
RISE IN GASOLINE ATLANTIC VOICE TO HAVE COFFEE IN SIOUIRRES NEWS FROM THE POINT can a to to certain our to Because of the rise in the price tened populace secured. Under Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone of Gasoline, due to the fluctuating present day conditions the seven exchange, there has been a hue and provinces of the country are reay in high places; in Congress, in presented in Congress by forty Año No. 48 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, 8th. June 1935.
Price: 15 per copy mercantile and professional quar three Deputies each of whom earns ſters; yet not a word is uttered by 600. 00 per month plus 25. 00 those, whom the vote o the prole should he sit an hour in an extraortariat has placed in high positions, dinary session If these were reducfor the protection of the labouring ed to fifteen, the work would, of a population in connection with the certainty, be more expeditiously The genial administration of our now allowed a stop of 15 minuThe observant pointer abnormal cost of living. performed by the elimination of Railway has from time to time entes at Cartago; could this not be much of the Oratory now indulged deavoured to meet us in all our reduced to ten and Siquirres given As mentioned in several me good stuff these past several Gasoline is in reality a luxury, in by the majority.
just and reasonable suggestions the five so saved? Could we not issues ago, the general exodus months.
being only utilized by the wealthy Today our community is unhap through the columns of this Jour save one minute at Santiago, two from around these parts does not 23 a means of transportation in ley, discos dented and troublesome nal, hence we are inthused to solicit in Juan Vinas and two at Turrial leave much material. The fall Carl Krauth is practising up pleasurable or profitable pursuits; due to unbearable conditions from Mr. Sheehy consideration of just ba, and the saving added to the months are a long ways off too. for his vacation driving. His or by industrials who place the cost which all sorts of seditious and one other serious request. five we now enjoy at Siquirres?
handling of the little bus does on the consumers; hence it dangerous actions arise; and for No one knows more than Mr. The facility would have the ten The Sawyers entertain does not indicate any need for easily stand the rise of a few cents which the only remedy so far as we Sheehy how tired and empty one dency of possibly leaving ten ored to dinner on the night of May practice to my eye.
per gallon, especially when considcan see is to encourage intense agri feels when journeying from San twelve extra colones daily in the 31st in honor of Miss Huntoon ered from the point of the aboli. culture (the country being essen. Jose to Siquirres. From two to pockers of the merchants and ven who left Limon June 2nd for the The Kelleys had for tion of Wheel Tax, Why then is tially agricultural) by the opening three o clock is the ided tea inter dors at Siquirres apart from the States visitar over the weekend, Miss there such a squeal? Because the up of more agricultural districts, val, hence we are asking him to convenience afforded the passenDorothy Lankester.
Wise comes directly out of the poc under such conditions as would permit the passenger train a stey of gers, and would certainly obtain note Pat Sullivan did not nets of our Lawmabers and their enable the worthy settlers to obtain 15 minutes in Siquirres to accommo for the Company administration take his projected trip up north. From all the activity around Associates. These rich go as far as financial advances in connection date the travelling public with a cup the just ondearment of the resi What happened, Pat? No one to s. house it looks as though to suggest that the privilege to with the preparation and marketing of some kind, with a sandwich, etc. dents of this township as well as rum the old homestead? he had allowed things to run import this commodity should be of their crops. larger number of ſed tendons of one legs. ensure a lasting debt of gratitude down during his family absen granted those who can afford Sugar Factories could also be estaMay we be pardoned for sug and satisfaction from the travelling That was a tender farewell at ce. Glad to see things picking up do so. Here again we see the evi blished with government assistance gesting a very slight modification public.
the ship Sunday. Your reporter though, as it is always nice dence of selfishness on the part of which would, in addition to meet of the existing time table? we are was almost moved to tears. welcome the folks back.
the Classes. Do they aim at desting the deficiency now existing in troying the Monopoly on this com the production of this commodity, In last week report we missed The Caribbean Club held their modity granted by constitution to provide us with means of estabthe Insurance Bank and the profits fishing another export trade and a We beg to call your attention to our remark the fact that Mr. Ames was al regular meeting at the home of so to be a passenger out of Li member Kelley on the night from which guarantee profitable one at that. Cattle rear at the back of receipt which reads: mon June of June heard rumors to the works of improvement, prinripally ing could also be encouraged on a effect of doings around July Roadmaking?
