
TIE ITLANTIC VOICE Day was ITALY AND ABYSSINIA time come was JOE LOUIS WHIPS CARNERA Mother celebrated, 28th. of June 1914. Does this date throughout this and other countries, not give us much food for serious Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone during last month, with every respect thought? The 14th of June 1777 and solemnity.
brought fame to poor Betsy Ross as One the 17th. of this month the the designer of the American Flag. Año No. 51 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, 29 th. June 1935. Editor English Section Nation United States government celebrated for which reason this day has ever what is termed Father Day. On this been celebrated as Flag Day in day dear old Father is given a lov the United States. On June 15th.
CORPUS CHRISTI. FEAST ing kiss, a kindly word, a flower or 1752 Benjamin Franklin, lifting his some thoughts to make him realize thoughts above national matters used AND HISTORY he is not forgotten. It is only when his intentive genius to soar into the Premier Mussolini has rejected the present military opression over civilization advances to the degree high heavens, like a like, and drew every suggestion placed before him a people with a regime of Peace Limon, June 25th. 1935.
of persecution this was not prac where it begins to be expressive of therefrom sufficient electricity to es by the Representative of Britain and civil order, particularly in the ticable. When the peace of Cons.
Mr. Nation the divine principles within the Soul tablish the fundamental principles of during their recent conference in regions of Galla, Sidama and Satantine had dawned upon the that every day be a Day for show a division of science which has Rome, in an effort to bring about mali chereby affording Abissinia Church, such a special Festival Dear Sir: ing our respect and love to mother brought more benefits to humanity a peaceful settlement of this dis the opportunity of entering into was, happily not needed; nor for centuries later. But the Beginnand father.
than any other single event per pute. He denies, in fact, the right modern civilization and to organize Wisely may it be said that June formed by an individual in recent of any one to interfere, and daims her Society in accordance with the letter which was handed over to saw the faith of the world growThanking you for your kinding of the Thirteenth century is the appropriate month for this re centuries.
it is a disgrace for England to be unfoldment of her citizens.
cognition. June is the central month The great oger Bacon, whose hie attempting to block his efforts to The evacuation of the threaten me last Sunday evening, enclo ing cold and tepidity succeeding se a short History of the Origin fervour. The had of the year, indicative of manhood roglyphics or aypher writings, are put an end to the slave trade stilled areas by the civil populace is in all its strength and glory: the Sun only now being properly interpreted, being carried on by the Abyssinian now being carried out, while Itaand meaning of the Corpus Chr when, in the designs of God, a too is in its strength affording us, on was also closely associated with this Tribesmen.
dian troops continue to be dispatch isti Feast and Procession. think special Festival was to be institthe 21st. the longest day of the year. It month. John Wesley, a specialized The Italian Colonial Secretary ed in large numbers. The Ethio that is what you meant when uted and observed throughout is in this month we find nature fully channel for enunciating certain re has stated, in reference to the mat pian Empire is regarded by foreign asking me for some information the Universal Church Festiexpressed in all her glory, her gran ligious principles and dogmas which ter it is our civilizing mission to military observers as being fully enlighten a bit those people who faith in the Mystery of Faith which about that Festival, in order to val to reanimate deur and sweet fragrance of flowers has secured him a prominent place abolish the slavery, and substitute prepared to protect her interests.
have none or a wrong idea of it and kindle attew in all hearts a and other growing things; when na in the religious life our people, was The composition is rather short: love for the Eucharistic God.
ture calls to the self within to be born on the 17th, of this month.
but considering the shortness of Who was to be the chosen inslight of heart, to be merry, to attune History informs us that on the time you gave me, and because trument for this? God selected a with the heavenly forces and to join 21st of June 1770 fifteen hundred in the choral anthems of adoration persons were trampled to death in the This has undoubtedly been the round, until the sixth in which Car it is to be published in THE lowly Nun for this mission, St.
and rejoicing.
city of Paris, on the occasion of the most interesting fight in several years: nera becoming so utterly impotent VOICE OF THE ATLANTIC, Juliana of Liege (Belgium. So many significant things have oc marriage of Louis XVI. in She was born at Retinne near Ihree were fully 20, 000 Negroes from the Black Peril chastisement hope you will be satisfied.
their With kindest regards beg Liege in 1193. At the age of curred in the history of mankind to eagerness to view the King and Queen 10, 000 Italians and as many more that the Referee, taking hold of Americans present.
make June a commemorative month in their wedding attire.
