
Saturday 10th. August 1935 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA THE CRICKET DISPUTE Ethiopia All Set For Duce Says Princess SAL UVINA For Liver and Stomach Ailments can Indigestion The Ambitions Of Son Enotsdalg has, in our issue of vour of our argument, as well as the 3rd. instant, made a great Mr. Scotter explanation that, deal out of this incident which in short it was purely left to the Princess Rossari Heshla Ta. time, we have been preparing was only a difference of opinion Umpire to decide (as Mr. Jones manya of Ethiopia, first cousin for an invasion. We have caves never at any time a dispute. did) in the fieldsman after takof Emperator Haile Selassie and and mountain fastnesses which THE RIGHT SALTS It is a pity that when a colorful figure in her native no invading force could ques. ing the catch on fairgrounds ever tions of such a nature are to be fumbled it after crossing the garb and ostrich egg good luck conquer.
token predicted terrible death by It would not be the men of presented for a ruling, an impar. Boundary.
tial attitude cannot be maintained fevers, reptiles and dread insects Ethiopia alone that Italy would for the benefit of the game, The the highest aufor Mussolini men if they inva have to fight. It would be the de her native land.
Experts entire country, the insects, the rather than the display of bias thority on Cricket Seated on pillows on the floor reptiles and the fevers which no to possibly alleviate the distres on Cricket decide in our favour sed condition of one mind.
according to their laws re Boun.
of the reception room at the Ho. white man withstand. It If Mr. Scotter had been given dary, page 17 par: 1; what then tel Broadway Central she dis would be terrible for Mussoli.
asiains the chairs and sofas of ni men.
Invaluable for the Treatment of to understand that the catch in can the writers in the press have white civilization the dusky lady four feet to do with it absolutely nothing But the Princess, who is 32 question was taken flashed fire in her jet black eyes and wears blood red enamel on within the Boundary, and had, except no doubt what is produced as she spoke of the threatened her finger nalls, and the nails, Flatulence in the opinión of Umpire Jones by the frame of Enotsdalg mind.
invasion by Italy.
And all forms of her toes, peeping out of her (a most reliable man. definitely In the Opinion of the Umpire It would be a terrible thing. sandals is not here on a war missettled in the fieldsman hands the Batsman is Out.
of Stomach said she, in highly accented Eng sion, she hastened to explain.
within the ground, there would lish. But we can take care of Her tour of the country is desig.
probably have been no differenColics Disorders. BREAD BREAD. ourselves. We have a means of ned to build up good will here ce of opinion between Mr. Evans and himself. It is a pity such Eat only the best bread.
fighting the Italians of wich for her beloved Ethiopia. Also FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES Critics as Mr. Gladstone and they know nothing. For a long she desires to study vocal train. BERLIN SPECIAL LOAF ing under the New York mas.
Enotsdalg do not submit them.
Made only by BOOTH selves to the Board of Control The best that may be had ters.
METROPOLITAN BUREAU MANUFACTURED BY: Of the movement launched in with such questions, as a decision in the country.
Legal, Notarial General Harlem by the Pan African Re Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa given by Don forget to call at a Body gentlemen Business Transactions construction Association, to send would carry greater weight, than BOOTH and take home a SAN JOSE Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. colored volunteers loaf of Berlin Special from this when given by an individual re.
My untarnished reputation of country feree.
to aid Haile Selassie, Trying one honesty.
Anyway we are pleased that will convince My intelligence and she professed to know nothing.
high calibre efficiency constitute But Samuel Daniels, president German Unrest Cause Anxiety the s. decision in the you, that this is positively the necessary and all important of the Association, sponsoring Bradman Catch within the field the best loaf of bread, FACTORS which constitute my the cause announced that a large problems besetting the German being such that the Berlr Police outside the boundary, is in faDue it is said to the counomic Palace of that countt. the tension and falling over the spectators made in Costa Rica Iron Clad Guarantee to my ac fund was being raised.
tual and prospective CLIENTS, He declared 50, 000 such govermunt, as also the renewed have been ordered to stand in vowho confide to my care, di. luntaries attaiks on the Jews, the drastic readiness for any emergency.
would be recruited rection and administration, the throughout the United States, Cabolics and other so called reacti satisfaction over the political outmeasure inst: uted aga. ist the It is also reported that the dishandling of their BUSINESS and and that the first contingent of onar. serious stat:1 of unrest look may result in a revolt within GENERAL AFFAIRS.
500 would sail for Ethiopia about EGBERT POLSON is reported to exist among the po. the ranks of Hitler followers. It is with pleasurre we repro London wood work, an Aug.
Accountant, Interpreter, Trans duce the accomplishments of Mr. extra study. In the Eisliddiford lator, Judicial Business Agent.
