
RIIE ATLANTIC VOICE First Pastoral Letter of Bishop Walliparten The Matina Allegations.
Don Julio Acosta Retires tionists Ein the fieling that the winter angry foolish, but with the probabili Thanks to Mr. Sheehy very were in Apostolic of Limón Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone To the beloved Priests and Faithful of Our Vicariate, Peace, Grace and postolic Blessing Año No. 46 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, 25th. May 1935 Price: 15 per copy The inscrutable designs of God Angels announced at the Birth of have willed, that We, an humble the Divine Saviour (Luke II, 14)
collaborator in the spiritual work To God glory in heaven; and on of this Vicariate, should be choseni earth peace to men of good will.
by the Holy See of Rome, to con To obtain this Divine Glory, tinue, after being elevated to the and to give to men Peace with Our last issue carried a most immediately communicated with us The somewhat unexpected retit greatest difficulty, however, ap sublime episcopal dignity, the task God, with themselves and with glaring attack against the Editor of denouncing the trick which had ement of don Julio Acosta from pears to be the securing of such of leading you to your final desti their brethren in the world, Our our English Section for his having been perpetrated on them. Among the Presidential Campaign has a candidate. The names of various nation, which is life everlasting: Lord Jesus Christ founded His inserted in the previous wek im chese was Thomas Lindo who was given rise to the greatest possible parties have been mentioned, but as successor of the egregious Apos Holy Catholic Church, an incompression, certain apparent irregu forced to take to the woods around amount of concern among the poli up to this time nome of them seem tle Monsignor Blessing, whom God parable Masterpiece of His infinite laties alleged to have been commit Matina for a period of about a tically inclined, and especially disposed to come forward. has rewarded with the laurels of Wisdim, whose duty it shauld be to ted by the Agent of Police at Ma week until a Mule was given as a among those who had been affiliat Lic. don Leon Cortes is now the immortality for his innumerable guard safely the Treasury of His tina and which were conveyed to security for the payment of the ed with his party.
only candidate in the field and his hardships and fatigues endured Doctrine for mankind, and throThe entire phase of the his knowledge by reliable sources fine. James Jones, Spence and cam supporters are disposed, it is said, for His greater glory among the ugh which the stream of His Puin that district.
some of the other signatories have paign may probably be affected to the opision that don Julio re flock of Our Lord Jesus Christ. rifying Precious Blood, in the form The attack included a threat of fled, while others are being hunt the activities of those who have hit ened their cause.
and particularly so in so far as tirement has materially strength Our Heart is full of the most of heavenly Grace, was to flow Criminal prosecution and was ac ed and lathed like infected insects. herto been keeping aloof are con On the other hand, the Re elec remainder of Our life with com it.
noble intentions to consecrate the into all hearts that would long for companied by a letter bearing the Needless to say the Tool, who cerned.
are inclined to feel that plete abnegation and by the grace Indeed, the Divine Saviour could signatures, or probably, more co was the instrument in procuring trectly the names of some of the the deception, is praying for the held, and we understand an effort nomination and re electios of don Various meetings are now being their determination, to secure the of God. to the Divine glory, and well have chosen any other means notables of the township. To the mountains to hide him.
to procure your welfare in the of purchasing Our Redemption; is being made to secure a combina. Ricardo, has become much more field of Catholic evangelization. but He chose this one: Society casual observer, this would lend We had decided to desist from tion of the various groups into a favourable since the obstacle for colour to the charge of The decive of Our escutcheon that would last till the end of time, committed against the untarnished further intervention in the matter. single Party, whose undivided sup his demitting office has now been is quite explicit with regard to one, like the supernatutal Truth; character of the Officer in question resorted to not only with a Candidate. The principal but on discovering the gross decep port would be available to a new removed.
these firm intentions. As the Prop Holy, in its magnificient teachings, and tion, and the many friends of the het Isaias foretold of Our Lord able to produce Holiness in sincere Editor must have begun to view of causing us all to appear Jesus Christ nine centuries before and generous souls; teachings tain was His Birth, that He would come to which flow like a stream of crystalcriminal tainly in for a serious drumming; announce the good tidings of sal. clear water from the mouth of His but on sane observation it would be succeeding against us, we had to All things come to them who to travellers at a most dreary spot vation to the poor, Evangelizare Apostle elected by Himself noted that the majority of the naalter our determination of allowing wait, said the Count of Monte on the road.
