
NEWS FROM THE POINT THE ATLANTIC VOICE An Appreciable Offer Hitler Succeeds con.
vaca(in Powers.
even at on The observant pointer Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone On the night of May 20 the he had several matters to discuss oseph Dudley entertainted up that way before he leaves for Limón, Costa Rica, Año No. 47 Saturday, 1st. June 1935 Price: 15 per copy dinner Mr. Ames, Mr. and Mrs. the States.
rauth Mr. Baschen and Ir. Sisto, Miss John The din Many Pointers and past Pointers Ser was in honor of Mr. Sisto, As left this fair port last Sunday. The sistant General Accountant at Bos. Blondy Gromblads and the two little ones are off for a two month vacation in the States. Mr. and Port Limon, Cota Rica, May from other acredited colleges are Mr. and Mrs. Chittenden Mrs. Sheehy accompanied by 27, 1935.
also eligibile.
On the 21 st. May the German Versailles Treaty created differenwere visitors at Limon for a few Mickey were also passengers on Three year degree courses are Reichstag or Parliament met, and ces between the nations, whereas days, after which Mrs. Chittenden the Veragua. Mrs. Beuchot bound Mr. Rogelio Gutiérrez Ross, offered leading to Bachelor of Herr Hitler gave a sensational the basis of the League ought to be left on the New York ship. for New York on a much needed Editor, Science degree in each of the fol speech which has moved the whole equality among all its members.
lowing fields: world in wonderment rest was bade farewell by practically Sir: as to what This equality of right ought to be The OBSERVENT POINTER all remaining Pointers. Mr. and am enclosing herewith, for Mining Engineering will be the next move amony the exteded in all the functition ings extends his sympathy to Mrs. Do Mrs. Hans Herzog are on such publicity as you may care to Metalugical Engineering extended in all the functition ings The German Chancellor gave all the rights to possession of InJennings upon learning of the tion at the present time, spending give, a circular explaining the de cluding Ore dressing. illness of her baby at the Limon a few days at the Sheehy residence tails of undergraduate scholarships Geological Engineering (includ the four leading nations of Europe ternatioal life.
13 conditions under which she 2nd. As a consequence of the Hospital. Mr. Jennings is expect before they left on the Veragua. a limited number of which is being ing Ceramics)
ed to arrive in Limon soon. Master Lawrence Gore sailed for offered by the Montana School of The well known standing of could be considered a co operative noncompliance by others States in Panama last Sunday where he will Mines at Butte, Montana, to high Montana School of Mines, together factor toward the peace of that regard to their obligations to disFrank Riley is a daily visitor at be joined by his father.
school honor graduates who desire with its unparalleled situation in Continent; and now we find Mr. armament, Germany repudiates me hospital. Amoebus is a terrible to prepare themselves for the field the heart of one of the great min Stanley Baldwin, who will succeed those Articles of the Treaty which thing, so say we all.
Louis de Gravelles, a frequenter Jof the mineral industry. One ing and metallurgical centres of Mr. McDonald as Premier of En impose on her a unilateral burden, of the Point, was tendered a stag scholarship is to be offered each the world, makes these scholarships gland, giving an oration to ten in flagrant violation of the Treaty, eminently desirable.
thousand political and diplomatic and which represents discrimination MacGowan arrived on the party at the Limon Lodge on Fri year and bestowed upon the re Each Steamship Veragua after a pleas day the 24th. Over fifty men were mendation of each American Conscholarship exempts Listeners at the great Albert Hall, against her for an unlimited time.
ant vacation spent in the States gathered to give Louis one rousing sul in a foreign country.
the holder from the payment of London, on the 27th. May as Germany, notwithstanding, declares The Mrs. did mouthpiece of the British Nation, that this measure applies only to not return but sendoff. Delicious tea and cakes The purpose of these scholarships the non resident tuition fee of Mac says she won stay away served by Ira Beavers and the Cia is to promote international good. 75 a year, and from other fees in which he agrees to all that Hitler those articles of the Treaty which from Limon very long.
