
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, 29 th June 1935.
DISORDERLY CONDUCT ANOTHER OLD TIMER PASSES aware CORRESPONDENTS SOLICITED PARK HOTEL some AMONG THE SAMARITANS After some weeks of plann for the many epithets of love and What to become of your youngsters if you should die ing for what was proposed to be loyalty to the King an Trone, as a demonstration of loyanlty to the also for the kind remarks regardbefore they are self supporting?
King, Throne and Royal family. ing his dear self. In expressing was held in this City on Monday his regret for not having instiGET LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. the 24th. instant by a section of tuted the celebration during the the coloured Britishers.
early part of last month he stated Some of the Britishers who that his neglect was because of were approached regarding the his sympathy for His Majesty scheme, felt that the move should subjects, knowing full well the have originated from the Vice expenses attendant on such a ceThrough any local Agent or office of the Consul; and as it was so long lebration and the very stringent past the time for such a celebra times through which all were tion, those who would have been passing (forgetting, evidently, Banco Nacional de Seguros patrons felt cold on the matter that it was the generosity of the as they considered there had been Administration of the Northern)
ample time between the 6th. of Railway Co. in giving a train May and the end of that almost free for the bringing of month for the holding of such Britishers and their progeny functions.
together, nearly all of whom are However, on the 24th of the labourers in the Banana IndusPolice had again to be called in called him so; he got infuriated and present month, a train with five try of the United Fruit Co. at the LA. Hall. The rearing of called in the Policeman; but as the coaches packed with visitors arri. which had made such a gather Pigs and educating them to speak members were able to satisfy this Death has claimed another of our that her malady was incurable she ved here at p. from the ing possible. He promised to seem to be the principal industry be Arm of the Law that Mr. Mitchell City older residents, Mrs. Rosita returned home where she died TuesOld Lines, and the crowd began convoy, through His Majesty ing indulged in at present. Pre ident was the cause of the dispute no a Francis, who had been suffering for a day dast. Her mortal remains were moving up to the Plaza Yglesias Minister, the message of loyalty Mitchell styled himself a Polished tion was taken.
where a small rostrum had been and love; and closed his remarks Pig. and because Mr. McCallur long time and passed many weeks inlaid at rest the following afternoon.
the Hospital. On becoming May her Soul find rest.
erected. The principal item of by reminding his hearers that the afternoon was the processi. Mrs. Cox, wife of the British on of children belonging to the Consul in San José. asked all schools conducted by some of present to subscribe to the great the members of the Committee. Sirver Jubilee Memorial Fund From time to time we have soli ing arguments on matters of publ. The Wesleyans, the Salvation being organized in London by cited the co operation of our read. fic interest. By this; we do not, of Limon, Costa Rica, On ocean front Army, the Davidson Middle the Prince of Wales for charita ers by means of contributions of course, imply personal advertiseComfortable rooms. Rooms with bath. Well ventilated Grade and the Thomas Elemen ble purposes. In is a pity he did articles of public interest, but all ment.
dining room. First class table. Good assorted bar. tary of the Hall not suggest that the profits from to no purpose.
On the 13th of July we shall Sample room followed by the St. Mark Boy the train be sent to the Gleaner There are 38 Lodges operating produce our Anniversary number LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress Scouts with their Drum Corps, to assist the funds required for around us, three Burial Associa and begin our enlarged issue with then by a few members from the the Memorial Tuberculosis Hos tions, many Clubs, Reading Rooms, two additional pages; we therefore, Post Office Box 236. Telephone Shepherds Lodge, the Gardeners pital to be erected in Kingston, etc. is it possible there are no acti gladly invite our correspondents to Lodge and the Foresters Court Jamaica. This would have set vities to be placed before the pu send in their thoughts on preceded by a horse guard of the Committee thinking in the blic to advice them of the achieve subject of interest. Notes on matfour mounts, All gathered in right direction. After the disco ments of members?
ters instructive, with inspiring 2nd. Avenue from whonce they use of the Vice Cónsul God We once more solicit the aid of thoughts, will always be apprecimarched along with the Commit Save the King was lustily sung. correspondents with sound reason lated and given insertion.