Joe right hand, raised it aloft and to remain yours truly.
five, she lost her parents and was for the adoration of the object of pro entrusted to the care of the Au.
Tomorrow, the 30th. and closing Joe weighs 196 pounds while Car shouted Stop it, no more of this. Karl Albert Wollgarten, creation, that it should be regarded day of the month, will be the 1354th nera carries 260. At the ring side are you going to kill him? You are gustinian Nuns of Mont Corniwere to be seen most of the ex World the winner by a technical as of untold interest to individuals anniversary of the Mehammedan era. Champions amongst them, Demp This brought a tremendous ovation Vicar Apostolic of Limon llon, not far from Liege. Her schooldays ended, she entered and nations alike.
There are endless important events the community. Her spiritual June is always anticiped to which attention could be directed sep. Tunney and Sharkey. The pre from the great crowd and left the THE FEAST OF CORPUS as the CHRISTI AND ITS life was marked by a tender lobeginning of the period for vacato prove this an exemplary month of seant holder of the Title was also in Negro novice with a wonderful fuattendance along with many other ture before him. He is just rising 21 HISTORY ve for Our Lady and an ardent tion. In every city and community, happenings peculiar to thoughts of devotion to Our Lord in His the schools are closed and students procreative principlesn This is the prominent fighting fans. Mrs. Roose years and has only been eleven velt held four ring side tickets while months in the professional fighting The history of the Blessed SaSacred Passion and in the Blessand teachers disperse for their long month for marriages, and truly may it be said that the June Bride is al many Governors and high functiona line. Experts are of the opinion he crament is the history of Chris. ed Sacrament. In 1208, during summer vacation. June, therefore, is the month of joy, recreation, reunion most always the most popular of rics of various States of the Union is destined to recapture, for his Ra tianity. The Apostles partook one of her frequent communings Brides.
were interested spectators, ce, the Crowa which Jack Johnson of It on the night of the first with the Hidden Prisoner of the of children with parents, friends with The American launched an aw lost to Jess Williard at Havana in Holy Thursday; they preached Tabernacle, she saw in vision the friends, with a temptation to get June should therefore ever be re ful offensive right from the start, 1915.
It and gave it to the first Chris moon shining brightly but with back to nature out into the open garded as a particularly happy month punishing the ex Champion in every tians who received it with joy one small portion of it obscured.
with the family providing as it does In the Blessed Eucharist the For the space of two years, the We also have, in this month, ma a special day on which we are asMartyrs found courage to be same vision recurred daily as ny many things of great and serious ked to concentrate our thoughts on Three Days Excursion To San Jose faithful even unto death. It was often as she knelt in prayer be import on which we may centre our Father. hence every member the armour and shield of the Con fore the altar; and, day after minds and thoughts. The World War should earnestly endeavour to ma Train will leave Limon WEDNESDAY July 17th. at a.
fessor of the faith. Well might day, she implored our Lord to was the outcome of the assassination we it full of happiness for those and return leaving San Jose FRIDAY July 191h. at p.
St. Augustine cry out: Sa tell her what it meant. One day of the Arch Duke Ferdinand on the around them.
crament of Piety! Sign of Uni she heard Him speaking within ADULTS 700 CHILDREN 00 ty! Bond of Love. Around her soul: The moon is a figure Estrada, Matina, 25 Miles 06. 00 Siquirres 500 the Altar our Catholic life cent of the Church and the dark spot Train WILL NOT run via Castro ers. Because of the clean Obla is to indicate that one thing is tion that is unendingly being wanting to perfect the splendour Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association offered up on the altars of the and beauty of the Church a fes.
When a proletariat consults aſ scoffed at the idea with the tra.
Church, we can truly say that tve Memorial of the Blessed SaVidente on matters of his priva gic results known to us.
te life, he is dubbed ignorant and each day is a Feast of the Bless. crament, which choose you to We find by the Cables that the THE RETURN OF VACATIONIST ed Eucharist; even outside the achieve.
superstitious, but at times reve Private Secretary of President lations come to us that these Roosevelt, Mr. Louis Mc Henry Frank Sheehy, our genial Supt. visits, recently, of Mr. Chittenches We are pleased to see Mr. also pleased to note the frequent hours of Mass, each of our chur! Juliana protested her unwor. filled with the Hidden thiness and her weakness, but things are indulged in by the Howe, is a Vidente and prophes for the Northern Railway, back den to our Port. His new sphere Majesty of God.
