
Saturday, rd. August 1935 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA The Recent Cricket Dispute SAL UVINA was to For Liver and Stomach Ailments amateurs Invaluable for the Treatment of Indigestion at Sunday School Anniversary July The Mass Meeting Mr. Natio, matter was not as easy as he thought On Monday night last, the don had no personal financial inSir.
and im short, is was purely left to Moin Delegates of the terest in the property.
the Umpire to decide if the fieldsA. again held their mass meeting Reference also made regret can no longer allow all the man after taking the catch on fair nthe large Hall of the St. Mark many of the acts of the present one sided statements appearing in grounds fumbled it after crossing the Church, by the kind permission of management of the Limon Diviyour paper, from time to time, to go boundary.
THE RIGHT SALTS the Rev. Pegg. There was a fairly sion which were considered by a unchallenged. though we are said to be unlarge audience. The Chaplain, large majority of the members, as In the article appearing in your fit for third standard reading, Mr.
Mr. Fraser, opened the meet inimical to the best interests of issue of June 29th. under the Cap Editor, we note the following have ing with prayers and praise and the Organization, particularly that tion News Cricket you commented been disclosed by the reference to turned it over to the Chairman of in connection with the appointon the decision given by Umpire Jo Jamaica. That the same thing the evening, Mr. Nation, ment of an Officer to collect the nes in the Pathfinders. Burial occurred in England recerkily and who did honour to the occasion. rentals of the property and at a Scheme game, and then as stated, the entire Englishpress, which repreAttention was once more called rate of commission regarded as you quote for the guidance of our sents an educated people, went wild to Mr. Garvey appeal for funds exhorbitant and illegal.
who do more talking over the Umpire decision; that the to carry on the work of the Orga The remarks of the Chairman of the game than the play in deciding the question was nization at Headquarters now in were endorsed by the various ise of it. You concluded your com unable to quote any law on Cricket London, and a stirring address speakers, among them, Messrs.
ments by expressing your sympathy to support their decisión. Despite, the was made for financial help to be Daley; Abel; Samuels; for all Cricket Politicians like Capt. refore, our knowledge of the game Flatulence And all forms sent to England.
Collins; Fraser and Marks.
Dixon, who may never have played being purely that of amateurs, and The Chairman reviewed the lack reading from the Negro of Stomach er, seen first class cricket in their we have been so strongly crisicised of interest exhibited by the Pres. World was given by Mr. Pearcountry of origin, and your opinion by you and others, it will be seen that ident of the Limon Division and son.
that refering the matter to Jamaica the Educated Sport writers of Inter Colics Disorders his Officers towards Mr. Garvey, All were exhorted to freely subfor decision, would only cause cricket national fame share our views; heninasmuch as with all his appealsscribe to what will be known as ing authorities of that Island to feel cc a moral victory for us against an for help they had never made an the Garvey European Fund to FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES that some of us, although Secretaries unwarranted and cowardly attack. effost to send him even five dol help plant the Parent Body in Lonfor large Associations and Clubs, are In concluding, let me assure you lars of the Division money.
don in a dignified manner, not fit for third standard reading. have been foNowing the articles of MANUFACTURED BY: With respect to the Sankey which diplomatic visitors from the Now, Mr. Editor, in spite of your. the Ball and have tried my best Gordon matter, it was stated that various countries in which Negro Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa expert knowledge of the English lan to accept them in the best sporting Mr. Boothe, the Albacea, had contact is experienced will be met guage, the law you quoted stated spirit and, just imagine, have reSAN JOSE stated in a document before the and conferred with.
Courts that he quite plainly that the fieldsman may ceived a 42 inch bat, a set of head quite ready to committee was appointed to touch the boundary line, but must gears and specially made pads to sign the transfer whenever called receive and forward funds to En.
not go over it; and if he goes over shew Spectator that bodyline can upon, as he was aware that Gor gland pending the next meeting.
with the ball in nand, the Umpire be scored with discretion; bust to my The Sam. Gordon Mortual should call boundary hit In view disappointment, the Umpire has stop of the existing difference of opinion, ped play. have made many inqui On the 6th. instant, at p. was called upon; death, hewever, inthe question was submitted to Jamaica ries about The Ball but there the Court will mett in Chambers to tervened before he could fulfil his The friends of the Baptist. Deno Forde and his co workers will, as and the No. Cricket authority the plies were far from satisfactory, so adjudicate on the request of Mr. Phil promise.
mination will find great enjoyment customary, welcome your presence.
re, Mr. St. Scotter, responded as me say over 200 runs have been lip Boothe, as Albacea in the estate Gordon mother will be present and interesting association among appeared in the Gleaner of the 5th. scored, and the fielding side is de of Sankey and Sam. Gordon, to ir Chambers to declare what she the young folk at their Sunday School that providing the fieldsman manding a new ball; others say the grant him privilege to sign the transceded to Sankey: the Charity and Anniversary tomorrow.
went over the boundary with the new law has outlived this fer of the guardianship of the pro Educacional Departuents will also be AN OPPORTUNITY ball in hand, the bastman is not type of bowling; but, Mr. Editor, 1l perty of the Association over present.
