
saturday, 13 th July 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA BOXING SAL UVINA our For Liver Stomach Ailments and Hereby Langs Tale Indigestion THE MATINA GANG BROKEN UP the hill.
Two women were discussing a mutual acquaintance; She has a very magnetic personality. said one. She ought to have said All roads led to the Arrasty was not hurt, at the most he shourd the other, everything she has on Theatre on Saturday night June have been given a little rest and oris charged.
22, to witness the Bout prepared dered to continue the fighı.
by promotor Cruz. The main topic Now comes the anxious stellar Dora: Is he spoony?
THE RIGHT SALTS of discussion among fans was the attraction between Percy Garnett, Maud: Dear me, he just as probable outcome of the main go, cur local junior lightweight king much so as a sixteen course dinslated for 10 rounds, between Juan and Luis Ramos, Panama flash.
Bagas, local welterweight The betting odds favored the Pachampion and Jose Saborio, dub nama boy who has been up in the Mary; Mr. Greeley, the Artist, bed Lampara. famous mitt wiel professional class and garnered told me my face was a perfect der from the capital who packs a considerable experience in the Unitwicked wallop ed States where he exhibited his classic.
There was a full house and the wares. This was Garnett acid test Kate: Now, that was too bad of him, nothing can be a classic curtain raiser brought out as extra as it was the first time he was meetInvaluable for the Treatment of Titill its an antique.
a two round wrestling match bet ing an opponent of such calibre.
ween Alfredo Clarke and Arturo Both fighters were given a rousing Cox, with honors going to the lat cvation as they entered the ring, Citizen: How far it from here Flatulence And all forms ter after successfully throwing and each looking confident. After reto Oshkosh Sometimes advertising overpinning his opponent in the second ceiving their instructions, the gong Auto Maniac: Oh, about three reaches itself, as in the case of casing, two inner tubes and four round.
of Stomach sounded starting them of on their The preliminary which was stag 10 round journey.
the fruit dealer who put the fogallons of gas.
Colics Disorders ed between Kid Morales of the Garnett was first to land with a lowing sign in his window capital and Freddy Daley of this left hook to the body; and in the Fine Apples. Buy Now. Rem.
Doctor: must operate for the city, ended very unsatisfactory. clinches which followed. Ramos ember, the Early Bird gets the Liver, Spleen, Kidneys and Ap FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES The referee during the progress of uppercut attempts proved futile as Worm.
the first round intended to stop the wily Garnet cracked one over Rich Patient: Say Doc. Did MANUFACTURED BY: Daley to caution him about some which connected on Ramos jaw, you forget to examine the Heart fouling and Daley, not heeding, toppling him to the mat. He rose and Lungs.
Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa remonstrated; an hostile attitude immediately and finished the Dr. Carlos MI. Fernández SAN JOSE ensued between them with the re round sprightly. Rounds two and Cirujano Dentista sult that the referee struck Daley three were full of electricity, deCity man to Country lad: Say who went to the mat but rose im fence being thrown to the winds as SAN JOSE my boy, is there any good sho.
mediately. This improper procedure both boys hammered away feroOficina: Clínica dei Dr. Facio oting around here?
on the part of the referee called ciously at each other with the adCountry Lad: Well, no, no forth strong protest from the spec. vantage in Garnett favor. Speed Teléfonos: deer or rabbits or birds or any The Editor tators who had by this time become was slackened in the fourth ses Oficina 2565. Habitación 4201 thing like that, but our school This serves to inform the puenfuriated, to such an extent, thatsion while Ramos appeared stron master is taking a walk just over blic that the Czar of Matina abCosta Rica Soda Apartado 1252 a free for all was threatened, but ger and did the leading, putting dicated his throne yesterday, tathe timely intervention of the police Garnett on the defensive. The fifth Water Factory king his flight to the interior.
who were on hand in good numb frame found Ramos considerably His words of consolation to the in ers prevented the melee. Daley reimproved and, taking the offenDOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA LIMON fused to continue the fight and the sive used his uppercuts effectively mates of the Harem and our unAvenida San José decision was awarded to Kid Mo. He completely dominated Garnett derworld imps were that he Fábrica de Hielo rales.
during this round. Garnett revived Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad was taking a few days off to look and Colegio de Señoritas after a sick son.
Our own little George Grenalds in the 6th round and was again y Refrescos and Alvaro Hernandez of San Jose on the warpath, at one time severMEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, They was and still is much were the contestants in the roundsely punishing Ramos in a critical Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb shedding of tears of repentance Florida Ice and semi. windup which was full of position against the rope ab the SURGICAL DIA THERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the among certain of our residents.
action throughout and proved the position against the ropes. The ses neck of Womb Here a friendly helpful adbest and kept the crowd yelling venth round found Garrett RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small vice to the ex Agent of PoliceFarm Co.
from the sound of the gong. At stronger and with right and lefts medium sized) by way of the Urethra let honesty be your future watch.
LA FLORIDA the end the bout was declared alio the head and body materially word. And to the routed gangsdraw, although George was more weakened Ramos who nevertheless ters and others of evil fame we Fábrica de Hielo aggressive and made Hernandez fought back gamely returning alsay, a change from Matina will miss about half the blows he laun. most blow for blow although with do you much good. Why not ched.
