
Saturday, 8th. June 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA THE LURE OF COCOS Interests of the Association Involved in an Intrigue SAL UVINA For Liver and Stomach Ailments Invaluable for the Treatment of Indigestion 92 sea EXCELSIOR MOTIVE POWER Cocos is a lonely tropical island Spain. the galleon Florentia in The Liberty Hall in this city was, a Witness. It was consequently agreed 400 miles off Costa Rica. It was Tobermory Bay, Isle of Mull, the scens of a most uproarious meet to annul this secret document which She original Treasure Island of Scotland. the Trinidad treasure, ing on Wednesday night last, in con had never been approved by the memRobert Louis Stevenson. There the buried on this island off the Braeabirds scream, the palms wave gent zilian coast. the General Grant nection with the vexed question of bership, and to ask the the Attorney to THE RIGHT SALTS the fictitious cession, by the mother obtain the transfer of Gordon Trusy, and the breakers roll in on a with 50, 000 ounces of gold aboard of the late Samuel Lindon Gordon, of teeship in the Title of the Associasandy beach. To this uninhabited in the Auckland Islands. Oak Isall her rights in any property or be tion property for a much reduced island have sailed hundreds of land in Nova Scotia. Nightingale longings of which her deceased son sum as the tansfer the names of treasure seekers. Malcolm Camp Island in the South Atlantic, where might have been possessed for the the other two was not desired by fell, the English speedster, once led one chest of silver has already been sum of 5, 000 colones.
the members at this time.
an expedition there, and needless found. Cape Vidal on the Coast There were many members out to The majority of the members prero add, he hopes to go back. In of Zululand where the Dorothea hear what relation there was between sent felt that a plot was being fothe old days Cocos was a popular foundered with a fortune in gold any property the deceased might ha mented by master minds inside as pirate hang out, a handy place for bricks aboard. the list is endless.
Whether modern engineering ve left and the Association. well as outside the Organization to them to catch up with their drinking, or divide their booty. Enough will be any more successful in It was satisfactory shewn that no re secure its ruin, therefore it was conlationship existed between them, that sidered better not to remove the nascattered coins, cutlasses and brok. bringing these fortunes to light is a Flatulence And all forms Gordon only hold a guardianship or mes of Messrs. Roberts and Franen bortles have been found to prove question soon to be answered. Trustee privilege in the Association klin, two honestminded and inte this beyond a doubt. Whether they precious few will be; most of them of Stomach property, which was of no value to rested gentlemen, as guardians of buried any gold there or not is will not.
quite another matter.
The chances are that the amaany one, as none of the Trustees in the property. It was further felt that teur will come home with nothing Colics Disorders whose names the property was held some intriguers outside the OrganiTwo main treasures lure the ad but blisters, callouses and mosquito could legally sell or mortgage same zation, were endeavouring to have venturer to Cocos. The first is the bites to show for his labor. Engineand that they were bound by the this done with a view of wrecking the supposed cache of Captain EdFOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES ering and scientific apparatus imconditions of their guardianship to Society; and for this purpose were ward Davis who flourished in the e late 18th century and was a pirate triples the expense. Common sense proves the odds, but doubles or hand over their trust whenever called using certain innocent members to MANUFACTURED BY: upon to do so. The supposed cession accomplish their unworthy aims.
be with few peers. The other is the loot tells us that the size of these treaof Mrs. Gordon to Benjamin Sankey Meassrs. Albino Villalobos and of Lima. In 1820 the wealthy citiHermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa therefore had nothing in sures if they really exist common Petgrave were present as visitors zens and clerics of Lima feared grows in direct ratio with the passSAN JOSE with the property of the Association, and threw much light on the tranLe what crusading Simon Bolivar and ing of time.
The question then arose why should sactions; particularly Mr. Petgrave, his men might do with them and The dollars and cents record of the President, Mr. John Mitchell, ha who added some brilliant argument their riches, and so prepared in of panic to evacuate the city. In the they are a most hazadous and unve contracted with Attorney Villalo as a guide toward a solution of the treasure expeditions is proof that bos to protect this issue at a cost of 500 problem. Much thanks is also due nearby port Callao, was an honest profitable speculation. Yet year VS.
colones in addition to obtaining the him for having calmed the turbulent an appearing captain named after year men chrow up good jobs, signatures of the other two Trustees spirits of Messrs. Mitchell (the Thompson with his stout ship, the to a document of Transfer for Mary Dear. On it the trusting Lidays in the blistering sun go to distant places, and dig for the President) and Nation, the forjust sum of 300 colones, making a total mer having been accused by the latma citizens took passage, carrying on the slim chance that the tatter ween the Excelsior and Motive On Sunday last the game bet of 800 colones of the members mo ter of operating clandsstingly for the with them all their portable wealth ed map was authentic and that Power Clubs should have taken why a pitch could not have been ney contracted for by a document denefit of the Attorney to the detriand valuable objects from the some cut throat buried a few pieces place.
prepared on the grass.
