
NA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, 13 th July 1935. ORRECTIONS SOLLUITED Give your children protection. HOW?
nso. Complaint SPIN BOWLING. ITS USE Maduro Lumber Yard team We have received a very leng. Jeration to start a Fund for lo communication from Mr. Jocal charity, meetings in connection Thomas, Secretary of the with which are to be held in the ing George Silver Jubilee Com Methodist schoolroom on the sen ittee of Limon, asking us to cond and fourth Tuesday of What to become of your youngsters if you should die tect the many mis statements each month.
tained in the article appearing With respect to the financial before they are self supporting?
our issue of the 29th. ult. un side of the demonstration, Mr.
the Caption Protestations Thomas informs us that the train GET LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. loyalty to Britain King. produced 611 colones and 50 rich he describes as most dis cents while the Committee gross ful, misleading and anti. expenditure totalled 657. 90 COxrish. He has also sent us, for lones or a defit of 46. 60 blication, copies of the addres which was personally met by presented to the several func the members. As he says the Through any local Agent or office of the onaries. As the entire commu matter of profits was foreign cation consists of more than from the mind of the ComBanco Nacional de Seguros closely typed pages, we re mittee we will not discuss this ret our limited space does not point.
rmit of its inssertion in ex In defence of our veracity, we wish to point out that it is per It is a pity Secretary Thomas fectly true our Consul did not Guld have considered it neces accompany the procession. He was ry to employ so much vemon seen to walk across the plaza to The Editor. farm work. After making all these The Pathfinders secured ano plenty of spin and that batsman ad unmerited insinuations in his ward the Comandancia and jump Sir.
seductions what is left from the her victory on Sunday last when gave the air a big hit leaving the Atter, as our article was not in on a Railway motor car and It is rather pitying to see the meager sum of thirty cents? We hey met the Construction. They ball to pass between his legs and nded to malign anyone parti to return several minutes ahead advantage which is being taken of hear that in the neighbouring Re coed 85 runs while the latter hit his wickets.
larly those whon he claims are of the procession in an automobi she small Banana growers of Cos: rublis the same. Company is pay he 18 year old son of Mr. our Captains to the fact that they could only muster 38. Smith, am calling the attention of etting a high mark in Commule; hence it was not known that ta Rica as regards prices. Do the ing 65 cents gold per bunch.
ity welfare. Mistakes or err. he had joined the demonstration officials of the United Fruit Co. When, the matter of the con Smith, better known as Tas. is can no longer depend on strai: they should ma is of judgment may inadverten at the Gobernacion, and there was believe that thirty cents is a just tracts was being discussed, it was a promising allrounder: Capt. Dight fast bowli y occur when writting of func. therefore no question of fabrica reward for the growing of bana stated in this and other papers that xon played a Captains inning. The ke use of their slow men. If they all who cultivated on bowlin of the Construction is such as the one in question; tion as Mr. Thomas suggests in nas?
was have nonc on hand, let me know privately id whenever these happen and his letter.
Many of the small growers cul owned lands or on National lands nothin more than straight fasi land will do the needful.
balls and the Youths shall readlyThe remainder of Mr. Tho tivate behind the larger farmers would receive the same fifty cents, themselves a home to them.
found Spectator e pointed out we ake the required corrections, but mas criticisms being merely a and have consequently to use the Cry. while those who leased do not think it should ever be matter of difference of opinions, fruit to the depots. They pay the ven thirty cents. Then we trams of these farmers to get their from the Co. would be gi slow spin bowling was On the other hand, the use of clearly essary to asociate the request we need not take any notice of farmers a tram toll of three cents saw it stated that a raise of ten later demonstrated, although a th malicious apithets.
them in the absence of details gold per farm bunch and the Com onts had been granted. Where is nade more runs. It was only Law ike the Construction should have FRANK MADURO Jr.
Dealing with our many alleged which were requested but did not statements, Mr. Thomas now arrive in time.
pany twenty cents colones for their it? The poor farmers are still Prop.
es that, in addition to the We must however again im anms; these are in addition, to ing the same thirty cents. The fruit ence who was able to play the the expense of hiring help in the of the poor man fetches the same others found them impossible.
slows of Boriwn and Dixon, the nbers of the Commitee, the press on Mr. Thomas and his price as that of the Big farmers in Brown got eight cheap wickets.