Jesus insisted the more that she Wise and Prudent.
ied ten years before Roosevelt from his much merited vacation, on the Pacific has almost ent From very early times, one was His choice. He told her a new When Pablo Sidar, the great went into the White House that looking rosy and fit.
irely taken Mass George away day has been specially set apart Feast was to be instituted for the Mexican Aviator, lost his life on he would have been President of Mr. Sheehy is one of those from us; but we like him to feel wherein the Church conmmemor following reasons: first in order Costa Rican shores, word came the United States. He now sees officers who enjoy the fullest that we recognize him as a Limates the Institution of the Bles that the Catholic doctrine might from Mexico that his family had and prophesies that within ten confidence and esteem, not only onense pure and simple, and that sed Eucharist. Holy Thursday receive aid at a time when the consulted a Vidente, who advised years a woman will rule the Uni of every man under his imme. his old friends feel at a loss But in the words of Pope Urban faith of the world was growing that he should not make the ted States.
diate orders, but of the general when his presence is taken from IV) on this day, the Church is cold; secondly, that the faithful trip for he would die. Pablo comunity in which his operations us; even though it means noj occupied with reconciliation of who love and seek truth and pielocate The two Cubans, Alfonso Rou, Gomez and Aurelio Pellan have among us.
subalterns, yet dont you know we and other mysteries. Wherefore, to walk ever in the way of vir.
While mentioning the presenlike to have you around with us sufficient time is not left to hon tue; thirdly, that irreverence and bal, alias Edmundo Argomante, been sentenced to die on the gace of officials among us, we are for old times sake!
our this most sublime Sacra. sacrilege towards the Divine Maand Cerofino Diaz, who fled lows. The case was heard at a ent. It was fitting that, outside jesty in this Adorable Sacrament from Jamaica a few months age recent sitting of the regufar THE HAUPTMAN APPEAL Passioritime, there should be a might. by sincere and profound Kingston in Porto Rico and taken back to when a verdict of Guilty was This long looked for appeal of neys and, according to the infor solemn Festivan when we might adoration, be extirpated and rethe Island under the charge of returned against them by the Hauptmann to escape honour with due splendour and paired. Lastly, He bade her to the Electric mation which has reached us, the ceremonial HIM WHO is announce to the Christian world having brutally murdered two Jury.
Chair came on before the fourteen contentions made on his behalf have To Page other Cubans known as Francisco Judges of the New Jersey Highese been favourably received by the in our midst. In the early ages Court, The Court of Errors and Ap Court. He will, however, probably ha peals, on the 21st. instant.
ve to wait two or three months beWe beg to call your attention to our remark The case on behalf on the sonidem fore the decision of the Judges is ned man was argued by the three Attor known.
at the back of receipt which reads: This bill must be paid at our Aerial Disaster (CARNOCIDAD DE COCO)
office before the 15th of the month a 9. 00 Quintal As the result of a collision in to proceed on her way to Brazil. their aerodrome at Medellin, Co sudden and very strong gust of Be so good as to comply with this request lombia, two planes were destroyed wind drove the outgoing one straght We buy COPRA (Meat of Cocoanut)
and 16 lives lost, among them a into her. The collison caused an and do not oblige us to suspend our service, Price. 00 Quintal noted Theatrical Singer, Carlos almost immediate outburst of flame a step which we would much regret to take.
which completely enveloped both Pagamos cantidades grandes 32. 50 dólares Tonelada The cables state that one was planes, totally destroying them and We buy large quantities at 32. 50 dollars Ton Compañía Eléctrica de Limón leaving the airport for Bogota, carbonizing all the passengers and Informes: CALDWELL. Apartado 173, Limón, Costa Rica while the other was awaiting the crew.
Further information: CALDWELL. Limón, Costa Rica taking off of the outgoing plane!
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. SEER IN ROOSEVELT CABINET CUBANS SENTENCED TO DIE IN JAMAICA tensely pleased to have him back are left in the hands of your oils, the washing of the feet, this source of life new strength ever. Costa Rican Pam Nut Company compre COPRA 31

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