
OUR RAILWAYS THE ATLANTIC VOICE The Italo Abyssinian Broil to cease a new turn.
waters, on the Our Public Bath of no Robbery of Merchandise on Board Ships Whether the Costa Rica Railway floods we have had from last June.
is being made to pay, or whether it Similar efforts can be seen along Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone is only to be utilized as the means every other section, scores of thous to an end, in carrying out the ma ands of new creosted ties have Año No. 49 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, 15th. June 1935.
Editor English Section Nation nipulations of the Banana Com replaced rotton ones, and thousands pany of Costa Rica, is the private of cars of ballast have been sent knowledge of the Unitod Fruit forward and still being sent to reCo. but there is one thing certain pair the roadbed and so ensure safe The Political Situation which is, that the Administration passage for all the trains.
is sparing no pains to make this At Matina, where the flooding Consequent on the decision of This well known Jurist is now on While the League of Nations is tend to render the possibility of a the Re electionists most difficult Railroad trafficable of the Barbilla and Chirripo rivers their eight days leave from his official all trains at all hours. have continually washed the tracks yet trying to quell this thirst for pacific settlement of the dispute activities in favour of don Ricardo duties for the purpose of fully Too much praise cannot be show from the 25 mile, the Administrablood in Africa, accounts proceed more remote than ever.
Jimenez, the political situation has considering the matter before de Italy, however, continues to dis taken Zred on the heads of Mr. Shechy tion has decided to lengthen all ing from Rome give evidence of The various ciding whether to accept or refuse and his staff for the efficient the culverts to as far up as further difficulties which may obs patch thousands of soldiers and Groups feeling that the need for the offer.
the manner they have reconstructed 24th. mile; this will allow a quick truct the way of Peace. large quantit of war material to securing a candidate who would be this Roadbed. Ever since the greater outlet for the storm It is claimed that an armed force Africa as Mussolini declares there likely to satisfy the many conflict Should don Octavio fall in with washout of 1928 the Company has which always accumulate of Abyssinians have attacked native are old and new accounts there to ing opinions of those not other the wishes of those by whom he has spent millions in the repairs to the Southern side of the tracks, and so Italians in Eritrea and carried be settled, and that Italy does not wise affiliated, was now more es been approached, he will, in realroad bed, but within the last year afford a greater amount of safety away, as booty. hundreds of heads intend to change her attitude in sential than ever, got their leaders ity, be the Candidate of the Coalior two the efforts have been direct not only to the railway lines but to lacks in Dankali and Mustahil other nations. It would therefore the result that Lic. don Octavio lar party or group. Lic. don Alof Cattle. Reports of similar at the matter despite the opinions of together, held consultations with tionists rather than of any particued in a more intelligent, workman the village.
like fashion, with the result that It will. therefore, be readily have also been stated to have been seem as if the actual outbreak of Beeche, President of the Country fredo Gonzales Flores, will, it is the most dangerous spots are today seen that Mr. Frank Shechy has received in Rome. On the other hostilities is becoming more omin Supreme Court, has been asked to said be their nominee for the First the most comfortable to ride over been very keen in his operations in hand the Abyssinian government ous each day; and this is emphasiz some forward as their Candidate. Vice Presidency.
Take the Bonilla Blue Mud Hill everything which concerns the best has sent in a strong protest against ed by the fact that the civil popufor instance for the last seven years interests of the Company he serves, the agressive actions of the Italian lations of Eritrea and Somaliland this place has been the nightmare of while at the same time serving the forces on the frontier of Somalil. are being withdrawn for the purand.