Best native lumber pcessions was composed of the colleagues that the article sought METROPOLITAN BUREAU the foreign markets, then why As an instance, he sent the left at moderate prices (vation Army; the no means of maligning or belit Legal, Notarial General should he not be given the same handed batsman a slow ball with pa Club Ex soldiers; the child tling the good intentions of lo Business Transactions price? And having regard to the en com six of our city schools yalty in any member of the Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. present high cost of living and the representatives of some se demonstration, nor was there any My untarnished reputation of difficulties experienced by the Lodges; that Mr Johnson, the idea of anti British feelings. honesty. My intelligence and small farmer in the bringing out HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE itish Vice consul, was present high calibre efficiency constitute of the fruit to the trains, many the plaza when the procession Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón The writer is still a staunch the necessary and all important having to shoulder the heavy bun rted and preceded it to the loyal Britisher not yet a Cos FACTORS which constitute my ches, should not some encourage.
Para EUROPA ernacion in order to acquaint ta Rican naturalized as possibly Iron Clad Guarantee to my ac inent be given?
Governor of its arrival an some of the Committee may be; tual and prospective CLIENTS, See what the government of Pa. SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, AMSTERDAM HAMBURGO)
which he describes as a very we, consequently, still regard the who confide to my care, di. nama is doing for their small culh sense of duty; that the celebration as being late and do rection and administration, the tivators, isn it very encouraging? CARIBIA 20 de Julio ursion train was secured at not consider the handing out of handling of their BUSINESS and We do hope that something will GENERAL AFFAIRS.
cost of Five hundred colones British equality, in some of these be done to relieve us of a very Para GUATEMALA by the Committee prior to countries, sufficently adequate to EGBERT POLSON trying and difficult situation.
Accountant, Interpreter, Trans With thanks for space. PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
24th. June without the aid warrant wholehearted movements lator, Judicial Business Agent.
An Observer ublic subscription; and that of loyalty as other nationals have CARIBIA 15 de Julio e is a proposal under consi the proud boast to demonstrate.
SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS SIQUIRRES RESTAURANT Para cualquier clase de informos, dirigirse a: The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 MiHAPAG LLOYD tes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be (CARNOCIDAD DEL COCO)
AGENCIA EN COSTA RICA TELEFONO 2086 ved on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Ros.
xant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo We buy COPRA (Meat of Cocoanut)
ken, Se habla español, On parle Francais, Man Spricht Deutsch Price. 11. 00 Quintal KISSLING Manager Pagamos cantidades grandes 225. 00 Tonelada Sell COPRA and get more money for your In view of the present reduced vaThe above rates into Cobonuts wit LESS WORK lue of the republic money various force last Saturday and are paWe show you HOW TO DO IT increases have been made in our yable on letters weighing up to Further Information: CALDWELL international air mail charges; 15 grammes.
The Salvation Army celebrates special representatives will eulogise Apartado 175. Limón, Costa Rica among them are the following Oth. Anniversary tomorrow at the work of this most beneficient in which our readers may be in IMPRENTA BORRASE HERMANOS pad p. when special services religious Organization. All who terested: To the Republic of PaA be held. On Monday night can do so should not fail to hear nama and Canal Zone 75. IBREAD BREAD. this special programme.
Cuba and United States 40; Eat only the best bread.
The South African Team, new According to the Cable report, Trinidad 50; Canada 85. BERLIN SPECIAL LOAF on a Cricket tour in England, de his is, the first South African vic Colombia, Haiti and Jamaica Made only by BOOTH feated the home team in their ory on English soil. 40.
The best that may be had Limon, Costa Rica, On ocean front nepond 11ť match in London in the country.
omfortable rooms. Rooms with bath Well ventilated on the 2nd, instant.
WELL KNOWN CRICKETER KNIGHTED Don forget to call at ning room. First class table. Good assorted bar. The South Africans registeBOOTH and take home a red 228 in their first inning. En Our many Cricket Enthusiasts Sample room In addition to his popularity in loaf of Berlin Special LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress gland replying with 198. In their to whom the name of West Indian Cricket circles, Sir bread.
Post Office Box 236 Telephone second inning the visitors tota Austin of Barbados is so known, Harold Austin has figured largely Trying one will convince lled p78 for the loss of seven will undoubtedly be gratified to in governmental matters of his you, that this is positively wickets and declared. England learn that the honour of a knight Island home and is at the best loaf of bread, made in Costa Rica by His Majesty King George. se of Assembly Costa Rican Palm Nut Company compra COPRA CHANGES IN AIR MAIL RATES went AN IMPORTANT ANNIVERSARY ENGLAND LOSES TO SOUTH AFRICA PARK HOTEL ibscribe to the ATLANTIC VOICE following could only realize 151 hood has been conferred on him the Speaker of the Island How Buy your Umbrellas al The amaica Store BREEDY LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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