
OUR CACAO TRADE THE ATLANTIC VOICI an THE ABYSSINIAN AFFAIR THE NEW ROAD TO RIO BANAN mention conof one the pla to to to was In a previous issue we told our done to such ideal; one readers what the ideas of the the erection of baha, de Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Management of the Banco dequate artificial dryer, and two, Costa Rica were for improving loans to mature and secure the Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, 31 th. August 1935 Editor English Section Nati the curing and grading of our crops. Banks, like loaning Socie Año ll No. 60 Cacao production with a view of ties, exist for the purpose of asgetting better prices for our sisting in exploiting the induscrops. We also suggested that it tries of every country whatever would be in keeping with the they may be, and without the best interests of the industry if aid of such institutions their rethe Bank would institute a Ca. sources cannot be successfully In reply ot the recent declara er betweennatives and an Italian in our Spanish section of last named. This road is a perft cao drying machine to take care developed and a happy and the routing of the Italian troops Commercial Agency to be transof emergencies which may occur contented populace produced.
at Adua by iKng Menelik of formed into a pretext for invad. the work which has been accomplaid out to a maximum grade piece of engineering, having be by unfavourable weather.
It is true that some very un. at Adua by King Menelik oing our territory; accuse her of In this country it is actually businesslike loan transactions ha Ethiopia, the following is repor bringing about a campaign of Company, the Compañia Electrica and up and down many hills, ten per cent, along steep hillsid impossible to secure an even gra ve been expurienced here in the ted from Addis Abeba under depreciation against Ethiopia oror to also attor Engineer Federico Gutierrez de in appreciable quantities. The past, but if advances are judici date 24th. The Emperor of Aby so as to pustify her plans of our English speaking readers a The reason for calling this co crops generally mature just when ously made to foster and bring ssinia carefully read the remarks usurpation.
rood idea of this effort, we decid ner of the province Asuncion our rains can be expected, and crops to maturity under proper pronounced yesterday by the Ehiopia embraced Christia eded to obtain some more data so because it was first visited on the small grower may have his supervision, and such loans Prime Minister of Italy, Ben nity much before Europe did. as to give the fullest and most cension Day, August 15, 1927, cacao well fermented for four used for cleaning pruning ito Mussolini, prepared and At a time when those countries exact information possible. the aforementioned engineer.
deys as situplated end the very and gormandizing at the correct traslated by his Secretaries. The were yet pagan, Ethiopia Residents of Limon who climb The general design of plant as moment he gets ready to sun, seasons, there should be no reason Associated Press obtained the served intact the doctrines to a height equal to that occupied hydraulic machinery was execute down comes the rains or possi. why a successful issue should official version of Hale Selas. the Ten Commandments and tho. by the residence of Mr. Findlay, by the Manager of the Compar bly cloudy weather for four or not result to all concerned, a sie speech, which hunrs. se of the Sermon on the Mount; can see, without the aid of telesco Engineer John Saxe; the electric five days which results in the thriving Cacao Industry obtained It is now forty years since and it is for these reasons that pes or glasses, toward the South part has had the special attent.
struggling man suffering a total for Costa Rican growers and a the Italians suffered the dis we expect to be treated with the west, a great swath many meters of Engineer Alfonso Peralta; ar loss. If however the means of ar. remunerative business assured aster at Adua at the hand of the same Christian Spirit which Italyl wide cut in the forest covering the the actual Resident Engineering tificial drying were aynilable the Banco de Costa Rica. Ethiopians and they have been invokes especially so, when Rohills back of Trebol. Through this in charge of Engineer Rogelio this fermented stuff could be We hope the Bank will decide preparing to revenge this occur me, her Capital is considered the forest cutting there is being condo, Junior; while the heavy co sent off immediately for curing. to erect the dryer, which we are ence; it might have been cruel Centre of the Christian World. structed a transmission line, on struction is in charge of Mr. We note the Bank has publis sure would, from the fees it would and even barbarous, but it was If Ethiopia is invaded byl steel rails, with Pyrex glass insu bert Martin, well and favorab hed an instructive booklet on Ca. obtain, pay for itself in ten years. either provoked nor sought by Italy through the pretense of lators, a three wire job which will known in Limon.
cao which has been distributed We also hope it will be found our troops.
