
Saturday, th July 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA The Natural Love SAL UVINA mm For Liver and Stomach Ailments the Treatment of Hereby Langs Tale Indigestion as long as Uncle Sam keeps his Jeg beyod their grasp.
Business has climbed about 40 The genesis of the love of a think, the motivating elements per cent. from the depression man for a woman is essentially which establish love in the case low. Which is rather clever of elementary and natural, it is of the individual. Love being busines when you consider how of the fabric of man nature. really a spiritual quality, the foThe Profesors greased the pole.
This treatise essays to answer Ilowing hypothesis may not be the question, Why does a man amiss. Two persons, of entirely THE RIGHT SALTS If we ever have another one love a woman? in so far as the different stations in life, love.
let call it a war to end soldiers question refers to primary or their mutual regard in disapprovand cut out the hooey.
natural love and not to any ed of bf all, there is much nod.
shallow and variable offshoot of ding of heads; much gossip; the Synthetic rubber tires are found the causes for love; such as when man is in all probability ostracto equal the real thing, and doubtthe individual man loves the inized, disinherited; but through less synthetic rubber checks dividual woman for, perhaps, it all his love continues; he will would be just as good as the the whiteness of her teeth; thel not be parted from her. What is rubber checks now frequntly used.
style of her walk. the way she it that has so inflexibly grasped Invaluable for does her hair; her manner of him? The assests of the object Hitler told an American со speech or her general attracti if his love must be much indeed, veness. Woman is of man; she yet what do we oft times find? Flatulence Hopeful sign of recovery: One rrespondent that the people were And all forms of Detroit exclusive business more behind him than they were was taken from him (Genesis perchance a homely lady, devoid 2, 21 24. men clubs recently blackballa a year ago. Pretty soon they may of the embellishments of either of Stomach an applicant.
be close anough behind him to form or face the characteristics administer a stiff kick that will She is, therefore, bone of his or beauty but whose soul is Colics Disorders bone and flesh of his flesh. a) nevertheless attuned to the noWe see no great objection tol land him in the middle of the the old hands across the sea idea, next revolution.
ne and flesh of his flesh. a blest, purest motivatives as ever fact which inspires and produces stirred man. woman who makes FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES JERE the primative, natural, genericl no particular effort to express Adding and Typewriting Machines Exchange love of the man; for no man hat. the graces of her noble soul MANUFACTURED BY: ADDING CALCULATING TYPEWRITER MACHINES AND CASH REGISTERS eth his own flesh.
which, being natural, manifest The love of the individual man their presence as they unconsciHermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa High Grade Repairing done on all makes of Machines for the individual woman SAN JOSE Bought and Sold Rebuilding and Exchange is ously steal through the confines born of this elementary, natural of her reticence and are displayed Bookkeeping and Billing Machines. Adding Machines Calculating Machines Typewriter Machines cause. Fancy coupled with indi in kindly speech, loving looks vidual idiosyncrasies are, Phone 3762 MARIO CASTRO Box 259 wel and suave and gentle ways. The Cup Competition Factory Trained Expert 20 Years Experience LL WORK GUARANTEED SAN JOSE The Burial Scheme lost their Tomorrow we will see the Man Found Dead on Train Cup fixture with the Excelsior Pathfinders against the ConsClub on Sunday last. This is the Pathwinders against the Cons.
On Saturday the 29th. ultimo, ouring to get to town to obtain first match the latter have won truction. Will the Youths be a man by the name of Arthur medical aid, boarded the incom since that against the Eleven able to win?
Paisley, who worked on Gigante ing train but died before its auri Bros, three years ago.
Spectator In consequence of the statements Executive has been informed that Farm, was discovered dead on val here.
The Burial Scheme did not made some days ago in Congress the Farmers have been faithfully one of the Banana trains coming use their best men, but is was the by Deputy Manuel Mora repard complying with the arrangements in from the Branch line.
In his pocket was found thirty fielding which cost them the Costa Rica Soda ing alleged sexisting discontent made at the time of the Labour The unfortunate man apparently five colones and a flask of alco match, a want of co operation among farm labourers in this Zone movement last year, and that a took ill on the farm and endeav hol.
among the members of the team. Water Factory the Minister of State has instruct state of perfect harmony exists Camphell is, notice, the ed the Local Authorities to make between the farmers and their labbest fielder and a very good slow LIMON a thorough and early investigation Ourers throughout the Banana bowler. He convinced me when of the matter, and to specially producing areas.
