
Saturday, 25th. May 1935 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA First Pastoral Letter.
Tuberculosis, The Dread Disease own SAL UVINA For Liver and Stomach Ailments Indigestion are a little From Page And therefore, for Our right instituted by Christ himself. consolation and your advantage, St. Paul. in his discourse in the We beg again most urgently the Of all the murderous diseases toled with tubercle bacilli, and tuberacts of the Apostles admonishes help of your prayers, and that, which humanity is subject, Tubercles are formed in his body, whetthe Bishops of Ephesus: Ar united with your Shepherd by the endite vobis, et universo gregi, in bonds of intimate Christian charTHE RIGHT SALTS culosis has, very justly, been des her he gets ill or not and shews cribed as the Captain of the symptoms of tuberculosis, depends quo vos Spiritus Sanctus posuit ity, of union and discipline and Band; a dire disease which takes on his resisting power. If the resisEpiscopos regere Ecclesiam Dei, zeal for the Glory of Christ, the its toll of the rich and poor, of tance is low, each tubercle conquam acquisivit sanguine suo. King of the universe, you will the young and old; but mainly of tinues to enlarge and becomes more Take heed to yourselves, and to the allow Us to lead you as docil and the young adult when at his best. like the usual skin abscess or boil.
whole flock, wherein the Holy solicitous children of the Church, In the interest of our future gen It may then discharge tubercle Ghost hath placed you Bishops to to the pure fountains of the Doc.
erations, it is, therefore, essential germs into the blood stream and rule the Church of God, which He trines of Christ, and the salutary that every effort should be made cause them to be scattered to all hath purchased with His own waters of the Holy Sacraments.
to check and eventually control it parts of the body. On the other blood. Acts XX, 28. Thus the Vicariate of Limon, Invaluable for the Treatment of But to do this successfully it is hand. if the infected person has The Bishops have to Judge, to though humble, will be like a flownecessary to have a clear knowled good resistance, the tubercle may Interpret, to consecrate, to ordain, er garden of Christian virtues, like ge of the symtoms, the precautions become surrounded by tough scar to sacrifice, to Baptize and to con a small but shining star in the firFlatulence And all forms which should be taken to prevent tissue similar to that formed over firm says the Roman Pontifical, mament of the Church; yet like a infection and, particularly, the an ordinary boil and nothing forasd these noble and sacred obliga. fortress ready for the Lord with of Stomach tions indicate how grave and se its spiritual pillars implanted firmmeasures necessary for its control. ther happens. Therefore whether But first of all what is Tubercu or not a person will develop tubera rious the mission of a Bishop is. ly in the powerful foundation of Colics Disorders losis? It is a disease of man and culosis, when he comes in contact Even the Apostle of the Gentiles the Christian edifice of our belov.
animals caused by a germ called with the germs, depende largely on stated this when he wrote in his ed Catholic Costa Rica.
the tubercle bacillus. These are of such person bodily condition and letter to Sr. Timothy: Fidelis ser And you have nothing to fear; FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES three types. that which causes the resistance with which he is able no: Si quis episcopatum desiderat, because though you disease in human beings, called the to meet the germ.
bonum opus desiderat. faith flock, for it hath pleased your FatMANUFACTURED BY. human type; that in animale, The symptoms of tuberculosis ful saying: if a man desire the of you partakers of his Kingdom called the bovine type and that may be regarded as the final result fice of bishop, he desireth a good Nolite timere, pusillus grex, quia Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa in birds known as the avian type. of a slow and long unrecognized work. Tim III, good complacuit Patri Vestro, dare SAN JOSE It is not known if the three types infection with tubercle germs and work is the Bishopric because of vobis regnum. Fear not, little are distinct from each other or wet Iso the patient has greater difficulty fulness of the priesthoo because flock, for it hath pleased your father they are of the very delicate obligations that her to give you a Kingdom. Luclosely related, but in resisting the disease.
each has destinct effects. Human The early symptoms of the diweigh up the shoulders of the ke XII, 32. Reminder beings can become infected and sease, as rule, vary with the manBishop who wears upon his breast The Divine King of times and made ill by the bovine type, but ner in which the germs get into the the Golden Pectoral, in form of a generations, Christ our Saviour, for Cricket matters as compared not by the avian.
body. The usual routes are through cross. for, if his dignity is supreme, will give us the Kingsdom of His Dear Mr. Editor: Knowing fully well your interest with the very few Subscribers from When the body is attacked by the respiratory system, which init is also a cross which hurts cons grace in this world, the dominions tantly the shoulders of the frail of peace, the benefits of Christian in Cricket. crave the indulgence among them. You all like to see the germs, an attempt is made to cludes the nose, throat. bronchial humas nature, and if the Bishop fraternity, patience and strength of your valued columns to remind your names published in regard to fight them and to keep them from tubes, the lungs and the alimentary wears also a Precious Ring, token in the contradictions of life, in che Cricketing Community, and your batting and bowling achieve bu ETAOI TTTT canal which leads from the mouth of his spiritual betrbothal with the worries, poverty and sickness. and the Public in general, of our excur ments. but how very few of you increasing in number. This fight, to the stomach and bowels. They or reaction, is the same no matter then pass on to nearby glands Church within the flock that has after this brief earthly existencesion train on Sunday 9th. June. The will subscribe for a copy.