broader and more economical plan This bill must be paid at our Mr. Woodbury has been 4th.
han that under which it is carried appointed commissionary inspecWhy can we not hear of an in on at this time, and so provide us fluential group of our Representati with cheaper milk, cheaper butter, office before the 15th of the month Success to you, Woodie, and al Mrs. Cornell and chilways remember the other fellow dren were visitors at the Point ves taking up the burdens of the cheaper meat, cheaper shoes, and Be so good as to comply with this request has right of way, especially for several days after their arrilabouring man in the increased cost o on, with regard to every other trains.
val from the States. Mr. Cornell of his livelihood and investigate commodity of Industrial life.
and do not oblige us to suspend our service, came from San Jose to meet the reason why such items as SuIn the granting of allotments of a step which we would much regret to take.
gar, Rice, Beans, Lard, Oils, But.
For San Jose thos week we have them and enjoy a few days vaDoc. Gamboa, Bill Boschen, Joe cation at Limon.
ter Matches, Cheese Milk, etc. are government lands that selfish paCompañía Eléctrica de Limón Dudley and Eddie Pauly. Underraised to such prohibited prices and rochialism of only allotting such to naturalized stand that Ed. expects to make Chubby Johnston left provide a remedy for the evil. Hijos del País o These commodities are all produc nationals should be done away a couple weeks of it.
midst immediately after the close ing of school. Chub expects ed and manufactured locally, why with, the majority of these latter spend a couple of months up in then should there be such heavy only become naturalized for merJoe Vishak, traveling radio North America this summer.
riscs: Little remittances cenary purposes. Any citizen, who operator, has decided to make Liabroad are made in connection with has domiciled in a country for semon his home during Gore vathose which are manufactured, why ven consecutive years, ought to be!
Quite an interesting and ins your Fingers. then our song bird, cation in the States. Joe has a We certainly have enough baconsidered as being sufficiently in brudtive Function as staged at Miss Teresa Mills, came forte tender spot in his heart for these wonder there isn started one of chelors up our way now. It is a then such increases?
terested in the welfare of such a this outpost by the true hearted warbling Have a good time to grounds and has paid many Day by Day we hear of the articountry as to entitle him to the Mr. Eugene Roper and those day, after which Mr. Brown those Bachelors Messes visit here.
cles of the labouring man every privilege of participating in such who once operated the local recited The Psalms of Life and day consumption being increased in considerations. Every citizen of Branch of the The per la missing song stress, Miss MyrI hear rumblings of good tidprices without a single protest from alien birth will not readily change formance was got up for the purthlyn Brown, came on in her fi It comes to my noticie that ings for Bill Crawford, but hathe representatives of the people. his nationality, but surely if such pose of raising funds to assist the ne soprano tones with a solo Tom Layton is giving even better ven been able to get a statemAround Limon the ordinarq la a citizen lives an industrious, res. Parent Body, all who took part Cherish our Rock with Miss satisfaction as the Laundry than ent from Bill o Watch this cobourer is rated at from three to four ponsible, law respecting life for actly rigth nobly and all who at. Watson at the organn.
Jake. You must be good, as Ja lumn Pointers.
colones per day; how can he exist, seven or ten years adding to the tended royally enjoyed themsel The songs, The Girl of a mi ke sure has been putting out so The Observant Pointer lion dteams by Mr. Philip with the care of family, with ex improvement in the economic life ves.
Brown; If were a Sunbeam penses at about forty per cent more of such a country, he ought certhan hitherto?
tainly to be considered worthy of President Mc Calla of Cedar by Miss Campbell and No If our Constitution were modified privileges in the allotments of te Creek occupied the Chair, and more Tears by Miss Murray Function opened with an Anthem were much appreciated.
In continuation of our previous the cost of these, at the reduced by a reduction of say two thirds of rritory for agricultural pursuits.
