
Saturday, 20 th July 1935 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA No, but the missus did.
WHAT IS HIGH TREASON. SAL UVINA ter THE RIGHT SALTS For Liver and Stomach Ailments es arts Hereby Langs Tale Indigestion FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES Garvey In English Politics WHAT SHE WANTED While the indefacticable Founder, se severnal times by gentlemen clergyman who had recently taof the Universal Negro Improvement repute. We, however, know of.
ken up mission work found himself Association is ever trying to improve me of the members of this pat at dinner next to a charming and witthe mental capacity of the members Committee who have been forc ly young woman.
oh his race, here and alsewhere, in do so. He has never had, like An what line of work are you the hope of making them fit to ru of the Committee, to beat a engaged in now? she asked him.
le, are we not led to regard his trail across the borders; very am trying to save young men. task a hopeless one?
men of yhom the King must be e said the clergyman.
What a kingdon, an Empire or acding proud! He was never Oh, indeed. she replied. Won Republic the world pould behold it from his Home, as Davis you try to save a nice one for me?
such men as the Editor, Compositor says; he left by appointment of and Proofreader of the Porous Plas. Baker and Mr. Hopk guit of wind carried away the ter. known as the Central Ame as Foreman in charge of 360 hat of a prisoner being taken to jail by a policeman. He asked the ploice!
rican Express. were to be placed in first to Puerto Plata, Sto. Domir Invaluable for the Treatment of authersty! This daightened Apu then to Port Nipe in Cuba and man to let him run and get it.
logy states in his issue of the 6th. here in 1899 for purposes of What. said the Cop, let you Flatulence run after your hat and get away!
instant that with the British govern road constructions. Away from a And all forms WHERE THE OBJECTION ment, we would be guilty of High of this great Committee, how ma.
WAS from me? Not much; you stay here and ll run for the hat.
of Stomach Treasort. for infering the arlaiche can say they did not have to buon in our issue of the 29th. ultimo, pastures new by force of circum Why did you leave your last plaColics Disorders whereint it is stated that some of tances thereby giving Britain ce? asked a woman of an applicantſ He Dear, feel m just helf good the Britishers who were approach right to be so very proud of them for a position as servant.
enough for you.
ed regarding the Scheme of demons Now to the demonstration: wb The master tried to kiss me. She Father estimated your tration loyalty on the 24th. June felt were the leading personalities in said the girl.
worth at 49 per cent less than that.
that the idea should have originated loyal display? couple huru Did you object?
with our worty Consul and that others School children, All Costa Rica Hotel Clerk. Would you like a MANUFACTURED BY: felt cold on the matter as it was so and under the tutelage of the Com METROPOLITAN BUREAU room with a bath?
Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa long past the time during which they mittee; The Boy Scouts, 90 per ce CertarLegal, Notarial General Newly arrived Farmer, SAN JOSE thought such functions should have Costa Ricans born and bred; Business Transactions ly not. This ain Saturday night.
taken place.
score or two of old dames who Box 544. Cable, Metrobur. This is only Thursday We are, hewever, feeling that for weep at the sound of the name My untarnished reputation of maligning the glorious intentions exhi the King or Victoria the God honesty. My intelligence and Jones. But ve gone too far bited in the cause of Freedom of Spe half a dozen ex Service men high calibre efficiency constitute with the girl to back out, ech by those who have been respon would now hide from service, the necessary and all important Dick. Then go a little further sible for the Democracy of the Bri or three very sparsely attended Lo FACTORS which constitute my and perhans her dad will throw you LONDON, England, Making House of Parliament at the titish government, which has helped to ges under banners; a hundred or Iron Clad Guarantee to my ac out.
rapid headway in his prepara me when the Labour Party still make the Empire the most respect curious ones, many of phom we tual and prospective CLIENTS, tions for nomination as a candi had connections with the Comed nation on earth; and for, from native men and women; last who confide to my care, di.
Head Nurse, Stop it. Are you date, on the Labour Party ticket, munists, and therefore voted for time to time, mutilating the King the Committe, some of whom indi rection and administration, the trying to shake that sick man life for a seat in the House of Par. him. Since the Labourites expe English. in this very article, under ed in the chance of having th handling of their BUSINESS and out of him.
liament in the general elections Ned the Reds, no other Commu reference, he says, the Committee photos taken, we wont say for GENERAL AFFAIRS.
The Newly Employed, No, not which are expected to take place nist has ever got a seat in the had planned a Memorial Fund to AS second time. EGBERT POLSON that; just gave him his medicine.
in October, Marcus Garvey, has House o Commons. Mr. Garvey SISTED poor West Indiants. he Mr. Shaw Davis is right when Accountant, Interpreter, Trans and as forgot to shake it as you launched into the politics of the hopes to win a seat with the aid would be very much more useful in says Charity begins at home lator, Judicial Business Agent. teld me, m do ing it now.
which was formerly given to the manipulation of a certain well our home is in the Island of Jan If elected, Mr. Garvey will Mr. Saklatvala by the Labour known apparatus in a popular institu ca, hence our reason for rememt be the first man of the Negro groups.
