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HE ATLANTIC VOICE NEWS FROM THE POINT AL No. 44 SC The Bishop Reception el tu Do out to a medi to a US que)
a or so on our our a The Observant Pointer Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone have been away a long, long singing was lacking due to various time folks, but trust that the throat troubles.
Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, 11th. May 1935.
Price: 15 per copy various avenues of news have kept you fairly well supplied.
The Frank Durman are the los deaffening cheers to reply. He Understand the visit of the proud parents of a daughter born recently consecrated Bishop here last Sunday, accompbegan by thanking all who had United States Cruiser Trenton April 28th. The OBSERVANT by several Priests, in the come forward to render him such was received with the greatest of POINTER presents his most sinntial Coach, attached to the a happy evening and continued enthusiasm and many new friends cere congratulations.
was Truth. He closed his very interest you know me and know you all; hips sprung up as a result. It is passenger train from San younger Miss Charles who an avalanche of Dle was received, not only his dressed as a tipical native of the ing speech by referring to the fact know what can expect from said that such Mr. Ames and Mr.
fros dock but by the entire popul Island of Martinique. most af that while they were all there giv you and you know what to expect young gentlemanship has not visa veritable princely manner; fectionate address, accompanied by ing expressions to their happiness from me. Colour makes no dif ited, nor has been seen, for a long Krauth have spent the greater part Mug of people, seldom seen on a Purse, was here presented by millions of hearts throughout the ference with me, love you all to period of time. It is thought that of the week outside of Limon. Mr.
rticular occasion, in the city, Mrs. Lewis on behalf of the Sun world were similarly rejoicing that the bottom of my heart and know the young bloods of our commun Krauth returned to Limon on the 8th but Mr. Ames carries on outbid him welcome. day School and Ladies Auxiliary. the Divine Mind had spared their that you love me too. All ask tiy have taken due note.
side the Point. buntings, flowers and de. The Song which the Angels Sovereign King George the Fifth is your continued co operation, for ns of numerous kinds were Sang and the Song which Mat to celebrate the 25th. anniversary now have greater responsibilities to the British and much work to do. We must greeting is extended idence at the railway station her Sang were then rendered by of his Accession throughout the procession by Miss Allen and Mrs. Gadson res. Throne; and he prayed that God all work for the glory of God and new arrival for the Company and Matty Kelly is recuperating in Ich he was escorted to the Prespectively and an address by Mr. would spare His Lordship life to the good of the Church and for to the Point, Mr. Thomas San Jose from an illness suffered Litery much happiness and satis Brown. Miss Teresa Charles again continue in Office as our Spiritual which will impart to you my who hails from Jogia, spelled in Limon. The Hospital is a fine place while sick but many favor faction were exhibited.
came on the scene and rendered Comforter so that 25 year hence Apostolic Benediction. The entire Georgia.
recuperating in the high altitudes.
On arrival at the Presbitery, the He leadeth me, Oh! Blessed our rising youth may similarly as audience then knelt and received But then the second floor of the Civic authorities and prominent Thought, most pathetically. At semble to rejoice and feast with same.
Bob Johnston returned from his Hospital is fairly high.
adherents of the Church delivered this stage Mr. Hayling read an him in the celebration of his Silver The Chairman wound up in fine visit to the United States only to him stirring addresses of welcome, with address from the St. Anthony Jubilee of God Goodness and for his ministrations to them. oratory as but few men ocher than be confined to the Limon Hospital delions of his elevation to the high Miss Doris Chickory then mag. As if by telepathic contact in cor do. He eulogized the adaptability Sorry you had to miss the dance from Limon after spending a week expressions of their sincere appre Burial Aid Association.
those of a legal turn of mind can suffering with a throat infection. Dean Smith recently returned and important position as also of netized her audience in a most roboration of these sentirents, Miss the affability, the geniality and reli in honor of King George, Bob.
the other side which much good cheer and comfort for bewitching and harmonious solo Charles (Teresa) came oa with a now means Puntarenas. Incidentahim in the carrying out of the great entitled Just for You. One could song which far excelled her pre gious consistency so characteristic of lly Puntarenas is getting to be quite responsibilities of his office.
not help feeling a pinch of regret vious renditions in pathos and held our Bishop and thanked the audience for their interest in the function Writing about the dance noa stamping ground.
