
the The Italian Abyssinian Conflict Vers conTUBERCULOSIS. THE DREAD DISEASE Our earlier article treated briefly, are more like asthma or chronic bron of the origin of this disease, the rou chitis than tuberculosis; such a one tes by which it usually attacks the hu not knowing or probably not belivDevoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone man being and the symtoms gene ing he is suffering from the diseaaally produced thereby.
se, takes no precaution against scatAno No. 52 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, th July 1935.
Editor English Section Nation We now desire to direct attention tering it. Those who have to come to the dangers of infection the pre in contact with these types should causions which should be taken to faithfuly excercise every precaution The Reported Deportation Pontifical Mass at Cathedral adapted for the control of the disea most dangerous ones, particularly in 18 of Aliens the home which if small and bad y Saturday last, 29 th, ultimo, to leave the sacred edifice, Contact with infected persons and ventilated increases the danger. Work being the feast of the Apostoles Solemn Benediction was held the use of milk from infected cowsing in the same room with a sufWith reference to the report, those in receipt of government St. Peter and St. Paul, special in the evening and added much are the two sources from which one ferer, especially one who coughs and briefly referred to in our last relief.
masses were said in the Cathe. to the catrancing experience of is usually liable to become infected spits, is most dangerous; and no preissue, of the desire to deport all The Bill also suggests legisla. dral; and on the following day, the morning mass. The inton with the germs, and although milk is causions would overcome the danger aliens now in the United Statestion to prohibit the employment Sunday the 30th. the Catholics ing by Father Albert, as he is generally boiled of America, the matter wes intro of an alien in a position which of our community had the plea still affectionately called by all. use, this possible source of infection room, or worse yet, the same bed.
or scalded before of infection by sleeping in the same duced by a member of the lower a citizen is capable of filling. sure of assisting at the first Pon and the chanting by the choir should never be lost sight of particu Hence the desirability for isolating house of the Congress as a means, According to the latest and most tifical Mass of Bishop Wollgargave a most solemn tone to the larly by those who have to purchase such sufferers who intensify the danit was claimel, of solving the unreliable estimates available there ten.
service; and the gorgeous system their daily supply without a know ger of infection by the large amount employed problem.
are still more than ten million The procession, from the Pres. employed in the lighting of the ledge of the cows from which it The proposal suggests the en persons unemployed in the Uni bitery up the aisle of the Cathe Altars and Sanctuary lent is of sputum they discharge, and the actment of a law for the deportated States, and the passing of dral to the sanctuary, of the 12 air of supreme grandeur to an obtained.
methods of its disposal should be tion of all aliens within the Unithe suggested law would, conseIt has been found by careful ob most carefully considered.
servation conducted in various coun The most effective measures for ted States who had not taken out quently, reduce these by at least Acolytes, the three Priests and entire ceremony.
His Lordship, was exceedingly It will be many and many a tries, that the disease is much mo the control and prevention of the their full citizen papers. It is one half.
impressive, and the mass wich year before the impression imore common in large cities than in disease include fresh air, sunshine, stated that at the time of the There is as yet no indication followed most enchanting; inde printed on our minds can fade.
1930 census there were over of the position which the Admi. ed, at its close, one felt reluctant)
sparsely populated towns and coun rest, proper diet, with a strict avoi4, 000, 000 aliens in residence the nistration might take regarding try districts. Density of population dance of insanitary habits and such re and that these have since been the measure, but it is certain that causes frequent and close contact other things which tend to undermiincreased to 6, 000, 000. In so far should the matter be pressed at Railway Facilities for Old with large numbers of persons, mase the health of the body and thus ny of whom may be infected, and decrease its disease resisting power.
as the present Congress is con. this time there will be protests Harbour cerned it is anticipated that the from those governments whose is, consequently, an important fac Effective prevention depends chiesuggestion will meet with economic conditions might be Due to the intense farming opertor in the spread of germs; thoughfly on keeping hale; but the doption This extension will greatly assist great deal of opposition, opinion seriously affected by the return ation being carried out between in the development of the lands often ignored. Every tuberculous sub of correct health habits depends tarbeing limited toward the deporta of thousands of their nationals. Cahuita and Old Harbour within lying in the valley of the Cuabre jest does not produce the same de sely, however, on our people being tion only of alien criminals and the government one mile strip as and Margarita Hills, and be of gree of danger; those who are ter properly intructed regarding the funwell as on privately owned lands, much convenience to the residents med chronic or advanced cases are damentals of health also of disease the United Fruit Company is now of Old Harbour and Manchioneal, by far more dangerous because, as a prevention; and in this respect a disposed to construct a bridge over as they will be able to visit Limon rule. they produce a larger amount great deal of responsability rests the Estrella and Home Creek Ri by sea as well as by rail and bring heavily charged with the germs. It To drive the dread disease from the of sputum (spittle) which is always with our Public Health Department.
somewhere about the old their produce to market by which Considerable excitement is re. frontier, with heavy casualities.
Water Tank on the Estrella line ever route is found more is, however, not only the sputum land, hard work has to be undertaported to have been produced in According to the information which is dangerous to others; the ken, our towns should be made clean and lay down twelve miles of rail venient.
Rome on the receipt of information released by the English press it is droplets of moisture thrown out from and sanitary with the living condithat England had decided to constated that Mussolini declares way lines towards Old Harbour.
their mouths and nostrils while has since become a custom. Unsult the other Powers regarding Italy minimum demands for a coughing sneezing and talking also se who occupy tenement buildings, the application of an Arms embar peaceful settlement of the conflict. UNFORTUNATE EXPERIENCE OFcontain large numbers of the germs; relieved of its usual insanitary tengo against Italy if she persisted in would be the expulsion of Ethiopia these also accumulate on the cloth dencies; and provision made for the her campaign against Abyssinia. from the League of Nations and LOCAL AVIATOR ing and bedding used by them. In tions of the masses, particularly tho Following on the above an extra from the League of an armed proordinary session of Italy Supreme tectorate over the African Empire.
