
OUR ANNIVERSARY THE ATLANTIC VOICE THE AFRICAN WAR CLOUDS Floods, Quake and Heat ant we CONCOURSE OF PICNIC TRAIN nen The evolution of time has of the perils which faced us at the brought us face to face with that time of the Communist strike a Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone period which man has designated year ago.
an Anniversary tomorrow, the 14th. By our respectful suggestions to July, completes that epochmak. the Northern Railway Co. from Año 11 No. 53 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, 13 th July 1935. Editor English Section Na ing period in the existence of our time to time, we have secured cerJournal The Atlantic Voice tain concessions for the betterment exactly one Calendar Year.
of travellers along the lines; nameAn Anniversary may be fraughtly, the Waiting Room at Siquirres; with recollections of either pleas. The Waiting Sheds at Monte Veror unpleasant memories; in de and Madre de Dios; and we Consequent on the somewhat un ing every effort to undermine the keeping, however, with our mani. are hoping that at no distant period expected breakdown of the activi pssible help which the Abyssinians During the past week dama. the States.
In China over ftesto at the inception of our ca the public will be conceded a stop ties of the Conciliation Committee may obtain from neighbouring bor ges to the extent of not less than one hundr reer which we contemplate today, station at the Cieniguita Crossing, which had been specially appointed der tribes.
fiftteen millions of dollars have towns are reported inundated cannot but look back with and 15 minutes rest at Siquirres to investigate the Italian Abyssinian been caused in the State of New the overflowing of the Yell pride and pleasure on our achieve ljor the East bound passenger difficulties, latest advices indicate The European nations having York by extensive inundations. River, and the earthquake whi, ments in the Communal life of the trains.
it is generally feared the dispute declined to further supply the while more than fifty lives are occurred on the 11th. instant Province in which we have dedicat The determined stand we took has gone beyond the possibility of African Empire with arms and am reported lost as the result of the said to have totally destroy ed our efforts.
in the matter of our Boundary disa peaceful settlement, although munition, the Emperor has appeal severe heat wave which has been the city of Chensi with a hea Every existence is a mission in pute with Panama, when that Re England and France are said to be led no England to grant him such as experienced throughout most of loss of lives.
life, and we feel our mission here public sought, with the acquies making further supreme efforts to he may still need; but it is thought has been amply fulfilled. We pled cence of some of our Executive Of. avoid an actual outbreak of hosti Ithat his request will not be acceded ged ourselves to bring healthy, in ficers, to out do the province of lities.
to in view of Britain suggested structive information to the atten. Limon of our right of navigation Meantime reports coming over arms embargo. In this connection tion of our readers; to combat on the Sixaola River, the Port of from the troubled zones disclose the Emperor feels his country in Many have been the Excursion tant there will be yet antoher every wrong with all the force at Gondoca and the fertile valley of that the Italians are pushing for terest is being unfairly handicap trains running out and into Li San Jose. It is being put on our disposal; and to advocate, with Talamanca, in exchange for us. ward their preparations for war used as Italy produces all her own mon during the past week or that Lionhearted pionner Per :he power with which the pen is en eless tract of land on the Pacific particulary in the arrangements for equirements, and that their ropu two.
Blackman on behalf of the Cos dowed, all laudable incentives. side, cannot be overlooked. We transportation facilities and a regu sal tantamounts to an acquiescence Rica Burial Scheme Associati We are feeling conscious of a pri reiterate that our propaganda and lar and adequate watersupply. It in the continued aggressiveness of There was the Silver Jubilee! This should be a splendid oppo de and satisfaction that we have campaign bronght about the frus. is also reported that they are mak Italy.
train on the 24th June which tunity for business people fulfilled our pledge.
tration of this unjust proposition.
