
July. Revolutionary THE and Evolutionary Month ATLANTIC VOICE Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone She world the image with some world. and one of the forcement The Passing of Mr. Beavers The African Conflict The Dread Reaper Active were us.
to Año ll No. 56 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, rd. August 1935 Editor English Section Nation In June we recognized a period progressive evolution of the domifor the enjoyment of pleasing purnating factor suits, while month we have just completed may indeed them such separation; be regarded as one of varied cele nations of civilized beings. When We profoundly regret having to the commercial line and was pobrations. July offers much food the Committee on Independence, record the death of our esteemed pulary known as the proprietor of to the thoughful in connection on Thursday 4th. July 1776, or citizen Mr. Beavers, which the American Bar.
with the struggles for Liberty by dered Benjamin Harrison to read took place on Friday of last week. To his bereaved Widow, his The conflict has now assumed she launches into war. The Lonrevolutionary conflicts with con their report. That when, in the Mr. Beavers came here some only relative in this country, and such an aspect that it is causing don financial bulletins declare sequent evolutionary changes in course of human affairs, it beco twelve years ago and after spend his family in the United States, the nations of Europe serious the deficit in her appropriations che forms of government and mo mes necessary for one people to ing some time in the service of the the Atlantic Voice extends its deep concern. England with her friend as well as in her commercial badern civilization. It may well be dissolve the political bands that United Fruit Company, went into felt sympathy.
ship for Italy had decreed an lances are in a most adverse egarded a Revolutionary month, have tied them to another, and to embargo on all arms and muni State.
is it seem to afford opportunities assume, among the powers of the tions of war being sold to Ethio There is no gainsaying the fact, or greater expression of freedom earth, the separate and equal stapia, but on the protest of the however, that war between the two in thought and actions than any tion to which the laws of nature This Reaper has been very busy other month of the year.
and nature God entitle them, a It would be well if our indefa Ethiopian Ministers this was countries is unavoidable, for Itaamong the residents of our City. tigable Medico of Health, Dr. withdrawn and large airplanesly regards Valual as her territory In most countries, this being one decent respect to the opinions of Mr. Beavers of the American Umaña, would see that the owner are now being used to rush muni over which the League can have of the warm months, millions of mankind require that they should Bar started the rush on Friday of of this house along with others tiones into Africa as fast as pos no say; Abyssinia says No, and people, who can afford to do so, declare the causes which impel last week, then during the follow thoroughtly fumigated these insible.
seek recreation and pastime in the them to such separation; for we no amount of wordy discussions out of door beauty spots. Some go hold that all men are created ſing night no less than seven deaths fected haunts.
can bring about a conciliation.
to the volcanoes or mountaintops, equal; that they are endowed by Sunday. Among these was George again reported, were reported and interred on On Monday six deaths Italy, meantime, is embarking The large amount of sympadeclaring them to be the only pla. their Creater with certain unalien Cameron, the Barber, a respectable brother of don Pedro; Mrs. considers necessary to prosecute is producing in various parts is Mr. Blackman, all the men and ammunition she thy which the Abyssinian cause. where peace and rest may be able rights, among which are, Life, citizen long resident with us. Woods; Mrs. Byfields; a daughter this warfare. Abyssinia, on her however significant.
Found; others go to the deep vales Liberty and the pursuit of hapveeking solitude and comfort in piness, the citizens of the United the Crossing; one Arthur a A twin death also occurred at of Mrs. Levy and two others.
part, makes the matter more and Native tribes from French and the dense vegetation; others join States of America established a mes Goowin and his wife Octa formerly On Tuesday Mrs. Samuels more embarrassing for the na: Italian Somaliland are reported to excavating parties and travelling to day which has ever stood supreme vio Fredericks resided in a house Stiebel, widow of the late James League and Pact of Nations.
of Estrada, and Mrs. tions who are members of the be pouring into Abyssinia with distant parts, explore Caves, Ca in the thoughts of the Advocates which was previously occupied by Stiebels were also reported to have the determination to fight along verns, grottos and places ef histo of Freedom of speech and action.
ric interest. The poor wonder to a woman suffering from Tubercupassed into the Great Beyond.
She appeals to the United Sta side of the Ethiopians, while thoThe 14th. of the month in the losis and who died some time ago; Never since the days of the clear tes to call on Italy to submit her se still at home, in these places, themselves in what sense can the year 1789 summer period be called joyous French Revolution, which history fected and after suffering for a township, has there been such a saw the start of the the man and his wife decame in ing up and inauguration of this self to the Kellogg Pact which refuse to work on the cultivations guarantees a non aggressive sta to provide food for the laid of and happy vacation days, when records as an autstanding event in while are now both dead. Octavia run on the dwellers in this Vale tus to all its signatories. America Italian soldiers, who are already they must continue their labours the modernization of human rights died during Saturday night ant of Tears by the Dread Reaper.
declares her neutrality, thus im suffering from the hot climate.
with no change in their customary and privileges. The day is revered the man on Sunday morning. It The Atlantic Voice takes this plying that the Pact is of no va The heat is reported to be so inmeans of subsistence; while the by every Frenchman and known is understood that they died on medium of expressing its sincere lue. further appeal is made to tense as Asmara, 130 miles from rich and wealthy wonder how they as Jour de la Bastille.
may imitate and emulate the hap The 14th. marks the annivers by the other woman.
the same bed which was occupied condolence with the many sorrow. the League under Articles 10 and the coast, that the labourers en piness, the satisfaction, the poor ary of one our religious Organiza ing families.
