
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Sábado, de Mayo de 1935 (to man accused of begging. What have you to say, Prisoner: It wasn my fault sir. just held out my hand to see it it was taining, and the gent dropped a penny in it.
Give your children protection. HOW?
to Why Are The Nations Arming? Cricket Enthusiasm broke in their property.
We ll Taper Off. Bride.
What to become of your youngste if y, u slould die You must not expect me to give up my girlhood ways all at once.
before they are self supporting?
Husband. That all right, little girl; go on taking an allow GET LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. ance from your father just as if nothing had happened.
Thank You. Uncle John came to stay, and before he left he gave his nephew a pound note, Now Through any local Agent or office of the Hereby Hangs Tale be careful with that money, Tom.
my, he said. Remember the say ing, fool and his money are Banco Nacional de Seguros Growls of Recignition. While soon parted. Yes, uncle, reon the bench one day Judge Da plied Tommy, but want niel called a case for trial, and two thank you for parting with it, just lawyers appeared as attorneys for the same.
the litigants. You re a dirty shyster, snarled Revenge. The lady was visit one of the lawyers to the other, ing the aquarium. Can you tell me In a recent issue of this interest. unto the great day of God Almigh The Cricket Board of Controlfmatches; and a Coach obtained and before this case is through whether could get a live sharkling Weekly there was an article ty. And they gathered them toget will make a Red Letter day of the from England to teach our Youths Il show you up for the crooked here? she asked an attendant. entitled The Nations are arming, her into a place called, in the He 9th of June in Turrialba, when a now to play the game, as is done ape that you are. live shark? What could you and the names of twelve or more brew tongue, Armageddon. great game of Cricket will be play in Jamaica and elsewhers. It is. Sez you, snapped the other. do with a live shark?
of the largest ones were mentioned Dragon is one of the namesed there, as well as a Football cherefore, necessary, that every You are a cheat and a liar. neighbor cat has been cat as the principal participants. They given the Devil by God. Beast match between a team from Limon Club should patronize this train Come, come, the ing my goldfish, and want to all declare they have no desire for and false prophet are the instru and the Turrialba Boys. game of and so uphold the hands of the judge. Let the case proceed now teach him a lesson.
war, yet they go on preparing their ments which the devil uses to ac Baseball is also on the Board. Board of Control in the attempt to that the learned counsels have idenstocks of ammunition and other complish his wicked acts.
Every sportsman, and the ladies accumulate funds for the improvtified each other.
And Tend It Carefully.
warlike implements for the destruc Jehovah has now set His Son, too, ought to be on the Cricket ement of our standard of Cricket.
Give Us a Couple.
tion of their fellow creatures and! Jesus, who is the earth rightful excursion train which is to leave Selfishness and individualism will Sandy (entering nursery garden. Joking Have ye a nice cucumber?
Ruler, on His throne of authority, Limon on that day at 30 a. not help the cause, nor will it tend Customer. How much are your The question is. why are and commands Him to rule in the The Fares are extremely reasonable, Gardener: Aye, here to find you a Headley, a Constanfour dollar shoes, That will be five pence.
one. these Nations arming? The ans. midst of His enemies. 50 from Limon; 00 from tine or a Barrow; therefore come Smart Salesman.
few remaining Estrada up to Pacuarito, and out and interest yourself in the Two dole Sandy: Too much. Have ye Bible, the Word of God. In the months, until the breaking of the 1. 50 from Siquires to Turrial effort being made to bring out lars a foot.
no one for tuppence?
24th. chapter of St. Matthew we universal cataclysm, the powers ba and back.
the best talent for the game, now Out You Go. Landlady.
Gardener: Ye can hae this for read and as He (Jesus) sat upon which rule the nations will continue This excursion should be well lying dormant in our young men ll give you just three days in tuppence.
the Mount of Olives, the Desciples to make treaties for peace and supported, as the proceeds go town and rising generation.
which to pay your board.
Sandy. All richt, here the came unto Him privately, saying, prosperity: then, the dictatorial ards securing a befitting Cup as Student. All right. ll pick uppence. But don cut it off; ll tell us when shall these things be? powers will say now we have souvenir for the Competition and the Fourth of July, Christmas and be calling, for it in about a fort and what shall be the sign of Thy peace and prosperity. But at for improving Cricket.
Costa Rica Soda Easter.
coming, and of the end of the Ist. Thessalonians we see the reply Tenders are invited from the world? He answered them and For when they say peace and public for running the Temperance Water Factory Hide Her Glasses. Did the said, Ye shall hear of war and safety; then sudden destruction Bar, and should be addressed to 113READ BREAD. patent medicine you purchased cure tumours of wars. Nacion shall rise cometh upon them as travail upon Mr. Spyre, President of the LIMON your aunt?
