
Saturday, 27 th. July 1935 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA SAL UVINA week ago For Liver and Stomach Ailments Tereby Langs Tale, keping, what would you Indigestion say nest.
man, near realize your sleeve has been in my LIBERTY soup?
Waiter. Yes that so; but From page serve the zorry spectacle of chains never mind, this old jacket of mine Allen puts a check on the thought being forged for for the shashould have gone the laundry a when he said Liberty is the reckling of the spirit of an erstwhisult of law not, as many suppose, le free people.
of the absence of law. The verThey are moving in the Gertie to Maud at a Charity DanTHE RIGHT SALTS satile St. Paul says, take heed, direction opposite to that taken ce. Can you tell me who is that lest by any means this Liberty by the Pilgrim Fathers; they are attractive looking young man of yours become a stumblingblock travelling toward the sunset roudancing with the middle aged lady?
to them that are weak. This de te of nations. The Forefathers Maud. m not sure, but clares it a sacred trust which of the American nation fled from think he is a member of the hu.
should not be abused.
King John to a land where they mane Society That the Frenchman should would be free to worship God, love Liberty as he does his mis even Christ, the author of Liber Mrs. Jones, a lawyer asked of tress, is a pleasing thought; for ty. Nazi Germany would have it his landlady, if died after leavit cannot be conceived that one of known that Christ in an Alien, ing a thousand dollars in your Invaluable for the Treatment of his nationality, the most amoro Christ Whose law is Liberty, do?
uusly disposed of men, could ever They, like those whose days were Would pray Flatulence No, unhesitatingly replied the And all forms be indifferent to his lady. Then, numbered, declare we will not Father. But do you think his too, the etymology of the word have this Man to reign over us.
intentions are serious?
landlady, Id pray for another one like you.
of Stomach does not negate the viewpoint, Liberty rejoices the heart; and Daughter. Oh, yes. he is despite its being in opposition to man has chosen the Bell as the just sufficiently stupid to be ho.
Disorders Colics Assistant Banker that which the Englishman reinstrument to declare the joy he You gards as only belonging to his feels. Very many Bells have been he a wonderful an. On what lawful wife, but it has to be recast to this purpose, but we would The Guest. Hi there, do you do you base your opinion? FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES Banker. Well, on every accamembered that this latter title only here refer to that in Indesion he wishes to borrow money was at one time applied to both pendence Hall, Philadelphia, the Costa Rica Soda he has a perfectly good story to MANUFACTURED BY: the married and unmarried WO Old Liberty Bell, which was first tell.
heard on the Declaration of InWater Factory Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa Let us take a peep into the dependence July 4th. 1776; and Jones Well, what did you SAN JOSE heart of the Frenchman and for one hundred and fifty nine LIMON have to say to that new girl last learn of his regard for Liberty years its reverberation is echoed night? monumental gesture of this in the heart of the American Fábrica de Hielo Jake Er asked if could FROM ESTRADA stands on Bedloe Island, New people. The Flag of the Free see her home and she politely reYork, a gift from the French a yet flies aloft the Capitol, and y Refrescos plied she would send me a picture On Monday 22nd. several Ofe, trict of Costa Rica. They return Goddess holding aloft a torch the sons of the nation stand ready of it.
ficers of the Grand Lodge of the ed to Limon the same afternoon enlightening the world. Could to die for the cause it represents; Florida Ice and Independent United Order of by the passenger train.
a gesture be more significant!
yet; withal, if the spirit of LiMechanics visited this outpost and We are further told that the Another meeting is listed for German loves Liberty like he does hearts, their fight will betry be not written in their Farm Co. Did you hear the music on the held their deliberations, for the in vain, front porch last night? asked a benefit of the order generally Sunday the 11th. August, in this his grandmother, which means, for their cause would not be just.
LA FLORIDA Boarder of another.
City, for the purpose of a confe we presume, grudgingly; but as God grant that the hearts of so in connection with the half yearFábrica de Hielo Music? replied the other, ly meeting of this August Body Fence with all members of the Heine was of the race, he could great a people will ever be attun Loyal King Charles Lodge, when affird to disparagingly speacked to the cause of LIBERTY.
Among those who attended we Why, there was nothing there it is hoped that every member of of them, although, today, we obre Merrsrs. Nelson, District Venta de Leche bue a bunch of women talking Grand Master; Nation, and far, will endeavour to be pre METROPOLITAN BUREAU the Estrada Lodge, from RODEN about the operations they had.
y Maderas Well, it was an organ recital, Past District Grand Master; FitzLegal, Notarial General wasn it.
herbert Barrett, Gran Senior Dea! sent to discuss ways and means of closer Unity and betterments Business Transactions con; Thomas Bowry, District. BREAD BREAD. Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. Trustee; Gibb Deputy Dis of all Lodges in the District.
