
PAGINA Saturday, 18th. May 1935 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Comments on Cricket SAL UVINA enwas For Liver Stomach Ailments and ers.
Seem was a nilinorous TO cuc no impressions are to An increasing number of local Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association Beating Criminals With Own Weapons By The Ball Target Range in Basement of Departament of Justice Building, Washington Where Organization and Science Revert to There appears to be some kind against the Irons. may we Law of Six Shooter of Club amalgamation going on, quire why this was so?
By Milliner with the Pathfinders as the centre link between the and The Pathfinder. Wanderer Tucked away in the basement evidence which will convict them.
THE RIGHT SALTS the Burial Scheme Clubs. These Match quite sensational Federal training school for the huge new Department of three Clubs seem not to care whet struggle; the Youngsters fought Justice Building, with its walnut lawenforcement officers will enher they win or lose against each desperately for victory; the pavilion doors, is a rifle range.
seek courage the communities to Bullets which might be tearing the informational cooperation of other, their only aim being to stop was restless; the Wanderers in a after another Dillinger or Pretty the Government, vital in these days the other Clubs. This is not at all sea of troubles, their batsmen trema bad idea if they can maintain it. bled; the Pathfinders seemed nerBoy Floyd crack against the steel when State boundaries can be crosThen we see the enemies. the vous at one stage; and the spectaplate at one end of the gallery, sed by motor car or air plane and Wonderers and the Construction tors were kept under a great strain and bury themselves in sawdust, when criminals shift their activities being the best of friends (at least to the fall of the last ket. It prosaically enough. The marks of from one area to another.
machinegun bullets show them.
Invaluable for the Treatment of they outwardly pretend being so. was a decent struggle throughout; selves in the splintered wood at the One suggestion is the creation They are keeping together to shew and although a wonderful one, base of the sawdust bin.
of a national teletype or radiothe public that our Champion, the cannot offer my congratulations to Six floors up, the Attorney Ge broadcast system of police com Flatulence And all forms Motive Power, holds her title only the Youngsters. Masters Brown neral may be working on ethereal munication.
because she had no crime anywhere contestants; and Smith were responsible for matters of law, but the basement, would be known everywhere.
Indigestion of Stomach they are endeavouring to safeguard the victory as well as for some of themselves against being whipped the misconduct. Master Harriseparated by its sound proof walls, holds the ifesh and blood prepar Another part of the program is Colics Disorders by one or other of the small Clubs, son should be chastized. Capt.
who are called the Trouble Mak. Dixon should seriosly lecture them ations for maintaining the law. the encouragement of State departFrom the basement the scene of ments of justice. State police The Motive Power on their faults for the sake of the direct action shifts to a floor above would be a part of these agencies, FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES friendless, standing as she does Club.
the Attorney General. In this se transcending boundaries.
alone, like a target, with all the cond domain of the Director of The response to the crime conguns ranged against her; but notMANUFACTURED BY: Monday game withstanding this, she seem made Investigation, 4, 800, 000 fingerference has convinced the Departprint records are on file, ten times ment of Justice that its program Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa of hard steel, for even when. the Fearless went too strong as many as at New Scotland Yard. will be accepted.
SAN JOSE ieft. Bravo for the Pathfinder second Ele They are coming in at the rate keep holding your own partiven; Banton, Lawrence, BlacksMore police organizations haw and Turrialba Clarke forof 2, 800 a day. The contributors cularly when confronted by the are 7, 000 police departments, penal offering cooperation with the FeWanderers and the Construction, got to carry baskets in which institutions, sheriffs, marshals, and deral authorities.
We ako notice there are among secure their corches. The bowling other agencies of the law.
us a few Club Frogs, the kind was fautless, particularly that of who jump from one Club to the Wright; Hurdly batting was. now more. are Index Card System sending in fingerprints to the BuREPORT OF ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT other. Moor; Jones; wonderful. We are hoping to find Amos Hall and Brown.
of Identification. From the these two in the match against the The There are 5, 800, 000 index cards.
heats The following report on the: The Club secured a total of 754 first has done his circuit, but we finders dropped no less than six Irons next month. The Path.
average of 2, 09 received each day operations of the Athletic depart runs in all the matches for the loss see he has returned to the City, Names methods of criminal opera identifications go back causing the ment of the Costa Rica Burial of 118 wickets, as against our perhaps to enroll in the new Club. catches, and we noticed that Capt.
ations, and crime statistics are on file.
apprehension of twelve criminals a Scheme Association for the year opponents 946 runs for 123 wick is nearing the end of his cir. Dixon very extravagantly got himIf you are in a robbed bank and day.
ending December 1934 was recente ets. Our highest score wa 94 aga cuit, being already enrolled in three self a new pair of glasses. Is it for overhear one of the gangsters callAs the finger prints come in, ly presented by the Club Secretary, inst the Excelsior Sport Club on Clubs taking part in the Competi the betterment of his sight in the ing his pal Gyp, this department, they are classified, searched, and Me. Campbell: the 10th June, while our lowest tion. Amos has just landed in the next match?
at a moment notice, can supply answers dispatched to the localities This department was organized was 38 against the Fearless on the Motive Power after quitting the the names of all known criminals in thirty six hours.
the hoch. December 1933 by 15th. April. The highest score Secretaryship of the Excelsior; bearing that nickname. If you find Messrs. Blackman and Fos made against us was that of 134 when he appeared in the Model Compro estampillas usaPrints Exchanged Ithe scene of a piece of cloth ter with whom were associated for nine wickets by the Motive Excelsior Club last season, he had das: Costa Rica, Centro, crime, the weave and texture of Messrs. Goulbourne, Scar Power on the 25th. March; Sur y Norte América; y toPolice agencies in sixty four lett, McCarty and Hylton while the lowest was 42 by the wondering where next he intends just left the Construction. We are the threads under analysis here foreign countries exchange finger as Directors. The other Officers Fearless on the 22nd. April.
da clase de estampillas Euwill speed the investigation.
ropeas. Pago los mejores going. Perhaps he will enlighten Not far away from that omi prints. request from were Messrs. Matthews, Man The highest individual score was us. The last is Nathan, who has precios del país.
nous shootingrange is another sign South Africa sought men in Chica ager; McKenzie, President; 27 by Mr. Johnson against the jumped from the Burial Scheme of the Capital new deal for cri go, Cleveland, and New York.