parently was a success. Then the well as pleasure seekers and To In looking back on our history, We were also instrumental in GIFT OF FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS train run by the Associarists who go for sightseeing at we note we have been instrumental, getting the Banco de Costa Rica tion on the 2nd. instant which knowledge OF SAN JOSE, Ca by our intervention and timely re mterested in the profit sharing Jamaica having decided that, The amount required is, we seemed a sad failure for lack of tago, Alajuela and Heredia. TI quest to the authorities that be, in propositions of our Cocoa Indushaving brought about certain im try which will soon be fully insti her King George Jubilee Memo understand, 40. 000 of which good judgment on the part of train goes just in time for rial should take the form of a someting in the vicinity of those concerned. Another went live stock, vegetable and gr provements in the communal life tuted among us.
The Coconut concession, now Tuberculosis Sanatarium Lady 10. 000 has already of our City and adjacent villages.
been out to Carmen on the 7th. under markets of Cartago on Thursd We fought incessantly, amid all under consideration by Congress, Denham, the wife of the Island donated. Among those who the auspices of the Motive Pothe 18th. and these who the delays and postponements, unfor the manufacture of Oil and Governor, has, as Chairman of have already subscribed we are, wer Club and was fairly well at to know the principal towns til a Commission was sent to investhe bye products has also had our the Anti Tuberculosis League, pleased to note the name of Mr. tended; but that run by the Ja Coffee Haciendas of the cour tigate the possibilities of a Public intense propaganda, publicly and issued an appeal to all Jamaicans Lindo for Five hundred aica Burial Scheme Association will have thursday all day to Bath to be built and maintained privately.
wherever domiciled, to assist the pounds.
on the 9th. knew no bounds for around in cars and camions by public funds; we instituted and The conflict with some of our Fund.
a successful issue, and seemed to prices ranging from have far excelled the expectations 50 to 75 to Heredia. advocated the justice of our Mu authorities whose conduct, in the nicipal debt for the improvement execution of their authority, was of those responsible for it. Threejuela, Grecia and the Santana of our streets being absorbed considered arbitrary by us has also Find Out The Mystery Of Beautiful Cho. San coaches were listed and getting iation grounds, get back to by the Supreme government, and heen waged in a fearless and This Beautiful Play will soon be Staged hurriedly filled another two Metropolis in time to visit were commissioned but they too best Theatres of the country the resultant arrangement has been straightforward maner in the inour Community; and Visit the Land of the Japanese and you will see were found insufficient so a lessening of our Taxpayers bur terests of a on Friday after doing the neo den. The construction of a whenever correct and reliable insixth had to be put on and this sary shopping, leave for home end modern Municipal Market has formation with regard to abuse of was also uncomfortably ladenone o clock, with many remin also been receiving our wholehear confidence and authority is supwith a happy lot of pleasure see ences of pleasant sights eno plied, we shall always feel it a ted attention and we expecte opera bounden duty, as honest newspa By the birth of a Siamese Twin by their chests. Both were dead felicitations have been showered 18th, and 19 th, and ALL TI kers bound for Guacimo. Many tered dnring the days of the started in future.
Permen should feel, to expose the the San Juan de Dios Hospital, at the time of birth though fully on Messrs. Peter Muir, Harold IS BEING OFFERED FI wrongs which need subjection and San José, has been afforded the developed according to the medi Smith and their co workers The propaganda for a new avia, uphold the right which needs assis. oportunity of adding yet another cal testimony.
in SEVEN COLONES in lieu tion field, to save our Municipal tance and so protect the enlighten human phenomenon to the many this Organization.
the 16. 70 it would have ity from an imposition on the part ed progress of our Community.
On Wednesday the 17th. ins. ordinarily.
of the Valverde Estate of nearly already in its possession. During This is the first case of the We therefore feel proud of our the earlier part of last week 70, 000, has also been ours, as conduct on this our first Annivera kind for Costa Rica, and the well as the repairs to the Cienegui sary in that we have conscientiousyoung native woman is reported plenomenon is being preserved ta Bridge and Roadway leading to ly fulfilled our mission. And while to have given birth there to two in the institution for medical obthe aterizaje.