Fábrica de Hielo he bowled Maxwell with a well report it be true that, on many (The Switzerland of Turrialba)
pitched up ball. Harrison of the farms the, labourers are can easily take the bench now.
y Refrescos TUESDAY AUGUST th.
still receiving Coupons as part of For tho Paptist Annual Day of Pastime He was once a good bowler but their wages. The Minister further Friends who so wish can spend the day in Turrialba the cannot now get a wicket. he Florida Ice and request information regarding the SUSCRIBASE can make runs and won field.
further charge that in the ComROUND TRIP FARE: Russell should be a better missaries of private farmers articles FROM LIMON 50. MATINA 00. SIQUIRRES 50 Farm Co. man. Mills showed us he can play of every day necessity were being TRAIN LEAVES LIMON a.
the game, though in was the LA FLORIDA sold at prices much above those of first time he took part in big the general traders.
cricket; he is the Baby of the Meantime it is stated that the Fábrica de Hielo Esau Bishop Found Dead team The Excelsior can win when Venta de Leche their Captain keeps away from On the 17th. of last month, the use of a coffin.
the ball. He may be a good bowler y Maderas Esau Bishop, a Jamaican and It is said the deceased had a but thre are better ones than he.
well known farmer of 24 Miles, goodly sum of money on him as was found dead on the pathway he cashed eight Banana Chekcs eading to his farm.
The Alleged Discontent TO PEJIVALLE La Voz del Atlántico See the Radio that thinks!
the same morning, but nothing News Siquirres It appears that Bishop had reported that the Ranch on the The Russellites, Millenium cannot be doubted that but for been in bad health for some time farm was broken into and search. Dawnists or Jehovah Witnesses the small farmers conditions in and came to Limon to cash some ed by the Police authorities, and conducted a spiritual Convention this district would be in a sorry!
Banana Checks and obtain assis the farm, a horse and a mule sei here from saturday the 29 th. plight.
tance, and while returning to hiszed and held by the Agent of ult. to Monday the 1st. The wri.
farm he felt bad and lying down Police pending a legal claimant. ter attended one of the meetings Already the political ambient by the wayside died there with.
and was markedly impressed with is conjested, and it looks as if out any assistance, Bishop is known to have a son, the religious earnestness evinced. there are lively times ahead. The about fourteen years of age at coloured element of the Atlantic Getting a few men together, 27 Miles, on whose behalf proba. It is understod that a very interes side should commence to give sethe Agent of Police at Matina te to the Estate will be opened. ting case will shortly be launched rious consideration to the candida is reported to have bought a bottle Why not deliver the belongings of rum, had a grave dug and of the deceased to the mother of against a certain proprietor in con tes who will be soliciting their dumped the body in it without this boy, may we ask?
sequence of his failure, to effect sufrage; they ought to exacta the necessary works, to hinder Magna Charta of the aims and the Siquirres River from damag. objects of the President to be in ing certain private properties, relation to the future well being Three Days Excursion To San Jose of coloured Costa Ricans who, as As a result of our small far respectable and law abiding citi Train will leave Limon WEDNESDAY July 17th. at a. mers being now able to obstain a zens of this God blessed Republic, and return leaving San Jose FRIDAY July 19th. at p. little cash from the products of have the right given them by the ADULTS 00 CHILDREN 00 their finquitas, business prospects Country Political Constitution Estrada, Matina, 25 Miles 00 have, so far, taken a slight up to intelligently demand this of Siquirres 500 ward change. It is hoped these each Candidate.
Train WILL NOT run via Castro small cultivators will continue Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association sowing so that all and sundry Petgrave may benefit by their harvest. It Siquirres. July 1935.
In RCF VICTOR Magic Brain. Range, Tone and Reception Are Finer than Ever!
RCA VICTOR RADIO Costa Rica Radio Perry Girton BREEDY Shirls and Pyjamas al The Jamaica Store LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregor Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    HitlerManuel Mora

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