
Saturday, 29 th June 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA NEWS OF CRICKET SAL UVINA took For Liver has always been very keen. The of the game than the playing and Stomach Ailments Invaluable for the Treatment of on GREAT MASS MEETING Cospus Christi. Feast.
From Page 1320, of Paris in 1323, of Tour The match in connection with carried over the Boundary Line.
His Will that this Feast should nai in 1325 and of Chartres in the Cup Competition on the Umpire Jones a very serious and be observed.
1330. An old Chronicle of Milan 23rd, Wanderers vs. Construc. reliable Judge of the game, gaFor some years the humble, tells us that on May 24th. 1404, tion, was abandoned in conseqve his decision that the ball had unknown nun hesitated to put there was carried solemny for uence of the soppy state of the definitely settled in the fields.
herself forward. At length she the first time, the Body of Christ pitch, it having rained all Satur man hands before he went over THE RIGHT SALTS spoke of her vision and of the Dir in the streets of Padua, which day night and Sunday morning the Boundary Line. However, in vine connmand to John of Lauder Martin and Eugenius IV, This impossibility to play was consequence of the differences sanne, a holy priest who was one the Procession was firmly estakeenly felt by the superters of of opinions which have arisen, of tje canons of the church of St. blished, for these Popes granted both Clubs, as both being very we quote for the guidance of our Martin. She besought him to con. Indulgences to those who strong the rivalry between them Amateurs, who do more talking fer with other priests on the sub part in it. In the city of Angers, ject nearest to her heart. He did where in the twelfth century, BeWanderers, however, is not really of it: so; and he himself and those rengarius had denied the Real as strong as she used to be hav.
whom he consulted were agreed Presence, there was a Corpus ing lost some of her men who Re, Boundary. sce notes to that such a Feast in the Univer Christi Procession of surpassing jumped, as the Ball puts it, Law If a ball hit or pass sal Church would give great glo magnificence. a civic Act of into the Motive Power; lucky over or through the boundary or ry to God and do untold good for Homage and of Reparation. WonCapt. Butler is nevertheless con is carried over it by the fieldssouls. One of the priests thus derful, too, were the Processions Flatulence fident of his team. We are sorry man, the Umpire should call And all forms a consulted was the Archdeacon of the Blessed Sacrament in Ro.
both could not be seen at their boundary hit; but, a fieldsman of Liege, Jacques Pantaleone, me and in many of the great ciIndigestion of Stomach may lean against the boundary best.
the future Pope who instituted ties of mediaeval Europe and in Tomorrow we shall have the to catch or field a ball; and if the Feast of Corpus Christi. Pre Reformation England.
Colics Disorders Burial Scheme against the Ex a fieldsman when standing tvitwhich means: Body of Christ. This, in a few terms, is the Hiscelsior hin the playing ground, even In those days, Bishops still had tory of the origin of the beautiIn the match the 16th. though he be touching the Boun.
FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES the power of instituting feasts ful Corpus Christi Processions.
for their own dioceses. In 1246 The Council Pathfinders against the Burial dary, catch a ball OUTSIDE Trent speaks Scheme, there arose much com th Boundary the Batsman should John of Lausanne approached of the Feast as the Triumph of MANUFACTURED BY: ment on a Catch taken by a be given out the Bishop of Liege, Robert del Faith Triumph is the dominant fieldsman within the field but We are not surprised of those Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa Thorat, and told him of the vil note in the Office and Mass on Cricket Politicians, like Capt.
sion and mission of Juliana. The this day. Why does the Church SAN JOSE Dixon and others, who may never pius Prelate was overjoyed and sound this noie? It is because 1BREAD BREADI!
have played or seen first class issued a Decree in 1249 ordain. she has Jesus Himself with her, Eat only the best bread. cricket played in their country ing that each year on the the Living God, in the Blessed BERLIR SPECIAL LOAF of origin; but we are certainly Thursday following the first Sacrament. Its no commemoratMade only by BOOTH surprised to hear Umpire DrumSunday after Pentecost, there on of Him; it is Himself. It is The best that may be had mond, who was at the silent end should be observed in all churno part of the Mystery of the Inin the country.
of the wickets, say the striker While the Limon Division of to inthuse interest in the Organi ches of the diocese a solemn Fes carnation; it is the whole myst Don forget to call at was not out. We learn that the the gets no correszation once more as a means of tival in honour of the Blessed ery, and the Incarnate One HimBOOTH and take home a question has been referred to pondence from the Parent Body starting the campaign for Racial Sacrament.
self. It is not simply a means of loaf of Berlin Special Jamaica by a cricketer for deci of the Organization in England, Conciousness among Negros. The Decree of the Bishop of grace it is the Divine Fountain bread.
sion. This will only cause crick the Moin Chapter in constantly Such a meeting will be called Liege was confirmed by the Car of grace Himself. It is not me.
