
News From The Point THE ATLANTIC VOICE her spell of recuperation in San The Anti Tuberculosis Campaign who unit in a ment. An Appreciation I we New Anti Aircraft Aparatus Death Penalty For Venizelos taken place in several centres; and number around half a By the Observant Pointer Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Miss Margaret Dater gave a few weeks in the capital city.
dinner party to six of her friends Hope (the vacation is a pleasant Limón, Costa Rica, Año No. 45 Saturday, 18th. May 1935 Price: 15 per copy on the night of May 9th. The din one.
ner was of no special occasion but was a huge success from every Mattie Kelley has returned from MOTHER DAY Ingle.
Jose and is again.
Mother Day was celebrated, on feel they should not be left in the The OBSERVANT POINT In order to keep alive the interest should be taken to avoid infection Sunday last, by all the Churches cold, because say they, were it not ER welcomes to The Point Miss Miss Hazel Douglas and Miss which we fell our people in this and the measures necessary for its in the City and with all the senti for father what might mother Iris Seibold, who will be with us Betty Huntoon entertained at a tea section of the Republic should control.
ment due the occasion.
have been; it is the father who for several months.
party on the 15th. good old continue to take in the campaign All mothers must, on this day, makes the mother, the man fashiomed talk feast was enjoyed against this dread disease, most fit The first of these articles will feel honoured by the reverence so shapes the destiny of the woman announce with rgeret the re by all present.
tingly termed The Captain of appear in our next issue. Be sure universally shewn them. We can While it is true that the mystery of signation of Miss Dater of our Accounting Department. Peg Mr. e. Sullivan enjoyed the che Men of Death, we have ar to secure a copy and carefully read but hope that such distinctions will procreation is entrusted to mother, ranged to publish a series of artithe article, it might contain someth help in the work of reclaiming as the mystical vessel, yet the resdoes not expect to leave for a few cooling breezes of San Jose for a cle which will deal with its many ing of vital importance for the the instincts of some mothers in ponsibilities of homelife and pamonths yet, but they will be all few days during the week. phases, the precautions which well being of your family.
our midst, to the paths of sobriety renthood are confided to father.
too few.
and the principles of ethics and Why then should all demonstra.
The Smiths house looks well tions of affection and lealty be The only vacationist leaving the with the new steps, but what a pair Italo. Ethiopian Conflict Still Threatens moral standard.
We have heard an echo of jeal accorded to one dual Point on the Steamship Quirigua of handrails. didn know you was Miss Natalie Kingman popular leaned to the Irish side, Dean.
It is apparent that the general, ing other than the postponement of ousy coming from the fathers, who combination?
feeling in many of the more impor actual warfare till after the rainy member of our Medical Depart see Harold Gore is pounding tant European centres is that despite season.
is Meantine the Abysinian army the key again. We certainly had a the efforts whcih are again being Panama Bananas Still On Increase spell of sickness at The Point for taken to promote an amicable set reported to be almost completely Some issues ago we mentioned from 20, 000 to 25, 000 stems per It is with pleasure that learn some weeks. Let us hope the epi dement of the Italo Abyssinian dif mobilized and her troops supplied ficulties, the situation is now more with the most modern of war imple that there had been a marked in month.
or of the well being of Mr. demic is all over.
acute than it ever was.
ments. It is also further said that Johnston who has just finished a all crease in the quantity of Bananas The representatives of both coun under government orders, Exportations by the Chiriqui long spell in the hospital. Bob feels Feverish preparations are under tries to the Conciliatory Commission Tribal Chiefs and their subjects, who exported weekly from Cristobal.
well enough to cake it again and way by many of the Pointers for a have been appointed but it the are not included in the mobilization. Recent information indicates that Land Company, from Puerto Ara got under way on Sunday last. grand exodus to the States on June opinion of the people of Addes Abe have been supplied with arms and this is being steadily improved as muelles, are also stated to be pro2. Guess the place will be pretty ba that they will accomplish noth other implements.
during the past month, the average ceeding at a very high rate, and We notice that the one further the future of the industry in that and empty shortly, and incidentally this weekly output shewed a only Pop Wright is a grass wid column will lack news.
increase to, 20, 000 stems.
section of the Republic is regard ower again. Watch your step Pop, The Standard Fruit Company is jed as being very bright. The Comwatch your step!
