
Episcopal Consecration of THE ATLANTIC VOICE Monseñor Wollgarten History Repeats Itself In Europe on record.
witness was in time.
one li Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone At a. Wednesday, the Ist. witness the consecration of their instant, the episcopal consecration future Spiritual Shepherd. They Año No. 43 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, 4th. May 1935.
Price: 15 per copy of Monseñor Carlos Alberto Woll numbered nearly a thousand.
garten, titular Bishop of Cusira special lunch was given in and Vicar Apostolic of Limon, honour of our new Vicar at noon took place in the Cathedral, San the same day in the Seminary, at MORE BANANAS Jose.
which the following were present In keeping with the Company s, and paid for all the marketable fruit The sacred and important cere. the Papal Nuncio; the Archbis. Policy of protection to her clients, presented by the Contractors; and CONCLUDED mony was carried out with all the hop of San Jose; the Bishop of Limon has witnessed this week the as the ship could not receive all that imposing and impressive ceremo Alajuela; the Ministers of Foreign greatest dump of fruit was bought, the balance was either The Germans have propapated such on the Danube, she must face nials of the Church, under the di Relations, Public Works and Pu. There is much clamouring that such given away or dumped, thus her pro the idea that Britain has acted France, Italy and the Balkan Petite rection of the Consecrating Archblic Health; the Diplomatic Re a heavy series of rejections, in recent ducers were not allowed to suffer. With debility and even with reser Entente: while if she throws a bishop, Monseñor Carlos Chiarlo, presentatives of Spain and Ger times, have been caused by there not This is but another great exam vation, but whoever knows anyth counter attack on the Western fronPapal Nuncio, accompanied by the many; the Governor and Coman being a sufficiency of steamers to ta ple of the stability and beneficial ing of English politics will, by the tier, she must ceckon that the Archbishop of San Jose and the dante of Limon; the Attache toke away the amount of fruit cut. consideration so characteristic of the slightest observation, realize that English could not remain inactive Bishop of Alajuela.
the Papal Nunciature; Doctor Ma.
To prove that this is not the case, Company in her business relations with the government at London acted and permit a Belgian invasion with The sacred edifice was thronged riano Figueres; members of the but that the fruit was not fit for ex those who serve her. This week there thus for the expressed hope that the possibility of the occupation to its utmost Among those who German Colony and varios Priests. portation, the Company has taken will be two boats to load fruit all Germany violatory actions of Northern France as this would were especially invited to In a most emotional discourse would filter into the minds of her present a grave question regarding the ceremony and occupied relerv. Monseñor Wallgarten made special ed soats were the President of references to His Holinesl the Po Costa Rican Ducks Create Trouble people. they being the ones who the recurity of the British Isles.
should determine the course to be the National Congress; the Minis pe, the President of the Republic, Therefore, in case of open hostiters of Foreign Affairs Finance, the members of the Episcopacy and According to a news article in anot in the place of the Governor adopted without undue harshness. lities between Germany and France, Public Works and Public Security; especially to the Papal Nuncio recent issue of the Panama Star, to give him such orders. Notes on It must be noted how Germany is England, to safeguared her own don Julio Acosta, ex President of who had honoured him by perform. Herald, eighteen pairs of our the subject are supposed to have being controlled and fatally drawn interests, would be bound to help the Republic, who wore his papal ing the toward her destruction by her op France.
act of consecration; he prize Breed Ducks have caused a passed between the two officials, Nuncio, and the Regent of the Ita feelingly referred to his mother breach between high officials of in one of which, it is alleged, there ponents.
Even if by the connivance of lian Legation; the Governor and the he felt was present with them the Province of Colon.
The British people have, foz a Poland and Japan, Germany were an implied threat of a jail decoration of the Grand Cross of the spirit participating in the joys The article states that Mr. Ri sentence for the Captain long time, been of the opinion to strike at Russia, France under St. Gregory the Great, the diplo of the day, and he closed with a cardo Guardia Fernández, when The Birds were however handed that Germany should be granted her recent alliance with the Soviet matic representatives in uniforms touching reference to Germany, returning home from a vacation over to the department of the Of. military parity; but immediately would have to strike at Germany; and wearing their decorations, of the land of his birth.
spent here, took with him eighteen ficial Appraisor, whe after keep comes the thought of her powerful and if England saw that France El Salvador, Cuba, Spain, Chile, Appropriate speeches were also pairs of our prize breed Ducks. ing them for a few days sent them air force, and this thought strikes were threatened she would, for her at the Peru, France, Germany, United delivered by the Rev. Canons Va. He presented them to the Gover on to the department of Agricul Paris and London same own protection, be bound so assist What the French, Italians her.