15 of the Agreement whereby gaged in discharging awuntion appear to find in remaining at tions which has done much good, members are compromised to res from the Italian boats get fatihome. With each group envying during its short existence of sepect and protect reciprocally the gued and collapse.
the other, it is only the few who venty years, in not alone reclaimindependence and territorial intedo realize that each day, eaching lost souls but in alleviating We beg to call your attention to our remark grity of all its members, against In addition to the decision of week, each month or year can be distress in economic affairs in the at the back of receipt which reads: any exterior aggression.
Japan in favour of the Emperor, made what we will it should be to slums of almost every important The Italian government looks it is observed that the Mussulmen city of the world.
This bill must be paid at our on the sanction of the British of Egypt have been ordered The first day of July is the anto allow arms and munitions of meet in general Council by the niversary of the Dominion of Ca. The 20 th. saw Roumania ruled office before the 10th of the month war to be sold to Abyssinia as Patriarch in the interests of Abynada. It is wonderful to think by a child of five years of age; it hostile, and the press of that co ssinia; and that numbers of what the people of that extensive also marks the Independence of Be so good as to comply with this request untry declare it will never be for Egytian and Turkish Officers country have accomplished in Colombia and that of Venezuela.
are leaving to join the Emperor transforming vast areas of unset. On this day, too, the famed Ma. and do not oblige us to suspend our service, army.
tled, unattractive lands into great gician Thurston saw the light of astep which we would much regret to take. The financial affairs of both ranches and estates, magnificent day. Many outstanding personali contending countries seem very Despite, however, the many and cites and picturesque parks, creat ties were born during this month, Compañía Eléctrica de Limón precarious; an Italian Bank in varied disappointments already ing and educating a tremendous among them, President Coolidge, Vienna has had the contract for encountered, England and Frannation of highly cultured and pro John Rockefeller, Henry Ford.
gressive citizens, in just sixty While we look on this month as years of regulating the monetary ce are persisting in their efforts eight pears.
This demonstrates a revolutionary one in the collecsystemans of Abyssinia and of toward a solution what may result from a determin tive affairs of men and nations, ed, intelligent band working un may we all take advantage of this Italy opportunity of League last. obitedly for a common good. period of evolution in our indivi Marriage is for life; when a man However reluctant we may be to flooding the country with fictiti tained the consent of the Italian The fourth of the month cele dual lives, so it may to and woman are divorced, the Church see any increase in the number of ous coins or of restricting the and Abyssinian Delegates to rebrates the anniversary of one of broaden our vision and bring hap cannot countenance a second church divorces, we are bound to recognize output of their financies to meet sume arbitration negotiations unthe greatest steps in the forward piness and sunshine into our homes marriage in the lifetime of a former the fact that Some alteration of the the necessary expenses of war. der a formula which was to be march of independence and the and personal affairs.
party. So declares the majority re law itself is requisite in the interest Then it appears the financial ba agreed on. Latest reports, neverport on the Christian marriage co of public confidence. The Church lances of Italy, themselves, are not theless, indicate there is much ANOTHER EARTH SHOCKde submitted to the Committee of must make it clear that if any rer in a very satisfactory position she pessimism being felt with regard at laxation of the divorce laws is so be has declared herself off the gold to the outcome, as from Rome it is Another rather long and severe provinces, no reports regarding da There is in many quarters a re sanctioned, not ordly should there be standard, and as the opinion in statted that Mussolini has reiteearth shock was felt in almost all mages were received up to the time volt against any view of marriage no given for a second marriage to financial circles of London prog rated his determination to reach a parts of the country yesterday at a of going to press except from Ba which emphasizes its social aspects take place in the church, during the nosticates. the reduction of the total solution of the trouble by the few minutes past 10 gaces, where it is stated many hou and obligations states the report, lifetime of the former partner, but Italian gold reserve is due to the means of unrestricted military Although it appears to have ses were destroyed, but fortunately, there is a tendency to regard ma the Church should be free to forbid great economic difficulties with measures, which is accepted as rriage as a purely human and civil to its own members the use of the which she has been recently con meaning that Italy intends to caden more severe in the northern without loss of life.
coratract which ought not to be al marriage service, admission to the lowed to reiman binding when its sacraments and other privileges of fronted and which will naturally rry on regardless of the decisions be rendered more stringent if at Geneva.
terms had become unwelcome. the Church.
HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE Discussing the question of nullity, The Bishop of Birmingham, the Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón the report suggests a count might be Bishop of Barking, the Dean of Heallowed to declare a marriage void reford and Canon Guy Rogers, in Para EUROPA for various reasons, such as where a minority report said We are not (SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, either party is to his or her know convinced that one, whose first ma(Línea Holandesa de Vapores)
ledge and unknown to the other, suf. rriage has been blighted by another fering from certain diseases CORDILLERA 17 de Agosto sorders.
or disin, must necessarily be condemned to a life of celebacy and barren miSALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS Para GUATEMALA Regarding divorce, the report said The reception of the majority reLLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
the Church had a law to declare port was approved by 18 votes to and a discipline to excercise for (To be continued) de Agosto CORDILLERA Agosto 12 members. Under that law marriage was till death us do part.
From the Sketch Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fletes, dirigirse a SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS Compañía Ultramar Para cualquier clase de informos, dirigirse a: Find Out The Mystery Of Beautiful Cho San Agentes Generales HAPAG LLOYD FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs.
This Beautiful Play will soon be Staged Sub Agentes en AGENCIA EN COSTA RICA TELEFONO 2086 Visit the Land of the Japanese and you will see LIMON PUNTARENAS Church Opposes Easier Divorce coining their silverthis entire conflict. At the meeting of the serve Royal Netherlands Steamship Co.
Vapor COLOMBIA sery.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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