
irday, 15th. June 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA Ehe After Death Purchase Co operation Lacking SAL UVINA cases For Liver and Stomach Ailments were cuejudice a case Indigestion terest.
We cannot say if both or either got accustomed to the lesser Lights FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES estancis, are fumes to secure Catching Criminals With Lie. Detector core a cannot 1. Adverso, in his article in our is unduly trying to make propa The Excursion train, ran by the Football by organizing Excursion issue, in an effort to minimise ganda for the purpose of unfavourCricket Board of Control to Tu trains with matches to be played at offence for which Mr. ably prejudicing the Francis purbier rrialba, gave evidence of the great chosen districts, as well as by enterson was put and held in safe chase and begging sympathy which, del est lack of the spirit of co ordina tainments, functions, etc. but if bing for a week, by the Second as we have said, would be illegal tion among our sporting group. It this is the encouragement to be Ericalde, until sufficient security, in any other country as it tends to THE RIGHT SALTS is true there was not that amount given such efforts, then the Board de cover one thousand colones of a malicious propaganda bordering of advertising done which may be may as well close down on her ie, was obtained on his behalf, on Coercion expecially in considered necessary for such an ideas of co operation and co orditari. to further exaggerate that of where a jury may be empanneled.
event, but the Board seem to have nation, and allow things to drop ncis, has asked us to broadcast Let us ask Adverso what is a Pacounted, and very rightly so, on back into the former state of lerque ral occurrences in connection gare under the laws of Costa Rica?
the individual house to house ad hargy. Indeed the Motive Power is cosa, this alleged spurious transac Is it not reckoned as Cash (efectsupl. If Ex or In Adverse had liv ivo) in Commercial transactions?
Clubs represented on the Board, should; not by the mutual coras, in a country where the utmost If then a man buys a property this was however lacking, hence the operation of its members, but bedel sect for legal tramitations under for 2380, and pays (880 in Invaluable for the Treatment of failure.
cause of the forced collection of trucess is demanded by those dis specie, merchandise or machinery There several matches dues by the Patrons. Were it not dessing the law, he would be aware along with a Pagare for 1, 500, is scheduled by different Clubs of for this circumstance it would be the Press cannot advance sta that transaction not fully discharg.
the Competition to be played along in as straitened financial lents which might in any Flatulence condiAnd all forms way led to the entire satis action of the the Line; these did not materialize tions as the other less favoured criminal under vendor?
for the same reason of Stomach desigation by the Courts; for Ex Adverso asks us to give our lack of in ones, which are sufforing from the At Matina, there should failure of the majority of their penico son we are therefore not in readers light and yet more light; Colics minion to comply with his re but it is unwise to throw too inDisorders have been a match, but the Sports best players to pay their regular here sent to say the ground was quotas. These seem to rely on the de tense a light, until our visions have flooded. We are, however, confi fact that, being indispensible, they. dently informed this was not in must be played in a match whether keeping with the fact; and so on they pay or not.
spending their last if not fully prepared for the greathroughout the entire arrangements.
MANUFACTURED BY: Commercialized ter light. Our readers are however It is no wonder, therefore, that No interest, no idea of co operation the Excursion last Sunday left the fitnesses to sustain their alleged being gradually enlightened; they Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa not even among the Clubs let alo City with only sufficient We cannot say know who made the document for passennalse documents.
SAN JOSE ne with the Control. The majority gers for three cars instead of five.
taftich of the witnesses supporting Francis on the 11 th of April, they of the members of the Clubs are The funds realized from the venMora Francis purchase, sup know who made the one for poor viri not even interested in paying their being so inadequate to purched to have taken place three foolish Perry, who is unable to eitdos prior to the death of the ven her read or write, on the 15th.
Club dues of a Colon per month, ase a Cup of the class hoped for much less to contribute to the up by the Board, it is left to be seen tir. or of those supporting the April; and they also know that keep of a Board of Control. what the President. whose initiamel Polson Perry purchase said to Bennett died on the 14th. day of The Board proposes to raise its tive caused the train to be grantca ve been effected the day after April. They further know that the te it on which Bennett, the suppos Notary was asked to antidate this Tucked away in little items in accompanying lying, change the own funds for the improvement of ed. will do with the small amount vendor, died, will be indicted document the 15th.
January; they the newspapers, mention of the electrical resistance of the skin. the games of Cricket, Base and got in.
Perjury or why they should know the stamped papers, on which lie detector developed by the These instruments generally consay whi the poor these documents were made, were Scientific Crime Detection Labo sist of galvanometer and Adding and Typewriting Machines Exchange mfurse, who only lent her pocket issued from the United Fruit Co iratory of Northwestern Univer Wheatstone bridge, and measure ADDING CALCULATING TYPEWRITER MACHINES AND CASH REGISTERS miok as a support for the paper on Commissary in March and not in sity is becoming more and more variations in a small and imprich Adverse says the man did January as they are dated. They frequent.
perceptible current passed through High Grade Repairing done on all makes of Machines The lie detector. or, as it is the body during the questioning.
Bought and Sold toon in favour of Francis and died know too that Francis is supposed Rebuilding and Exchange rê o days after, should be held for to have given cash, goods and a more formally known, the Kee Such instruments are highly Bookkeeping and Billing Machines. Adding Machines. Calculating Machines. Typewriter Machines Terjury.
Pagare to Bennett daughter for ler Polygraph, already has been sensitive possibly too much so.
Phone 3762 MARIO CASTRO cannot say whether che Doc 2380. 00; but they do not know of much use in crime detection. They measure all sorts of emoP. Box 259 lor statement, as to the mental how much Perry was made to pay Fred Inbau, of the North tional states, and may be unfair Factory Trained Expert 20 Years Experience Herarment of the Vendor Be to the dead man. They know why western Univertiy School of Law, to the subject.