every Engineer on every occasion Community within the radius pose, presumably, of giving full we have had a heavy downpour of his railroad. Not a single feasible Then England is now being fier liberty of action to the military. Our Municipal Bath is now under freed of these buildings, the plaza wib our tropical rains. All sorts of de request or proposition necessary to cely attacked by the Italian papers construction with Engineers Jones be converted into a beautiful park Latest advices now vices have been used on that hill; the facility of the community, which for not only supplying the African state that and Bartorelli in attendance. On and pleasure resort; thereby entrestles have been tried and dump has been put before this long vi Empire with implements of war, Italy is disposed to settle the dis Sunday last the foundation stone was hancing the attractions of the Baths ed; Piles have been driven into the sioned official of the Nortehrn but with affording her some pute if she is given a protectorate laid by our genial Governor, don Fi and providing pleasant surrounding river bed and hundreds of thous Railway, is ignored by Mr. Sheehy amount of moral support to the over Absyssinia and the province of ladelfo Granados and the work bles of a truly agreable aspect to the ands of cubic yards dumped in, He knows the needs of every detriment of Italy. Hence it is as Ogaden ceded her and annexed to sed by the Rev. Fr. Acosta in the many Tourists whom we expect will but war actually her Somaliland territory These absence of Bishop Wallgarten who be constantly visiting our city as it sooner than the river district so familiarly that nothing serted that should got flooded away everyth escapes him, and at a glance he take place, Italy would have to proposals would however have to was detained on duty in Turrialba. is the intention, we are informed, of ing was carried; powerful jets have can say whether a proposition has confront the entire British Empire; be approved by England and It is expected that the public wash the Railway Company to run a spebeen brought to bear with a view the interests of the community or for while England, herself, is not France in view of the 1906 Treaty House will be removed and placed on cial train every Saturday from San of washing away the gluish mud of an individual as its base. The yet considered unfriendly, her Colif even their acceptance by the the lot where the Crusher now is and Jose, leaving here the return trip of the hill which could not be easily United Fruit and Northern Rail. Lonial Administrators are believed Emperor of the African Empire that the unsightly building used as the following day, under a half fare freed from the shovels; yet all fail way Cos: should feel proud that to be provoking incidents which were obtained.
storeroom and workshop by the Mu system; with a stop ever ticket avaied. Within the past two years, they have a man of the experience nicipal employees will also be taken lable for a week, at the same price, however, the right thing seem to and vision of Mr. Sheehy as Sudown and re erected elsewhere. When to facilite frequenters of our Bath.
have been done; trestled bridges perintendent of Traffic in Costa Three Days Excursion To San Jose have been constructed at intervals Rica.
to take away the slides of mud, The Atlantic Voice wishes him Train will leave Limon WEDNESDAY July 17th, at a.
meanwhile a solid rock bed of huge a happy Vacation, and on his re and return leaving San Jose FRIDAY July 19th, at p.
There has been recently, muchment of the United Fruit Co. inboulders, some of four or five cubic turn many more years of active, ADULTS 00 CHILDREN 00 pilfering, on board the ships, of creased his vigilance with the result ards of solid rock, is being prepar useful and affable life to the Estrada, Matina, 25 Miles 00 ed, with the result that this danger Company and those under his guiSiquirres 00 the cargoes of merchandise passing that o nMonday and Tuesday last Train WILL NOT run via Castro through this Port, and it was alleg he rounded zone has withstood the continuous dance.
up several labourers ed that this was being done by the concerned in a robbery of an ap Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association Labourers employed to discharge preciable quantity of sewing cotton.
same. Merchants have been bitterly He further discovered where the complaining and charges have fre loot was sold and regained a conPanamanian Farmers Further Aided quently been lodged with the ship siderable part of the booty. The ping Agencies concerned, As a pilferers were all placed before the The Trustee or Liquidator of Further payments will be made consequence, Mr. Nelson, Second Alcalde and have been rethe Estate of the John Keith as soon as other assests of the state Under the direction of the De petitions for assistance, have been head of the Special Service Depart manded for investigation.