Statel of America, the Secretaries lenciano and Borge; Mr. Alfaro, nor of Colon, with the request ture.
that they be distributed among the of the Legations of Spain and El a Scholastic, read a latin On Mr. Guardia Fernandez be and Soviet diplomats are now ex Hence the Royal fact, Germany, poem Salvador, the Attache of the Papal specially composed for the occasion farmers of that Province with alcoming aware of the manner in pecting is the taking place of anot governed as she has been in reNuncio. and the of the Italian and the Archbishop of San Jose view of improving the local breed. which his gift was being treated, her diplomatic miracle as that which cent years, cannot count on Legation; the Governor and the tendered his eulogy in a latin The gift was graciously accepted he is said to have been much an occurred in 1914. All effors are solitary international friend. This Comandante of Limon; don Juan strophe of his own composition.
and the Captain of the Port asked noyed and requested the Secretary being directed toward securing is made most strikingly clear by England as a belligerent against the unanimous manner in which Romagosa and don Virgilio Cha The visitors from Limon left to see to the distribution. To this of Agriculture to immediately reverri, representatives of the Provin the Capital at have turn the Captain is reported to the same the Birds to Colon, as he Germany as in 1914; the entangled the nations voted in their condemce of Limon in the National Con day. The train was composed of objected, as he did not consider it particularly intended them for the dance has not commenced, but the nation of her as the troublesome, gress, and Dr. Edward Salisbury seven coaches.
a part of his duties and that is was benefit of that province. selection of partners is being ar refractory nation of Europe. Denranged. France and Italy who acted as Padrino to the new Monseñor Wollgarten is expectcannot mark, as we know, abstained from now declare war in reply to Bishop. The wives of the members ed here Sunday afternoon when an the casting her vote, for very personal agravating actions of Germany, reasons thus we say she has not of the Diplomatic Corps occupied elaborate welcome will be accorded specially provided seats in the Sa him by the inhabitants of the We beg to call your attention to our remark because that would call for the a single friend who would stand by ed Heart Nave. In the centre of City by all of whom, whether at the back of receipt which reads: neutrality of England; nor would her in her hostile movements.
it suit Russia and the Checoeslovia Poland has been the only friend Je edifice a guard of honour was catholic or non catholic, he is States, because Hitler would then ly State, but by her vote on the Es þrmed by members of the Volun greatly beloved. He will probalby This bill must be paid at our bave a free hand to settle with the resolution before the League, she ery Fire Brigade. Representatives travel in a special car attached to Balkan States; and this he would has demonstrated her true sentiche Nuns of the Orders of Our che regular passenger train.
office before the 15th of the month like to have.
her of Zion, Sisters of Charity ments, in consequence of which in Bethlemites were also in attenThe Atlantic Voice The experiences of 1915 are still Polish subjects are being illtreated Be so good as to comply with this request fresh in the minds of the French in German cities, with the natural a oe.
again extends to His Lordship its and Italians; England waits and retaliations in Poland, as per latest The entire Nave of the Cathe most sincere congratulations to and do not oblige us to suspend our service, watches, while the Germans are accables.
ral was occupied by the faithful which is coupled the hope that his a step which we would much regret to take.
tuating before her as in a theatrical It is left to be seen within the from Limon, who went up by spe life may be long spared to carry on tial train the day previously to his spiritual labours among us. Compañía Eléctrica de Limón scene. Hitler imitates the Kaiser next few days or weeks what ameby his provocations.
lioration the German States will offer to her conduct in recent times Such is the situation now in so as to assure the peace of EuroA Grand Jubilee Fair Europe; Germany knows if she pe; if none be offered, is it to be Don Leon Cortes has handed Limon, not even providing us with All loyal Britishers will remem of this kind in History; its being Rhine, she will have to settle with will be found to bring about a restarts any bellicose acts on the expected that some frivolous cause over his pertfolio as Minister of a road over which to convey our ber to look in at the Baptist Lawn, celebrated right royally in Public Works and Agriculture to dead to their last resting place, it every England and France; if she attempts currence of the 1914 conflagation?