The District Lodge of the Good Samaritans in this counGrand United Order of Good Sa try.
tee composed of Messrs. Elder Moseley then read an Jaar 22 Thoas: Davidson; New address to the Comandante de maritans and Daughters of Saton; Cox; Brotherton; Plaza, don Fulgencio Campos, in Adding and Typewriting Machines Exchange maria, held their Grand Lodge The Order is a very great OrA. Shaw Davis; Adj: Wright, Spanish, thanking him for the and ADDING CALCULATING TYPEWRITER MACHINES AND CASH REGISTERS Sessions on Monday night last:ganization, very clannish Elder Moseley and the Revs: sympathy extended Britishers, Grand Wrothy Chief Edwards attentative to the needs and proHigh Gade Repairing done on all makes of Machines Berry and Pitt, to the who had the misfortune of fall Bought and Sold Rebuilding and Exchange and his Associates dealt with blems of its many members. We Gobernacion where exchanges of ing under his direct supervision many serious problems affecting hope Grand Chief Edwards vill Bookkeeping and Belling Machines. Adding Machines. Calculating Machines Typewriter Machines the progress and unity of the do much for the unification of all compliments were gone through. in chastisement for infringing The Vice Consul, Mr. Robert the laws of our most benevolent Phone 3762 MARIO CASTRO Box 259 several Lodges of the Order of units of the noble Order.
Johnson, did not accompany the country of adoption, and praying Factory Trained Expert 20 Years Experience procession to the Governor but that the Wise Dispenser of all LL CEK GUARANTEED SAN JOSE awaited their return at the Cuar events would continue his guidtel.
ing hand of properity and illuOn returning to the Plaza, the mination in the directing of gowho were absent by duty or oth marched to their respective headCommunist Leader Carlos Fa strike; this was, however, denied crowd of curious ones gathered vernmental affairs by not only erwise, for the demonstration of quarters as also the Boy Scouts who around the Rostrum along with himself but by those whose ord loyalty to their King and Royal to theirs. Thereafter all had the las, who figured prominently by the prison authorities hear those who had taken part in the ers it was his good fortune to family, which bespoke good citiz full liberty of the City with dan among the strikers here during asserted he had eaten as procession. Mr. Thomas dispense in this Province.
enship wherever they may find cing at the Hall of the last year memorable period, and tily as he ever did.
Shen ascended the platform and themselves domiciled. The NaI. till the wee hours of the has been serving his term in the sad an address Costa In replying, don Fulgencio tional Anthem of to the Consul Rica morning. At a. Tuesday Penitentiary, was on Wednesday thanked the Committee for the was then heartily sung by from the Committee, presumably the 25th. the train left do distri afternoon released under Bail for LUIS WA CHONG on behalf of Britishers in the to his country, his government the Boy Scouts Band.
expressions of kind sentiments school cildren accompanied by bute the visitors along the va. one thousand colones.
GUACIMO GUAPILES Province of Limon, as also the rious line sections to as far up During his confinement, his and himself, and congratulated copy of the cablegram to be sent those present, as well as those the children and Lodge members display of Order and Decency.
The procession reformed and as Guapiles amidst the greatest activities among the prisoners Cantina, Licores Extranjeto His Majesty expressing Lohaving the appearance of agitatros y del país yalty and Love to King George X ing trouble, was set apart (incommutated) from associating Tienda bien surtida y Throne and person, at this time Abarrotes en general of celebration of the Silver Jubiconversing with others. On accolee of his twenty five years ac.
unt of this a report was circulat Precios sin competencia ed that he had gone on a hunger cession to the Throne.
His Britannis Majesty Vice Consul in this City, Mr.
Johnson, then expressed thanks Banco del Estado State Bank METROPOLITAN BUREAU Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue The Forbes family go one by one. ago where the latter died. At the Legal, Notarial General We understand that Miss Marie request of her mother Nurse ForBusiness Transactions ofrece al público los Forbes, a Nurse in the Hospital bes now goes to keep her company.
Offers the Public the service, will leave these shores today The Atlantic Voice wishes Box 544. Cable, Metrobur. servicios de su Services of its for her native soil.
her a very pleasant trip across the My untarnished reputation of Her mother along wih her hus briny Blue and many happy years honesty. My intelligence and band left for Jamaica some time by the side of her widowed mother.
high calibre efficiency constitute the necessary and all important DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA FACTORS which constitute my Iron Clad Guarantee to my acEN LA Avenida San José IN THE tual and prospective CLIENTS, Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad who confide to and Colegio de Señoritas erection and administration, the MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea.
handling of their BUSINESS and Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb GENERAL AFFAIRS.
para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service SURGICAL DIA THERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the neck of Womb EGBERT POLSON servicio bancario Rendered RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small Accountant, Interpreter, Trans medium sized) by way of the Urethra ator, Judicial Business Agent.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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