
LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO NA Saturday, 20 th July 1935 BOXING Give your children protection. should die What to become of your youngsters if you before they are self supporting?
ne fights staged last Satur and Freddy Daley, and was denigth at the Arrasty theatre clared a draw.
nothing particularly attrac The main go, slated for 10 and if it were not for Geor. rounds between George Grenald renald, who figured in the and Alvaro Hernández, was fairevent against Alvaro Herly spirited. In the second round lez, the scant crowd would Hernandez took the count to ly have been there. from a right hook straight to e preliminary between Kid the button. The end came in the and Kid Morales went the 8th session when Hernandez seSluled six rounds with Kid Icond threw in the towel to save getting the decision. The their man from further punish.
final was fought between ment. Quintana (Sam McNeil)
Through any local Agent or office of the Banco Nacional de Seguros TO PEJIVALLE The Seventieth Anniversary a PEARSON EXPLAINS to one (The Switzerland of Turrialba)
For the Paptist Annual Day of Pastime ends who so wish can spend the day in Turrialba IN MEMORIAM ROUND TRIP FARE: The Seventieth birthday of most covers the globe and is IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DARLING MOTHER CHRISTIANA ECCLESTON the Salvation Army SIQUIRRES 50 was OM LIMON 50. MATINA 00 most familiar sight in eighty eight WHO WAS TAKEN FROM US ONE YEAR AGO fittingly honoured last Monday countries and colonies, function TRAIN LEAVES LIMON A.
One Year hos fled When hearts are sad and sore, evening by the local Corps. ing in 83 different languages Since this world you left: And earth has nothing to below: large and appreciative audi with 1, 041 day schools. In its And though mingling with the dust. When flowers bloom no more below: Lord, Thou art our only Trust We lean, Lord, on Thee alone.
ence attended the concert which pursuits of the saving of Souls, took place in their Hall and the it runs 1412 Social Service InstiSally, Papa, Ziah program, though somewhat leng tutions, provides 13, 025. 393 beds sditor, mitted my position in January thy, was heartily appreciated by annually, supplies 34, 138. 379 ase permit me space in your 1934. As far as can remember, the excellence of the children meals and finds employment for Great Mass Meeting ble paper to explain certain the agreement stated that the Li.
performanse, which reflected 138, 292 persons.
presentations particularly in mon Division would protect the Tomorrow night a great mass greater enthusiasm in Racial great credit on Adjutant Wright, tion with a bit of land in woman, allow her to support her meeting will be staged at the Consciousness. Communizations on Mrs. Wright and the members Would that we had an Army ila, which some misinfor self from the products of the land St. Mark Hall by the members the point will be read from Mr. of their family. Representatives Home and School to tackle the bers of the Limon Divi until such time as she became in of the Moin Branch of the Garvey. Many speakers are ex. of the various Societies, who al question of our City waifs and the charge capacitated, when the Association with a view of creating pected.
so attended, gave some very ins strays, much might be done sbed from the Association. would reap the products and conpiring talks and offered their save them from a miserable futhe year 1932, Mr. Richard tinue her support; meantine allow tt, a Vice President of the ing her the free use of the land DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA cheer to the Army on its journey ture. The present Corps have along the road of life.
neither the means nor the power; Division and Officer in until her death when it would Avenida San José e of the Westfalia Auxiliary, become the sole property of the Seventy years ago the Army but under existing circumstances Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad numbered but William are doing their best and should nted a half demented widow. Association.
and Colegio de Señoritas Boot its Founder. Today it al be given very encouragement.
oman to the then President, may mention that the land is MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, Brown and myself, with national property in the Milla Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb INFORMATION SOUGHT a st that the Division, per Maritima area on which squatters SURGICAL DIA THERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the wary, take her and her bit pay a tax, in this instance one colon neck of Womb correspondent wishes to know is the Corredor, and if the crediand, about half a manzana, on per month; and in case of failure RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small what has become of the stock intors are likely to be paid anywas a small one room build to pay same for a few months the medium sized) by way of the Urethra trade belonging to the estate of thing. an almost rotten condition government takes it away without the late Aneseto Sandi, who ith one mango, two young making any recompense. At the ruit and about 25 coconut time the Division took over the making out papers, as our tax is the same man who was ordered rowing thereon. We placed care of the woman more than three payments and the woman burial off the platform by Madame De Excursion Train to Cartago ter before the other officers years taxes were due and obtain expenses would give the Division Mena on her last visit; that he endeavoured to For the Feast of the Third Centenary of the as agreed to take over the ed a fifty per cent rebate from its claim thereto. little more has many times the woman in accordance Mr. Castro, the Official in charge than nineteen colones was spent smash the Division; that he aided VIRGEN DE LOS ANGELES agreement a copy of which Mr. Castro advised there was no for taxes and other sundries, such and aberted an embargo against Train Leaves Limon am August 1st and Returns from Cartago 2nd. August neft in the office when de need for us to spend any money as half fencing the land with vo the Division which caused the Round Trip Fare 00 lunteer labour, etc. It was the un. Hall to be emptied of its furnituderstanding that the coconuto re, etc.
The Product is to Benefit the Poor of Sn. Vicente de Paul would be sold, from tine to time, take this course in order to THE DIRECTIVE to defray the expenditure by the avoid further trouble as my good Division. It was also arranged to name is being defamed and am build a shed on the land not allowed to defend same ver WOMAN OPERATES ON SELF meeting Hall for the Auxiliary bally.
and for pleasure purposes.
Mitchell is practising the LIMA, Peru. woman living youred to extirpate the appendix; Knowing that the new officers, thing which produced serious reat Huaral, to the north of Lima, when taken to the hospital at Lima and members lack a complete un sults in connection with one who suffering from chronic appendicitis. she was in a very serious condin RCA VICTOR derstanding of this and other mat refused to allow a Hearing; am operated of serse. during an attack. tion.
ters, promised, verbally as well therefore warning him to desist She used butcher knife and endeaas in writing, to give all the neces from lieing and contemptuous sary information, but my offer babling. Honi soit que mal y penwas flatly refused from the plat se.
form and my letters were not ans Thanking you Mr. Editor, wered. called an arbitration with SERVICIO DE VAPORES Are Finer than Ever! similar results. do not admire the William Pearson publication of our affairs as it Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con only serves to belittle us before the escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA. BREAD BREADI!
public; but in this case am com.
pelled to do so in order to avoid LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS Eat only the best bread.
the libellous scandal on my honour BERLIN SPECIAL LOAF VAPORES SALIDAS RADIO and good name. am proud of Made only by BOOTH PETEN 21 de Julio retaining an untarnished character The best that may be had VERAGUA in all the countries have sojourn. in the country.
28 de Julio ed, as well as here and in my birth Don forget to call at QUIRIGUA de Agosto sta Rica place. No charge of a criminal BOOTH and take home a been brought loaf of Berlin Special FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
against me. When, therefore, Pres.
Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS ident Mitchell of this Division Trying one will convince Para otros informes, diríjase a las oficinas de la United vilifies me from the platform by you, that this is positively misrepresentations of my actions the best loaf of bread, Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica Perry Girton while Secretary of the Division, made in Costa Rica TELEFONO 3156 wish to remind the public that he See the Radio that thinks!
as same Magic Brain. Range, Sne and Reception UNITED FRUIT Co. A VICTOR nature has ever Radio BREEDY BUY YOUR UMBRELLAS AT THE JAMAICA STORE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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