ton making meal for his less mali ing Mrs. Michael DeCordova la The Pathfinders Annual Repprt race ever to sit at Westminster. The British colonials in En cious conferes.
dable efforts for a Memorial Hosp So far as the Scheme originatal there. Perhaps as this stunchs The First annual general meet matches for the loss of 69 wickets. There has only been one coloured gland from Africa and the West concerned, porter of Dr. Facio Hospital member of the British law mak Indies are all in favour of Garting with the Consul is ing of the Pathfinder Sport Club The Club highest score was 65 was held on the 19th. of May for wickets against the Tryonn, ing body in all its long history; vey They point out that in the possibly Mr. Shaw Davis, kkccupied ing had, perforce, to make a Parsee French parliament, there are five in his vain glory, did not hear the Rica his permanent home for me when the following officers were and the lowest 15 against the he was Saklatvala, in this speech, say he half a century, we cannot or sh elected for the current term: Electric The Second Divi from India and a leading Com coloured deputies; and even in Consul, Clarke, President; Johnson. sion scored a total of 170 runs for munist. Mr. Saklatvala got in the the United States there is a co hace hought of inviting them in aaot cross swords with him on hadt thought early last loured Congressman. It is, there Secy; Gordon, Cricket Secy; the loss of 33 wickets; the highest month point; so we will only, goodnat but restrained doing so in Dixon, Treasurer and Captain; in a game being 79 against the conse dly, wish his financial efforts be fore, time that the coloured peoquence of the expenses which he knew luck on the next accasion he atta Taylor, Vice Captain; Motive Power and the lowest 34 Dr. Carlos Ml. Fernández ple of the British Empire get a would be incumbent on such a de to assist in the manipulation of member in The House of Com monstration in such stringent times rumning, as this Brown, Ferguson, Erskine, against the Fearless. The leading Lawrence, Clarke and individual scores in the first Dipi.
seem to be Cirujano Dentista mons to defend their interests, as these. Does this not imply that which is irritating the throats o Minto as Managing Committee. sion were Brown with 48 for they say SAN JOSE the Consul was quite alive to his few of King George most The Report of the Managing six innings and Nathan Brown with The coloured population in Enobligation but was sympathetically failures on this patriotics Commi Committee disclosed that during 33 for five. The most successful Oficina: Clínica del Dr. Facio gland is so small that their votes disposed toward us? Why make it tee.
this period 34 members were en bowlers were Dixon, Harrihave no power. Unlike the French appear, then, that you are going Teléfonos: rolled, of which five had to be son, Brown and Minto.
parliamentary system, the colou to teach him loysity.
Oficina 2565. Habitación 4201 removed for non payment of dues Foot and Base Ball Divisions red people in the British colonies But why all this bullabaloo about and one reisgned. The members were attempted during the year Apartado 1252 have no right to send presenta nothing? There is not a thing in that hip at the close of the year stood but failed from various causes.
tives to the Imperial Parliament; article to merit such a noise: sim at 28 ordinary and two honorary hile coloured people under French ply an opinion given as to why the Abarrotes. Mercadería en members.
rule living in Martinique and great imajarity of loyal Britishers, general total of Nine matches were Gualeloupe in the West Indies, possiblp, did not take part. But we Venta al por Mayor y played, of which were won. 310 and Dakar in Senegal, West are driven to criticize, there is amMenor runs were scored in first Division frica, vote for their own repre ple room. The Editor of the English Agentes exclusivos de la fade los el sentatives in the French Cham Section of the VOZ DEL ATLANmosa mantequilla y queso ber of Deputies.
TICO has never solicited naturalizaROSSI y Co.
tion papers although invited to do Finca Saborio New Tongue.
From Page Counting the half tones, theIN MEMORIAM re are 12 notes in the octave. he said. Wouldn these notes proBanco del Estado In deep affection and remembrance of EGBERT CAMERON, who answered his State Bank vide enough combinations to ma.
Master call on 8th. March 1933.
Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue ke a simple language?
We miss you dear, no fongue can say In answer to our Master call.
Such a language wouldn be The sorrow we so often bear.
We hope some day to meet you ofrece al público los Ofters the Public the spoken, but sung. It might be Though we know you now are happy Then shall we ever happy be hummed, or it might be accom In your Master fender care.
Free from sorrow and from care.
servicios de su Services of its panied by words in any language. FRIEND Frenchman might sing in French and a Russian reply in Russian, but if their notes were right and each understood the proposed new language of tone, LUIS WA CHONG EN LA IN THE they could understand each other would suppose musicians GUACIMO GUAPILES raise the objection that the notes FRANK MADURO Jr.
Cantina, Licores Extranje would be combined without regard Prop.
ros y del país for harmony. Lewis said. The para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service Tienda bien surtida y result would not be melodious, or Best native lumber Abarrotes en general servicio bancario Rendered even harmonious, but just comEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano cssleinantiadhai de Bibliotecas do Ministého trescultura y Juventud, costarice vata moderate prices Precios sin competencia really wouldn be musical at all.
Bonilla y Co.
Subscribe to the ATLANTIC VOICE Banco Internacional de Costa Rica of tot if it is of SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Maduro Lumber Yard CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF OF LIMON


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