
LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, th July 1935.
PAGINA INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. THE UNIVERSAL UNIVERSITY Restaurant Siquirres Without cost or obligation, please send me full particulars about the subject before which have marked X: El tren de pasajeros de Limón a San José se detiene en Siquirres 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan almorzar cómodamente. Compre su tiquete en el tren para que sea aten.
dido a la llegada. El precio es 50. El Restaurant queda a la derecha de la Estación. Cantina, Cigarros y Cigarillos. Se habla inglés, español, francés y alemán. KISSLING Administrador Accountancy Architect Architectural Draftsman Building Estimating Wood Millworking Contractor and Builder Structural Draftsman Structural Engineer Electric Wiring Electrical Engineer Electric Ligthing Train Operation Chemistry. Pharmacy Coal Mining Engineer Navigation. Boilermaker Textile Overseer or Supt.
Cotton Manufacturing Woolen Manufacturing Agriculture Fruit Growing Poultry Farming Radio. Marine Engineer TECHNICAL AND INDUSTRIAL COURSES Advertising Bridge and Building Civil Engineer Welding. Electric and Gas Foreman Surveying and Mapping Reading Shop Blueprints Gas Engines Refrigeration Telegraph Engineer Diesel Engines Locomotives Telephone Work Aviation Engines Section Foreman Mechanical Engineer Automobile Mechanic Highway Engineering Mechanical Draftsman Plumbing. Steam Fitting Bridge and Machinist Toolmaker Heating. Ventilation Building Foreman Patternmaker Sheet Metal Worker Air Brakes Pipefitter. Tinsmith Steam Engineer Chemistry Bridge Engineer Steam Electric Engineer Good English BUSINESS TRAINING COURSES Accountancy Spanish. French Signs Cost Accountant Salesmanship Stenography and Typing Accountant Advertising Complete Commercial Bookkeeping Business Correspondence Civil Service Mail Carrier Secretarial Work Lettering Show Cards Railway Mail Clerk City Address Cía. Publicidad Moderna, Representantes San José, Apartado 1354 CERTAINLY GOOD ONE Business Management Office Management Industrial Management Personnel Management Traffic Management Name Grade School Subjects High School Subjects College Preparatory Illustrating Cartooning Lumber Dealer Correspondent sends us this: Sr. Among a number of incomple. Calle del Cententerio, Pulperia tely addressed letters detained El Bebedero.
and exhibited åt a Post Office. Translated into English, we recently visited, noticed one get this rather unusual direction. bearing the following grotes Mr.
the quely suggestive but not to be Drunkard shop on the road to denied appropriate inscription the Cometery, Re the Matina School Costa Rican Pam Nut Company compre COPRA We buy COPRA (Meat of Cocoanut. Again Strange News of Matina At the Hall of Liberty was Maduro Lumber Yard see what was We beg to call your attention to our remark In consequence of the many Mr. Nation, at the back of receipt which reads: complaints reaching our office Dear Sir.
re the closure of the Matina EnThis bill must be paid at our (CARNOCIDAD DE COCO)
glish School, we called on the Please allow us space in your genial Inspector of Schools for valuable Journal to convey a 9. 00 Quintal office before the 15th of the month our the Province and requested an thanks to the able Inspector of interview on this matter. With School and the Teacher in char.
Be so good as to comply with this request his accustomed affability, this ge of the Matina Public School.
Price. 00 Quintal and do not oblige us to suspend our service, gentleman received us and gave As parents and guardians, we every information regarding his have closey watched the career Pagamos cantidades grandes 32. 50 dólares Tonelada astep which we would much regret to take.
actuation on the point at issue. of the Teacher since his arrival We buy large quantities at 32. 50 dollars Ton He stated there is no idea wha and his gentility and manly actCompañía Eléctrica de Limón Informes: CALDWELL. Apartado 173, Limón, Costa Rica tever on the part of the govern ions have led very man, woman Farther information: CALDWELL. Limón, Costa Rica ment to suppress the privileges of and child to respect him. From any nacional educating their his words and actions we are children in the language of their confident he is in favour of the origin or any other; but the re English School.
Another alleged victim at thc was paid. Reid demanded a re.
gulations of the department of The Inspector favoured us with hands of the Agent Principal of ceipt for the payment and for Education have got to be adhe a special visit last Wednesday, As usual scandal reigned supre in his intention in the Holness Matina: Glaston Reid, for have this he was, we are informed, red to. School rooms must have due to our intervention, and we me at the Hall where much liberty embargo which he initiated and ing a quarrel with his paramour, again locked up.
ample space and ventilation to took the opportunity of impres. can be taken with the names of fostered, why he does not wish to was arrested and put in the dreaprotect the health of the youth sing on both gentlemen the ne respectable citizens who have been hear him speak, but lack of space ded Calabooose there; he What will don Filadelfo Gragathered therein. The school cessity of rearing the children of foolish enough to identify them does not permit its insertion this afterwards taken before the Ma nados, our zealous Governor, now mis must have spacious playth Negro race in both languages, selves there.
trate of Peace and Order and say of this? Will he enquire if grounds for recreation purposes, We reported the closing down of We understand a complaint has fined Twenty Colones, which the report be true?
the necessary sanitary convenien. the English School by the Judge On Wednesday night President been lodged with the Governor ces for boys and separate apart and enquired why it had been do Mitchell scandalized all old Offi and Ministerio Publico against the LEGAL ADVICES SECURED. BREAD BREAD. ment for girls. There must also ne. The gentlemen, in their usualcers of this Organization, who maladministrations of this Officer.
