
4th. May 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA Dihe Burial Scheme. Motive Power Match NI. Activities SAL UVINA never For Liver and Stomach Ailments 23 se part in Italo. Ethiopian War Rumblings.
Germany Isolated But Prepared The Costa Rica Burial Scheme of the pitch, to hit a ball that had Handbills were thrown around cification with the affairs of the Club suffered another defeat on not yet been delivered and was nathe City calling in all members and Society; he had, however, the 28th. ult. when they met the turally stumped.
sympathizers ofthe Universal Ne countenanced such an idea.
Motive Power. watched the game gro Improvement Association to The Ex President exhorted the from start to finish and saw some The side was all out for 40 an emergency meeting on Wed members to rally to the cause by strange happenings.
THE RIGHT SALTS runs. This was so small a score, nesday last, to deal with matters subscribing so as to get the oneinto First, Captain Bernard won the that the Motive Power seemed as if relative to the property of the Or fourth share of Gordon toss and elected to bat on a wet they would have passed it with their ganization. Declarations were made the name and ownership of the wicket; next, a bastman deliberat opening pair, but it could not proving that certain gentlemen Organization as quickly as possible ely left his crease, for the middle be done, for bowler Campbell, had designs for owning what was and frustrate the intentions of with his slow leg breaks, had five wickets down for only 24 runs; portion of the property, by getting ed Mother Gordon, while in hosthen Scott and Dowden put his aged mother to sign some do pital, for her signature to some SALE OF BLOODED on 69 for the sixth wicket.
cument presumably transferring document which could bear no STOCK Scott should have been taken Invaluable for the Treatment of her son supposed rights in the weight whatever before the Law; by Gayle at mid on before he had holding, as his name To the Stock Breeders of appears in after that if the transfer of the the Province, Mr. Simeon scored a single run; then he was the registration as Trustee. Pres names of the other two Trustees Richards of Penshurst of dropped at six by the bowler in Flatulence ident Mitchell stated he was abused was considered expedient, it could And all forms as a crook and accomplice in this be attended to. He prayed his fers for Sale, a Fine Lot of. terrupting the other fieldsman Nine Cows and a Montgowhen the score stood at 30. The Indigestion of Stomach matter whereas he had no hand hearers would cease fighting among whatever in it. He had also been themselves and put away petty difmery Pole Buffalo Bull. fielding of the Schemers was very poor and think this cost them Colics Disorders Anyone requiring genuine accused, he said, of being mixed ferences and unite under the good milking Cows should the match. Fancy using his up in a proposition to change the standard of the Organization; and name and registration of the Orga that they would take, as an exampcommnicate with Mr. Ri cap as a mitt to stop a ball for FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES nization and that he which five runs were added to the was to be le for unification, the troubles of chards, Penghurst Estrella given the post of President General Abyssinia and the insults being of Line.
score. What Cricketers.
for his assisance in the movement; fered to Negroes all over MANUFACTURED BY: the Spectator this was apparently for the purpose world, especially in Latin counу Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa of getting rid of Garvery iden tries. The Cup Competition SAN JOSE We would ask the Clubs taking rial Scheme Club. The latter took SIQUIRRES RESTAURANT this Competition to always the first knock and could only hit furnish us with the results of the ga up 40 runs, whereupon the Motive The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Mimes as per their Scorebooks; that is, Power quickly acquired 125 runs.
nutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be if they wish to have them published. George Babb did technical trundling served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Restaurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretta, English SpoOn Sunday last the Motive Power for the and Campbell Some hours after the first de British East Africa.
ken, Se habla español. On parle Francais, Man Spricht scored an easy victory over the Bu did well for the tachments of Italian troops sailed Altho one American writer said Deutsch.
for Africa last Saturday Premier that when Italy felt it necessary to KISSLING Manager Benito Mussolini told all Italians mobilize nearly 250, 000 troops to Excursión a Turrialba, Domingo de Mayo 1935 mobilized in the clash between Italy be sent down through the Red Sea IDA VUELTA 2. 50 TREN SALE LAS 30 and Abyssinia, or Ethiopia as its to Eritrea and Italian Somaliland cal fever.
diplomatic ability own people call it, that Italy must to curb the Abyssinians Premier Sunday Excursion to Turrialba, 5th, May 1935 Saleh Bey also said that be ready for any eventuality. Mussolini was using a sledgeham the material resources of Abyssinia ABYSSINIAN PARTITION ADULTS 50. TRAIN LEAVES AT 30 VIA ZENT His statement made a profound mer to drive a tack, a first hand included untold riches of gold, COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION impression not only throughout observer of the terrain gave a dif platinum and silver, as well as peAt Addis Ababa he told the Italy and Ethiopia, but also in all ferent account of the situation. He troleum, copper, lead, mica, cotton, United Press that he purposed to European chancelleries which were is Saleh Bey, an Egyp coffee, and native carbonate of settle the dispute with Italy through studying Germany reply to the tian mining engineer and a gra soda. In three hours of washing peaceful arbitration, but would London Anglo French peace pro duate of Oxford, who lately re alluvial sand in the Blue Nile he stand no coercion from Italy or turned from Although the entire world seem the country, while in October the an eighteen month claimed to have obtained no less any other power.
survey of Abyssinia mineral re than 2, 800 grains of gold.
Meanwhile, Washington press against Germany in her bellicose 1916 class will be drafted in.
CLASHES ON FRONTIER sources made at the request of Emdispatches told that Cordell Hull, movements, former even her peror Haile Selassie of Abyssinia.
