
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, 8th. June 1935.
Without cost or obligation, please send me full particulars about the subject before which have marked X: Great Dissatisfaction over Intriguings regaINTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. THE UNIVERSAL UNIVERSITY rding Ownership of Lands of LA. oflimón REGARDING THE AFTER DEATH LIMON BATHING RESORTPURCHASE TECHNICAL AND INDUSTRIAL COURSES Accountancy Advertising Bridge and Building Civil Engineer Train Operation Architect Welding, Electric and Gas Foreman Surveying and Mapping Chemistry. Pharmacy Architectural Draftsman Reading Shop Blueprints Gas Engines Refrigeration Coal Mining Engineer It is well known fact that Sankey sent to the Hospital, Building Estimating Locomotives Telegraph Engineer Diesel Engines Navigation. Boilermaker Telephone Work Aviation Engines Section Foreman Textile Overseer or Supt.
the property of this Organization at midnight, to the bedside of Wood Millworking the Contractor and Builder Mechanical Engineer Automobile Mechanic Highway Engineering Cotton Manufacturing was bought before the Society Gordon aged mother, on Mechanical Draftsman Plumbing. Steam Fitting Bridge and Woolen Manufacturing the country, it therefore had to 27th. June 1932, a Barrister, In Structural Draftsman Structural Engineer Machinist. Toolmaker Heating Ventilation Building Foreman Agriculture was registered under the laws of terpretors and Witnesses, and got Electric Wiring Patternmaker Sheet Metal Worker Air Brakes Fruit Growing of one or more individuals until her to sign a document in which Electrical Engineer Pipefitter. Tinsmith Steam Engineer Chemistry Poultry Farming Bridge Engineer Steam Electric Engineer Good English be bought in the name or names she ceded over to him her rights Electric Ligthing Radio. Marine Engineer such time as the Society might in her son claims on any proBUSINESS TRAINING COURSES be registered when the ownership perty, goods or chattels which Business Management Accountancy Spanish. French Signs Grade School Subjects would be freely transferred to may be standing in his name Office Management Cost Accountant Salesmanship Stenography and Typing High School Subjects Accountant Advertising the name of the incorporated So and for which surrender the do Industrial Management Complete Commercial College Preparatory Bookkeeping Business Correspondence Civil Service Mail Carrier Illustrating Cartooning ciety. so says the Title Deed. cument says she was paid FIVE Personnel Management Secretarial Work Lettering Show Cards Railway Mail Clerk Lumber Dealer Consequent on the above, the THOUSAND COLONES. The Traffic Management holding in this City was bought document bears the names of Name City Address in the names of four Trustees Messrs. Edmund Moore and Cía. Publicidad Moderna, Representantes. San José, Apartado 1354 who held it in Trust until the Polson as Interpretors: and Inscription of the Organization Mesars. Joseph Brotherton could be executed, when they Booth as witnesses; Mr.
each vowed to gratuitously sign Odio Mendez as Barrister; Maoff their Trust.
rian Arthurs Walker as CessioWith the approval of the Su rates, as is done between San Jose The names of the four Trus nary and Benj. Sankey as the preme Government, the initial and Puntarenas by the Pacific tees which appear on the records recipient of the Cession.
work in connection fith the cons Railroad. The trains will arrive Dan Roberts, are those of Mr.
Whith this document in hand Mr. Editor, Bill of Sale, non compus mentis, truction of our Municipal Baths here every Saturday and leave the Sir.
then President of the Society: Sankey, on the following day, that is, mentally and physically unhas been put in hand; You have been publishing erro fit, according to the irrefutable de start was made last Monday. The turn tickets will, however, be good an actual following day (Sunday. the reMr. Samuel Gordon, then Secre the 28th of June 1932, puts in a Solicitude to the Civil Judgeneous, misyleading and spurious sta claration of the Acting Superintending cost of the undertaking is estimat for a stay over of a week at the tary (now deceased. Mr.