My untarnished reputation of Eat only the best bread.
trict Grand Master: William honesty. My intelligence and BERLIN SPECIAL LOAF Langlin a District Trustee and high calibre efficiency constitute Limon, Costa Rica, AN OPPORTUNITY Made only by BOOTH On ocean front other members of the Craft.
the necessary and all important The best that may be had Comfortable rooms. Rooms with bath. Well ventilated These gentlemen opened busiSpecial Classes for those FACTORS which constitute my dining room. First class table. Good assorted bar. in the country.
ness on the Pink grade so as desiring a sound elemenIron Clad Guarantee to my acSample room Don forget to call at consult with all members of the tary foundation in Music, tual and prospective CLIENTS, BOOTH and take home a LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress King Charles Lodge for its bet Short Hand, Typewriting who confide to my care, di. loaf of Berlin Special Post Office Box 236. Telephone ter working, but only a few of and Book keeping rection and administration, the bread.
these attended. They then opened Prices Moderate handling of their BUSINESS and Trying one will convince on the Knigthood rank an attenGENERAL AFFAIRS.
you, that this is positively REID FREDRICKS ded to the business of the half EGBERT POLSON the best loaf of bread, Accountant, Interpreter, Trans made in Costa Rica Today, with exchange at its ney have even been exaggerated by yearly session of the Unión Dis!
lator, Judicial Business Agent, highest peak, merchants have avail those who are mere producers of ed themselves of a weapon with yuca, yams, cocoes and other ediwhom to deal than we have in the would have tried to help. ofwhich to prey on the poor and rich ble roots, calalu and other shortpersent day. could not call the ten wonder if those who are sure alike, local products, such as co time vegetables. correspondent of the Kansas them as was with the self con city marshall and have the wo they are doing the Lord work onuts, lard corned pork, etc. have feel confident that if a stop City Journal Post gives the fo fessed messenger of Jehovah, man, who came to my door in a should receive more attention, moen given a rapid rise in prices, be not put to these abuses someth llowing which may be regarded as who disturbed me when did not perfectly peacefully manner, loc re consideration and less impatienand consumers are told about the ing serious may take place, as it a plea for a greater amount of re want to be disturbed. Those apos ked up in jail, and did not wish ce at our hands. wonder if we high gold exchange.
is not every one who can provide ligious tolerance among professing tles, hawever, had the primery necessities at these a lot sterner to do so. If she had been hungry are not a little more intolerant This blanket, with which these United States prices. some canchristians. moment ago, and more intolerant public with would have fed her; in trouble, than they.
Verchants or shopkeepers cover not now afford to partake of beef just as was getting to work, themselves to earn no less than and other nutritious items, while the doorbell rang. answered, 100 per cent profit on all locally many are forced to exist on co and standing on the porch was a produced commodities, should be conuts with a bit of corned pork; woman had never seen before.
investigated by our government as but what is to become them and There was an abnormal look in the gold exchange has absolutely their kids if they are called on to her eyes have seen and identinothing in common with the purch pay twenty five cents for a nut fied, many times, as always to be ase and sale of them. The exhor and ninety five cents for a pound found in persons who are very Banco del Estado bitant prices charged for foreign of corned pork, locally produced, earnest in what they believe, and State Bank goods may well be tolerated, but apart from the increased charges who are willing to undergo any Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue it is a shame when they take so for yans, yuca, plantains, etc. Can thing in support of that belief.
great an advantage to gain a colon our poor exist honestly under these She said, bring you a messaofrece al público los Offers the Public the or more on every one they spend conditions? We sincerely hope our ge from Jehovah. shoving ton this respect. No duty is payable local government will do someth 1, ward me a printed page. When servicios de su Services of its on these articles. The exchange ing about it.
had gotten rid of my visitor, as fever and the greed for more moHorace Preadegast politely as could, came back my desk wondering about the way DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA religion affects people. Then wondered how the apostles, to Avenida San José ward the late half of the first EN LA IN THE Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad. went.
and Colegio de Señoritas MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea. There were no newspapers, they Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb.
SURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the could not get you ear on the telepara toda clase de A11 Kinds of Bank Service neck of Womb phone and mercilessly compel you RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small to listen. If the facts were known servicio bancario Rendered medium sized) by way of the Urethra expect the people of that day Este documento es propiedadude de. Biblioteca Dbgiong Migupbabiegér Lianki PARK HOTEL to High Cost of Local Products Catholic School LIMON FOR MORE RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE Banco Internacional de Costa Rica SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE They had no tracks to pas out CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON


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