
5 THIE ATLANTIC VOICE ON IMPROVE Colorado Planters Need Wharves granted, it is stated, to a person who tually add to the unemploymen In our FURTHER IMMIGRATION RESTRICTIONS As some of our readers may find, made.
it necessary to visit the Canal Zone This additional tightening o Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone or Republic of Panama, we call their migration restrictions is for the attention to the additional immigra pose, it is understood of putting tion restrictions which were recently on those who go to the Repw Año ll No. 54 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, 20 th July 1935 Editor English Section Nation placed in force there in connection Zone or tourists or visitors by wint temporary or transient visitors.
are really in search of work, Permission for entry will only be this is not now to be had thes PANAMA BANANA TRADE of return den of.
Banana exportations from the Company on the Pacific side though Atlantic side of Panama are ex the amount is reported at around which the United Fruit Company navigation of the Bar; so in or quired to post with a transportation Jamaica is also reported to be As a result of the opportunity launches apart fro the dangerous or one to another port. In the absence of these the visitor will be re The government of the Is!
pected to pass the 2, 000, 000 mark 75, 000 stems weekly. has recently afforded the planters der to overcome these the interes company a cash bond equivalent to steps to restrict the entry of by the close of the present year, The fruit from our neigh in the Colorado District of reguted parties have asked the govern the cost of the return trip or the va special instructions having be and so exceed last year produc bouring Republic is said to be tion by some 500, 000 stems. This realising higher prices in the North tion by bringing it in launches erection of two wharves larly disposing of their produc ment to assist them with the lue of a ticket to a destination sued the Customs officials to estimate does not include exporta ern markets than that from this outside Zone or Panama. enforce the provisions of the e to Limon for loading on the re. It is hoped this effort to estations from Bocas de! Toro; alth and other localities, on account In addition to the above, a visitor laws.
ough the trade in this section is of its superior quality. It this be siasm is being evinced in the ma Zone will meet with the success axidress of the person of hotel to be the Island is being prepared a gular fruit ships, much enthu blish new productions in this will be required to give name and retunr of those at pres stated to have dropped, within re true then its up to those who are ceat months, to about a maximum inerested in our country principal tter of bringing additional lands it deserves, particulary in view visited, probable length of stay with me are reported to have been of 6, 000 stems per week.
trade to see that we do not lose the under cultivation. Much difficul of the ravages being done the date of proposed departure, as also red undesirable; an order fr No estimate has been computed position which we have always ty is, however, experienced in older cultivations by the Panama the name of the vessel or airplane departure will very likely be line on which the departure will be by the Governor.
of the probable exportation from held in the various foreign mark the loading of the fruit on the Disease.
the farms of the United Fruitſets.
The San José Excursi THE COMING FIESTAS IN CARTAGO We beg to call your attention to our remark The Costa Rica Burial Scheme Hotels and automobiles we at the back of receipt which reads: Association ran their long adver xed to accommodate this Preparations for the exceptional her annual month visit, is also tised Excursion train to San Jo. crowd. Thursday was agai Religious Fiestas to be held in the being completely repaired with This bill must be paid at our se last Wednesday. Leaving Liwet day, but this did not Republic ancient Capital, Carta. elaborate interior decorating; here mon at 9, 15 a. in a heavy the visitors from making go, during the coming month of too, it is understood, there will be office before the 10th of the month shower if ra which continued best of the few short hours August in honour of the three spectacular electric illuminations.
as far up as Turrialba, the train, their disposal. At p.
hundreth anniversary of the ap. Then, in keeping with the desire Be so good as to comply with this request filled to standing space, arrived day all left homeward in parition and discovery of the Vir of the Municipal Fathers, the at its desitnation at 2, 45 spirits without a mishap, gen de los Angeles are well un property owners are busy cleaning and do not oblige us to suspend our service, Nearly 400 pleasure seekers from the shortage of cash due to der way and all is expected to be an attractive appearance. The local astep which we would much regret to take. the Atlantic Zone then veritably chases, which the stores gi in readiness for the opening ceri Electric Light Company is also took charge of the Capital and appreciated and inwardly monies as scheduled.
busily engaged with preparations Compañía Eléctrica de Limón although a wet evening was ex such excursions would vis The Los Angeles Church, in for the City forty nights public perienced the hilarity and com City a little more often.
which the Image or La Negrta illumination.
radeship among all caused the done Pedro Blackman!
as she is locally designated, has her The Archbishops, Bishops and CORRECTION dampness to be almost forgotten.
permanent sanctuary, has been Priests from the several neighbourthoroughly renovated, the exterior ing Republics, who will be assisting last week issue wedred pounds. This was an error, THE MODEL PRAYER bieng given a white marble like and painting with the result that stated that Mr. Lindo which we regret and now correct; finish which when extensively illu. in the many religious functions, contribution to the Jamaica Jubi the gift being the munificent model prayer in one made in love and His power; the minated as proposed should pro are expected during the coming lee Memorial Fund was five hun sum of Five thousand pounds.
conformity to the Word of God. of life and blessings to all duce a wondrous effect, and the week, as also the large number of To those who desire to learn how obey Him.
spacious plaza facing the sacred general visitors.
Lottery Prize Increased edifice For centuries the Evil og to pray Jesus says, God knows is being prepared It is to be hoped that the Northfor accommodating the vast throngern Railway Officials will find it Commencing with tomorrow 1 000; a third of 000 and what things you need before you caused sorrow, sickness ar which will be attending the open possible to place a couple mode: National Lottery will be 25. 000 of tickets has also been increa manner: Our Father who art in labour hard in order to se drawing the grand prize of the five of 500 each. The number ask, therefore pray after this fering. The masses have naa nig or ceremonial Mass to be cerately priced excursion trains heaven, Hallowed by thy name. their daily bread. Under these lebrated there, at which a choir of the disposal of the people of this instead of 20. 000. The larger sed to 12, 000.