Franklin, one of the Directors, asking that the Probate (Mortements regarding that which you sty Medico of the Hospital who had him ed at 60, 000. 00 and is to be Baths.
and Mr. Bryant, then Com tual) of Samuel Gordon Arth le Post Mortem Sale. and which under his charge and care, and so completed for the Christmas festi four o clock tomorrow aftermissioner (now deceased. urs be opened; that an inventory you state is covered by falsified do could not have contracted any busi vities.
noon the ceremony of the laying of On the death of Mr. Bryant, of all his assets be taken by the cuments, dated January 7th. You ness or signed any document on that It is expected that after the com the Foundation Stone will take plahis Truseeship automatically Court; that he, Sankey, be appo further quote on your own authority date or for several days before.
pletion of the work, we shall be ce. An invitation to attend has been ended and that portion of the inted Executor (Albacea) in presume, that the witnessea (to In your more recent article, you always having a flow of Tourists given the Community by our Gov.
guardanship was soon after trans. the Estate and that notifications the document) who declared they endeavoured to inject in the minds from the Capital and other places ernor, don Filadelfo Granados. It ferred into the name of the then to him on account of this probar saw the deceased sign the Bill of of the reading public that this pur in the interior, as the Railway is hoved that His Lordship Bishop inscribed Society Through a lack te, be sent to the office of Mr. Sale to Perry will also be placed un chaser was sent to jail merely on the Company contemplates runing Wollgarten will be able to be presof knowledge of local affairs on Aurelio Bermudez. Death how der arrest as soon as the Judge is Doctor statement, as though such weekly excursion trains at reduced ent.
the part of Mr. Garvey and his iever intervenes and claims him satisfied there is cause for Forgery. declaration of testimony bears no JUURI then representative, Señora de before the inventory could be As the Bondsman or Guarantor of weight of evidence. You failed to tell Mena, the remaining portion of made to disclose the belongings the celebrated SHYLOOK OR GET the public that the Doctor state Adding and Typewriting Machines Exchange the guardianship was allowed to of Gordon.
RICH QUICK USURER, why did ments or testimony, given from the ADDING CALCULATING TYPEWRITER MACHINES AND CASH REGISTERS continue in the custody of the All these transactions remain you not disclose that he has been daily condition of the deceased and High Grade Repairing done on all makes of Machines other three Trustees.
ed a Dead Secret between a few spending his last dimes securing fra according to the facts contained in Bought and Sold Rebuilding and Exchange On the 27th of May 1932 men; but whisperings began unt med witnesses to sustain his alibi his caart, is for reaching and of paBookkeeping and Billing Machines. Adding Machines. Calculating Machines. Typewriter Machines Mr. Samuel Gordon dies without il the came to cars of a few inte to wit, that they saw Bennett sign ramount importance, and that it outhaving transferred his custodian rested men of the Organization, the document but who was at the weighs all the testimonies of persons Phone 3762 MARIO CASTRO Box 259 ship back to the Society, and the It was thereupon decided to open time day and date of the Francis who could have no knowledge of Factory Trained Expert. 20 Years Experience for the Mortual of Gordon by the Society being hard put to the man condition either mentally ALL WORK GUARANTEED SAN JOSE the cash to defray the necessary Society with Mr. Nation or physically. BREAD BREAD. legal expenses did not open Pro named as Executor. Albacea. Why did you not, as a public inbate to the Estate of the deceased Mr. Albino Villalobos was appro Eat only the best bread.
former, tell your readers that the document of Francis states so as to have an Executor appoint ached to act as the Society Law BERLIN SPECIAL LOAF the 12th of April this year, he bought ed and the guardianship. legally yer, but it turned out that this Made only by BOOTH transferrd back to the Society. gentleman was Lawyer for San the belongings of Bennett for the As our readers are aware of Police Judge was confirmed, but The best that may be had key Estate with Mr. Phillip in the country.
sum of 2. 380, 00 and which sum the prosecutions being carried on the initiative of Barrister FaWicked Minds at Work Booth as Albacea. On Mr. Vi.
