
The Political Movements TIILE ATLANTIC VOICE On Matters Ethiopian of our warrant YOUNGSTER CRUSHED BY TRAIN here the Speed Cop would have full speed these drivers suddenly nor members of the League say hence if this case is adjudicated El tren sale de Limón el Miércoles 16 de Octubre a las a.
y regresa de San Jose el Viernes 18 a las 13 horas it para poscor con nosotros.
COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION Our political movements have soon as the great Guns come down Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone started in right earnest in this from the Capital and start shootabandoned part of the Republic; ing from the platforms of their Año 11 No. 57 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 10th. August 1935 Editor English Section Nation for several weeks past we have respective Candidates.
heard of great enthusiasm in the Up to now the balouring voters Pacific Coast and Western sec. are not much interested because THE TRAFFIC LAWS tions, but it is only now the spark they claim they are always much seem to be kindling in our section. sought out at election time, but In spite of the existence of as to graze, and away from one mule The Communists are having always forgotten after the fight their meetings and the Cortesistas is won. They assert they will never good a traffic Law as can be found being hit and getting away with a started on their scorching spithets forget don Ricardo remarks after in other civilized countries, we broken leg, it is certainly marvelBy Associated Press news Imperialism, the smaller nations find our auto drivers, especially cus how these animals on Wednesday night. On Tuesday he got the seat in 1932: The Riescape from London, we find that alth all the Delegates of the smaller next the Bechistas will bring to Licardo Jimenez as Candidate for our youths, constantly Contraven being injured or killed.
ough England had placed restric will not have any confidence in mon no less than six of their best election is not the Ricardo Jimenez police within town limits they can of women and children abandon and ammunitions of war to Abying it. Right under the eyes of the During the day, when hundreds tions on the exportation of arms its usefulness.
From Geneva it is said that Orators to boost the cause of don as President of Costa Rica.
be found running as though they the heated atmosphere of the town ssinia, she is unable to prevent nations, especially those from the Octavio Beeche, The one time As a result of this we undersPresident of the Supreme Court. tand the voters Intend to demand were in competition for a speed and seek the cooling effects of the British citizens from enlisting in Americas, are entirely dissatis.
but today the Candidate of the an agreement with their Candi record. they sometimes break the sea breezes along the Westfalia the Emperor army. Many Bri fied with the solution approved Partido Nacional. Both Cortesis date for some tangible form of corners as if they were in an exhi, roadway, these roadhogs can be tons have offered their services by the Advisory Board of the bition tas and Bechistas are confident recompense to show how quickly and seen trying out the speed of their as volunteers in the Ethiopian League in connection with the for their services.
make a curve machines knowing well that there Army and have been busy. get. conflict. They are of the opinion of success. Several bets are being Some are claiming a strip of land sharply they can offered by the Cortesistas or Paralong the government bounds, or regardless of the pedestrian traf. is no Speed Cop to keep track of ting into that country during that the formula was improvised tido Republicano Nacional in dif parts of the areas to be handedl fic; often without sounding their them. It would be well if our Traf. the past few weeks. Many Aus by England, France and Itsly, ferent places that they will top the over by the United Fruit Co. so them for several seconds to horns and at other times sounding fic Guard would give this road trian Legionaires. exiled Aus does not respond either to justilist of voters, but this ionfidence it is left to be seen what arrangethe run sometimes as he would find trian Nazis, have also enlisted ce or the principles of the Leadoes not seem to be yet so firmly ments will be made within the next pinnance of sick residents in the some strange exhibitions of speed to fight against Italy.
gue and is consequently a threat vicinity.
ing by some hot bloods grounded in our Province as to six months of electioneering time.
How no serious accidents have who, regardless of their own sa Council of the League delaying prestige.