We fought the injustice which thanking those of our patrons who male infants joined to each other servation.
have expressed their appreciation EL ATLANTICO was being experienced by our pubof our strenuous efforts by their lic servants who were forced to sell support, we cannot but solicita FRANK MADURO HIJO, Propietario their cheques or giros to usurers at continuation of that help and pray (Antes Me. Guinness y Chamberlain)
a loss of ten per cent of their ear. that a marked improvement, by nings. Today the International mcreased subscriptions, abundant The Ladies Auxiliary to the opening of the doors of this fra Maderas del país. Existencia permanente en nuestro de Bank discounts these drafts at one advertising and co operative con Knights of St. John realized, on ternal and benevolent Society. It pósito 50 varas al Sur del Correo per cent until the government is tributions of inspiring articles from Monday night last, the grand suc. was indeed a fine spectacle to be ready to redeem them.
the pens of our many journalistic cess of their labours during the hold these many workers, truly The Atlantic Voice played readers, will be so manifested within past many weeks of social gather tipical of the proverbial Beehive, an important part in the successful the coming year that we will be angs, when twenty members of the under harness in their lily white Carrying out of the Concession in forced to carry out our cherished Society met and initiated twenty attire directing the affairs of an Is is reported from the villa intelligibly. The infant fat e the Banana Contracts of the desire to increase our pages to the and four candidates who had been organization which needs assistanZone, as well as the suppression satisfaction of all concerned.
in preparation for several weeks; ce.
ge of Hosszufalu in Transylva died shortly after its birth, thus bringing the membership of Bros. Sir Knights Peter Black nia that the inhabitants of the the baby is concerned with MODERN HOTEL FOR BOCAS DEL TORO the Society to a total of forty four. man, Aubrey Gaston, Belonie, neighbourhood are crowding to whereabouts of its father Since the failure of the John Mills, Lewis and Reid were pres. the village to see a nine week continually question the mothe Consequent on the recently in. ning, it is said to erect a modern Keith Bank which absorbed in ent and uttered speeches of con old baby who talks clearly and about the man health. TH WEST INDIAN REVIEW.
augurated airplane service bet hotel to meet the requirements one blow the savings of many gratulations and encouragement to ween Panama City and Bocas del of the many travellers who will years, the ladies grew despondent the Sisters. His Lordship the BisToro, a number of the latter sbe calling there, and went in recess; but the spirit hop also addressed them with his more influential citizens are plan.
of confraterniy ever burned in the heart in every expression. Sister breasts of the Sisters with the Gaston and her co workers are to result that they recommenced acti be praised for their courageous la. Línea Holandesa de Vapores)
vities and under the able guidance bours and the Atlantic Voice We beg to call your attention to our remark of our much beloved Bishop Woll. bespeaks a great future of happiat the back of receipt which reads: garten persevered till their desires acss for the Society consummated in the formal re.
SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS This bill must be paid at our LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS office before the 10th of the month Three Days Excursion To San Jose 26 de Julio Train will leave Limon WEDNESDAY July 17th, at a.
Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fletes, dirigirso Be so good as to comply with this request and return leaving San Jose FRIDAY July 19th. at p.
and do not oblige us to suspend our service, Compañía Ultramar ADULTS 00 CHILDREN 00 Agentes Generales astep which we would much regret to take. Estrada, Matina, 25 Miles 00 Siquirres 00 FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs.
Train WILL NOT run via Castro Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Sub Agentes en la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel ObrecitosTRORFUSS Bulkapsleh hinde Aberto de uventus Rasta Rica PUNTAREN 2013 XIE BIRTH OF SIAMESE TWIN Depósito de Maderas Nacionale LADIES AUXILIARY IN ACTION MARVELLOUS BABE ai Royal Netherlands Steamship Co.
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