signed by himself alone and the At ment of the best interests of the SoCathedral, including two life size of eight there in the first place. It rained during the small hours Report says the Doctor had a torney without the knowledge of even ciety.
images of solid gold. Once at sea, Suppose a scatter brained group of the morning, but sunshine broke big case on; while the Excelsior Captain Thompson showed his of men were to come to this writer through and dried the grounds star bat, Harold, was ill, and the gallant pirate character by butcher with some fantastic treasure hunt fairly well, so that the game could Bowler had his Tonsils repaired so DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA ing them all in the night and toss in mind. Do you thing he would be have been played on the lawn in could not work; and as the Motive Avenida San José ing the bodies overboard to the silly enourgh to join them? the same way in which the Clubs Power were afraid, they did not sharks. The rascally crew went to Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad Cocos and there are supposed to He certainly would have practised. There is no reason press the Umpires inclination to and Colegio de Señoritas enforce the game hence the dishave buried the loot, intending to MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, appointment of the Public.
Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb return later when indignation had SURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the blown over a bit. Thompson made a map, showing the location of the METROPOLITAN BUREAU neck of Womb RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small cave where the treasure was hidden, Legal, Notarial General and dropped out of sight. medium sized) by way of the Urethra Twenty five years later Thomp(CARNOCIDAD DE COCO)
Business Transactions son was befriended by a man nama 9. 00 Quintal Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. ed Keating from New Foundland, My imtarnished reputation of to whom he confided his secret. The honesty. My intelligence and two arranged to go to Cocos on the Price 9. 00 Quintal high calibre efficiency constitute The eyes, ears and steps of every radeship.
ship of a Captain Bogue. ThompThis will be the first attempt at son died, but Keating and Bogue the necessary and all important Cricketer, Baseballe rand FootbalPagamos cantidades grandes 32. 50 dólares Tonelada FACTORS which constitute my ler will be turned tomorrow in the real co operation and co ordination returned as planned. What hap We buy large quantities at 32. 50 dollars Ton Iron Clad Guarantee to my ac direction of Turrialba, where the for the benefit of a common cause, pened is not exactly clear, but they Informes: CALDWELL. Apartado 173, Limón. Costa Rica tual and prospective CLIENTS, Train o the Board of Control for and it is expected that all sporting apparently tapped the The crew mutinied and in ensuing Further information: CALDWELL. Limón, Costa Rica who confide to my care, di Cricketer, Baseballer and Footbal men and women shall not be want rection and administration, the blage of sporting people, full of ing in efforts to prove their powtroubles Bogue disappeared. Some handling of their BUSINESS and the spirit o conviviality and com Jers of unification of ideals.
say that Keating, greedy for all the AN EXCLUSIVE COLOURED RESORT GENERAL AFFAIRS.
treasure, locked him in the cave, while others say that Bogue was Americans is stated to be develop loured persons.
An Organization of Coloured Summer resort exclusively for coW. EGBERT POLSON drowned in the surf, sinking like ing a track of land in the region The resort will cover 346 acres a stone because of the gold he was of the Lakes of the Ozarks as a land include a twenty acre lake.
Accountant, Interpreter, Trans lator, Judicial Business Agent.
The government of Trinidad, Tne restriction will, it is expectcarrying on him. At any rate the British West Indies, has under con ed, affect all immigrants regardcnew went home empty handed, and sideration certain amendments to less of nationality, and is being Keating passed the map on to its Immigration Laws with a view taken to avoid unemployment comsomeone else before his death.
to restricting the entry into that plications at the close of the sugar Recovery efforts have centered in search of crop season.
round Thompson map or the work.
many copies of it. But weather does things to landmarks, and patient digging by scores of men, Banco del Estado the use of dynamite, metal finding State Bank apparatus and the sinking of shafts Unico Emisor Próximas Salidas de Puerto Limón has availed nothing. Within the Sole Bank of Issue Para EUROPA past five years at least twenty ofrece al público los groups have tried their luck, spend.
ing thousands of dollars. Neverservicios de su Services of its theless, the man has yet to be PHRYGIA Junio found who has set eyes on the loot of Lima, or the skeleton of Captain CORDILLERA 22 Junio Bogu, who guards it.
Para GUATEMALA There are countless other treas(PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
ures on land and sea which still EN LA defy recovery after fortunes have IN THE CORDILLERA 17 Junio been spent on them. the Lutine, a British pay ship which went down SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS the shoals off the Netherlands Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a: 1799 with about five million dollars aboard. the De Braak, para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service HAPAG LLOYD another British pay ship lying off servicio bancario Rendered Agencia Costa Rica Cape Henlopen, Delaware. theo Teléfono 2086 Spanish treasure fleet in Vigo Bay, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. Costa Rican Palm Nut Company compre COPRA We buy COPRA (Meat of Cocoaut)
TRINIDAD TO BAR IMMIGRANTS Banco Internacional de Costa Rica Island of persons Hamburg. Amerika. Linie SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON DV


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