Trying one will convince cting authorities in that Island in communication with Mr. Gar at the Linon Liberty Hall by dinal Legate Hugh de St. Cher. rely a help to glory; it his the you, that this is positively Redeemer to feel that some of us, although pey, who has advised that Chap permission of the Officers of His Emminence had been one of glorified Himself, the best loaf of bread, Secretaries for large Organizate to call an immense mass meet that Division on or about the tre priests consulted many years the owner and source of all glomade in Costa Rica is tions and Clubs are not fit for ing at the most convenient spot 10th of July.
before by John of Lausanne. He, cy. The Blessed Sacrament third standard reading, himself celebated the new Feast God in His mysterious, miraculof Corpus Christi in the church ous veils. It is the possession of Gran Ferial! Gran Ferial! LAWN. PARTYI of St. Martin on the 6th of Ju her God which is the life long ne 1247.
triumph of the Church, the Bria Beneficio de la under the auspices of the Pope Urban IV. in 1264, in de of Christ.
the BULL Transiturus insti!
Nueva Catedral de Limón New Cathedral, Pt. Limon tuted the Feast of Corpus Christi Omnipotent, All holy God, Se verificará el lo. de Julio On the Church Lawn Monfor the UNIVERSAL Church. Thy Presence we adore; 1935 en el patio de la Iglesia day night lot. of July 1935 The Procession that now forms In Eucharistic helplessness, 50 Cts. Adultos Adults 50 Cts part of the solemnity of this Sweet Lord, we love Thee More!
ENTRADA: 25 Cts. Niños Admission: Children 25 Cts great Feast is of later origin than the Feast itsel. The Bull of Urban IV. makes no mention of a Procession. The Procession has its origin in certain indivi.
dual churches in France, and FRANK MADURO Jr.
We had no cricket during the pre Mr. Dixon. to advise his young vious two weeks, but we saw an ex companions to play the game as it churches of the West and into from thence passed into, all the cellent game last Sunday week the should and not allow the public to the Roman Rite, The earliest Best native lumber Pathfinders met the Burial Scheme encurage them in creating scandals.
records of a Corpus Christi Proin their first game of the Season. As We all understand that when an cession are to be found in the at moderate prices is known the Schemers lost three Umpire announces his decision it is Diocesan Archives of Sens in.
consecutive matches. those against absolutely final; then why should a Walk Fowler Way for Your the Wanderers, Motive Pover and player try to make a big noise from Hob Nailed Cricketing Boots Construction. Although they won an his position on the field? Harrison excellent victory when they met the was given out and he was Sewn 12. 00 Nailed 10. 00 Wanderers, the Pathfinders failed in heard to use quite a lot of indecent FOWLER Ap. 464 this fixture with the Burial Scheme. language. Sush language did not LIMON This should tend to make the Com send him back to the wickets, and petition keener, as no one Club has is detrimental to the good name of any certainty, yet of being the Cham his Club. Then when Campbell was pions.
caught on the boundary line, Captain The winning of the toss has a lot Dixon and his men made a great scan The Scribe eye has, by the merest pes the throat troubles of himself to do with the outcome of a game, dal over the decision, yet things rechance caught a glimpse of that old and daughter will only be of a pass yet. Captain Dixton did not win this mained the same. There really is no Limonense who has been so persis ing moment so that they will soon be match, as he should have, after win reason for any player to conduct tently protecting the interest of Ta at their best.
ning the toss. Hald he allowed the himself in this manner. At the same lamanca, Mr. Fermin Regidor.
Burial Scheme to go first to the wi time we should ask the Umpires to Mr. Regidor came up on her We were also happy to catch! ckets, he certainly might have won keep their eyes open, as we know business, but since his arrival here sight of Mrs. and Miss McGregor of and so place his Club in a good po they are trying to do, and so save the change of breezes seem to have Siquirres, both taking the opportuni sition with the Motive Power.
Are Finer than Ever!
these unsavoury frictions.
affected the bronchial tubes if him ty of running into town on Monday Campbell did not go in last Now to a certain Mr. Umpire, you self and his endearing little girl, in last. We do hope their few hours as in other games, and by being pla talk too much, and though you try consequence of which he is neither spent in the balmy breezes of the ced 6th. gained the distiction of ma your best yet by your own words, as jovial nor as happy as always. Port will benefit them much and the king the winning stroke for his Club: it looks as though you are personal The VOICE takes the pleasure prospects of the Swimming Pool will Russell batted well although Muir in some oy your actions; should this of welcoming him among us, and ho being them back soon.
bowled a lot of short pitched burn continue we may have to ask the pers.
Board of Control to remove your naSIQUIRRES RESTAURANT am again asking a favour of me from the roll of Umpires.
The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Minutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Res.
taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo The rather astonishing information being taken by that government we ken, Se habla español. On parle Francais, Man Spricht Deutsch has reached us that six million aliens are not now in a position to inform KISSLING are to be deported from the United our readers but hope to do so in an Manager States of America. What has given early issue.
Perry Girton rise to such an unusual decision Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
COMMENTS ON CRICKET Maduro Lumber Yard Prop.
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