Don forget to was stated to have been paid to out against the venders as well bio Baudrit, he brough into play llalobos finding that Sankey had BOOTH and take home a him, Bennett to his entire satisfac as the purchasers of foreign lot the power granted him by Law While the Society rested in opened Probate in the Gordon loaf of Berlin Special tion; yet at the same time there ap tery tickets, it is well to state whereby he could absolve the misPeace just as Gordon body was Estathe, he requested the Court bread.
pears a Pagare in favour of the sup that a precedent has been establi creants of the punishment; He peacefully reposing in Mother to continue the tramitations and Trying one will convince posed daughter of the deceased for shed in San Jose in a sentence upheld that part of the sentence Earth, wicked, speculative minds that Mr. Booth be also appoin you, that this is positively the sum of 500, 00 covering the recently handed down by the with respect to the fine and its were at work. With a sharpnessed Albacea to this of Gordon.
the best loaf of bread, same transaction which the document Gobernor of that Province. penalty but suspended the impris of rascally ingenuity, Benjamin It is left to be seen what come Three women were made in Costa Rica states as having been paid in full.
captured onment.
Wy do you not enlighten the rea by Detectives with a consideraders of this Paper as to the facts ble quantity of Panama tickets Our Jurists are agreed that out of all this muddle meanwhile thruthful ones. and tell them which they were offering for this is the first instance in Cos.
the poor old lady says she NE that the evidence supporting the Fran sale; they were fined one hun ta Rica Jurisprudence where a VER GOT FIVE CENTS out cis Alibi will be confronted whith dred and fifty colones and sen punishment has been partially of the transaction and so his na charges for Perjury: because the two tenced to 75 days arrest at the suspended Will the Province of was told an entirely different signatures on the said document, pur same time by the Agent of Pol: Limon ever be extended such a story to that which she signed. porting to be those Perry, are not his ce. On an appeal being made to consideration in matters Judicial?
Mr. Booth saye he knows nothing despide all the testimony to maintain the Governor, the sentence of the Let hope.
fo the transaction and so his na such a notorious falsehodo. Any perme CAN NOT be on the docu son of ordinary common senses can In RCA VICTOR ment. Mr Brotherton also deniens at a glance, observe the differences being at the Hospital of these two signatures without the having signed as a witness. Mr. slightest difficulty.
Sankey was not present and so Why do you not broadcast the did not sign in the presence of fact that the Nurse, who said she the witnesses at the Hospital. saw Bennett sign the document and Are Finer than Ever!
Mr. Moore aserts this and says that she placed her pocket book un he never saw a dollar pass hands. der the document to be so signed, Needless toy say the member will be held for Perjury, because her ship of the Society is like a trou statement would go to prove that the bled Beehive, in consequence of dead man was paid the full sum of which our contemporary The 380, 00, and which would make Central American Express wro the Hospital Management responsible ite of a graft of 5, 000 colones for the said amount, since the man and of a double intriguing in was in a very low state at the tiints issue of June 1st.
me and died two days later.
The 5th, was fixed as the daYou should remember you are a ite on which the Probate was to newapaperman and tell the people be opened. the Society may the the thruth, and not try to prejudice When for foot wear you do cell. Fowler reafter obteain a hearing and be their minds in favour of your Guarecognized as one of the interest ranteed. Vera pro gratiis. Let the EVER READY is the Name; They neither ed parties, although in the appli people have light and they will find BRAEK nor PAIN; They satisfy in every way.
cation by Sankey he desdribed their way. Lets have the real facts Perry Girton himself as the only interested or pone at all. FOWLER Ap. 464 LIMON Sp One. El único interesado.
Ex Adverso Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y juventua, Costa Rica. PRECEDENT ESTABLISHED that on call at See the Radio that thinks!
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