pauperibus misit me (Luke IV, and perpetuated throughout the sleeping dogs to lie and actively Cristo.
mes appearing to the letter 18. so hall We, following His di centuries in Catholic ecclesiastical of irresponsible. engage ourselves in an investiga Several months ago we pleaded, Our sincere thanks Mr. Sheeky; vine example, preach the good tid. Heirarchy. We have His solemn of dubious characteristics others. tion as to the veracity of this scan through these columns, to Mr, but we are asking you to bear in ings of the Gospel in the only and word for it that His Church as a dal.
the known parasites of the AgenFrank Sheehy, the General Super mind our request for a Flag Sta true universal or Catholic Church pure, immaculate and perfect socia; still others, the proteges We now ask all persons who intendent of the Northern Railway tion at the Limon Telephose Booth, founded by Him, to all the poor: ciety, will live till the end of the forbidden accupations; and the re have been punished or fined at Company, for several well needed to facilitate the residents of Ciene because in the sight of Good we all world: Behold am with you all mainder, the dupes of misplaced Matina, from January to the 20th. improvements in the service of the guita, Santa Rosa, Camp One, the are poor men, and whatsoever good days even to the consummation of confidence, were decieved into sig. May 1935, to come in whenever it Railway. With much gratitude, the Pound Road and Mrs. Arnold there may be in us cometh from the world. Mat. XVIII, 20)
ning or allowing their names to be may be most convenient for them, public acknowledges the gradual Hill Such a station would save God alone. Eoce ego vobiscum sum omnibus affixed to a document distinct and during the ensuing fortnight and accomplishments of their request. then a long walk, in the hot sun This task We shall accomplish diebus, usque ad consumationem apart from the main issues. give their declarations at the Gov. waiting room has been granted or a drenching shower, to the re with the mind and heart of a su saeculi. endowed with the power The honest ones, on observing ernor office regarding how and at Siquirres; and saw he has con gular station. We are satisfied you baltern commanding officer of and divine authority to teach, to that their names had been attach why they were fined or imprison ceded another of the requested im. will help when the opportunity af. The king of Ages, Immortal. In govern and to sanctify its memed and loathed like infected insects. led.
provements. a waiting shed at the fords. We thank you, therefore, in visible, the only God, to whom be bers.
Monte Verde Switch, a real rest anticipation.
honour and glory forever and Suffrage For South African Natives ever. Tim. 17. Miles Therefore, the Divine Founder The South African Parliament, the Union. second Bill suggests Christi Regis sum. is our motto: constituted in her a teaching, govSoldier of Christ the King. erning and sanctifying body which influenced, no doubt, by surrousd the establishment of a Native Ading present day activities, is revisory Council of twenty Our own strength is nothing; we call Ecclesiastical Hierarchy, ported to be giving consideration members to advise Parliament on and nothing our value for such a consisting of The Pope, Vicar of to certain measures for improving matters affecting the Natives, and great undertaking; but we say Jesus Christ, Supreme visible head with the Apostle of the Gentiles: of the Church, successor of St.
the lot of the Natives.
a third provides for the grant of Much interest is being exhibited drama have been released on bail Omnia possum in eo qui me con. Peter, to whom Christ Himself gave Native Representation Bill 14, 000, 000 additional acres of land proposes the election of four Sena to natives and greater opportunities tion with the celebrated around our City Courts in connec Jof a thousand colones each, but no fortat. can do all things in the keys of the Kingdom of heators to the Union Parliament by for local self government. after one has, up to this, come forward Him who strengtheneth me. Phil. ven (Math. XVI, 18, 19) with the six million natives throughout!
Death sale in the Charles Tory to do the needful for poor cousin IV. 13. ample power to rule and endowed Estate, and a great deal of anxiety Perry.
Your supplications, with divine assistance so that he also Legal Canonization It is. who which We beg of you, in solemn declaCardinal John Fisher and Sir The Canonization ceremony was ter. Already the detention of one dead man, Charlie. signed the Bill light to guide Us, prudence to in from Christ; and consisting, furt Thomas Moore, who were behead attended by thousands of English of the Lawyers, who operated the of Sale to Perry, will also be placed sure Our proceedings and mission hermore, of The Bishops, succes ed, during the reign of King Hen pilgrims and most of the British alleged post sale as under arrest as soon as the Judge ary strength to encourage Us on sors of the Apostles who, through ry VIII of England, for opposing Episcopates. The facade and dome well as one of the purchasers was is satisfied there is a case of for the road to Our personal perfection Divine Institution, preside over his activities against the Catholic of St. Peter Cathedral were illu ordered by the Alcalde carrying gery to be answered.
as well as your great supernatural parts of the church (Archdioceses, Church, were elevated to the dig minated by 5, 000 torches and lan out the investigation. These were, It is understood that the arrest progress.