Limon, on Mor evening, where corner where Britishers reside; it Civil Engineer don Ricardo Pa is but just that we render unto the festivity in honour of the 25th. should be made a special time of theco.
Caesar that which is Caesar anniversary of the coronation, of happy comradeship by all subjects Two Extraordinary Births There are no less than 105 picces He has been the most capable important works now under and progressive Minister of Public King George of England will be of the King. This is a historical Works Costa Rica has ever seen; Come and enjoy yourself. Yankee make it so in Limon. It only costs have recently occurred enjoyed with befitting merriment. event in other parts of the world, onstruction by the Department.
Two very extraordinary births after its birth, report that its cars Don Leon resigns to start his fearless, industrious and honour has some Coronation Hits prepar fifty cents (paper) to meet all your in the jare closed and its tongue short and country.
Jolitical campaign for the Pres able in all his departments. He thick like that of a parrot. It was ed for the happy occasion. old acquaintances in a happy spirit; On the 26th. April a woman of later on taken to the San Juan de Hency of the Republic. There is no has been the only Manager of the There has never been a festivity come out and do it.
aindaving the fact that don Leon government Railway who has 26 years of age gave birth to a Dios Hospital for further examinas occupied the Ministerio of Fo shewn a profitable progressive adchild with neither feet nor hands ation by the Medical Fraternity National Congress Meets and with its thorax and abdomen who are greatly interested in the aento along with personal manag ministration. Don Ricardo ment of the Pacific Railroad with of a certainty, be proud of such With the customary ceremo don Arturo Volio, votes; Li abnormally extended.
dmirable push, energy and capa. a capable Officer.
nials the National Congress inau cenciado don Juan Rafael Arias, This unsual phenomenon caused Another report comes from Cose administration May we hope that in don Ricar, gurated its regular annual sessi votes; don Manuel Mora and much excitement in the locality of ronado where a child is stated to exhibited in Costa Rica do Pacheco Limon will find one ons on the lat, instant. For so don Jiménez Guerrero each. Naranjo where it took place, and have eben born with only one eye This ought to bespeak for him a who will be ready to exhibit an in me time previously there was There were two nominations for the doctors, who examined it soon. located on the left cheek.
progressive and honourable Pres terest in our progress and to grant much apeculation in connection the Vicepresidency Dr. Rafael dential and although he her those benefits to which she is with the personnel to be elected Calderón Guardia, who was elec nas not done anything for poor justly entitled.
to the Directorate, as it was the ted with 23 votes, and Lic. Ergeneral opinion that Lic. Arturo nesto Martin who aecured 18 vo (Línea Holandesa de Vapores)
he Presidency. to don After the reading of the messa Arturo, four candidates were no ge from the President of the Re minated, Lic. don Ricardo Cas public on the transactions of the tro Becche, who obtained 30 vo counry during the pas year, the SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS es and was declared elected; Lic. inauguration session terminated.
COUPON LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS The 1935 Cricket Guessing Competition Special Reception for Bishop Wollgarten 17 de Mayo Prize. 25. 00 In addition to the several func commencing at 30 Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fletes, dirigirse a tions by which His Lordship Bishop very interesting programme has Highest Individual Score Compañía Ultramar Wollgarten will be welcomed on his been provided and the community is Agentes Generales Name arrival, the members of his congre cordially invited to assist in this parti FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
Address gation have arranged to accord him cular welcome to our Province new Sub Agentes en (TEN CENTS ENCLOSED)
a special reception, to take place in Vicar.
LIMON PUNTARENAS the Catholic Schoolkigomo 48, Mondayddi Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de chil es once 10 29 el New Minister of Fomento must case.
as has never ben The 1935 Cricket Guessing volio would not be zetelected to Competition Royal Netherlands Steamship Co.
Vapor Crynssen стос сорлореrаtic

    EnglandFranceGermanyHitlerInvasionItalyLeón CortésManuel MoraPresidentes de Costa RicaSovietSpain

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