
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, 15th. June 1935.
a mo Give your children protection. HOW?
man, Hereby Hangs Tale Yough Jim tried to Kill a ners. Premises Still Sourceof much Speculation aisle scats.
suit. ployer Personal appearance is helpful factor in business suc Employel. Yes, and business Success is a help ul factor in personal appearance Isolated. An lowa professor What to become of your youngsters if you should die says he indstive different kinds of dumbass. It seems incredible before they are self supporting?
that a prominen man like that should have met so few people.
GET LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. Justice Is Cockeyed. What terrible crime bas this man committed?
He has done nothing. He was merely an innocent bystander when Through any local Agent or office of the and we are bolding him as a witBanco Nacional de Seguros On the Chin. Link has And where Tough Jim?
two sons. One is, in politics and He out on bail the other isn much good either.
Live and Learn. fellow can Comments On Cricket And They Are. Actually learn something every day. just there is no distinct class trodden found out the words damn and ReWe have been trying, for the refer to the Wanderers. Fathunder foot except those who hold publican are two separate words.
past few months, to encourage the finders Match. In the second inning Line Cricketers to organize a Line Capt. Dixon opened with his stone Sure, They Live Together, Competition; but no attention has wallers, Harrison and Brown; this It is worthy of note that as it retorts from the members: with Pity the Moth. moth leads Woman (to tramp. Go away, been paid the subject. Does this pair played against the one hour happened in the Smith Mitchell respect ti the report of the an awful life.
or ll call my husband.
mean that these Cricketers are so and ten minutes at the disposal of regime, so again has the so called Committee and a letter How come?
Tramp. Oh, know im lacking in ambition that they prefer the match; they played carefully Liberty Hall of this City become from Attorney Villalobos de He spends the summer in a fur s the little fellow who told me coat and the winter in a bathing to clear out yesterday or eld call play for the City Clubs than for but made runs so that at the call of the seat of scandal among its mem manding 200. 00, as a comprothe which live? time they had totalled 31 rtins bers. No proposition brought forw mise for the small amount of work is wife!
There is a wisper around that the without the loses of a wicket. In the ard, in the interests of the Organi he had done in the Probate of the Surprise is re organizing match of May 19th. Garfield know zation, and which may not meet Gordon Estate and to the Next.
There Money in It. Did pay.
Hitler is removing his so as to enter the Competition nexting he had to leave early should the approval of President Mitchell, ment of which the return of the you know that had taken up opponents von by von.
Season, and it is also said that the have left runs behind him; Walker can be sanely argued and decided Title Deeds would be subjected, story writing as a career. Surtidora wishes to organize a and others could have made more without abuses and insults being Mr. Nation moved that Whereas No. Sold anything yet. Yes; my watch, my saxophone She Does the Rest. Parents will soon be much clamouring for the Wanderers was very Club. If these are real facts there than they did as the bowling of showered on the persons suggesting the conduct of Pres: Mitchell had weak. same.
been so unbusinesslike and insultive and my overcoat.
used to worry about daughter ma Ground Space, and then our two This phase of the match was not These scandalous meetings are a to his officers and members alike, trimonial chances. Now they just days Cricket will die. Why cannot considered. They drew the game constant cource of disgust to the causing a state of dissatisfaction Did He Get the Job? Em send her to a coed school.
the Motive Power build her own they should have won and lost the neighbours within the past month to exist and on account of which ground? she has the money; but, one they should have drawn. What or so, so much so that a gentleman some of the elected officers of the perhaps, she lacks the vision. Once poor Captaincy! Why not give the was heard to assert it was rather Advisory Board had refused to more we make the appeal Wont Skipper a rest and try Walker strange that the premises were not function, thus bringing on a claim the Motive Power Sports tell us in his stead; this may produce bet declared a public nuisance by the of 200 by the Lawyer: Be it resomething of the expected visit of ter luck.
solved that the President be asked che Clarendon of Jamaica? By the way, how did Maxwell On the night of Wednesday last to resign and all Officers seats be like the Rainbows he got in his two a full turn out of members was declared vacant and a Board of What is really wrong with the Overs against the Construction? evidenced with an addition of a Management be instituted thereExcelsior Club? Is it a continual This made him 12ch. man in the goodly crowd o nthe verandahs, to for to function for the balance of streak of ill luck or is it bad Cap. Wanderers match, Did you like it hear the deliberations re the fic. the year.