Dioceses and Apostolic Vicariates)
nity of Saints by His Holiness ters in celebration of the occasion. however, liberated on Bail; and of the first purchaser, who made To fight for all that is good; to which they govern with ordinary Pope Pius XI last Sunday.
one other perchaser in the his purchase three days before the lead as Commanding Officer. jurisdiction under the authority of transaction, which is said to have death of the vendor, was due to the soldiers of Christ, to encour the Roman Pontiff and appointed been anti dated January 7th. is the evidence of the hospital Doctor, age mankind in its efforts to gain by himself. Codex Juris Canon.
under arrest. This party is he who who declared that the man had Heaven, to preserve the Faith Can 329 and To the Pope highway robbery of a rather med men, who threatened to take was reported to have died in the been dying for five days prior to amongst the faithful, to attract in union with the Bishops, aided audacious nature is reported to his life if he did not hand over to hospital, and whose corpse was sup his death and was therefore not in with love and self denial. the way by the clergy, especially the parish dabave taken place last Tuesday in them all he had with him. Thus posed to have been sent to his re a fit state of mind to sign any ward, to spread the celestial light priests. pertains the teaching of the vicinity of Guapiles. threatened and being alone, the un latives at Westfalia. He is now transaction.
of the Gospel amongst the mis the Gospel, the governing of the According to the information fortunate man had no alternative released from the grave and the guided and those who know it not, Church and the sanctification of received, a Pole (Polaco) left San but to do as was demanded of him. hospital but confined in the Tombs These are matters on which the is what We believe to be the dig the faithful in this admirable hieJose, as he ha sbeen accustomed to The rogues then immediately took of the Campos College awaiting several Lawyers connected with the nity with which the Lord through rarchic order which originates from do, with a large supply of merchan to the bushes.
the disposition of the Criminal case will have to display their skill His Holy Church has adorned Us. the Apostles. The Pope rules the dise for trading in the various disJudge.
to upset, if they can, the decisions This We wish to do with the glo whole Church, and the Bishops tricts along the Old Line. On The Police are on the search for The former two characters in this lof the investigating Judge. rious anxiety and desire that we aided by the clergy and with depen.
nearing Guapiles he was suddenly them and are sanguine they will all may triumph in the supernatu dency on the Pope, govern the accosted by two masked and ar soon locate them Six Dollars per Day for Ford Employees ral life.
Dioceses or Apostolic Vicariates.
By a cable from Detroit, we are Dollars.
The harvest of this work will be This hierarchic institution is by informed that Mr. Henry Ford, It is estimated that, after this rate the beautiful and abundant in the field no means the result of the expemillionaire manufacturer, has an. Compnay will pay out the sum of of Our Vicariate of Limon when rience of centuries, nor human in We beg to call your attention to our remark nounced he will, from the 22nd. two million dollars every month it is warmed by the sunlight of vention; it is based upon divine at the back of receipt which reads: instant, be paying his employees af. to its one hundred and twenty five God Grace and nourished by the ter the minimum daily rate of Six Ithousand workers.
waters of our good will as the To Page This bill must be paid at our COUPON office before the 15th of the month Three Days Excursion To San Jose The 1935 Cricket Guessing Competition Train will leave Limon WEDNESDAY July 17th. at a.
Be so good as to comply with this request Prize 25. 00 and return leaving San Jose FRIDAY July 19th, at p.
and do not oblige us to suspend our service, Highest Individual Score ADULTS 00 CHILDREN 00 a step which we would much regret to take.
Name Estrada, Matina, 25 Miles 00 Siquirres 500 Train WILL NOT run via Castro Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Address (TEN CENTS ENCLOSED Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association The Fictitious After Death Purchase two constant of English Martyrs circles in connection with the mar declared they witnessed when the wall obtain for us from Heaven rations in matters of faith inherited montem now Highway Robbery at Guapiles Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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