
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, rd. August 1935 Give your children protection. HOW?
Hold Up Of An Officer tuisting Mohammadan Our Cup Competition Colorado Bar Avoided EAST vs. WEST War clouds are fast gathering part.
on the peaceful horizon of Afri East against West that will ca. Italy is forcing a battle on be the Watch Word Away with Ethiopia and that great warrior, with western oppression; down Haille Selaisse, Emperor and with slavery; away with Rome; What to become of your youngsters if you should die Kng of Kings, stands ready to Down with the Master. At that tibefore they are self supporting?
defend Afric national rights me we will surely be forced to and sovereignty. In a recent issue chant Ethiopia the Tyrant who of the press, the Emperor stated amote thoo on thy knees is fallGET LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. will personally lead my for ing. Islanism will return; we ces against Italy and before me shall know each other better when shall go my Archbishop carry the mists shall have rolled away the Ark of the Covenant, and and wo shall become aware I do not expect to meet Premier whom we were kept in darknes Mussolini there.
and ignorance. Europe has sow Through any local Agent or office of the As this Ark may be considered the seeds of discentent amon, by some as that mentioned in the the Blacks. the League of Banco Nacional de Seguros Bible, will explain, as a Moham Nation impetency is manimedan, that it embodies an agree festand try as they may there will ment among Africans, Indians, be War; Mussolini is too muca Egyptians, Arabians, in short, all of a bombastic Dictatoor to back nations; down and he realizes if he did An Ambitious Jamaican It is incumbent on every such na the world would laught at him We are pleased to record the ser knowledge, has obteined three monOn Monday night last while a ce given a sound thrashing and his tion to stand as one man in the and his expidition to Africa.
cesses of Mr. Lucien Boothe, son of ths leave of absence which he intends lebratnon in connection with the whistle and keys taken from him. He defence of each other in the event In view of all this, it would our esteemed citizen, Mr. Phillip Boo in trevels throughout the principal death of Miss Hilda Forbes, was being tried to defend himself but was over of a foreign invasion like the wise for us of the race here in the.
cities of Europe. Steckholm, Sweheld at the residence of her Aunt, powered. went to his assistance and present case. The impending con Costa Rica, to forget our petty Young Mr. Boothe, who nears den, being included in his itinerary. Mrs. Levy, on the Santa Rosa Track took him to the home where he re flict may be regarded as the ba differences and by uniting in one his 23 rd. summer, has been workLieutenant Camacho, patrolling as a ceived attention. report has been ttle of Armageddon; it may be, Body, prepare for the final call ing in the Chemical Department of The Atlantic Voice congratulagovernment officer, found some boys made to the Police and Detectives but from a psychological view which may be sent the world the government of Jamaica, and as tes Mr. Phillip Boothe in the sucessinging and breaking stones about are out on the boys trail; Jose John point, feel sure it will be far over.
a means of expanding his professional ses of his son.
40 yards from the recidence; Mr. son, better known as Gorapata, has more disastrous for Rome and cincerely trust this article Camacho ordered the boys to stop been arrested and he has given the any other while nation who may and go and join those who were names of the others whose capture feel it a duty to assist her in her will be considered by the various singing at the celebration as that had is expected at any moment. determination to extend her do Lodges and other societies, par been permitted by the Agent of PoThe Motive Power, with only two played her part with every Club lice for the District; this occurred at main in Africa. Italy calls her ticulary the as a Percy Harris games played, is still leading in the except the Burial Scheme, who with about a. Camacho was inmediaJuez de Paz Race, but what of Japan who reall and be given serious thought.
self the Champion of the White message of goodwill and that it may find a place in the hearts of Competition, with two points to their their leader, Mr. Bernard, have shewn tely held up by five of the boys and gards herself as that of the Black credit; the Pathfinders have one, whi themselves such Sportsmen that the Race. It is understood that Japan The Holy Oracle is infallible; may be mistaken, but am sure le the rest are Nil. As we are now in Gods have been gracious to afthe second half of the games, we ford them their pleasure. Even a has signed a commercial Treaty therefore unite to fight and die, are wondering who will be the Champ function by the same Association has with Ethiopia and has announced if need be, for the cause that is ions this season.
the The United Fruit Company has will be able to get in and out the she cannot stand aloof in never been tampered by rain.
just in defence of our FatherWe notice that the rain has won been granted the privilege to lagoons an the Colorado River event of war between Italy and land and the independence of most of the games to date. She has Spectator dredge around the little island at without having to cross the much Ethiopia.
Colorado, known as the Damas Is dreaded Bar. the death trap of Harlem in the United States Ethiopia.
land, by which Launches and that region.
is like a barrel, full of gun powHorace Prendegast lighters of considerable tonnage der, awaiting the thouch of the match; the members of the various Associations in Panama (The Switzerland of Turrialba)
Costa Rica Soda are gathering into whole TUESDAY AUGUST th.