Bernard, Captain; Young, Vi Excelsior on the 20th. May in Cup José Dolores Marenco to the Pathfinders.
The Federal agents, minals. It is an arsenal in the new to begin Ice President; Campbell, Secret Cricket. McIntosh also made a Bajos de la Pensión Amébuilding. An arsenal ready for use accountants. They go to training ary.
with, are largely lawyers or expert ary and McIntesh, Asst. Secret similar number of runs in a friend notice the absence of Mr.
We were very much surprised to rica. Frente a la Estación.
for this is one of the district head schools for twelve weeks, and they ly game against the same Club on Nation from the pitted)
quarters for the special Federal At the time of organization the 28th. January. McIntosh must be expert marksmen. The last there were 21 members and at the obtained the highest batting averagents.
Cheese and Butter Compulsory Under lock and key, behind steel a standing requirement, is tested end of the year we had 35 playing age of 10. 16 with 61 runs; JohnSALE OF BLOODED with Meals doors, are the latest types of rifles monthly.
and Honorary members. son 12, 33 with 37; Spence So as to populatize its dairy proand gas bombs. The weapons that That accounts for the new shoot The Club entered the Cup Com with 45 and Young 37 with STOCK ducts and assist farmers, the State the gangsters themselves prefer are ing range in the new Department petition and played four games. 59.
To the Stock Breeders of Assembly of Wisconsin has adopt.
ready. machine guns and blunt of Justice Building. Organization We won two, were lost. The Mo The bowling honours go to the Province, Mr. Simeon ed a measure under which hotels submachine guns, sawed off rifles. and science go back again to the tive Power were the winners of the Young, who got 13 wickets for 74 There are long black cases for trigger, and the Division of Inves. Cup, to whom we tender our hear. runs, an average of 69 per wickand restaurants, etc. are compellRichards of Penshurstofed to serve at least one third ounce an agent to carry his equipment in. cigation does not forget it. That tiest congratulations. We came et. His best performance was five fers for Sale, a Fine Lot of.
of cheese and two thirds ounce of They might be violin cases, but accounts for the exit of John Dil. next to the Champions and were wickets for 10 runs against the Nine Cows and a Montgobutter with each meal costing they play a strange tune.
linger, Baby Face Nelson, and designated Runners Up. We Bananero on the 18th, Fe mery Pole Buffalo Bull.
twenty five cents or more.
An advisory Committee is at others whose activities made them also played four friendly games, of bruary. Next is Harrison who Anyone requiring genuine woman member of the As.
work determining how these crime marks on the records of Washing, which we won two, lost one and got 29 wickets for 224 runs and good milking Cows should sembly protested that the law fighting activities of the Depart ton.
drew one.
averaged 24 per wicket.
commnicate with Mr. Riwould entail more exercise and ment of Justice may become a nachards, Penskurst Estrella additional reducing costs on such tional scientific and educational Line.
women who desired to retain slim enter.
on recent team figures.
Institute of Criminology Banco Internacional de Costa Rica Banco del Estado Unico Emisor ofrece al público los servicios de su Its recommendations will pave the way to creation of machinery for a kind of institute of criminoy logy. It will involve a training.
school for local law enforcement officers. It will not become a Scoand Yard, nor the nucleus of a ederal police force encroaching upon the States and localities.
As a matter of fact, Federal authorities claim they have a more complete machinery for crime detection, and, in some respects, more powers, than Scotland Yard.
The committee is working toward establishment of such training for the select in the local police forces as may open a scientific career in crime law administration.
Indirectly every cop on his beat Juld be affected. The idea is to ke him more conscious of the pperations of criminals, how to meet them, and how to select the SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Removal of 250, 000 Slum Houses which provides for the removal of Rapid progress is said to be tak. 250, 000 houses. So far 47, 041 reing place in connection with the newals have been completed, of British government five year plan which 25, 000 were constructed in for slum clearence. The April fi the month of March.
State Bank gures of scheduling the areas and the submission of orders for de Woman Wanted for Sole Bank of Issue molition and building are all in adVice President vance of the monthly average re Feminista in Washington are Offers the Public the quired to carry out the programme reported to be discussing the idea Services of its of securing the election of a wo! BREAD BREAD. man as the next Vice President of Eat only the best bread.
the United States. Some, however. BERLIN SPECIAL LOAF including Mrs. Franklin Roos Made only by BOOTH evelt, are of the opinion that the The best that may be had time may not be ripe for such a in the country.
IN THE Don forget to call at BOOTH and take home a Hundreds of Chinese perish in loaf of Berlin Special Mine bread.
In consequence of a short cir.
Trying one will convince All Kinds of Bank Service cuit which prevented the elevators you, that this is positively from working four hundred ChiRendered the best loaf of bread, nese are reported to have perished made in Costa Rica in a mine in Tzechyan. All efforts made for their resue were less EN LA CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON para toda clase de servicio bancario


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