
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, 18th. May 19 We used to go out and bring home the bacon. Nowadays we expect to have it delivered.
Give your children protection. Japan Ready to Finance Big Navy. Head line. This means, naturally, she has the yen for it.
Good times will be here when men trousers begin to bag at the pockets instead of at the knees.
What to become of your youngsters if you should die before they are self supporting?
GET LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. One. half the world doesn know how the other half lives, and is not especially worried on the subject.
Hereby Hangs Tale as one, show it.
a one were out He now conwe assume Queen Mary of England is to Through any local Agent or office of the pass on Princess Marina trous seau. Let hope that Mary won try to high hat Marina.
Banco Nacional de Seguros Add similes: As welcome as a collect telegram.
Official liquor. tasters announce that legal liquor is getting betTwo who are living as cheaplyter, and it doubtless takes an of Matina Judge Refutes Statements AN OLD LIMONENSE ficial taster to notice it.
The Editor of the tion of protesting against it as being With us has been an old resident own account.
false as you will see that some of the Mr.
If golf balls should sprout, the Emanuel Thompson, This country will always have Atlantic Voice.
very persons whose names are men time employee of the United Fruit delighted to see him even though Mr. Thompson friends were reforestation problem would be several millions of unemployed Limon.
tioned in the article have here af solved.
looking for work wherever they fixed their names.
Company Supplying Department. his visit, being one of business was know they can find it.
Dear Sir: We are hereby assuring the entire On finding that this department short and he returned to Panama As far as crooners are concerned, With reference to an article ap public that, for the many months the was not sufficietly lucrative, Mr. as soon as his transactions how about a coast to coast hush The man who passes the collec pearing in last Saturday issue of said Judge Alvarez has served in Thompson struck for larger completed.
the District of Matina, there up?
tion plate at church agrees with your weekly, charging me with ex been no direct proof of his execut lines has and brighter fields on independent The Atlantic Voice takes this the financial observer that the dol torsion, wish to say that have ing any illegality towards the public.
operates a Drug opportunity of wishing him Perhaps a banker would say: It lar has quit dropping. in my possession documentary and We can testify that the person who store at Puerto Armuelles on his tinued success.
not the principal, it the interest in other proofs to refute each and wrote such an article, had he not the thing We hear that Mussolini has cut every one of the misconducts at been a direct enemy of Judge AlvaIN MEMORIAM lawyers fees in Italy 13 per cent. tributed to me; and will in due rez, he would have affixed his signature just as we have done.
Current popular songs are for which gets the fees time establish criminal accusation In loving and unfading memory of our dear beloved Mothe Hill, Montague, Jack gotten too quickly to be used down to an even 100 per cent.
before the Courts to demand that son, Thomas Lindo, Gayle, RoEVELINA BAILEY against us by future generations.
that secret denouncer come to light. bert Richards, Forbes, The falsity of the incriminations Strachan, Antonio Richardson, Who departed this life on the 24th. May 1923.
Twelve years have passed since you were called You can tell those who have What all this fuss about my is patent, from the fact that the Rose, Parchment, Jones, To sleep that Blessed Sleep.
been broadened by travel. They teaching the children to fight? denouncer has sought the screen of Lawson, Hall, Daniel From which none ever wobe fo weep: Editor responsibility so as not to Clayton.
know how to pronounce visa. asks Mussolini. Did they sleep of calm and urdisturbed repose.
append his signature to what he Unbroken by the loss of woes.
hear of babies in arms?
Asleep in Jesus: Oh, how sweet knows is absolutely false. Luckily, METROPOLITAN BUREAU everyone who has lived in the Legal, Notarial General Madlin, Carmela, Thaddeus Province of Limon for any length Business Transactions DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA of time, knows that when police Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. officials are bound by law and orCRICKET NEWS Avenida San José My untarnished reputation of ders to perform certain duties to honesty.
Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad My intelligence and The Excelsior and Construction The fielding of the L and Colegio de Señoritas the detriment of others showers of high calibre efficiency constitute Clubs met on Sunday the 12th. Inst. was shocking; Williams and MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, charges and incriminations always the necessary and all important in a Cup match. The Construction Kerr played pluckilly for a draw.
Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb FACTORS which constitute my perfect wicket and ran up a score by Isaac Francis at three minutes to wimning the toss selected to bat on a but Kerr got bowled, unfortunately, Very respectfully yours SURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the Iron Clad Guarantee to my ac of 122 runs for six wickets. They the call of Time.
Enrique Catulo Alvarez. tual and prospective CLIENTS, then declared and sending in the neck of Womb The Excelsior will meet the WanRADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small at derers tomorrow, we wish them betMatina, May 13th. 1935. who confide to my care, di Excelsior to bat dismissed them medium sized) by way of the Urethra rection and administration, the the last moment for 46 runs. ter luck.
Sr. don handling of their BUSINESS and Rogelio Gutiérrez GENERAL AFFAIRS.
Director The Atlantic Voice. EGBERT POLSON Judge the Accountant, Interpreter, Trans convict named Raap, who has known as the silent system. pris undersigned do hereby take the op lator, Judicial Business Agent.
been serving a term of imprison. oners being permitted to converse ment in the Alcatraz Island Pri and smoke for only FIVE minutes son, and is at Chebalos, Washing. each morning and afternoon.
ton, awaiting trial on charges of The prison is built on an Island Limon, Costa Rica, On ocean front assault and jail breaking, alleges in the Bay of San Francisco, and Comfortable rooms. Rooms with bath. Well ventilated that three prisoners had become house the most desperate Federal dining room. First class table. Good assorted bar. insane and a fourth was nearly so Prisoners of the United States.
Sample room because of inhuman treatment. There are 243 there at present, inLUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress Raap told newspapermen that the cluding the famous Chicago gansPost Office Box 236. Telephone prison is operated under what is Iter Al Capone.
never follow.
Alleges Inhuman Prision Treatment Re an article written against St See the Radio that thinks!
PARK HOTEL Initernational Correspondence Schools In RCA VICTOR Magic Brain. Range, Tone and Reception Are Finer than Ever!
RCA VICTOR RADIO The Universal University Without cost or obligation, please send me full particulars about the subject before which have marked X: Costa Rica Radio Perry Girton TECHNICAL AND INDUSTRIAL COURSES Accountancy Advertising Bridge and Building Civil Engineer Train Operation Architect Welding. Electric and Gas Foreman Surveying and Mapping Chemistry. Pharmacy Architectural Draftsman Reading Shop Blueprints Engines Refrigeration Coal Mining Engineer Building Estimating Telegraph Engineer Diesel Engines Locomotives Navigation. Boilermaker Wool Millworking Telephone Work Aviation Engines Section Foreman Textile Overseer or Supt.
Conractor and Builder Mechanical Engineer Automobile Mechanic Highway Engineering Cotton Manufacturing Structural Draftsman Mechanical Draftsman Plumbing. Steam Fitting Bridge and Woolen Manufacturing Structural Engineer Machinist. Toolmaker Heating. Ventilation Building Foreman Agriculture Electric Wiring Pattern maker Sheet Metal Worker Air Brakes Fruit Growing Electrical Engineer Pipefitter Tinsmith Steam Engineer Chemistry Poultry Farming Electric Ligthing Bridge Engineer Steam Electric Engineer Good English Radio. Marine Engineer BUSINESS TRAINING COURSES Exclusion Of Negroes From Juries Held Megal Business Management Accountancy Spanish French Signs Grade School Subjects Office Management Cost Accountant Salesmanship Stenography and Typing High School Subjects WASHINGTON, 14. The Jury which brought in the verdict Industrial Management Accountant Advertising Complete Commercial College Preparatory Supreme Court continues its op of guilty.
Personnel Management Bookkeeping Business Correspondence Civil Service Mail Carrier Illustrating Cartooning position to the exclusion of NeTraffic Management Secretarial Work Lettering Show Cards Railway Mail Clerk Lumber Dealer groes from Juries. sentence of Chief Justice Hughes cited, as Name City Address death imposed on one Jesse Hol la precedent, the famous case of lins, a negro of Oklahoma, was Scottsboro, in which the sentence Cia. Publicidad Moderna. Representantes San José, Apartado 1354 today declared void because no of death was annulled for a similar CAT negro was permitted to sit no the reason.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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