
Saturday, 1st. June 1935 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA The Competition SAL UVINA crom her in ry.
to to manner as recent to also Another Defeat Hitler Succeeds From Page make it impossible to have a repeOn Sunday last the Burial Sche inning closed: Harrison 57; Ram8th. Germany will not recede, tition of a war between the two.
me met the Construction in say 9; Stewart 8; Isaacs 30; Allen movements in Arma 9ch. Germany is desirous of a Cup Fixture and suffered anot 1; Banton 0; Francis and Extras hents, which must not be consid abiding by the dictates of the Conher defeat.
13. The Burial Scheme then went red as a menace to other nations; vention of the Red Cross at GeneWinnini the toss the Construc in and could only compile a total out will reduce them only in pro va, prohibiting the uses of dertain THE RIGHT SALTS tion elected to bat and sent in of 86 runs all out; of which Roportion to the disposition for re armaments which threaten the lives Harrison ad Ramsay. The forbinson played faultlessly for 31 and duction by other States, as she has of women, children and noncommer made a determined stand after permitted himself to be stupidly shewn she is not wisful for an unbatants; such as Gas Bombs, Fire For Liver giving a chance at 10; he retired run out by Harrison.
restricted competition in Arma Bombs and explosives by airplanes, unbeaten with 57 runs to his credit.
Yments. Under this heading, the etc.
the score stood at 120 for of the Schemers German Naval Force would limit 10th. Germany considers it and Stomach Ailments wickets Cape Reid declared his left much to be desired.
herself to 35 per cent of the British necessary to limit Arms of heavy fleet and in such conditions, would calibre, heavy artillery Tanks and be 15 per cent less than the total heavy Frontier fortifications, such Many Vendors Panamá Lottery Tickets Arrested tonnage of the French. In this res as are constructed by France. Invaluable for the Treatment of pect, while the foreign Press has The Police Authorities are wag. week, no less than nine were reinsinuated, from time to time, that 11th. This Article treats of ing a rigid campaign against all ported to have been arrested this programme would be only the the limitations of Armaments and Flatulence And all forms persons suspected of still carrying San Jose; and on three of these, beginning of the German Naval explosives by Cruisers, Torpedoes, on the illegal trade of selling For who happened to be women, a tofouc Power, this gov: swears that this the total abolition of the Submari. Indigestion of Stomach eign Lottery Tickets in the count tal of three hundred and margin would be definite and ne and the limitation of tonnage pieces of Panama tickets were disanal. Germany promises faithfully in Battleships, etc. to which Ger Colics Disorders During the earlier days of the covered and confiscated.
that such is not her intention nor many will bind herself to agree.
her necessity, nor is she in a posi12th. Germany does not feel State Owes Fifteen Millions to Bank tion to enter into a naval competi that propositions of Peace can crysFOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES The total indebtedness of our against the governmet by the Sution with Britain. The German talize meanwhile the unfavourable Supreme Government to the Interpreme Courts.
govt: recognizes the imperious ne opinions of the Press continue MANUFACTURED BY: national Bank now amounts cessity of England to conserve her prejudice public opinion.
naval forces so as to be able to Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa around fifteen million Colones. rearrangement for the payment defend the power of the Empire, 13th. The German govt: pled.
This includes the value of several of a single rate of interest on all SAN JOSE in the same items of real estate which were the several loans and indebtedness Germany ges itself solemnly to adhere to needs her Army to defend her exis any international Pact which has, mortgaged to the Bank but re now being considered by the Min tence and her liberty in Europe. as its principal aim, the prevention cently take over by the State, asister of Finance for the approval of well Lawsuits decided the Bank.
This govt: sincerely declares she of any State meddling in the inter. Measles and Whooping Cough UUUUUU will use every means at her disposal national affairs of another. The to maintain and cement the most word meddling or interfering Rampant Adding and Typewriting Machines Exchange cordial relations of friendship to be given a wide international ADDING CALCULATING TYPEWRITER MACHINES AND CASH REGISTERS toward the British Empire, and so meaning.
Measles and Whooping Cough five thousad colones to undertake High Grade Repairing done on all makes of Machines have made another of their perio an intensive campaign against it Bought and Sold Rebuilding and Exchange SIQUIRRES RESTAURANT dic appearances among us; and is and provide medical comforts for Bookkeeping and Billing Machines. Adding Machines Calculating Machines. Typewriter Machines so rampant in the central provinces the afflicted poor.
to be causing much alarm among Phone 3762 The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 MiMARIO CASTRO Box 259 nutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be the poorer classes, they being the Our people, in this section of the Factory Trained Expert. 20 Years Experience served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Res.
greatest sufferers.
country, should not hesitate ALL WORK GUARANTEED SAN JOSE taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo The Health Authorities are strictly follow the advices given by ken, Se habla español. On parle Francais, Man Spricht doing everything possible to control the Health Department as precauDeutsch. KISSLING the pelidemic, and the National tions against infection as Manager Congress is considering the necessity those for the satisfactory treatment of granting a special vote of twenty o fthose who may become infected. The Club suffered would make runs. This is the another defeat when they met the third time he has been sent in last Construction last Sunday. The and returning not our without fielding of the home team was rot the chance of playing. We do not Limon, Costa Rica, On ocean front Last week end Mr. Goo farmer.