With the recent decision of the toward the depreciation of its their wagering tens of So far as we have heard this phase thousands of colones, as has been of the campaign will be very in Road is a mystery. This road is the pederstrians and those who have a yet happened along the Westfalia fety, make it very inconvenient for their verdict until the 4th, of The smaller nations look up to the case elsewhere. However we teresting, and we shall watch its principal route for joy riding, with right to the roadway on horseback September, the suspicions of the the League as a means of comare expecting great enthusiasm so development.
cars going at from fifty to sixty too.
smaller nations have been arou pelling the Powers to respect miles hour at. There are times when going at sed; the Delegates of these mi. their weakness and incapacity, his job cut out. Some weeks ago throw on the full glare of theit if an energetic attitude is not with injustice no respect nor conThe neighbourhood of the week dozens of these urchins, one fellow succeeded in carrying headlights on a rider, stupifying adopted at once to terminate the fidence can be placed in the Ins.
Cieneguita Crossing was the sce. who seem under no parental con out a fine stunt by completely not only the animal being ridden conflict, then there can be notitution and it will henceforth ne of great hustle and bustle on trol. board this dump train for turning his car upside down and but the rider as well and, this at confidence that the League will be regarded as simply a political EuroTuesday morning last; at about Santa Rosa and Filadelfia North, trying to run it on its hood instead times in a narrow portion of the be able to protect or secure them instrument of the great 10. 30 while Engineer Barret and where they steal the Company of the wheels; how he and his five road where one does not know against the voracious imperialis. pean Powers.
Conductor Coleman were taking coconuts and vegetables belong badly injured is the wonder. On friends were not killed or even where to turn.
tic outrages of the larger Powers. It is stated that in the meeting their train to Santa Rosa forings to the small farmers and this road there are pigs, mules, our Traffic Laws to be a bit more sion to leave the Valual bounda the Delegates of the smaller naWe would ask the Guardians of They claim, too, that the deci. fixed for the 4th. September, cleaning and dumping of bana return by the same train to the ry question for an amicable set tions will formulate themselves na trash, a youngster by the na City much to the annoyance and horses. cows and calves let loose vigilant on these lonely spots.
tlement by means of the Conci. into a strong block to oblige the me of Harold Lopsy, whose fa. discomfort of the labourers worther checks bananas on the Pier king on these thains.
Tren de Excursión a San José liatory Committee between Italy Council to proceed drastically and Ethiopia, is only a means against Italy.
for the Cia: Bananera, in at. The police, at the request of of giving Italy a chance to ma.
tempting to board the train whi. the Company, seem powerless in Adultos e 00 Niños 00 ke full and ample preparations le it was in motion had the mis view of the hive of human cha Estrada, Malino, 25 Millos 00 In British political circles Siquirres a Son José e 00 for the war.
is said that as a last resort Abyfortune of missing his tread, and pulins who jump these strains El tren correrá vía Castro y Zenf e 00. No pierda esta gran oportunidad falling under the car was crus without any consideraţion for This case is a test of the possinia will accept being a proteched to death. The body was ta. law and order. It is a real pity wers of the League as a guarantorate of the League of Nations ken to the Morgue and interred there is no Reform School around tee to the smaller sovereign Sta. and a conference to discuss this later.
here to which these youngsters, tes who are members; hence if the point is to be called in Paris It is a mysrery that accidents whites and blacks, could be ta. US ANOTHER THREE DAYS EXCURSION TO SAN JOSE League cannot protect Ethiopia between the British, French and of this nature are not more freken and trained into useful ci.
now and at once against Italian Italian delegates.
October 16th at am and return leaving San Jose Friday October 18th, at 1pm quent from the fact that every tizens.
Adults 67. 00 Childrin e 5, 00 Estrada, Molina, 25 Miles 00 Siquirres 00 Workers Combine Against War Train will run via Castro ond Zent at same price os Limon. Do not miss this opportunity of going with us.
From London it is stated that all labourers to atopt every effort COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION the Labour Organizations of Euro to avoid the threatened war betThe Spanish Ace, Juan Ignacio of an immediate operation. This pe and the United States of Amer ween Italy and Abyssinia.
