
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday 10th. August 1935 red.
Give your children protection. Boy rushing into a drugstore. Hey, quick. he yelled. gi.
ve me some liniment and some ce ment for fixing china. All right said the druggist. but what the trouble. Ma just hit Pa over the head with a plate and busted it.
What to become of your youngsters if you should die before they are self supporting?
Hereby Langs Tale boy, but when get my growth.
one SO Maduro Lumber Yard first up later. What your name? asked GET LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. the teacher of the new boy. Nebuchadnezzar Ebenezar Jones. he replied. What a terrible name said the teacher, who in the world ever gave it to you.
Through any local Agent or office of the don know. replied the m going to find out and Banco Nacional de Seguros How is it said one dog ow he going to be sorry for it.
ner to another, that your dog well.
knows so many smart tricks, whi. Can you give me any Limon Still Being Beaten le find it imposible to teach known date in Roman History?
mine anything.
ased the teacher.
OUR GREATEST SHAME Well, you see. said the other can, teacher. shouted Limon has again taken second gures just made public, the dudog owner, you ve got to know of the pupils, Anthony with The abandonment of a large; an Organization which may be place in connection with the Cus. ties collected by the Puntarenas more than the dog, to start with. Cleopatra.
portion of our progeny is most called the Reformatory for Ne. toms Duties collected during the Customs department amounted manifest in our City. It is hear. gro Youths.
month of July, our Pacific Port to 352. 147. 87 colones while tho.
Two sisters, who were twins, They were talking about motrendnig to observe being in advance of her by the se at this Port produced only many The members of these Sociesum of 149. 990. 04 colones. 202. 157. 83 colones.
were so much alike no one could dern music and dancing.
promising children strutting aim don like dancing to jazz. lessly around ties and Lodges could become the tell them apart; one was enga.
the streets, fre.
According to the official fi.
said the young lady, it noth quenting the rum shops and gam. with the modest sum of say one supporters of this Reformatory ged to be married. How do you know theming but hugging set to music.
bling dens among adult vice colon per month and with addi. Mechanics At Estrada apart: someone asked the young Well. asked the young man, addicts fading hunger, diseasse what is there about that tional voluntary contributions man. don try to. he answethat and other dangers, without help, from outsiders. Barrack could monstration day by the Mecha siasm in the Order.
Tomorrow will be a big de meeting, to create greater enthuyou object to.
the meantime our people uncon. then be erected under proper sa nics at Estrada; the Officers of The music. she replied.
cernedly sit by and take it Many of the Brothers from nitary conditions and furnished the Unión District are to meet Limon will be making the trip GRAND CONCERT easy. Where is our Race pride? with the necessary school acces the members of the Loyal King to Estrada to spend the Sunday Remember St. Anthony Concert where is our human feeling Insories, books, etc. for the educa. Charles Lodge for the purpose among the Fraternity.
The teacher was explaining to a short while we shall be having tion of the inmates.
In the Catholic School Room subsidy of having a great resuscitation her class the meaning of the word among us a large number of cri. could be provided for a Teacher bigamy minals and ne er do wells in pla. and a Cook. The boys could be Tuesday. August 20th. It means. she said, having ce of young men of ability and two wives at the same time. Now AN OPPORTUNITY provided with clothes. three ADMISSION: 50 and 25 intellect.
can any boy tell me what word have on various occasions reform of a uniform, with a good suits being given to each in the Special Classes for those Big Treat means having only one wife?
ferred to this subject and called!
You Should Not Miss.
desiring a sound elemen can, teacher said one boy, attention to the fact that altho. one for Sunday wear, Other mea.
tary foundation in Music. monotony.
sures for teaching them trades Prop.
ugh our crildren saw the Short Hand, Typewriting and professions could be taken and Book Keeping.
ray of sunlight in this Republic, they are not considered Costa Ri.
Best native lumber SIQUIRRES RESTAURANT Prices Moderate can citizens under the law, except The above suggestion seem at moderate prices REID FREDRICKS The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Mi their parents comply with Catholic School practical and sincerely trust nutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be dictum of article five paragraph the idea will be seriously consideserved on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Res three of the Republic Consti.
taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spotution. It is therefore useless to red by all with the view of hel: ENGLISH CRICKETERS TO VISIT JAMAICA ken, Se habla español, On parle Francais, Man Spricht ping to give our children a useful Deutsch depend on the government to future. am confident, if it be KISSLING provide a reformatory for these According to the Star and if all goes well a fine combination Manager wayward children of ours unless receive financial aid from taken to heart, it will eventually Herald plans are under way for to include some of the very fathey become Costa Ricans. The our an English Cricket Team to visit mous cricketing personalities will matter of providing education government as it is a most wor. Jamaica in the coming winter; and inake the trip.
thy cause.
and subsistence for these urchins Prendegast Plans Railroad Extension depend on us. It is very feasi.