In RCA VICTOR taincy? We observed she should Max?
titious Sankey Gordon purchase That a Committee be named have drawn with the Construction Mr. Cyril Hunter, Vice Capt. and the opening of the Probate to co carry on the legal questions now instead of allowing herself to be of the Motive Power, has lots to the Estate of the late Samuel Gor before the House; that a Commiwhipped. The loss of this match say of the articles by The Ball. don. As soon, however, as the buwas caused by Prof: Kerr, the We wonder if he desires some siness opened, President Mitchell through and set the Books right.
tte on Audit be appointed to go Tone and Reception star bastman and Vice Capt. who bodylining? He depreciates a nom started a shower of abuses and inAre This Motion was seconded by Finer than Ever!
dropped two catches and wilfully de plume. does he not know that sults on every member, who did Miss Calvert but the President reran out two good men, thus giving the majority of Critic and Comic not share his opinion to pay the fused to entertain it as being unaway his match. He certainly has writings are done over such signa Attorney 800. 00, the price of no Club spirit; He is a selfish bats tures? Should an article make any his contract for the legal work inparliamentary and unconstitutional, man; he does not mind if his Club one sore and such a party be cap volved, as it was claimed by others ral members, as to its desirability, in spite of many protests by seveis beaten if only he secures a big able he should, we think, face the that it could be done for one half for the better government of the score. In pursuance of this run gett bowling in these columns. This of such a sum. Pandemonium chen Society and advancement of the RADIO ing trait of his, he caused and method would be far better. Mr. reigned supreme, while some shout Institution. The President, however, Walker to be run out; and Hunter, than behaving like aned to the Presidente. Resign, persisted in his refusal to accept would have also had the same thing empty tin tied to a speeding train. resign, we do not want to hear you it; and at 12. 40 a. the lights in happen to Sutton and others if We include Mr. Payne in these any more; and others told him they had answered his calls. bats statements. tell the people the Truth you the Hall quietly going out all had have to seek their homeward ways, to man can play for a draw and still been fooling them long enough.
the great relief of the neighbours obtain runs; in this connection wel The Ball One gentleman, a relative of Gor and tenants on the building, with don, told him if he did not cease not an iota of business transacted insulting the memory of his deceasPerry Girton DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA ed cousin he would meet him and during the four and one half hours.
deal with him; the Police was sent Avenida San José. BREAD BREADI!
for but as the members upheld the Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad statements of the gentleman, Eat only the best bread.
and Colegio de Señoritas action could be taken. After much BERLIN SPECIAL LOAF MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, slangs and shurs were indulged inMade only by BOOTH Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb by the President with unpleasant The best that may be bad To whom it may concern: Mr. McIntosh has been absent SURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the in the country.
neck of Womb METROPOLITAN BUREAU for the last Don forget to call at This is in reply to letters from from his seat ten Messrs. Sutton and months and became non financial RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small BOOTH and take home a Legal, Notarial General McIntosh. Mr. Sutton would like three months after his absence, so medium sized) by way of the Urethra loaf of Berlin Special Business Transactions bread.
to know to which of the three he has automatically forfeited all Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. Trying one Clubs Mr. McIntosh (K. his rights to the Club. This clearly will convince Jones) belongs; and Jones shows that this Club does not hold you, that this is positively Among The Pleasure Seekers My untarnished reputation of asks for a clearance from the Bu herself responsible for any of her the best loaf of bread, honesty. My intelligence and made in Costa Rica rial Scheme Club so as to play for members who allow themselves to Every day seem to find itself, Guacimo by the Jamaica Burial high calibre efficiency constitute another.
become delinquent.
occupied by the different Organi Scheme Association. Then on the the necessary and all important Rule 6, section A, of the Laws Therefore the Athletic Depart zations and Clubs. On Sunday last 17th. 18th. and 19th, that to San FACTORS which constitute my governing our Athletic Department ment of the Costa Rica Burial The Cricket Board of Control ran Jose will take place and will of Iron Clad Guarantee to my acAmong The Sick reads. If a member of the Com Scheme Association has absolutely an excursion train to Turrialba. On course be the most beneficial of tual and prospective CLIENTS, During the past week the followmittee (to which all Officers be no control over any member or Wednesday the Wesleyans had them all by afording our citizens who confide to my care, di ing entered the San Juan de Dios long) fails to attend three conse members of that kind, as they do another to the same place. On the opportunity of spend rection and administration, the Hospital, San Jose, as patients: cutive meetings without proper ex not try to uplift the Sporting Monday and Tuesday nights Elder ing three days in the Capital, handling of their BUSINESS and Blas Garcia, Miguel Fernandez, suse, he shall forfeit his sant, and Ability of the Club.
Moseley amused his members by sightseeing, shopping, Jose Maria Mendoza of 24 Miles: visiting GENERAL AFFAIRS.
another elected in his stead by the With best wishes, yours for dances at the Barley Penn. On the friends in Cartago and other nearAntonio Vilches and Maria del EGBERT POLSON same Managing Committee; and Sport, 2nd. proximo the will by points, in addition to giving Carmen Vilches of 26 Miles; This shall also apply in case of Campbell. have a train Accountant, Interpreter, Trans ria Alvarado of Cimarrones and to La Perla; nad attention to other personal matters.
Lator, Judicial Business Agent.
death, resignation or otherwise.
Secy. Ason. on the 9th. there will be another to Rafael Fallas of Guapiles.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
See the Radio that thinks. Magic Brain. Range, CA VICTOR Costa Rica Radio no An Explanation


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