Pombo is now in Costa Rica. He was effected the same night and Another arrived here last Wednesday and we are glad to inform our readers Spectacular Victory for ica have united to prevent the African War. Following the publi They declare it is intolerable was given a rousing welcome by that our noted Visitor is Joe Louis cation of their anti war manifiesto to think that the League of Nathe thousands who assembled on greatly improved. His illness has the American Fedetation of Work. tions will permit Italy to violate the Savana and its approaches. caused all the funitions which had Before an audience estimated at dition, stopped the fight and deers, the European Labour Unions international Treaties without takUn fortunately the noted Avia been arranged in his honour to be not less than 50, 000 persons, at clared Louis the winner.
Critics tor was not well on his arrival and postponed, but it is hoped he will the Comiskey stadium, Chicago, on say that Louis is the and the Socialist Organizations ing the necessary actions against have issued a world wide call to her.
shortly after reaching the Spanish in the next ten or twelve days be Tuesday night last Joe Louis in most rapid and effective Boxer of Legation had to be medically ex. sufficiently recovered to be able to the almost unbelivievable short all time, no other pugilist ever, amined. His case was pronounced meet his numerous admirers.
space of two minutes and twenty having possessed his speed and one of appendicitis with the need one seconds secured another im punch. and is now certain of False Coins In Circulation portant and much more spectacu the World Championship, though lar victory by completely knock. so short a time has elapsed since) The authorities of Guapiles have in circulation by certain traders THE TOWNSHIP OF OLD HARBOUR ing out King Levinskey in the first he appeared in the ring reported the discovery of a num who frequent the dictrict, residents assault of their ten round engageber of false twenty five cents pie should therefore carefully inspect Several years ago the govern laying ou of the lots into which inent.
It is already reported Louis is ces of our local currency; it is be the amounts tendered them in this ment made plans for the laying the area constituting the township The fight is said to have been most to meet Max Baer on the 27th. lieved that these are being placed coin.
out of the township of Old Har is divided and the conditions under rapid and violent, Levinskey being September, when, according to a bour, but the matter was never which they may be obtained by sent to the mat no less than four statement made by Levinskey at carried into effect; on the initia private individuals.
times; on the last occasion he took the conclusion of his fight, Louis Italians Suffer From Dysentery tive of our Representatives, how. This is another move in the a count of three and when he at. is sure to win. Tuesday engageever, it was again brought before right direction for the improv. tempted to regain his feet, the Re ment brought Louis the sum of Congress and at its session last ement of our social and economic feree, observing his physical con. 47, 061. serious outbreak of disentery Africa, 15, 000 cases being already Wednesday the first reading of conditions; and we hope the matis reported to have broken out reported though denied by the the Bill to carry the proposal into ter, when finally approved, will among the Italian troops in East, Italian government.
effect was passed.
not be allowed to again fall into Commission Favours New Industry The Bill provides for the proper abeyance.
The Congressional Commission, Bank should be allowed to advanto which the proposal to establise ce a sum not exceeding 25, 000 (Línea Holandesa de Vapores)
a plant in the vicinity of Siquirres for the installation of the piant, We beg to call your attention to our remark for the making of Banana Figs, provided the department of Agriat the back of receipt which reads: have favourably reported on the culture, after making the matter. Their report includes the cary investigation, recommends the This bill must be paid SALDRA DE LIMON PARA PUERTOS EUROPEOS at our suggestion that the government expenditure.
LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS office before the 10th of the month Agosto 23 Colombians Suffer From Earthquake Be so good as to comply with this request Para más pormenores respecto a pasajes, itinerario y fletes, dirigirse a Latest advices from Bogota was affected and the sufferings and do not oblige us to suspend our service, Compañía Ultramar state that fifty lives were lost of the people, many of whom are astep which we would much regret to take.
and a large number of persons ser without shelter, have been greatly Agentes Generales iously injured by the earthquake. increased by heavy rains. It is FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs.
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón which occurred in the Southern believed that the shock was caused Sub Agentes en erant in the Republiculast Tuesdays hye. tha, kelsang Batasay a whisherbas FHLIMON. Costa Rica.
Lizano PUNTARENAS The la Biblioteca entire department of Narino renewed activities.
BY REQUEST OF SATISFIED PATRONS. Train will Irava Limon, Wednesday Pombo Undergoes Operation now Royal Netherlands Steamship Co.
necesVapor VENEZUELA


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