Mr. Whitton has taken stated to have shipped no less than pany is now paying 40 cents per up his living quarters at the Com128, 000 stems during that period; count bunch, and her weekly purI adopt this method to express my thanks to all who, in while the shipments by the other chases from the various settlers to When on the subject of grass munity House. Quite a change different ways, demonstrated their interest in the health of my smaller Companies now widowers notice Eddie Pauly and should gather from s.
wife during her recent illness in the hospital of this City, where average tal around 10, 000.
Oph. Woodbury strolling around she underwent a long and delicale operation with splendid reCrows The Campaign the place without their respective sults, thanks to the skill of Doctors Salisbury and Oreamuno.
wives. Upon questioning them to whom shall be eternally grateful.
Our Thomas the second wishes During the earlier part of the In addition to the prospective find that Mrs. Pauly and Mrs. it to be known that his initials are. also wish to express my gratitude to all who fook so tender a core of her while a palient in the Hospital, week the Julio Acosta Party was candidates already mentioned, Woodbury with the young ones and not Our apologies MEEKS duly registered under the name of understand there is a movement on have left for San Jose to spend a are extended for the error.
the Partido Union Nacional foot to obtain the nomination of Limón. May of 1935.
with Green and Blue as their CO Lic. don Alberto Echandi.
The Campaign grows, and Public meetings have already should all the groups, who now dozen, leaders bringing forward As a result of the defenses way between spotting by the pected here sometime today, by a candidate, the forthcoming elecwhich the War Department of the Ears, or Sound Detectors, and Former Premier of Greece, Eleuthat Venizelos had always sacrific special airplane, to hold a meeting tions should prove the most interUnited States has developed dur the extreme gun range. plane therios Venizelos, who nears the ed everything for his own glory. tonight. Much enthusiasm is being esting of recent years.
ing more recent years. it is alleged is said to have no defense against age of 71 years, has been condem In 1922 he had endeavoured to re evinced by the city adherents.
that air raiders, operating under the Ears for even if the engines ned to suffer the penalty of death, enter the political field under the cover of darkness, will not produ were muffled the sounds produced by a military court martial held at eagis of a revolution which would Navy Yards Working on 24 Hour Basis ce, in so far as she is concerned, by the propellor and the rushing Athens, for the part he played in have disgraced Greece by the forthe menace they did at the time of of the air against its wings etc.
the recent unsucessful revolution mation of a military clique whose With 000 Gunmakers the World War.
would be sufficient for its detecary movement. There is no possi function was to suppress the liAccording to the information tion.
Lility, however, of the sentence berties of the people; and in the WASHINGTON. It has Plans for both the five inch and recently made public, mechanical being carried out as he has fled recent revolt he had furnished the addition to 250 five inch guns now guarded, but officials said the latbeen officially disclosed that in the one inch weapons are closely devices known by the ordinary na shaped objects with appearances like the country and is reported to have funds and material and them fled being built for destroyers the ter would be used for air craft deof Eyes and ears will loud speakers and are set nine feet secured an asylum in Italy.
make it possible to locate any des apart, As the the country leaving thousands of Ears In demancing the death penalty victims and the pain of as many ly begin work on a new model ra quick firing mechanisms recently Washington Navy Yard will short fense. Both are to be equiped with cription of plane in the dark. The toward the approaching plane the the public Prosecutor declared) familias.