CRICKET NOTES William Andrew Pearson. Daily News. New York. the or inter College composition, he son of our fellow citizen, Mr. obtained first place for Tenor William Pearson.
solos, tied for first prize for reDOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA On reliable authority, we are robbed us of the pleasuse of foWilliam Andrew, a student citation, third place in general informed that during the nonthllowing up our Cup Competition Avenida San José in his third and last year at the knowledge and sang the first of October, Limon will be visited and interest in the fixtures is Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad by a team of Cricketers from entirely lost in consecuence Mico training College, Kingston, tenor of the winning quartette.
of and Colegio de Señoritas Clarendon, Jamaica, at the ins. the sodden state of the ground Jamaica, passed his third year in the finals of that year, he ca.
MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, tance of the Motive Power Sport whenever an appointment is ma with honours at the age of 16; mathematics, school practical maElementary school examination me first with honours in writing, Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb Club, to engage in a series of de.
SURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the games with our best players. The We do hope the Jamaica team being then to young to enter Mi. nagement and music, earning neck of Womb dates and names will be publis will bring us better luck with co he had to wait till he had rea. another two pounds ten shillings RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small hed later on.
ched his 17 th. year, when ac for his position.
a dryer season for their exhibi. medium sized) by way of the Urethra The continuous rains have tion of the game.
cording to the reports to hand, This year he was unanimous.
out of the 85 applicants he took ly elected House Captain and gisixth place among the twenty, ven important Monitorial posiA BOAT STOLEN acceptey by the College in Ja. tions; elected Delegate to various conferences; selected out of over Mr. Simon Hypolite is the party hired them Mr. Hypolite He came fourth among the for hundred on the All Island victim by the caprice of a few boat for two colones without his The Boxing contest staged the fight to Smith, as Pereda first class in the Midsummer elocuton contest, and passed se.
youths. forthnight ago three knowledge or consent.
last Saturday night at the Arras merely confined himself to jum examination of that year, and cond class in the advance London youngmen, of Mrs. Up to the time of writing no. ty Theatre resulted somewhat ping about, taking an occasional in the final examinations at the examination, the only Coblentz the Lady Dentist of thing has been heard of the boat, tamely, compared with former wallop ann doing absolutely no close of the same year he passed and first student in the College this City, arrived at Moin and or the whereabouts of the young standards, and it was only the thing. The semi final also ended with special distinctions in Arith to do so. The Midsummer results seem to have entered into agreemen. The boat is said to be of main go that saved the card. in the second session when the metic, Algebra, Reading and just out, shew him first in ho.
ent with the Customs Guard the value of three hundred co The six round the Recitation, Fighting Ghost abandoned preliminary gaining place nours with distinctions in Scripin charge of the Resguardia at lones which Mr. Hypolite is now between Kid Pereda and Al. scrap and walked away to his cor. amongst the first three and se. ture, History, Music and Mathethat place for the hire of a boat claiming from the Revenue Smith was stopped in the second ner, whereupon the fight was gi. curing a prize of two pounds and matics.
presumably for fishing. This Guard.
frame by the Referee who gave dor. While the Ghost, a Southven to his opponent, Jibly Ecua ten shillings.
Mr. Pearson is now on vaca.
At the Midsummer term of ton but expects returning to Co. paw, is no fighter, his weird 1934, Mr. Pearson came first llege two weeks hence for his antics in the ring were certainy in honours with distinctions in last term.
ribroasting and his whirlwind Arithmetic, History, Music and THE ATLANTIC VOICE, ducks to the canvas, head down Manual Training and also pass. wishes the young gentleman fur.
with rear end skyward, provokeded first clas in the Elementary ther successes in his career. immense hilarity and had the crowd chuckling during his brief Banco del Estado State Bank performance Longhardy recent streak Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue Winnings was interrupted by Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón Clinton Dawkins, who was indisofrece al público los putably the winner at the end of Para EUROPA Offers the Public the their 10 round engagement.
servicios de su (SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, Services of its Longhardy was game through.
out but Hawkins was more aggressive, doing most of the lead. CORDILLERA. 17 de Agosto ing which earned him the deci.
sión. Clinton did remarkedly Para GUATEMALA well against his more experienced adversary and surprised (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
EN LA IN THE number of fans, most of whon CORDILLERA were wagering on Longhardy.
Agosto 12 Dont fail to witnes the re.
SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS yancha between Percy Garnett and Luis Ramos which comes off para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a: tonight. It going to be a real servicio bancario HAPAG LLOYD Rendered humdinger but, nuf sed.
AGENCIA EN COSTA RICA TELEFONO 2086 Fight FAN Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventua, Costa Rica BOXING nuary 1933.
one a son a Banco Internacional de Costa Rica of HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE a CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON fo of one of.


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