Eat only the best bread. up against nation and pestillence, a woman with child; and they shall Cricket Board of Control, Limon. Mercy, no. On reading the cir. BERLIN SPECIAL LOAF and earthquakes in divers places. not excape. Again Jehovah says, Since this Excursion is not for Fábrica de Hielo cular that was wrapped around the Made only by BOOTH Luke the 21st. quotes, And there through His prophet Zephaniah, selfish aims, nor belenging to any bottle she got two more diseases. The best that may be had shall be signs in the sun, and in therefore wait ye upon Me, until one Cricket Club, but will benefit y Refrescos in the country. the moon, and in the stars; and the day rise up to the prey: for every Club in the Country, as the The Old Story. Mistress. Don forget to call at upon the earth distress of nations My determination is to gather the purpose is to raise funds for im So your married life was very un. BOOTH and take home a with perplexity; the sea and the nations, that may assemble the proving Cricket in Costa Rica, the Florida Ice and happy? What was the trouble? De loaf of Berlin Special waves roaring. Men hearts fail. kingdoms to pour upon them My Board of Control expects every cember wedded to May, bread.
ing them for fear, and looking indignation, even all My fierce Sporting man will make it his in Farm Co.
Chloe Johnson. Lan sake, Trying one will convince after those things which are com anger, for all the earth shall be dividual entusiasm and invite his no, mum! It was Labor Day wedLA FLORIDA you, that this is positively ing on the earth; for the powers devoured with the fire of My jea lady friends for the day outing.
ded to de Day of Rest!
the best loaf of bread, of heaven shall be shaken. lousy. The 25th. chapter of Je At present there are six Clubs in made in Costa Rica The fulfilment of these proph remiah also mentions of that des the Competition, next year there Fábrica de Hielo Storm Coming Magistrate ecies are clearly to be seen. We are truction.
may be two more from the Lines; now in the last days. The second Hence the Nations that are ac hence a real good Cup is urgently Venta de Leche book of Timothy mentions that cumulating ammunition and mak. needed. As there is no proper men shall be lovers of pleasures ing their warlike implements can ground in Limon, Mat could be y Maderas more than lovers of God. These nor cease these preparations, for imported on which to play the are conclusive proofs that the be they are prophesies spoken centuginning of the end of Satan wic ries ago and are now in course of SERVICIO DE VAPORES ked world has come, and is sure fulfilment.
to have its final end in the battle All the peoples of good will, who Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK of Armageddon. St. John the are desirous of excaping the great con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA. Divine says, And saw three un trouble which is just ahead of us, LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS clean spirits, like frogs, come out should do as God word com.
of the mouth of the dragon, and mands us, that is. seek the Lord, VAPORES SALIDAS out of the mouth of the false prop seek righteousness, seek meekness, VERAGUA de Mayo het. For they are the spirits of devils, before the day of the Lord anger QUIRIGUA 12 de Mayo working miracles, which go forth come upon us; it may be ye shall into the kings of the earth and of be hid in that day (Zep. PETEN 19 de Mayo the whole world to gather them Josefine Steele FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs.
Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS Birth of Three Calves Para otros informes, diríase a las oficinas de la United Coronado seem to be a district that Canton, gave birth to three Are Finer than Ever!
Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica subject to extraordinary occurrencalves.
TELEFONO 3156 ces. Elsewhere we mention of the The calves are stated to be in birth there recently of a child with perfect health and are being partibut one eye; now we learn that a cularly cared to ensure their lives.
Poland New Constitution cow belonging to a Mr. Zuniga of The New Constitution recently) The basis of the new regime is approved for Poland has been the so called Elitarism a DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA signed by the President and is now term in conltitutional law. In the Avenida San José in force. Under its provisions par future, power is to be centered in Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad Costa Rica liamentary rule is said to be prac the hands of not merely the eleand Colegio de Señoritas tically ended and a Dictatorialment elected by the usual demo MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, government by The Elite set up. cratic methods but more by the Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb The War Minister, who is regard. Elite of the Nation. These have SURGICAL DIA THERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the ed as the power behind the Pres been described as persons who are neck of Womb idency, is supposed to be the origi distinguished by special talents RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small nator of the new deal for his befitting them for directing the Perry Girton medium sized) by way of the Urethra country.
fortunes of the Nation.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del ministerio de Cultura y juventud, Costa Rica UNITED FRUIT Co.
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