Many instructive addresses will be Special Classes for those out. This decision of Mr. Scotter have my doubts, Is the Ball dead? to the Organization, as requested by given by those interested in Sunday desiring a sound elemenwas then severely censured by Mr. Hoping to be once more benefit Tits President, Mr. Mitchell. Mr.
This in the Five hundred colones School work and the event will cul tary foundation in Music, Evans in the Gleaner of the 6th. ted by those humorous and bodylin Boothe is cognizant of the fact that lawsuit for protesting which some minate in a most enjoyable outing Short Hand, Typewriting inst. but this gentleman (unlike Mr. ing articles if the Ball be not the property was never at any time members of the Association have for the little ones to Pejivalle, Tu and Book keeping Scotter) was unable to quote any dead, but with this advice to him belonging to Gordon, but was only been expelled without investigation rrialba, on Tuesday the th. ins Prices Moderate law in support of his decision; he be not weary in well doing, for as bought, for convenience, in his na and others blacklisted.
tant. REID FREDRICKS claimed that the batsman is out Zane Grey said the coward never me and which he (Gordon) promised It is said that a dramatic play is Friends and guardians are asked and stated that a precedent was started and the weak died on the to tranefer gratitously any time he being written up on this farce.
Catholic School to note these fixtures. The Rev.
laid down in the 3rd. Test of the last way.
series between England and AustraEnostsdalg lia, when Bradman in taking a catch ta square leg, fell on the spectators in the pavilion, the Umpire gave the batsman out and the English press SERVICIO DE VAPORES (please note) questioned this deciBy this medium, we beg return rial Scheme Association, as well as sion. The matter was considered at our sincere thanks, for the many letſ to the large attendance of friends Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con a special meeting of the FRANK MADURO Jr. ters and messages of condolence re and sympathizers, among the memescala en CRISTOBAL HABANA and it was decided that the catch Prop.
ceived, during our sad bereament, bers of the Catholic and Wesleyan was properly taken before Bradman by the passing to the higher Initia Churches, who accompanied the Cor LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEO reached the boundary, and that the Best native lumber tion of our Brother and Husband. tage, the memory of which shall ever VAPORES SALIDAS Umpire decision was properly giUrith Blackman engage our attention.
at moderate prices ven. In responee to Mr. Evans artiWe also wish to express our thanks QUIRIGUA Rest for the toiling hands; de Agosto and appreciation to the Rev. Be Rest for the weary, wayworn feet cle, Mr. Scotter explained that the PETEN 11 de Agosto rry, who ministered the last rites over Rest for the weary, wayworn fee; VERAGUA 18 de Agosto the departed; to. Rest from all thy labours now.
the members of the Costa Rica BuPeter and Amelia The Tunny Fish industry, onnas the Newfoundland of the PaAgentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS the Pacific side, is an established cific.
Para otros informes, dirijase a laa oficinas de la United fact. Refrigerating plant will Fruit Company en los bajo, del Gran Hotel Costa Rica re set up in Puntarenas by an TELEFONO 3156 Imerican Syndicate at a cost of 50, 000 dollars, and not less than 00 hishing boats are to be occuA Spectacular Funeral ed in the trade. Concession for fifteen years On Sunday last, the funeral of ed with the Past Masters Council has been sugned by the govern him who was known in lifetime as ceremony which lent real solemaent with one Mr. Reed, the Re Banco del Estado State Bank George Cameron, Baber of this nity to the occasion.
presentative of those concerned.
City, was very spectacular. As he The assembly was not as large This deal will constitute Puntare Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue was a retiring Vice President of as it would have been were it carthe Costa Rica Burial Scheme As ried out in the afternoon, but the METROPOLITAN BUREAU ofrece al público los Offers the Public the ociation, the high officers of the company was sertainly select and Legal, Notarial General Society attended in full regalia, added splendour to the occasion.
Business Transactions servicios de su Services of its headed by their beautiful banner In making the March Past at the Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. by far the best of any in the Cuartel on the way home, Yanke My untarnished reputation of City. The Brothers, dressed in fun Band brought the procession to onesty. My intelligence and eral grab, followed by the sisters attention and played the Costa sigh calibre efficiency constitute attired in pure white and all pre Rican anthem which was honoured the necessary and all important ceded by Yanke Band playing by the Military.
FACTORS which constitute my the Dead March, made a splendid EN LA ron Clad Guarantee to my acIN THE procession through the city, to the head and prospective CLIENTS, cemetery and back to the Hall of yho confide to my care, di.
the Society.
rection and administration, the At the grave the religious rites sandling of their BUSINESS and All Kinds of Bank Service para toda clase de were performed by Adjutant Cantina, Posada y Cafetería GENERAL AFFAIRS.
Wright of the Salvation Army; af Felipe Wing Ching POLSON servicio bancario Rendered ter which Preident Bond followed Apartado 9 with the ceremonial of the Society lator, Judicial Business Agent.
and Promoter Blackman conclud Limón, Costa Rica LIMON Broken Column UNITED FRUIT Co.
Maduro Lumber Yard OUR FISHING INDUSTRY Mrs. Jack Orane; Mrs. Peter Muit: Banco Internacional de Costa Rica SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON El Caballo Blanco Accountant, interpreter, Trang Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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