On the following evening, Mon chat there is no opportunity afford the audience encharmed.
day the 6th. the regular reception ed such talented voices in Father Doran, an English Priest the Choir for their beautiful ac ticed particularly some of our reat the dances: and welcome took place in the country by which they could be from the Almirante Mission, then complishments, the Misses Reid and gular customers The Bookouts returned to Limon Schoolroom under a well regulat trained for a course of higher stu spoke and his was an oration full Fredricks, Teachers of the School, Mr. and Mrs. Scoltock, Mr.
and all who had helped in bringing and Mrs. Sydney Scoltock, CapTof the most sentimental ed programme got together by the dies for greater development.
expressions on May 8th to take up a permanent residence. thousand wel.
different Organizations attached to Miss Reid recitation Now is of love, goodwill and heartfelt about so pleasant and profitable an tain and Mrs. Keates, Mr. and evening.
Mrs. Owens, Mr. and Mrs.
comes to the folks and we will try che Church: The League of the the Time was also well executed joy. He rejoiced with us in Sacred HeartThe Children of and pleasingly accepted as Huber, Mr. Thomas, awfully hard to make up for the was privilege of having so loving, afSome one here shouted we ll be Mr. and Mrs. Woodbury, Burial Aid Association, The Sun song, Silver Bells of Memory and explained that to get a tak poi La Mercedewhereupoonalinis Gutierrez, Mrs. Krauth, and Bookie and family were treatMary Sodality, The St. Anthony Master Clarke Sunshine. fable and sympathetic a Bishop pleased to hear Padre Valenciano Captain Cochrane, Mr. Rogelio suffered at Almirante. Understparting of the many frinships they day School, The Ladies Auxiliary was also well presented. The reci with his Bishop, his flock would Priest, a most endearing personality, Miss Chabela Johnston, Mr. anded to a royal sendoff on their last of the Knights of St. John and the tation by Miss Olga Hawtherne have to travel some 200 miles. He ran out from his corner with his Mrs. Johnson, Mr.
Boys League.
entitled IP dertainly had the also explained what a Bishop exem hands flapping like a Cherub soarnight over there.
Kelley, Mr. Littleton, Doc.
At 30 His Lordship and sev. huge audience positively electrified; plified in the Church. he was, ing from his earthly habitation, tors Gamboa and Saenz, Mr.
eral Priests from the Metropolis and while considering the varied ex he stated the direct successor of and delivered an uplifting enthus Corse. Miss Dater. Barque Miss Melva John is stealing a and Admirante filed in and took periences of Pleasure or Pain with the Apostles, the first Pastors of ing oration in so calm so mild, so ro orchestra furnished the music few days of much needed rest up their seats on the restrum, where which the use of this little word the Church by institution of Jesus intensely impressive a manner that and it was served on a silver plat in the hilly section of our fair there were already seared Messrs. might always be associated, we could Christ Himself. for as Christ laid all were truly sorry when he con cer. The folks just ate it up, just country.
Carlos Orozco, Hayling and not help thinking, at the time, hands on Peter, so consecration to cluded by saying in English Me like the fine refreshments that Brown. Miss. Reid, the Teacher that iP the guiding hand of the fullness of priesthood had been no speakie the English, but were served. Some of us left at of the School, received and welcom Destiny had not seen fit to deliver handed down the ages and the love you all to the bottom of my 12:00, others Understand the Salisbury resiat 2:00 and still dence has a new tenant. The moved the distinguished visitors and jour dear Father Alberto from the mystical ordination Divinely con heart.
others very, very close to five AM.
ing man is at his old tricks again.
the guest of honour: she also in cold clasp of death when he was firmed in a continuous succession troduced the Chairman for the wounded in the Great War, we from St. Peter down to Mons. This brought to a close a most evening. Mr. Jose Burrow, who would not have then been assem Chiarlo and on to our Bishop. He affectionate and inspiring meeting Vacation season sure is well on us to continue in that at ten thirty after the singing of the way. In case you have Mr. DeGravelles and Mr.
gave a most appropriate speech bled giving out manifestations of exhorted and requested Mr. Orozco to read Harmony and Love to his person harmony of spiritual loving con the National Anthem. The audien noticed who has been missing since Point on Sunday night last. Schaefer were guests at thi the address of welcome, which had and high Office.
tact which was so evident with us ce remained standing while the last Sunday will tell you who been prepared in Spanish. The After the address on behalf of and which he would be taking with Bishop and Priests walked out from the Point were passengers on Choir rendered a Chorus; this was the Sodality was most befittingly him as a message to his flock at Bishop and Priests walked out and the Steamship Veragua, Mrs.