Surtidora were much in demand, will and to extend the opportunity amounting to approximately has stated; the result of this is that constitute, morally and materially, though it is rumored several silver for sound technical training in the 50 a year, but not from the while Britain is arranging a confe a discrimination dishonourable to on the German people.
The two bachelors Pauly flasks were in evidence. The next various fields of the mineral indus payment of the general deposit, therence with Italy and France health fee, nor the student activity!
the matter of the conditions, and a 3rd. The German government and Woodbury made a hur day many of the participants claim ry.
ried trip to San Jose recently, justed the tea had bene spiked. This Consulate will be pleased fee. Scholarship holders will live minute scrutiny of them is to come does not intend to sign any Treaty to see if the families were all OK.
to receive inquiries from persons in the new Residence Hall where before the House of Commons at which she feels incapable of fulfillOutward bound on the Quirigua who may desire to make application board and room will cost 30 a a early date, a Naval Conference ing, but will comply strictly to month, and will be expected to will be instituted with Germany on those which she enters into of her Your reporter regrets that he has the second of June will be the for one of these scholarships.
failed to make due acknowledge following: Mr. and Mrs. Thanking you for your coopemaintain high standing in the ins che 4th. instant, to discuss the pro own free will and accord, titution.
ment of the arrival from Hondu Gourley and children, Miss ration in this matter, am, posed Aerial Military strength of those entered into voluntarily before ras of Dr. Carlos Saenz who has Huntoon, Mr. Schaefer, Very respectfully yours, Candidates should make written each nation as included by Hitler the coming into power of the Nataken up his duties at our hospital. Mr. Harold Gore, Captain and Leslie Johnson, application to the Registrar, Mon in the 8th. clause of his conditions. tional Socialist Party. She will Mrs. McInnis and children, Mr.
American Vice Consultana School of Mines, Butte, Mon Geneva being at present a hot bed strictly comply to all the regulaMr. Quintin Andes and Mr. Jake Green, Mr. Whitton.
tana, accompanied by a transcript of disputes and dissatisfactions, the tions of the Locarno Treaty so Leo Owens were visitors at the Undergraduate Honor Scholarships of their high chool or college re next Peace Conference, being call. long as the other Powers will also Point over the past weekend. Captain and Mrs. McInnis encord and a letter of recommenda led by England, will be held at the comply. The fortifications and the tertained to dinner Miss Chabela Montana School of Mines tion from the principal of the high Hague, the seat of the Internatio military establishments Larry Schaefer made a hurried Johnson, Miss Elizabeth Huntoon Butte, Montana school from which they have granal Court of Justice, at which Ger Rhine Zone cannot be accepted in trip up the hill also. Schaefer said and Mr. and Mrs. Scoltock.
duated or expect to graduate in many is to be represented. Germany as efforts to conserve the Montana School of Mines of 1935.
Has Hitler bluff not won out? peace of Europe.
number of Application will be received His bold spirit has not only brought 4th. The German governMaroons to Visit Jamaica Capital graduate scholarships open to high prior to Joly 1, and awards will be the European nations to a recogni. ment is prepared to participate at school honor graduates who desire made on or before Angust tion of German rights, as an equal all times, in any system of collecA news item in a recent issue of descendants of the Spanish Slaves, to prepare themselves for the field authority in matters of Peace or tive Peace movements when called the Star Herald states that a who refused to be subjugated by of the mineral industry. Honor Francis Thomson War in Europe, but it has quelled upon to assure European tranquiparty of Maroons, numbering the English when Jamaica was cap. students who desire to transfer Mussolini ambitions of an President.
easy lity, but considers it a necessity to about thirty four, will leave their tured from the Spaniards in the Conquest in Abyssiania.
remember that we must take into habitat in the hinterland of Jamai. year 1655, and, retiring to the hills, account the law of perpetual evol.
ca for a vist to the Island Capi. resisted every effort of the new See his Thirteen Conditions Three Days Excursion To San Jose ution, hence the need for revision tal, Kingston. They will be under government to bring them undez 1st.
The German government of all Treaties of mutual accord.
the command of their Chieftain, control. After many years of interrejects the decision of Geneva of Train will leave Limon WEDNESDAY July 17th. at a.