Among those who went over to trip as a result of the rains which many of these cases the sufferers) isolation of patients whose contiCouncil of Admirals was in the community held In a statement, the African Em. witness the ceremony connected had been falling and the darkened become resistant to the germs and, nued presence the clouds he had to make a when it was decided to may, therefore, forced not be sufficiently whould always constitute a danger increase peror reiterated his desire to avoid with the official opening of sick to remain in bed; they, conse channel for the transmission of the activities in the transportation of the necessity of engaging in war Air Base at Colorado Bar yester landing in Juan Viñas.
Fortunately those with whom they serious harm quently, go about scattering the in disease to troops and war material to Africa. as it destroyed progress; but if it day morning was the Aviator Peter It has also been reported, though should come his country was fully Ivanoff. Leaving San Jose in his was done to the plane nor did Mr. fection. Another type of dangerous contact.
not confirmed that a serious and prepared to defend her interests to plane the Alas Ticas he reached Ivanoff or his one passenger suf. patient is the one whose symtoms prolonged battle had occurred the utmost and he felt confident the Bar safely but on the return fer any personal injury.
between the Italian and Abyssinina of ultimate success.
forces stationed near the Erithrean The Jmerican Golony of Limon, cordially By latest statistics regarding, ony 281. 636. 23 was obtained invites you to join in celebration of the the operations of the governa from that of Limon. The PrinHuey Long, who represents immediate payment; guarantee a One Flundred and Fifoy. Minth finniver. mentis Revenue Deparment we cipal Customs House in San José the State of Louisiana in the Se fortune of 5, 000 to every honote that nearly twice sary of the founding of our Republic.
as brought in 257. 871. 79, while nate and has, for some time, been me; limit fortunes to 10, 000, 000 mucho merchandise is passing that of Sixaola produced prominently before the eye of dollars; store surplus foods and through Puntarenas in these days 2, 633. 83 and Parcel Posts fetthe American public in conse cotton instead of destroying them than what comes by way of Li. ched 36. 346. 27, making a quence of his severe criticisms and hang every scoundrel who gross total, for the month, of of the Roosevelt administration, wants so much that he would For the month of May the 1, 018. 684. 67 for Importations.
government netted 439. 696. 53 Exportations from all recently gave an address in his starve everybody else to death.
in Customs Revenue home State, when he made seve These extraordinary sentim.
from the brought in 47, 835. 07 dollars.
Port of Puntarenas, whereas mal very fac reaching statements ents of the Senator have brought Through the courtesy of the Rev. a sincere companion, and while heregarding the policy he would him much ridicule fron the Sydney Berry, we are favoured with re made many lasting friendshinps; prsue if he were President of the press, but it is claimed the ma.
a copy of The Directory of the Ja his numerous friends will be sorry The United States.
jority of the people of his State maica District of the Methodist Church to learn of his failing health. THE He is reported to have said believe in him, and that those and Report of the Jamaica Auxilia ATLANTIC VOICE sympathizes with he would reduce working hours who are against him are the weal. ry of the Methodist Missionary So him and hopes his later years may agitation, the inhabitants of the Phi can government, of which the first As the outcome of their persistent selves under an idependent Republito not more than 30 per week: thier ones who would wish others ciety. This Directory, beautifully be comforted in the realization of would scale down the debts due to have next to nothing. got up in magazine form of 106 lea the sincerity of his services in his lippine Islands will soon secure their President is to be elected in the month by the poor and postpone their political freedom and establish them of September next.
ves of artistically printed informa Master vineyard.
tion, is a credit to the Methodist De It must he very gratifying to the Hamburg. Amerika Linie nomination. It gives a detail of the Revs. Berry and Pitt entire work in Jamaica along with that the efforts of their little flock that done in Panama, Honduras, Hai of 344 members have been instruPróximas Salidas de Puerto Limón ti and Costa Rica with complete litststrumental in gathering 1, 300 colones Para EUROPA SERVICIO DE VAPORES of all special financial contributions as special contributions, in such strin (SANTANDER. PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, made in the District to help in the up gent times as these, to aid in MissioSalidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK AMSTERDAM y HAMBURGO)
keep of its several ministerial and nary Work.
con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA.
educational works.
The Rev. Berry has made himself CARIBIA 20 Julio In it we note that the Rev. Theo: exceptionally affable and genial to LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS Glasspole, who served in this coun all whom he has contacted within VAPORES SALIDAS Pau GUATEMALA try for a number of years has had his short stay here; the formation of to retire from active service due to age his Men (undenominational) social VERAGUA (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON) de Julio and failing health. Mr. Glasspole was meetings has made him very popular. QUIRIGUA.
14 de Julio CARIBIA 15 de Julio much admired here for his gift of and we are expecting the youth of PETEN 21 de Julio utterances by which he was always our Community to derive much beSERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS able to draw large audiences. He was nefit by his stay among us.
Para cualquier ciaso de informes, dirigirse a: Agentes para LIMON PUNTARENAS HAPAG LLOYD Visitors From Panama Para otros informies, diríjase a las oficinas de la United Agencia Costa Rica On Thursday last the Launch who will be spending some days in Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica Bocas del Toro arrived in Port our midst.
TELEFONO 3156 Teléfono 2086 with forty Tourists, from Panama, edad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de cu no PUNTARENAS BEATS LIMON If Long were President Community hown. July sixth nineteen hundred and thirty Five 00 PM mon. CHURCH REPORT sources Philippine Independence UNITED FRUIT Co.


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