ALL WORK GUARANTFED SAN JOSE et. is as far reachng as Adverso poor Perry is still in jail with no recently reported in The Scien The Keeler Polygraph is an tould like us to state, for we are one to bail him; they know that tific Monthly that approxima entirely different type of appa movement. The movements thus Jot judges of the effects of pneu Polson and Francis were set at tely 2, 000 bank employees in ratus and was developed through are recorded upon a slowly travemonia on the human brain; while liberty under guarantee of 1, 000 fifty two Chicago banks had been many years of experimentation ling paper trip driven by a Costa Rica Soda we do know that the sufferings of each pending investigation. Beyond examined with the instrument in in this country, principally by small synchronous motor.
one afflicted with such a malady, this we cannot tell them, as it the last three years to detect em Dr. William Marston, of New Crime and Confession when intensified from suffocation would be wrong and an encroach bezzlers.
York, psychologist; Dr. John In the last three years Profestend to produce craziness at a cer ment on the prerogatives of the From 10 to 25 per cent of the Augustus Larson, research psy sor Keeler and members of the LIMON tain period; then when relief is Court.
entire personnel of many banks chiatrist of the Chicago Institu staff of the Scientific Crime obtained the sufferer will appear as Ex Adverso has so examined mere were found to te for Juvenile Research, and, Laboratory Detection have exaFábrica de Hielo perfectly normal, mentally, though told our readers that we are not be lying regardng thefts of mo more recently by the youthfulmined almost 3, 500 persons in ver so weak. And while on this telling them the Truth, but rather ney. In nearly all such instances Leonarde Keeler, Assistant Pro volved in all sorts of crimes rang y Refrescos joint may we ask ex Adverso, who trying to prejudice their minds in the findings of the machine later fessor of Law at Northwestern ing from petty thelf to mrder.
eem to claim a smattering of legal favour of our Guaranteed. and were substantiated by voluntary University.
They also have used the machine Florida Ice and ropensities, what is the value, in as actions speak louder than conffesions.
The instrument consists of in many tudreds of test on stubis college of Jurisprudence, of a words and we are sure we have Lie detectors of one kind or three units one for recording dents and others to determine dical testimony whether by af given all the Light it is now advis another have been used for many respiratory changes and a second the accuracy of the results.
Farm Co.
pry davit or otherwise fore is able to give, is he willing to wager generations. Long before psy for the pulse wave and blood In criminal cases it is more diffi LA FLORIDA nlled upon for it by the proper the same amount of our guaranty chologists ever attempted to dev pressure. The third makes a du cult, to check up, but it is signiMuthorities? In British Jurispruden. 1, 000, that our guaranteed will ise scientific methods of detec plicate blood pressure and pulse ficant, Professor Keeler thinks, we know it is invalid, therefore be exonerated from a criminal con ing deception, it was recognized curve or records muscular refle that full confessions have been Fábrica de Hielo is one is not so far reaching as viction in this matter; and yet that conscious lying ordinarily xes of the arm or leg.
Adverso would like us to be another similar amount that obtained from criminals in 75 Venta de Leche one produces evident emotional dis Only the first two per cent of the casis in which the ve.
or other of the other two indicted turbances. Some persons when needed for the detection of false record indicated deception.
y Maderas Now to the Pagare for men will be condemned however lying invariably blush; others hood. The third is an accessory 1, 500 to make good the sale for adverse to Ex Adverso fondest squirm, squint, speak in a pecu which serves to check up on The testimony of the lie dethe 2, 380; Ex Adverso must feel he hopes?
tector has not yet been admitted will be. In the meantime, sevéti liar tense monotone, or exhibit other two.
as evidence in any court, Howe Chicago banks will not emple, other signs of effort not to be For obtaining the bodily reacver, it is generally considered an applicant for a position unle tray themselves.
tions, a rubber tube known as only a matter of time until it he submits to a Polygraph test.
Ancient Methods pneumograph is placed around In China there is said to have the chest, and a blood pressure been an ancient method of lie cuff, of the type ordinarily used detection: the accused was re by physicians in measuring the spit it out for examination. If blood pressure, is fastened about quested to chew rice and then the upper arm. Rubber tubes apSERVICIO DE VAPORES the rice appeared dry, the subject proximately a quarter of an inch was considered guilty; his fear in diameter lead from the pneuSalidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK of detection was supposed to in mograph and the cuff into appa con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA.
hibit the secretion of saliva. ratus to which are attached styli.
LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EURUFIOS Many college laboratories At the tip of each stylus a day use lie detectors to demon small cup filled with ink feeds VAPORES SALIDAS strate the known fact that emo the pens as they fluctuate with VERAGUA.
16 de Junior tional disturbances, such a those each pulsebeat and respiratory QUIRIGUA 23 de Junios PETEN: 30 de Junio of of ed Water Factory ni 30 And now, by teTI be the cept had el TO are el ours with sted ei a UNITED FRUIT Co.
a do 1а ce ely 3, toK PARK HOTEL on LE follow Dios inSU Limon, Costa Rica, On ocean front Comfortable rooms. Rooms with bath. Well ventilated dining room. First class table. Good assorted bar.
Sample room LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress Post Office Box 236 Telephone W When for Foot wear you do call. Fowler EVER READY is the Name: They neither DRAEK nor PAIN; They satisfy in every way. FOWLER Ap. 464 LIMON FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs. Agentes por LIMON PUNTARENAS Para otros informes, dirijase. In oficinas de la Unif Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Ri speTELEFONO 3156 Miles: mos M ed UT Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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