2, 000 voices will take part.
second of These words acknowledge God ditions it is proper for those The section of the country so that they prizes will be as the Giver o flife to all and that love God to ask Him for parish Church of Saint Nicholas, may have the opportunity of wittaken at the end of August for place but once in a lifetime. Give us Further advices from China dis the strain of the flood waters give model of prayers then goes on. daily bread. Food for o close that 40, 000 lives were lost in way, the lives of no less than 200, 000 Thy kingdom come They will be terial and spiritual want Terror To Criminals consequence of the vast inundations of the inhabitants in the neighbouring done in earth as in heaven, These are then to proceed by and that 96, 000 are in danger from districts will be immediately threa acknowledge that the world is out God to forgive us our wron, Mr. Justice Avery, who is sta dispose knotty points without ap the waters of the Yangtze River which tened.
of harmony with God will, is we forgive those who wrong ted tohave tried more murder parent effort.
are rising menacingly as a result of cases than any other Judge of unrighteous, so expresses a desire and that when in temptation He had the reputation of being continued heavy rains in the valley. Te affected areas are now being that God kingdom of righteous shall not be abandoned by It is feared that should the three also threatened with famine as food recent times, was found dead in a severe Judge, and more than the Rye Dormy House Club, En once expressed his belief in caDams which have so far withstoodl stuffs are diminishing rapidly.
ness should come and be our gui to demonstrate that we desir de in all things. The kingdom of spirit of God to abide in u gland, on the 13th June last. pital punishment as the only He was called to the Bar in the deterrent of murder.
HYGIENE LACKING IN MEAT DISTRIBUTION God is of greatest importance, as that we are prepared to do it will vindicate His Holy name, which is most pleassing to month of January 1875, and so He sentenced Sir Roger Case It is certainly surprising to creased business to such a busi make manifest His wisdom, His!
but recently celebrated the Dia ment, for Treason, during the observe the lack of care exhibi nessman.
mond Jubilee of his services in war; Field and Gray for the ted here with regard to the handNew Tongre Based on Music the Law. Although not a unique murder of the Crumbles; Nor. ling and sale of meat stuffs. We would beg Dr. Umaña and distinction, it will be remembe man Thorpe, the Sussex farmer At the slaughter honuse cows his very efficient Assistant, don David Lewis, of Maryland, tongue muslic is already red with pleasure because, at the and Stewart the Bayswater mur ofevery description are butchered Rogelio Amador, to cast an eye who dabbles, in science as a side versal in that respect.
What he has in mind is age of 83, Mr. Jusitoe Avery derer. In a memorable Circuit, hej very often young calves being sometimes at the Rastro (slaugh line, is wondering whether music remainad free from foi sentenced Vaquir, the French taken from the slaughtered ani ter house) and see the law carried couldn be made a universal lan possibility of a language, only out with regard to bles which have often accompa man, for poisoning Pat Mahon mal; we saw such a case guage.
on the notes of the scale, the non.
He doesn mean melodies who might be used as a conversa.
nied Judicial longevity. To the whose body he hid in a trunk in last Saturday.
slaughtering of pregnated ani!
end he was one of the keenest his bungalow. He also sentenced The carcass in then thrown mals as well as the proper cleans se sad or joyful notes and tempo medium the world over.
To Page minds on the bench, and his long Jabez Balfour and the Jameson into a truck, which displays little ing and fitting of the Camiones can be understood by men of any experience and remarkable powers Raiders to long terms of imprisor no signs of cleanliness, on top set apart for this service.
of observation enabled him toonment.
of two or three sheets of old We have also seen the carcass rusted corrogated roofing and of Pigs being conveyed to the HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINI transported to the market. Here market in a filthy wheel barrow.
Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón it is offered for sale on stalls Is it posible the Hygiene Officers infested with flies. The butchers shut their eyes to such insanitary Para EUROPA (Línea Holandesa de Vapores)
are kept busy fanning away the acts? They no doubt watch the (SANTANDER. PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, se pests and germ carriers the Excusados and dolares but why AMSTERDAM HAMBURGO)
meantime cutting and chopping, not also watch that which we are How many may not be chopped daily consuming. CARIBIA 20 de Julio SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS up with the meat or getting into LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS the mills be ground along with Para GUATEMALA 26 de Julio the meat.
Cannot one, at least, of Special Classes for those Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fleter, dirigirse a Agosto more progressive butchers erect desiring a sound elemenm. CORDILLERA his stall, make it fly proof by Compañía Ultramar tary foundation in Music, SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS wiring all around and paint it Short Hand, Typewriting Agentes Generales white, as in more civilizated ci and Book keeping, Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a: FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs.
ties? This entails an expense, yes Prices Moderate Sub Agentes en but it would result in a greater HAPAG LLOYD REID FREDRICKS LIMON PUNTARENAS patronage of the better class of AGENCIA EN COSTA RICA TELEFONO momence pleased dela BiBlobėdanaçiona thiguet obregbrizano jeet tema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de at to which the Virgen will be nessing a celebration which takes! FLOODS CAUSE SERIOUS LOSS OF LIFE all right minded creatures regard cessities of life; hence the ich is Royal Netherlands Steamship Co.
Vapor CRYNSSEN our Olulu Juventud, Costa Rica.


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