appertaining to the 1914 class fines from them.
are being concentrated in Paris, Of course, it at moderate prices, and it is officially stated that they pected, that rather than be closeted See the Radio.
Revolutionary Plot In Managua total 200, 000 men.
Right in the Principal Cuartel SALOMON CHING WE LEE Hundreds Killed By Earthquake in Persia of President Sasacca of Nicaragua that thinks!
Following on the news of the zanderan in Persia more than five has a revolutionary plot been disEstrada serious loss of life and property in hundred lives are, so far, known covered by Chief of Staff, General the Island of Formosa, comes now to have been lost and it is expected Somoza; The movement was causAbarrotes y Licores y the information that as the result that this total will be greatly exed, it is said, by an order for reducIn RCA VICTOR Artículos del País of a series of quakes which have ceeded as the work of clearing the tion of salaries; the leader, Lieuteoccurred in the province of Ma ruins proceed.
nant Abelardo Cuadra is under Precios Econó nicos Magic Brain. Range, arrest and placed at the disposal of the Military Court.
LA IBERIA Tone and Reception Hamburg. Amerika Linie Are Finer than Ever!
Próximas Salidas de Puerto Limón Cricket Notes Para EUROPA (SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG Due to the heavy rains which Camppe with Lawson, AMSTERDAM y HAMBURGO)
RCA VICTOR fell last week end, the Cup match Gayle and Little as Reserves.
scheduled for Sunday between the IBERIA 30 Abril Pathfinders and the Excelsior RADIO Clubs had to be abandoned.
Scheme Club will meet the WaCosta Rica terloo in Siquirres; the fol CARIBIA 20 Mayo The following will represent the lowing are asked to represent the SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS Burial Scheme Club in their Cup former Club: Nation match tomorrow against the Moti. Capt. Legister; Harrison; Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a ve Power. Bernard (Capt. Fuller; Kelly; Young; HAPAG LLOYD Young; Harrison, Myrie; Little; Lawson; MillingPerry Girton Gordon; Brown; Legister; ton; Dennie; Rusell and as Agencia Costa Rica Lewis; Spence; Mitchell; Reserves, Gayle; Powell and Teléfono 2086 Este documento es propied de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano de NistBrownional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y luventud Costa Rica Suero Butantán Maduro Lumber Yard was exRadio
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