ten; no help to the bowlers. Myrie wish a man from whom we are exden and his son, Oswald, were atwas the only successful bowler but pecting runs to be always sent in The unfortunate young gentleComfortable rooms. Rooms with bath. Well ventilated tending one of their horses which man was of a most lovable and gedining room. First class table. Good assorted bar. he was overbowled. Had he been last. Not Outs, in these cases, Sample room taken off and brought on had fallen sick when the animal, nial disposition, admired by all again do not make anything. We want things would have been different. to see every man making runs in its agony, kicked the young gen. with whom he came in contact LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress Young and Campbell, the slow this Competition.
tleman who succumbed from the rich and poor alike. His death is Post Office Box 236 Telephone bowlers were not used, guesas Spectator results within two hours. deeply lamented by all his acquainCaptain Sam. must have forgotten Critics ought to get aware of Oswald Tate Gooden was born tances, friends and relatives. Consthem.
facts before assuming a role for this City on the 28th. May ternation struck the Village of CaThe Construction declared with which nature did not equip them.
1910. His parents later removed to hiuta when the regrettable 119 runs for five wickets. Ro Campbell was only a substitute for to San Jose where he was educated, rrence was brought to the attenOn referring to our Almanac we Later on the Board of Control binson and Young opened for Leo who never appeared, so could and recently Cahuitation of the Community.
find that the 9th. June is the Festi may secure a Coach to tearh the the Schemers, and paved the way. not bowl; and when he had to be where his father now settles as a The Atlantic Voice takes this val of the outpouring of the Holy young enthusiasts of Cricket and Robinson, who has been absent used for batting, requested, posmedium of expressing our Condo Spirit on those who are prepared Football how to correctly play these from cricket for the last two years, sibly due to the state of his nerves, METROPOLITAN BUREAU lence to his bereaved parents and for it reception. It therefore seem games, if the funds required to played a gallant inning and was to be placed last. Young it Legal, Notarial General relatives; and to console them in somewhat strange that the Origina bring out first class man unfortunately run out. The others who opened the attack, and asked Business Transactions the knowledge of the fact that not tor of the idea of this Cricketers can be guaranteed. It therefore did not last long. to be relieved being unsuccessful.
Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. a sparrow falleth without the will Train, got up to assist the proper behoves every Sporting Athlete to notice that Campbell is Men without nerves cannot succeed My untarnished reputation of of its Creator, for He knoweth all playing and management of Cric attend and make this Train a batting last in each inning. He told against a strong team like Cons.
honesty. My intelligence and things.
ket in this country, though a full Bumper Train.
me if he were sent in earlier heltruction. Capt. Sam.
high calibre efficiency constitute On the Sick List blooded Jew, should have chosen he necessary and all important the Pentecostal Day for celebrating FACTORS which constitute my During the past week the under a Cricketers Day in Turrialba.
Iron Clad Guarantee to my ac mentioned persons were admitted It is certainly hoped that the tual and prospective CLIENTS, to the San Juan de Dios Hospital: true Spirit of Comradeship in who confide to my care, di. Charles Stuart of Zent; Luisa Sport will be outpoured by the derection and administration, the Guido, Otoniel James and Doro portment of every lover of true rehandling of their BUSINESS and tea Herrera of 24 Miles; Ramon creation on that day; We understGENERAL AFFAIRS.
Acuna of Limon; George and a game of Football is schedul Banco del Estado State Bank EGBERT POLSON Brown of Siquirres; Ethel Vaug. ed to take place, too, between the Accountant, Interpreter, Trans han of Indiana; Constatine Garro Motive Power Team and the Tu Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue lator, Judicial Business Agent. of Parismina rrialba Fans and that provision has been made for Baseballers to amuse ofrece al público los themselves o nthe spacious grounds.
Ofters the Public the The idea underlying these arranservicios de su Services of its gements is to give an exhibition of Cricket and Baseball among the Natives of the Interior, so as to bring (CARNOCIDAD DE COCO)
about an interchange of matches; a 9. 00 Quintal to get the Schools and Colleges interested in these forms of sport, EN LA as is the case abroad, and so even IN THE tually obtain a proper recognition Price 9. 00 Quintal of Cricket in the Country.
This Excursion is for no selfish Pagamos cantidades grandes 32. 50 dólares Tonelada purpose; it is to secure a Cup of We buy large quantities at 32. 50 dollars Ton para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service which we all can be proud, and also to obtain proper cricketing servicio bancario Rendered Informes CALDWELL. Apartado 173, Limón, Costa Rica Further information CALDWELL. Limón, Costa Rica material for the several competing Clubs 本市市中 ESTE UUCUTTETTU es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Fatal Accident at Cahuita PARK HOTEL 10 in THE CRICKETERS EXCURSION Occuwent to was a z Banco Internacional de Costa Rica Costa Rican Palm Nut Company compra COPRA SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE We buy COPRA (Meat of Cocoanut)


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