The Statute of Westminster, which could now pass acts re ble to improve these conditions The Management of the Chi. develop an extensive banana pro.
the Act of the Imperial Parlia pugnant to an Imperial Act. by co operation.
ment which gave the Dominions riqui National Railway are conducing region, thus furthering Explaining their decisions, the The plan is an easy one, and Dr. Carlos MI. Fernández sidering a proposal for the ex. the interests of our Sister Repuequal status with Great Britain, Lord Chancellor said it was do every well thinking coloured citention of their lines which blic fruit trade, which is rapi.
also gave the Dominion Parlia. uhtless true that the power of tizen can help. would glady con. Cirujano Dentista would serve, it is said, another dly improving.
ments power to cancellegal ap the Imperial Parliament to pass, tribute toward it at the first call SAN JOSE fertile section of Chiriqui and peals to the Privy Council in on its own initiative, any legis by a well organizated Body of London.
lation that it thought fit extend. Reformers. suggest the follo.
Oficina: Clínica del Dr. Facio MASS MEETING This, broady speaking, is the ing to the Dominions remained wing by way of a start Let Teléfonos: effect of the two important judg. in theory unimpaired. Indeed the every Lodge and other coloured The meeting for collecting Hall on Monday evening at the Oficina 2565. Habitación 4201 ments recently delivered by the Imperial Parliament could, as al Society, thoroughout the country, funds to aid the Parent Body usual time. large attendance Lord Chancellor. One judgment matter of abstract law, repeal or call a special meeting for the Apartado 1252 of the in London is anticipated an a warm cowill be held at the St. Marks llection assured.
dealt with the question as to disregard a highly relevant sec. discussion of the formation of whether or not the Canadian Par tion of the Statute of WesminstRECENT DEATHS liament could abolish the righter.
of appeal to His Majesty in But that was theory and had The following natives of the go on the 13th. Joseph Rankins Council in Criminal Casses; the no relation to realities, as in. Island of Jamaica are reported Belford, 42 years old, from Sisecond concerned the validity truth the Dominions were in the BERI IN LOAF recently placed on the market, has taken such of July, in the San Juan de Dios Brown, 35 years of age from Si.
We wish to advise the PUBLIC in general that the to have died, during the month quirres, on the 14th. George and effect of the Constitution enjoyment of the full scope of Act (1933) of the Free State self government.
a hold on the pecple and the demand so considerably increaSupreme Court Afrom th Sketch. sed, that only standing orders are supplied at present the ba Hospital, San José. Isidora quirres on the 26th.
Davis, 70 years old, from Carta.
Their Lordships held that kery is however making preparations to increase the output to meet the extra and growing demands.
petition for leave to appeal from SALOMON CHING WEE LE the Quebec King Bench was If you have not yet tried the loaf, come in and do so barred by the amended Criminal Estrada NOW. if you care to eat the best bread.
Code of Canada, which purporAbarrotes y Licores THL PEOPLES BAKERY is the only place in Limon ted to take away the right of From the figures just made the country and netted where you can get real butter loaf. The real BOOTH BIS public by the Banco de Seguros, 34, 173. 00 for our Revenue.
appeal to London.
Artículos del País CUITS, unimitatible on the market, are still being improved as which controls the activities of On the Irish question, their also our cakes and BUNS Lordshipsheld tha the effect of Precios Econó nicos this government monopoly, we The total quantity sold from the Statute of Westminster was BERI INTOAF BUTIR IOAF. BOOTH BISCUITS CA observe that during the month the commencement of the current LA IBERIA to remove the fetters which lay KES BUNS CHALLENGE IMITATORS.
just ended 128, 061 gallons of year amounted more thar upon the Free State legislature, gasoline were sold throughout 91, 000 gallons.
the LIMON High Court Rulings THE PEOPLES BAKERY a THE GASOLINE MONOPOLY to For Shirts Collars and Ties go to Jamaica Store GEO, BREEDY.
LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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