Keep out of lawsuits at any cost be comfortable seating capacity, affability, assured us they knew made and maintained a Hall for Eat only the best bread. but those who fiad themselves for with desks, for the children to nothing about it and that they him to now come in, hang up his BERLIN SPECIAL LOAF cibly drawn into litigations by write on, instead of their having would do everything possible to hat and bray from the Rostrum Made only by BOOTH unscrupulous perns should, befo to kneel on the floor and rest permit the school being contin despite the fact that he had been The best that may be had re consulting any Lawyer, see.
their writing material on benches ued.
ogdered off by Madame De Mena.
in the country.
and such similar inconveniences.
Mr. SC. NATION The Inspector recommenled an The Braying was so offensive that Prop.
Don forget to call at He is of course, very tolerati amalgation, that is, the teaching many persons, thinking it was a BOOTH and take home a who will, at a minimum cost, se ve and advises all teachers to of both Spanish and English in scrap, ran up to loaf of Berlin Special cure them conscientions legal ad gradually equip their schoolrooms the public schoolroom; the incon going on.
Best native lumber bread.
vice and ad vise which Lawyer to to suit governamental regulat venience of this however Mr. Pearson writes a long letter retain.
at moderate prices Trying one will convince ions; but when he finds that no pointed out, and it was finally enquiring of Mitchell if it is beyou, that this is positively Information on matters Com efforts are being made to this decided to place the upper floor cause he defeated him (Mitchell)
the best loaf of bread, mercial Industrial and Legal at end he his bound, by law, to ef and some benches at the dispomade in Costa Rica lowest Cost. Write to Box fect a closure.
137. Limón.
writer promised to do the repairs With respect to Matina, he told needed to the benches, and the An enthusiastic mass meeting) Negro Orators to speak on Race The Mango Season us he had arranged to either give Teacher of the public school exis scheduled to take place at the Pride. All are therefore asked a portion of the government pressed his willingness to assist Limon Liberty Hall on wednesday to get inthused and aid the the time of the year during which first of this season cargo arriver Once again we have arrived at and other neighbouring places. Thr school Hall or permit the Spanish in every possible way. This the 10 th, instant.
CAUSE THAT NEEDS AS our local market will be supplied on Wednesday and is meeting Teacher to teach for half a day should erase from the minds of The meeting is for the purpo. SISTANCE.
and the English Teacher the the public the idea that he was with Mangoes from San Andres ready sales.
se of creating a revival of the other half, so that both could co. in league with the closing of the spirit of Racial Consciousness operate for the educational beschool.
among the people of the Negro nefit of the District.
Race in Costa Rica, and with a In connection with the above, For these and other favours view of accumulating donations we publish the letter of Mr. Ish we repeat our thanks and tender ever so small from every man, mael Murray, a member of the them sincere congratulations, es woman or child of the Race, to Matina School Board. Parents pecially as it helps to drive the aid the Parent Body, now at 2 are now advised that the English wolves from our doors.
Beaumont Crescent, West Kens Banco del Estado State Bank Schools and the Teacher in char. On behalf of the people, ington, London, England, in tant. MURRAY, carrying on the work of the Uni Unico Emisor Member Spanish School Board versal Negro Improvement AssoSole Bank of issue ciation towards the colonization ofrece al público los Ofters the Public the MUNICIPALITY OF SIQUIRRES of Africa, The officers of the Moin Chapservicios de su Services of its ter of the Organization, who are sponsoring the meeting, have enlisted, it is understood, the best It is the intention of the Municipality of the Canton of Siquirres to sell at Auction all their Lots of land situate in the 1 Central District (Town of Siquirres. All Lofs. now in possession of private parties who have EN LA IN THE not legalized their Rights thereto, will be regarded as the property Abarrotes. Mercadería en of the Municipality general This is brought to the attention of the interested parties Venta al por Mayor y so that they may, as quickly as possible, proceed to protect their rights.
Menor Agentes exclusivos de la faALBERTO LIZANO para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service mosa mantequilla y queso Municipal Superintendent ROSSI y Co.
servicio bancario Rendered Siquirres. May 3rd. 1935.
Finca Saborio was sal of the English teacher. The Great mass Meeting Banco Internacional de Costa Rica VERY IMPORTANT SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Bonilla y Co.
CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano


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