At the time of the dispatch of Secretary of State, had assigned to allies, Austria and Turkey, have In January it declared her policy a wrong one, related it and when Premier Mussolini the first contingent of Italian Addis Ababa one of the State Dethat relations between Italy and punitive expedition crossed the bor troops to Africa last Saturday, an partment most accomplished trou yet she pursues her course. Chancellor Adolf Hitler has called into Abyssinia had reached a critical der of Abyssinia, this minnig engi Ethiopian Government spokesman ble. shooters. George Hancompulsory military services eight FRANK MADURO Jr.
stage after a series of encountres neer told the New York Herald told the Associated Press at Addis son. who will be American Conbetween their respective garrisons Tribune, it would first be met by Ababa, the capital, that the troops sul General and Chargé Affaires and a half million men; that is Prop.
stationed along the undefined fron the tribes of the Ethiopian provin of Emperor Haile Selassie had not in the Ethiopian Empire. Mr.
men from the 1901 class, or those Best native lumber tier between Ethiopia and Italiance of Dankalil, the fiercest fana occupied any point in disputed ter Hanson new of 34 years of age, down to the post is considered Somaliland. Both antions, who are ties and savages in all Africa, who ritory site the Ualual incident, of strategic importance from a dip1915 class, or those of but 20 years. He has called in for medical at moderate price members of the League of Nations in the invasion of 1896 ate more which strained Italo Ethiopian rela lomatic view. point.
than 1, 800 Italian soldiers.
examination, training and preparasent protests to Geneva. series of clashes between ItaThe partition of Abyssinia, which tion for military service approxilian and Ethiopian troops, which WHAT ITALY FACES mately 600, 000 men of each class, Germany intensifies her Air Force began late in November last. came Ethiopia forty one year old ru ultimately is certain. wrote a Lonler, head of a feudal State, the don correspondent of the New year by year from the age of Activities to a climax on February 10 when Then the survivors of the Ita Emperor Haile Selassie, was enth York Times, has long been envisthirty four inclusive.
to twenty General Erick von Ludendorf has was roned in 1930 as the King of aged by the three nations most inLONDON. reports from Rome of extensive lian punitive expedition, it According to introop movements in Italy coincided further stated, would have to Kings of Ethiopia, Conquering terested. secret treaty apportionbeen put in charge and General formation received, it is stated with the announcement of a twelve march for 300 miles across an arid Lion of the World. He claims ing to each its share was strenuousHanl von Suckt has been called that Germany is greatly intensi. day old battle between Italian and plateau, devoid of water in the dry direct descent from King Solomon ly denied, but, this informant adfrom China to assist him. There are fying her activities for increasing Ethiopian forces in which several season, which lasts till June 15. and the Queen of Sheba. He is a mic spheres of influence in Abys750, 000 men actually under arms, the strength of her air force. 15 bad been killed and wounded. The This region was described as being small man with a coal black full sinia were agreed upon among and they are to be divided into 21 war planes are supposed to being communiqué of the Italian Gov. infested with deadly insects and beard and is reputed to have great France, Italy and Great Britain.
egiments: the 580, 000 men of the built daily, six bombing planes and ernment said that an Abyssinian 915 class called to receive military large trimotors weekly. large body of troops had attacked an nstructions, will be distributed, fleet of hydroplanes are also alleg Italian post at Afdub, south of vhen fit to different regions of ed as being constructed.
Ualual, on January 29.
Premier Mussolini mobilized The King Silver Jubilee 241, 000 soldiers on Febraury 11 Service of Thanksgiving and Monday, the 6th. there will be a for the African expedition. He cal.
Intercession will be held, Grand Silver Jubilee Fair on the led out three classes of Italian sean the Baptist Church, Limon, to Church Lawn. All are heartily fighters and ordered a fleet of Banco del Estado State Bank horrow, May 5th. at 00 Invited.
fifty air planes into Eritrea, the doCommemoration of the 25th. Admission, 0. 50.
minion of Italy on the coast of the Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue Anniversary of the Accession of Yankee Band will be in Ac. Red Sea. The length of the coast King George the Fifth; and on tendance.
is about 670 miles. The total area of the dominion is 45, 754 square ofrece al público los Offers the Public the miles, and the population, accordservicios de su Assassination Plot discovered Services of its Abyssinian Army efficient and ing to a census taken in 1931 is well Organized 621, 776, inclusive of 4, 565 Italians.
in Japon The three marine classes ADDIS ABEBA. Military called out by Premier Mussolini to TOKIO. It has been official and Foreign observers declare that assist in the transportation of notified that fourteen youths the Abyssinian army in number troops to Eritrea and Italian Sobetween the ages of 14 and 18 and organization may be regarded maliland. The Colony of Italian IN THE jears, have been arrested in con as on a par with the best in Euro Somaliland has an area of about nection with a conspiracy to assas pe. The Emperor has issued a de 194, 000 square miles and a populanate Prince Salonji, Count Ma cree prohibiting women taking part tion (1931) of 1, 010, 815 (1, 630 sino Suzuki and Baron Kenso Ada. in future was, except as Red Cross Italians and twenty eight other hi. The plot was discovered when Nurses, for which purposes a Europeans. It stretches along the para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service one of the youths armed with a school of instruction has been east coast of Africa from British dagger endeavoured to enter the opened under the auspices of the Somaliland to Dick Head in servicio bancario Rendered residence of the Prince.
Red Cross Societye documento es propieda Kenyaliot Colonyal which isegóparent was Maduro Lumber Yard tions.


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