Ears will pick it a searchlight beams turn synchropid firing one inch weapon to be developed. Other new devices, eitdistance of fifteen miles and de nously with them. Both Ears and An placed on every fighting ship.
her under construction or in pronote its exact location when seven Eyes are controlled by a single Airplane For The Poor Man The Navy Yard is now operat cess of development, are improved or eight miles with allow device called the comparator efficient ances for wind and speed. The which resembles the face of a giant the poor man airplane, is report expected to travel 25 miles machine which is described as feet and a length of 21 feet. It is ing on a 24 hour basis. with 8, 400 range finders and more with gun makers employed as compared unloading mechanism. Eyes which are composed of Bug, having with 3, 000 two years ago.
sixty inch reflecting mirrors with and a small round mouth undern. Marshall, Missouri, It is of 100 miles per hour.
eyes ed to be nearing completion at one gallon of gasoline at a speed 800, 000, 000 candle power beamseath and is operated by one per being built by the Faklin Aircraft Last of Strike Leaders Apprehendad It is designed to sell at a price are capable of illuminating the son who moves the 800, 000, 000 Co. by order of the Department below two thousand dollars.
It will be remembered that one Bustos, however, succeeded in plane before it cames within range candle power lights to the points of Commerce.
of those who prominently partici evading the police these many of the defending guns, about mid picked up by the sound detectors.
The Soviet government has pated in the Strike Movement here months, so it was not till Tuesday The machine is a small highw nounced the building of a similar last year, was the communist Lino last that he was captured at Siquiing monoplane powered with an plane but with a maximum speed Bustos and whose arrest was order rres. He has been taken to San Natives Prefer Direct British Rule inexpensive six cylinder automobile of 70 miles per hour while that of ed by the Legal Authorities for his Jose where the charges against him On behalf of the natives of Union of South Africa.
engine. Its weight is said to belthe American machine will be 115 alleged subversive acts.
due will be proceeded with in Beachuanaland, the Regent of Ba1050 pounds with a span course.
Chief Tshekedi contends that of 32 miles.
de mamwata, Chief Tshekedi Kanca, the records of the Union governhas issued a strong appeal that they ment disproves the claim that the The Baptist Silver Jubilee Fair be allowed to remain under the natives of the protectorate would rule of the United Kingdom gov benefit by being incorporated in by the Rev: William Forde, on the nominated for election, but the The Silver Jubilee Fair. put on ground. There were about eight ernment and not transferred to the Ithe Union.
evening of the 6th. instant, the SERVICIO DE VAPORES contest occasion of the celebration of the Cyrus and Miss Iris Williams, the was set between Miss King 25th anniversary of his suc. latter getting the prize, a Cake, by Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK cession to the throne con escala en CRISTOBAL We beg to call your attention to our remark HABANA success in every way.
y votes which totalled 90 and 92 respect.
at the back of receipt which reads: LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS There was a great throng of ively. The Booths were all tastily pleasure seekers, and they simply decorated and a flaming banner VAPORES SALIDAS This bill must be paid at our did enjoy themselves. They show on which was inscribed the words PETEN 19 de Mayo ed Yankee that they appreciate no GOD SAVE THE KINĆ, float office before the 15th of the month VERAGUA.
26 de Mayo other Band as they do his. The ed over all, thus adding lustre to QUIRIGUA. de Junio stalls did a fair amount of busin the occasion.
Be so good as to comply with this request ess. The raffles for Cushions and FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sues.
and do not oblige us to suspend our service, other attractive items of handiSuch amusements as these a step which we would much regret to take.
craft were well patromized by the healthy sport and ought to be more Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS young gentlemen; while the most frequent to bring out the spirit of Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United Compañía Eléctrica de Limón amusing and interesting feature of comradeship among our people.
Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica the Fair was the voting for the Bravo friend Forde, you are alTELEFONO 3156 most popular young lady on the ways in for Progress.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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    CommunismItalySovietSubversiveWorld War

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