Sorry to learn that Mr. DeGrafollowed by a song by Master rendered by Miss Grant, Mr.
Guabito and Almirante.
amid much cheering and many Prince and son Warren Jr. velles will leave, our midst shortly Franklin Taylor, a dot of about Nation, in his usual freedom His Lordship then rose. amidst handshakings.
Mrs. Jackson Wright, the whole to take up residence in Almirante.
nine years and grandson of the of expressions, delivered a well Salisbury family, Doc. the Mrs.
Louis says that being in a place late Henry Hunter, and rendered tuned speech full of welcome and and the three little ones, Miss Sue ten or more years is boring and a in a most masterful Tenor voice appreciation. He called attention man needs a change. My kindest Repta, Mr. Eddie Parkhurst. Not that completely captivated the to his Lordship magnetizing perWe beg to call your attention to our remark from the Point but former memwishes and the many wishes of large audience. Then came a mu sonality which had drawn all so at the back of receipt which reads: bers were the Condons. It and we all hope you will pay us your friends go with you Louis, sical selection by the pianist, Vio closely to him, not alone the poor was an old fashioned farewell on linist and Guitarist. Mis Reid and feeble ones in the lower walks This bill must be paid at our the ship, though understand the many a visit in the years to come.
and Messrs. Juan Rogers and of life but also the dignataries of Elliott. Miss Teresa Charles then Holy Mother Church. The speakheld the audience spell bound by a er assured His Lordship he was apsong so beautifully rendered that preciated throughout Diocese for Be so good as to comply with this request had the Chairman not advised that his care and attention of character Anent our article in our issue of that rich Colony will take the opno encores could be allowed on building among the younger memand do not oblige us to suspend our service, the 2nd. Maruh, it is noted that in portunity of asking State assistance account of the lengthy programme, bers of the Church and Commun a step which we would much regret to take.
consequence of the League of Na for the establishment of Central Fac she certainly would have been ask. ity, thus fitting them for a higher tions having abandoned the idea of tories for Sugar production, and will ed for a duplicate.
future in their home lives; Compañía Eléctrica de Limón colonizing the fertile Essequebo request that her population be inThe Boys League presented an for his fearlesseness in reproving Valley in British Guiana with Assy creased by West Indian immigrants y address, followed by a solo by wrong doing. His Lordship was rians from Iraq, the government of another dot, this time a girl, en reminded how he had some few titled Because of You.
The Silver Jubilee Next years ago reproved him (the speakcame a recitation by little Misser) his indiscretion in a publiRuddock and a most amusing song cation, which reproof had So as to prepare himself for An official souvenir programme not the great occasion of his Silver is to be issued and sold and the entitled La Negrita. by the failed to draw him nearer to the Jubilee, His Majesty King George proceeds carried to the Prince of (Línea Holandesa de Vapores)
cancelled his proposed trip to the Wales Jubilee Trust Fund for the youth of the ing and returned to London from Country. An anonymous benefactor Windsor Castle; he will be remain has offered to defray the expense SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS COUPON ing at Buckingham Palace until of printing 250, 000 copies of this after the Celebrations which start programme.
LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS The Royal Coat of The 1935 Cricket Guessing Competition ed on the 6th. instant.
Arms will appear on the cover in 17 de Mayo Prize 25. 00 The King completes his 70th. full colours and gold, and the conyear on the 3rd of June next; He tents will consist of the text of the Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fletes, dirigirse a Highest Individual Score is in perfect health and has pre. Thanksgiving service; a message Compañía Ultramar Name pared himself for the principal role from the Prince of Wales; a poem Agentes Generales this celebration by taking a by the Poet Laureate; photogarphs FELIPEJ. ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
Address month holiday on the Southern of the members of the Royal Fa. TEN CENTS ENCLOSED)
Coast and another month at Wind mily and an illustrated review of LIMON PUNTARENAS sor Castle.
the King life and reign.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventua, Costa Rica me. not office before the 15th of the month Br. Guiana Calls for West Indian Settlers as also Royal Netherlands Steamship Co.
The 1935 Cricket Guessing Competition Newmarket Guimeas Race Meet work among Vapor Crynssen Sub Agentes en
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