
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, 25th. May 1935 ken side view instead of front.
Anniversary of Burial Last Sunday Match Scheme Assen new car.
Seriously Affects Aliens Hereby Hangs Tale that said the visitor.
ment, all did hce NO NO vel ms is sint census um real Ibeen lop Not The Wanderers Of Old wy De Praise. That office manager speaks very highly of us, The Wanderers met the Excel ting, effected a draw with 85 runs Ella. heard him say we were sior in a Cup engagement on the to their credit and three wickets to perfect nonetities!
18th. inst. The former elected to fall. Had Garfield, who was play The Costa Rica Burial Scheme members and implored those who bat and had much difficulty in ing fine cricket, not retired by a Go Ahead. We hate to men Association, founded on May 5th. were already members to stead. putting up 100 runs due to the special call, it is evident the Wantion the gent who brought suit 1928, began celerating its seventh fastly fulfil their obligations. technical bowling of Johnson derers would have been defeated.
against his tailor for promise of Anniversary by running an Excur The Promoter, Mr. Black and young Hayling, a son of Mr. Tomorrow the Burial Scheme, breaches.
sion train to Turrialba on the 5th. man, gave the principal address. Victor Hayling. They declared on under the Captaincy of the old corcumstances made the 5th. mfwy He expressed thanks to God for their last wicket.
Veteran, Mr. Sam Nation, will meet Hardly Only a Mere Pittance. instant, and although converging His goodness and favour towards the Construction, who are considA newly married woman was show circumstances made that date un the Society, and to those who had The Excelsior, by careful bat lered the strongest team in town.
ing off to a friend the treasure of uspicious for such an undertaking, stood with him from the beginning her home, including a neat sports a margin of success for the finan. and had weathered all the Society Commercial Nationalization Law cial good and welfare of the So rough seasons. He also invited all suppose your father got you ciety has been reported. Another to discard their lethargy and inexcursion is projected for San Jose, difference and actively participate Not likely, was the indignant July 17, 18, 19, when it is hoped a in the good cause. Bro. ManzaThe Panamanian government interior of the country, only eight uply. George woudn accept such larger number of the inhabitants nares, another native member, then intends to rigidly enforce the Com. have been classified as ProparThat Comes Later. see a thing. All that father pays for will rally to the good cause. The contributed a guitar solo.
mercial Nationalizatios Law, pas tional.
you re letting your little boy drive it the rent and the housekeping round trip will cost only 00 The Choir and others, who con sed some time last year for the It is stated that a large section with a three day stop over in the tributed to the evening entertain protection of the native trader; this of the commercial community is your car.
expenses. Yes, he still too young to be Metropolis.
so splendidly that will result, according to latest adv. agitating against the law, and a trusted as a pedestrian.
Applause. You re home earl.
On Tuesday night, May 14th, there need be no individual men ices, in over two hundred allen bu subscription being raised with a ly from the court Mrs. Murphy. la fine Concert, the first of the tion. The audience was exceedinglysiness establishments having to view of carrying the master before Sandy Again. How much They shoved me out for clap Anniversary series, was held in the large and filled the entire build cease operating.
the Supreme Court of the Republictul ye charge to press a pair of pin when me usband got three Society Hall. splendid pro. ing. Refreshments were served at The law provides that only one on the ground that the law is untrousers? Sandy asked the pro munce.
gramme was presented and excel the close of the function, when establishmest to be termed Pro constitutional.
lently executed under the guidance many expressions of appreciation portional shall be granted for prietor of the drycleaner shop. shilling is our charge, was The Shock. say, Jane, of Mr. Escoe, Choir Master, and forthose who have been instrumen each 100 inhabitants of a given METROPOLITAN BUREAU ful the reply.
isn it time baby said Daddy? Mrs. Hamm, Directress of the cal in bringing the Society to so nationality residing in any district; of All right, he said, after a No, John; ve decided not to Juvenile Department. The Hall successful a position were given these will continue paying the reLegal, Notarial General while, just press one leg fir six tell him who you are until he gets was tastefully decorated for the Mr. Blackman untiring and un gular commercial tax. The additio Business Transactions Bis pence, and ll have my photy ta Istronger.
occasion. Owing to the regretable selfish zeal in the Society welfare nal cristing establishments desigBox 544. Cable. Metrobur. the absence of Mr. Nation, was particularly emphasized by all. nated Surplus will be taxed a My untarnished reputation of through illness, Bro. Goul. During the concert, a life size prohibited amount until it reaches honesty. My intelligence and DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA bourne, President of the Sick Be. Bust of Mr. Blackman, the Pro the sum of 75 per month high calibre efficiency constitute Avenida San José nefit Dept. acted as Chairman moter, was presented to the Socieof all the establish the necessary and all important and did so ably. Mamy beautiful ty by a Brother and unveiled.
Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad ments throughout the Republic has FACTORS which constitute my and Colegio de Señoritas anthems, duets and solos, inters. During the seven years of its been taken, and of the more than Iron Clad Guarantee to my ac fof MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, persed with a few select recitations existence, the Society has paid the 500 found to be in operation, less tual and prospective CLIENTS, Cho Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb and discourses, were rendered. sum of 57, 491. 50 for Death has 300 have been clossed as Pra who confide to my care, di.
SURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the The Cricket Report, read by grants on behalf of 96 members, portional; the remainder will, rection and administration, the ning Bro Lewis, neck of Womb was vociferously ap and 17, 900. 30 for Sick Allow therefore, either have to submit to handling of their BUSINESS and Tuhic RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small plauded, especially on the Bro. ances. The sum of 545. 35 was the payment of the prohibited tax GENERAL AFFAIRS.
winding up with a song which de paid, as Death grants. medium sized) by way of the Urethra on behalf or go out of business. The alien Shep fied the pitch of the piano. of the first four members, who merchants most seriously affected EGBERT POLSON ful Sr. Madriz addressed his nume died somewhat shortly after the are the Chinese, as of the hundreds Accountant, Interpreter, Trans 99 rous confreres in Spanish assuring founding of the Society, and whose of shops conducted by them, in the lator, Judicial Business Agent.
them of the unassailable stability Ipayments into the funds up to the of the Society, which he declared time of their deaths aggregated FIGHT AT THE On the 5th. inst. we saw the they will find themselves at the was the best of its kind in the the insigsificant sum of Eleven Cocolours of the Wanderers lowered end of this season. It would seem country and which shouldered grea lones and Forty Five Cents. It appears that Mortimer Wal liberty on the promise to by the Pathfinders in the Cup fix as if it only the name of the Club ter responsibilities for their fami It is hoped that the Society will ters sold a pieoe of water pipe, ten forth live as Brothers should.
ture. Contrary to the expectations which remains. They won the Bu lies in their hours of bitterest pain. have a long asd most successful feet long, after the rate of six cents of all, the Youths put it over the cial Scheme, simply because Capt. He invited his people to becomelife.
of the colon per foot to Bisenty, Ву ON THE SICK LIST Veterans in the cleanest manner. Bornard did not use his bowlers as a Trustee of the Universal Negro For many years the Wanderers re he should have done. The question Improvement Association. When Among the many persons who asily mained unbeaten and was the Pre now is, can they win another Cup Walters goes for his pay he de were recently admitted to mier Club, but on this occasion match?
mands gold rate instead of colouan de Dios Hospital, as patients, patio they were beaten by a team of The present positions of the With much regret we announce, has been making all sorts of de nes; a discussion arises, and goes are the following from our section houg nearly all Boys. It was the great competing Clubs are as follows the sudden and serious fit of insa nunciations of a suprstitions from words to blows. The police of the country: est surprise when Copt. Dixon led Motive Power, up; Pathfinders. nity which has befallen Miss Alber ture, with regard to her neighbours intervenes and they are both arrest Manuel Badilla, Guapiles; Luisa his ten youthful companions to up; Excelsior, Wanderers and tina Beckford, a very respected re and acquaintances, which many are ed; but after lecturing them on the Vidal. Siquirres: Joseph Wilson, Doces face the Fort of Gibraltar. The Construction, nil each; Burial sident of Cieneguita. Her brother. disposed to diagnose as confessions virtues of peace, and getting them Matina; Desiderio Barboza and God pitch was well prepared, so every Scheme, two down.
Mr. Wilfred Beckford, has the and visions; but these ought to be to shake hands, they are set at Belisario Drago, Limon.
one had a fair chance. Smith Who are the likely Champions? sympathy of all who have come in guaged by the peculiar state of which and Brown certainly deserve Spectator contact with them.
the mind of the unfortunate lady, every congratulation when it We wish the afflicted lady a who has been taken, in consequennoticed how batsmen like Marshall, speedy recovery from the awful malce, to the Asylum in San Jose.
Tomlinson and others were puzzady. In her demented condition, she berthe led by their slows.
We wish the Youths every success and hope they will be greatly Local Shorts FRANK MADURO Jr.
encouraged to play the game in a real sprotsmanlike manner and so Prop.
Mr. Felipe Alvarado has price of gasoline has been increasmake proper progress.
purchased, ac public auction, the ed, to 05 per gallon in drums The Wanderers again failed to Best native lumber In RCA properties of the Pirris Farm and and 2. 35 per gallon in cases, by VICTOR the Excelsior last Sunday. CompTrading Company for the sum of the Banco Nacional de Seguros, ared with their former achieve at moderate price Fifty thousand Colones. who administer the monpoly on ments, we are wondering where behalf of the governmest. The The party who arrived here from change is said to be due to the high Panama last Saturday, and in rate of exchange.
whose baggage Customs Officials Are Finer than Ever!
of this City discovered three hund The amount of bananas export(Línea Holandesa de Vapores)
red and fifty tickets of the Pana ed last week end from the Pacific ma Lottery, has been sentenced to plantations is stated to have total.
30 days in Jail and to pay a fine led over 3, 500 stems. This disclosn LLE of 200. 00. The tickets have been es a rapid increase in the trade confiscated and turned over to the from that section, as the quantity SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS RADIO Educational Board of the Porvince. at the start was much under 1, 000 LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS Sisce Monday last the wholesale stems.
31 de Mayo Strange Happenings Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fletes, dirigirse a We have received a communica and which have produced an exCompañía Ultramar from a Correspondent of traordinary amount of scandal Agentes Generales Nine Miles, giving information of throughout the locality. So serious FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs. certain manipulations of an un has been the result of the hapusually strange and peculiar natu penings, that it is alleged one of LIMON Perry Girton PUNTARENAS re having taken place there recently the principal factors has had to be among certais well known residents dispatched elsewhere.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
sus tady hence volve proud Among The Afflicted San naGod, Non asista Pany pour was Maduro Lumber Yard See the Radio that thinks!
opre und We streng Magic Brain. Range, Tone and Reception Salt Royal Netherlands Steamship Co. COLOMBIA RCA VICTOR VEF QUI PET Costa Rica Radio FE tion Sub Agentes en


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