Monday week beef traffic on 247 heads of fat cattle came with a determination to cease For the Baptist Annual Day of Pastime the frontier of Nicaragua across the border and produced purchasing anything from Italian Friends who so wish can spend the day in Turrialba brought our goverment the hea revenue of 9, 880 colones, an ave stores as they realize the Italians LIMON ROUND TRIP FARP: viest one day income in history; rage of forty colones per head.
will, as patriots, save every cent FROM LIMON 50. MATINA 2. 00 SIQUIRRES 50 they can for the help of their Fábrica de Hielo TRAIN LEAVES LIMON A. Mussolini. in his war against their Race. This is a worthy attiy Refrescos In another of his many addres. on the dole than there were last tude to adopt. they cannot afford ses, given on this occasion by radio year, and another 5, 000, 000 trying to go as soldiers to the help of Florida Ice and and reproduced in the Congresion to get on the dole.
the Emperor, but the intended al Record, Senator Huey Long is boycott should prove an effective Under the sponsorship of the man proposes touring the United credited with having said: We There is only only one way to Farm Co.
weapon against Rome.
Ethiopian Protective Association States and the West Indies. compare the Roosevelt depression save our people; only one way to Visualizing through my Holy of London, Mr. Eatman Eastman, with the Hoover depression and save America. How? Pull down Oracle of the East, behold that LA FLORIDA a 51 year old Ethiopian, formerly. BREAD BREAD. we find the Roosevelt depression wealth from the top and spread it in a couple of years, possibly earthe 100 yards sprint champion of debt is 9, 000, 000, 000 more that at the bottom; free people of these lier, conditions will be worse than Fábrica de Hielo Eat only the best bread. the Hoover depression debt: the debts they owe; God told us exactly. the were in 1914 1918. Gas, Airethe world and an ex Sergeant of BERLIN SPECIAL LOAF England famous Northumbeunemployment under Roosevelt how to do it all. The Senator Venta de Leche Made only by BOOTH riand Fusiliers Regiment, the has eclipsed everything Hoover here read extracts from Nehemiah raft, Poisonous Flulds; famine, The best that may be had Fighting Fifth. has arrived in ever heard about and approxima 5, Leviticus 25, Ecclesiaste and pestilence, earthquakes, tidal wa y Maderas in the country.
Canada to raise a regiment of tes more than one half the whole Deuteronomy 15. Maybe you ves and tornadoes wlli paly their Don forget to call at 5, 000 men for the Emperor of population of Ameria; the wage do not believe the Bible; maybe BOOTH and take home a Abyssinia.
earner of today is living farther you do not accept God as your loaf of Berlin Special below the standard of a fair living Supreme Lawgiver. God help you DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA Mr. Eastman desire to assist bread.
than ever before in the history of if you do not; but if you do not, his nativeland is said to be meet. Trying one will convince Avenida San José the country; the wealth of the then all ask of you is to believe ing with every success, as you, that this is positively Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad country is more in the hands of the simply problems of arithmetic, enthusiasm is being evinced throug.
the best loaf of bread, the big interests and the big men the tables of addition subtraction, and Colegio de Señoritas hout the coloured communities.
made in Costa Rica than it has ever been, and the com multiplication and division. If you MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, After leaving Canada Mr. Eastmon people and masses in general believe them you will know that Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb have less than they ever had; two we cannot tolerate this condition SURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the thirds of all the money in the of a handful of people owning neck of Womb WITH THE SICK banks is owned by one one hun nearly alland all owning nearly RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (smail dred and fiftieth of the people, ac nothing. In a land of Plenty medium sized) by way of the Urethra But a short while ago we had, tion on Friday of last week thanks cording to the figures furnished there is no need to starve unless the painful necessity of informing however, to the skilful attention by the government bureau itself; we allow greed to starve us to our readers of the very serious of Drs. Salisbury, Oreamuno and there are 5, 000, 000 more people please the vanity of someone else.
illness of Mrs. Weeks, the amiable Gamboa, she is gradually improvwife of our esteemed friend Mr. ing.
While the legalized exchange Don Alberto Echandi, the PresW. Weeks. It is, therefore, more In expressing our profound was quoted during the past few ident of our Charity Board and painful for us to once more men sympathy to her saddened husband The well known Football Team New York American Teams in days at 30, American Bills could Lottery system, states the economic tion that she is again a patient in we wish her a speedy and complete La Libertad will leave us on that Country.
not he had on the streets for less situation of the country is a seriou the Hospital here where she had recovery.
the 20th. instant for Mexico to We wich them a very success than from 45 to 50 with the menace to its tranquility.
to undergo another major operaencounter the Bilboa, Mexican and ful time.
tendency of still getting higher.
TO PEJIVALLE Our Beef Trade one Water Factory Some Comparisons By Huey Long Recruiting Men For Africa great Our Exchange Footers Leaving For Shirts Collars and Ties go to Jamaica Store GEO. BREEDY.


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