If there be no improvement in what kind of germ is the invader where they lodge, multiply, and been instructed to him, then that He will make us partakers of His Cause is such a good one that similar to that ring is a strong netalic circler glorious Resurrection, His triumph am asking but two favours. Firstly your support we shall soon have to and the degree of reacton, shown cause a reaction which unites the heart of the Bis. and heavenly glory, which We wish the united support of all the Clubs cease your items and give more by fever, headache, and pain, and, already described. Further develop.
hop to his holy obligations as for Us in your amiable company and, secondly, that the behaviour attention to those whose apprecia in the case of skin infection, by ments then depend on the spread Shepherd and Guard of the faith like our faithful sheep and pre on this train be of such a high stan. tion will be of a more tangible redness and swelling, is due to the of the germs to other parts of the dard that future excursionists will nature.
ful of the Church; Shepherd who dilected children of the Lord.
kind of infecting germ and the body. They are usually carried by number invading the body at the the blood and this takes place more seust be willing, if necessary, to And as a tokn of Our fatherly feel the necessity of taking copy. BREAD BREADI!
one time readily in persons with low resisting lay down his life for his sheep, like love and care We bestow upon from this Cricketers Train.
the Good Shepherd of the Gospel, you, dearly beloved ones, Our first Again reminding one and all The tubercle germ is slow in de power. They travel from the glands Eat only the best bread.
veloping and does not cause a very to the heart, from whence the blood Jesus Christ; and intrepid Guard, Episcopal Blessing: In the Name that the train will leave Limon at BERLIN SPECIAL LOAF severe local reaction, and in its is sent to the lungs to receive ready to give warning when the of the Father and of the Son and 30 a. and depart from Turrialba at p. and thanking Made only by BOOTH early stages may be too small to be oxygen from the fresh air. The wolves of wickedness and error, ap the Holy Ghost. Amen.
The best that may be had seen with the naked eye, but may lungs are proach.
This Pastoral letter shall be read you Mr. Editor, consequetly, the first Aubrey Spyre, in the country. be seen when enlarged by a micros filter to encounter the germs, hence By what we have explained abd in Our Cathedral of Limon, and President of Control. Don forget to call at cope. Soon after its formation, in all the Churches, Chapels and ve, beloved faithful, you will a the reason for lung tuberculosis or BOOTH and take home a tubercle begins to create poisons consumption being the most comeasily understand how convinced public Oratories of this Vicariate Limon, May 20th.
loaf of Berlin Special and may later break dows into mon and the most serious type of We are of Our tremendous obli an the Sunday following its arriv.
Editor Notes. We take this bread.
la kind of abscess.
the disease.
al gations towards you, and that, Trying one will convince When a person becomes infectTo be continued Given at Our residence, Limon opportunity of calling the attention though We can say, trusting is of our Cricketers to the fact that you, that this is positively God, like St. Martin of Tours, May 2nd 1935.
they are not supporting this Jour the best loaf of bread. Non recuso laborem. The Work KARL ALBERT nal as they ought to do, when we made in Costa Rica Adding and Typewriting Machines Exchange Does Not Terrify Us, because Tit. Bishop of Cusira and consider the space granted them ADDING CALCULATING TYPEWRITER MACHINES AND CASH REGISTERS God will not deny Us His divine Vicar Apostolic of Limon.
High Grade Repairing done on all makes of Machines assistance, and because the love Bought and Sold Pernicious Practice which We have shown to you for Rebuilding and Exchang many years has induced Us to la.
Compro estampillas usaBookkeeping and Billing Machines. Adding Machines. Calculating Machines. Typewriter Machine das: Costa Rica, Centro, correspondent informs bour for the Faith in this Vicariate us Police authorities and the Railway Phone 3762 that children, residing along the Company have been notified of the MARIO CASTRO of Limon with all our efforts; neP. Box 259 Sur y Norte América; y tolines, are in the habit of throwing occurrence, so the necessary means da clase de estampillas EuFactory Trained Expert 20 Years Experience vertheless, The Dignity of the BisALL WORK GUARANTEED stones at passing trains, particul will be taken to detect and punish SAN JOSE hopric. far from making Us ropeas. Pago los mejores vain arly at night. This was done to a the culprits.
Terrifies Us; and the seprecios del país.
train passing through the Madre rious and holy responsibility which de Dios Section during the night it imposes upon Us, frightens Us, José Dolores Marenco of Saturday the 11th. inst. when and would make Us grow weak, if Bajos de la Pension AméWe would trust in Our rica. Frente a la Estación.
a man got hit on his knee and had to be gives first aid attention by strength.
those who were along with him.
It is alleged that this pernicious practice is particularly prevalent in Sections of de Dios, 28 Bancr del Estado State Bank.
We take this opportunity of Unico Emisor SERVICIO Sole Bank of Issue DE VAPORES bringing the matter, which is cerSalidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK tainly very serious and dangerous, ofrece al público los Ofters the Public the to the attention of all parents and con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA.
guardians. They should warn their servicios de su Services of its LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS children against the dangers of the practice, for if it is not stopped VAPORES SALIDAS they may find themselves involved VERAGUA 26 de Mayo in serious consequences.
QUIRIGUA We understand that both the de Junio PETEN EN LA de Junio IN THE FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs.
Read Agentes para LIMON PUNTARENAS advertize in Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica servicio bancario Rendered TELEFONO 3156 Banco Internacional de Costa Rica own UNITED FRUIT Co. Mile, Marina and Estrada SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON THE ATLANTIC VOICE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Siste


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