5th. The German Govt. opiCol: Rowe, and will appear mittent warfare, the government 17th. March last condemning the nes that the prodess of reconstrucand return leaving San Jose FRIDAY July 19th. at p.
in full tribal uniform, at a special eventually entered into an agreemrearmament of Germany, because tion cannot econtinuod in a unifunction, to carry out certain ma fent with them. under which they ADULTS 00 CHILDREN 00 Germany cannot be held respon lateral form, the conditions of noeuvres peculiar to their Race and they descendants were permit Estrada, Matina, 25 Miles 00 Siquirres 00 sible for the unilateral violation of which have been so designed and military training.
ted to henceforth live under a the Versailles Treaty for it has keep Germany in a situation of Train WILL NOT run via Castro certain form of self government been previously violoted by other inferiority.
These people, it might be men on lands oeded them for their sole Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association members of the League. German 6th. In principle, the Gertioned, are supposed to be direct occupation.
disarmament ought necessarily to man Govt: declares she is ready to have been followed by the disar sign non aggressive Pacts indivimament of the other States. This dually with neighbouring States, Another Curious Phenomenon decision makes it impossible for the and is willing to comply with them Certain Capitalists have, for special duty concession. This was bosom of the Geneva Institution isolating the belligerents and limitGerman State to return to the with all her force, with an aim of On Thursday, 23rd. May, anot rious phenomenon lived only ten her of those very extraordinary minutes after its birth. Its weight some time past, been considering decided on, and our Legislative Re until the indispensable conditions ing the War Zones.
the possibility of establishing a fac presentatives, Messrs.
births, which we have from time was under three pounds and that Romagosa tory, to time reported, took place in the of the normal child a little in this city, for the manufac and Chaverri. consulted with the assuring equality to all its adherents Germany is prepared to San Juan de Dios Hospital, San than four pounds.
ture of a refined grade of Coconut result that they have become so in are agreed to; the German govern adhere to the Aerial Conventions Jose.
has produced much Oil. such as is now being success terested in the matter as to have ment considers the situation of the arranged by the Agreements of Reich ought to be carefully revised, Locarno. native woman, who is said to interest among the doctors attach fully produced in the Island of introduced a project, at one of the have hailed from the Province of ed to the Hospital, and it is expectJamaica.
recent sessions of Congress. which, taking into consideration that the To Page Alajuela, gave birth to twins; one ed an announcement in connection proposes that all Coconuts brought On all the necessary data being into the country by way of Limon of them was a perfectly normal with scientific study which has male child, while the other posses. been made will be given at obtained, and a close investigation should, during a period of the Hamburg. Amerika Linie sed two faces with three eyes, two coming meeting of the Medical undertaken, it was found that the years, pay a duty of only one cent noses and two mouths. This cu Board of the Institution.
tequirements of such a factory per kilogram with freedom from Próximas Salidas de Puerto Limón could not be met unless our local all the additional charges.
Para EUROPA supply of nuts was augmented by The project also suggests that (SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, regular importations. The difficulty the State guarantee that no chanAMSTERDAM y HAMBURGO)
in this respect, however, was the ges nor revocations, unfavourable We beg to call your attention to our remark existing rate of duty which would to the proprietors of such factories, PHRYGIA Junio at the back of receipt which reads: place the ultimate cost of the im las may be established in the Proported nuts at a figure much bevince in keeping with this concesm. CORDILLERA 22 Junio This bill must be paid at our yond that which the interested sion, will be made during the speciPara GUATEMALA parties calculated they could pay. fied period and that an indemnity office before the 15th of the month There was therefore but one solu for damages suffered by reason of (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
tion possible, if the venture was to any such revocations or modifica CORDILLERA 17 Junio Be so good as to comply with this request be put through, that is, to secure a tions be further provided for.
SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS and do not oblige us to suspend our service, Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a: a step which we would much regret to take.
HAPAG LLOYD Compañía Eléctrica de Limón This Beautiful Play will soon be Staged.
Agencia Costa Rica Visit the Land of the Japanese and you will see.
Teléfono 2086 as to Proposed Coconut Oil Factory 7th. more The case ten Find Out The Mystery Of Beautiful Cho San Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de DTONIEC

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