Bank has commenced making pay have been realized; and it is esti parment of Agriculture, the small accepted. The Department has, it among those whom the mated that these payments will banana farmers of the Bayano re is stated, ordered 60, 00 banana Court has adjudged ordinary or eventually aggrgate around forty ſgion of Panama are being assisted seeds with which to commence the. unsecured Creditors, after previous or forty five per cent of the total by the government, in view of the planting, and small cash advances ly deducting large sums which amount of claims.
losses they suffered some time ago are also being made to help in the According to a report which has understand, of the deceased, is a were at the disposal of the estate, Claimants for these payments when their cultivations were des development of the farms. reached us, another fictitious witness to the Deed of Gift.
particularly such as had been lodg. are requested to present their Iden troyed by disease.
transaction appears to have been It now turns out that Probate ed by government insitutions. tification Cards to the Trustee About two hundred hectareas of It is estimated that within the effected in this District.
proceedings to the estate have been The amount now being paid is whose office, for giving attention land have been already selected and next fourteen months the biggest two per cent, so that the depositors to this matter, is in the uppermost are now under survey for distribu crop of bananas, ever recorded on her death and while in It is alleged that shortly before opened by the mother of a granda dying son of the deceased, and that she who have legalized their claims floor of the Raventos Theatre, Sancion among those farmers whose the Isthmus, will be obtained. condition, a Mrs. Williams of is being represented by Attorney will receive sums after the rate of Jose; and where he will be availathat locality, calls Mr. Villalobos while Licenciado Daniei two colones for each hundred colo ble daily between the hours of one Burgess aspirant to le Zeledón represents the party under they deposited.
and two, Sundays excluded.
Another Publication gal knowledge, nad leaves her the Deed of Gift.
entire wordly possessions to Mr. The simpathy of the entire Com By Handbills scattered around SIQUIRRES INUNDATED Judging, however, from the re Joseph Burgess, the father of this munity is in favour of the grandthe City, we observe the announce quest of those who are at the back young man. Mr. Brandon, anot son.
On Thursday last the populace Many of the residents were forced ment that there will soon be launch of the scheme that Subscriptions her legal talent of this City, con These particulars are gathered of Siquirres were again threatened to abandon their buildings and ed, in this unhappy Province, an be paid in advance before the nected with the Law offices of Mr. from a personal interview with Mr.
with destruction by the overflowing seek safety elsewhere. The Market other Weekly, under the very Journal is launched, we believe we Daniel Zeledon, and a cousin, we Joseph Burgess.
of the waters of the Rio Siquirres. and several of the business esta alluring name of The Caribbean can conclude that The Sun may Due to the excessive rains which blishments were also flooded and a Sun. in which, as the Handbills suffer from a very long or perhad been falling in and around considerable amount of damage assert, will be published What chance a permanent Eclipse before Hamburg. Amerika Linie that district for some time, the done to the stocks of merchandise, others will not publish. Vits Advent over the Caribbean.
river overflowed and inundated etc.
Próximas Salidas de Puerto Limón the principal sections of the town. Para EUROPA (SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, Statistics originating from the treatment.
We beg to call your attention to our remark Ministry of Justice, Berlin, reveal The reasons given for the treatat the back of receipt which reads: that in pursuance of the provisions ment of so lange a pumber of perm. CORDILLERA 22 Junio of the law promulgated soine time sons include feeble mindedness, This Para GUATEMALA bill must be paid at our ago with the view of securing a epilepsy and chronic alcoholism.
healthier race of people for the It is also reported that as there (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
office before the 15th of the month Republic. the German authorities are more than eight million have, up to the close of last year, married women, between the ages CORDILLERA 17 Junio Be so good as to comply with this request sterilized 56, 224 persons of both of twenty and thirty years, in that SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS country, the government is en and do not oblige us to suspend our service, 84, 525 for sterilization deavouring to contract 333, 000 Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a a step which we would much regret to take.
were recommended to 205 of the marriages for them with sane and Health Courts, 8, 219 of the per healthy agriculturists. Marriages НАР YD Compañía Eléctrica de Limón sons involved in these cases protest with Bankers, Artists ProfessioAgencia Costa Rica ed, but only 377, the statement nals or Merchants are not favourTeléfono 2086 disclosed, succeeded in avoiding the led by the government.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
AFFAIRS OF THE KEITH BANK ments News of 12 Miles in a an nes Germany Health Campaign un200 sexes.
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