Mr. Fraser, and his artists of article anent the proposed Coconut import rate, would only be sixty governmental positions and the Under such broadmindedness, the by Choir entitled The Lord is in holders of such abolished positions industrial. agricultural and economic His Holy Temple with Miss Hil the Cedar Creek Band, entertai Oil Factory, we may safely say that cents and would not be an obstacle drafted agricultural life of our country would be in da Watson as Organist. The opened the auddience wih at Violin the prospects of our Coconut In in the way of arrivals from Nicapursuits subsidized by the govern tensified, producing a happier po ning address was given by Miss recital after which the chairman dustry has sprung into prosperity ragua, San Andres, Panama or el ment from the savings thereby et pulation, eliminating all such pro Agatha Campbell followed by a brougth a most enjoyable func now that the suggested reduction sewhere; while our agriculturists, fected in the yearly appropriations, vocative actions as recitation by one of the Dots, an tion to a close.
Communism, of the duty on Nuts to be imported seeing the profits to accrue, would The most autstanding feature during the nert ten years has been be inthused to vlant so that within whe cost of living would, we are Socialism, Facism, and all the other anthem, Press Onward by the entertanment acceded to by Congress.
sure, be greatly reduced; there isms now being created as the Choir with Mr. Brown at the of the evening the specified period of ten years we The duty which was four cents would locally produce al Ithe nuts would be little or no non employ result of deprivations and strein organ and three recitations by the was the real musical competition Misses Lewis, Watson and exhibited among the several ar per kilo has been brought down to which the factory could handle.
ment and a happier and more con gencies of living. Campbell respectively. tistes, each vieing to eclipse the one cent, and so our indefatigable Mr. Findlay initiative will be After the Choir had rendered other. One could hardly help agricultural expert and businessman the means of opening another great Forth to the Rescue with Miss that Liverpool is the Academy Mr. Findlay, on whose initia source of revenue for our abandBrown as accompanist, the child of Music for this Province. Mr. tive the matter was taken uv by oned Province, as well as a prospedren kept the large audience amu Roper should feel proud of ha our representatives Messrs. Roma rous avenue for employment. We ser until the Choir gave another ving brought off so fine a pro gosa and Chaverri, will be proceed offer him our congratulations with SERVICIO DE VAPORES item Immortal King assisted gramme withir the short space ing with his arrangements to in the sincere hope that his laudable Mrs. Brown at the organ. Our of fifteen days; thus once again stall a plant here for the manufac efforts will meet with every sucSalidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK Champion elocutionist then trea exhibiting the talent for musical ture of the Oil and bye products cess.
con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA.
ted us to a fine recitation. attainments lying dormant in our of the Coconut. As, however, the Our readers will, fro time to time Teacher Brown, as accompanist people.
LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS to Papa Cadarhead, sung Shap requirements of such a well esuip be inthused to plant so that ithwin Stilson Watson SALIDAS ped plant as is under consideration of this new industry.
is estimated at a daily consumption PETEN de Junio of 10, 000 nuts and, as we provi Manoenies of Pacific VERAGUA.
16 de Junio Three Days Excursion To San Jose ously stated, our local output does Fleet End 23 de Junio QUIRIGUA.
reach such a figure, it Train will leave Limon WEDNESDAY July 17th, at a. necessary to secure a reduction in The Naval manoeuvres of the FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs. and return leaving San Jose FRIDAY July 19th. at p.
the Customs Duty to enable the United States Pacific Fleet have Agentes para LIMON PUNTARENAS shortage to be filled by importa been brought to a close with great ADULTS 00 CHILDREN 00 tions during the coming ten years satisfaction to the experts at Estrada, Matina, 25 Miles 00 Siquirres 500 Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United or until the new planting came into Naval base now congregated at HoFruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica Train WILL NOT run via Castro production.
nolulu; there are 125 fighting TELEFONO 3156 Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association bag of 100 nuts has an averUnits, with over 60, 000 men, ata XXXXXXXXXXXXX age weight of 60 kilos, therefore Pearl Harbour.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. LIVERPOOL FUNCTION or no OUR COCONUT INDUSTRY a into minor UNITED FRUIT Co.
VAPORES not was


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