Venta de Leche much less effect. The eighth round treck to Carmen in your flight.
The main bout was not so at was a demostration of Garnett Adios.
y Maderas tractive as was anticipated, both jabbing ability. He left jabbed Sufferer Bagas and Lampara confining their Ramos almost at will throughout activities to standing off on the this round with such telling effec In consequence of the refusal was built; they claimed that when New Legislature for defensive, each apparently afraid that the end found Ramos comPresident Mitchell of this children they carried sand and to take the offensive. It was not pletely bewildered and saggy in anch of the Insti stone with their parents to do so, St. Vincent until about the sixth round when, the knees. Shortly after commenc ution to have the Books and pa be being then in the Island of urged by the referee and spectators, ing the 9th round, after being rush pers revised by a Committee chosen Cuba.
from the membership, representaThe Governor has been inforThe announcement is made that of five elected and three nominat that they began to loosen up and led to the ropes, Ramos walked to much weakened and ion had to be made by thirty five med that there is no Secretary the British West Indian Island of ed unofficial members in addition show a little of their wares. Bagas his corner embers, to the Governor of the neither 2nd. nor 3rd. Vice Pres. St. Vincent is to have a reconsti to the Administrator who will have got the decision at the end of the threw in tife towel in token of de fray. Bagas has been absent from feat and Garnett was declared the rovince asking that the govern idents; no Board of Trustees, and tuted Legislative Council to consist a single vote.
the ring for a long time and lacked victor amidst a thunderous applauent institute an audit of the ac that the Treasurer, who had been his usual prowess, while Lampara se that all but brought the theatre sunts and an investigation into ill for some time, died on Wede manipulations of the Society nesday night. Hence the charge haymaker could not find a vulner down. Directly after throwing in run by the defiant President. that Mitchell has been operating the towel Ramos fell unconscious and after all efforts to revive him Mitchell was called to the Go with only a few of the members had failed, he was taken to the srnacion but he also defied the to the general detriment of the hospital where he later regained overnor right to intervene in Association. The matter is looking The Arrasty Theatre last Satur consciousness, Altough the Pani ich matters of an inscribed So rather serious.
day night was filled to its utmost ma boy lost the battle, he gaines ety. The Governor, not wishing In the meantime a train has been capacity by an enthusiastic crowd many admirers by his gameness meddle (although it is his prer run which, although a failure, is gathered to take in the Garnett throughout the combat.
gative) in the boisterous acclama said to have gained 187. 00; and In RCV VICTOR Ramos main go.
Promotor Cruz is to be comtions of a mismanaged Society, re. as Mr. Ames, the genial Manager The curtain raiser brought toget plimented for getting up such a fine commended the complainants to of the Northern, granted a remisher Kid Evans and Kid Cyril in acord which was one of the best get a lawyer and make a demand Sion of the amount charged on the six round revancha, the former seen around here in many a moon before the Courts; this is being claim of failure, the question arTone and Reception that the Treasurer is having won by a technical and furnished quite a relief frora done. There is also an accusation ises, now in their previous engagement. This the monotonous life we are forced launched against Mitchell for In dead, in whose hands is this proved a real whirl wind with both to live due to the lack of proper jurias to certain members in the 187. 00? This was one of the presence of the Governor. inatters placed before the Goverand navigating in the o. latiWhile the above was taking! ror by the complainants but MitFICHT FAN tude. Kid Evans, had the best of place, a meeting was called (with chell refused on Wednesday to the sanction of members of the present the Cash Book of the Trehe fray in the early rounds but Kid Cyril evened honors toward Limon Chapter) by the members asurer.
the end. The Referee declared 2, 000 REWARD SUGGES.
of the Moin Chapter on Wedneday Evans the winner and the crowd TED FOR EXECUTION OF ist, to discuss greater enthusiasm yelled in protest. draw would VENIZELOS have been just about right.
conduct of same President Mit.
Estrada The semifinal between Juan ATHENS. chell objected to the reading of a Deputy Mos.
Bagas and Jibly Ecuador, welter choulas suggested in the Assembly communication to the Moin mem Abarrotes y Licores bers from Mr. Garvey. The Devil weight pugs, was a poor exhibition, a reward of 2, 000 pounds to any was then let loose, the younger Artículos del País more or less a farce, and ended un one carrying out the Courtmartial generation took the floor in charge satisfactory in the third round, death sentence against Venizelos Precios Econó nicos and requested Mitchell to quit or Jibly winning by a foul. The Re presently exiled in Paris. He also bloodshed would be the result for LA IBERIA Perry Girton feree lost his head for the foul was suggested amnesty in addition to the knew nothing of how the Hall obviously unintentional and further the reward if any fugitivereby Imore carried no sting, and as Jibly cxecuted the Ex Premier.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
See the Radio that thinks. a Magic Brain. Range, Are Finer than Ever! boys mixing up things rather lively. diversions. CA VICTOR RADIO among the race; and during the SALOMON CHING WEE LE Costa Rica Radio

    Death Sentence

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