or two frontier incidents crary current at a pressure of among the growers; but if there possible for loans to be judicious This desire for revenge has which could very well have been 19, 030 volts, over a distance of 22 The concrete work are no realible means of dryingly made on crops, not for the reached a most intense form of peacefully settled in one day if kilometers. The same pole line also is being carried on under contra the idea of improving the quali purpose of erecting homes or hatred constitutes a painful me. the wish for peacefulness existed carries two telephone wires for with the Murray Construction ty of the product can never be purchasing automobiles, but to nace to Italy which she has pro among them, would wish rapid communication with the represented by Enginee fulfilled as the grower will al put the farms in such shape as claimed to the world as a great that Italy and the entire world hydro plant. Davis and Tomas Zeledi ways be compelled by circumstan. will enable the crops be necessity towards the peace and should know that my Empire, The hydroplant is situated on At present all hauling over ces to force dry his crop and secured in proper time. We are tranquility of Italy.
which has existed for five thous. the River Banana, and is to consist road is being accomplished by sell to the dealer who will buy confident if these suggestions of All our offers of a peaceful and years with a history of the of one turbine built by the house terpillar tractors and wagona, the unfermented crop.
ours are carried into effect and solution of these incidents have Imost effective independence, of Voith, in Germany, which small sawmill is in operation If the Bank means to encoura the investments made they will been rejected. It is nigh on two will defend herself until the last will develop 530 horsepower, and the plant site, furnishing al ge improvement and control the in the space of ten years produ. thousand years since the Saviour, man falls.
will be directly coupled to an altercessary lumber for the buildii crops there are two indespensable ce the most pleasing results in of the world was crucified on nator of 450 kilovolt amperes caThe Cia. Bananera de Cost be done things be the province.
Calvary for us, and cannot we Equally do denounce to the pacity. The fall of water is 69 Rica and the Northern Railw, establish even for once, peaceful entire world the systematic at. meters high, and is developed by Company have given the most Castañeda Condemned to the ne to Death ness between two countries ins. tacks made by Italy against us, a ditch which is being dug and nerous co operation tead of submerging our peoples bombarding our garrisons of blasted out of the stubborn hill jenterprise, permitting, free of ch Oliverio Castañeda, whose name ing these circumstances were, how in tears and blood? We have not Gerlogubi; and must lament sides over a length of 2250 meters. ge, the necessary use of their tra so prominently before our ever, never brought to light until provoked this war nor can we that the passitivity of Europe The building for the plant is ways and lands, as well as the public in connection with the death after the lapse of five years and leave ourselves undefended to has stimulated the ambitions of entirely of reinforced concrete in of the railroad right of way of Mr. Rafael Ubico, an Attache after Castañeda had gone to Nica, conserve our national tradition Europe has simulated the ambi its lower part, and of light galva the transmission line over a portic of the Guatemala Legation in San ragua and had been there charged of never having been at any time of Mussolini backed up by nized iron construction in the upper of its length. previous effort Jose, has just been found guilty before the Courts with having conquered.
his modern Tanks and military part. number of buildings, des locate a site for a hydro elect of murder by a Criminal Court in occasioned the deaths of more than accuse Italy of a attempts aircraft.
tined as residences for the em plant in the province, had to Nicaragua one person under somewhat similar ing to destroy the efficacy of esteem it convenient to re ployees of the plant, are either abandoned, we are informed or It will be remembered that Mr. circumstances. Much interest has the League of Nations, an Orga affirm that Ethiopia will never finished or being rapidly completing to the lack of this co ope Ubico was reported to have died been evinced locally in the trial, Ivization which was created to accept any solution which invol. ed.
on the part of some who under some very perculiar circums Should the Supreme Court ap avoid war; accuse Italy of ves an Italian protectorate or that have been most interested.
tances with which Castañeda was prove the findings of the Lower attempting to convert the Kell. of any ther nation, or any manA very troublesome part of the Just how necessary this hydro supposed to have been closely as. Court, Castañeda, will, under the ogg peace pact into an ordinary date which tends to destroy our job has turned out to be the com plant has become to the provinc sociated. The particulars regard. laws of Nicaragua be put to death. scrap of Paper; accuse Italyunrestricted sovreignty and the munication of this little corner of will. we are sure, be all the mon of causing a purely local disord liberty of our populace. the world with the city of Limon; appreciated, when it is consider although only 22 kilometers distant that if, while our exchange stoc by air line, it is much longer for at 400 per cent, the existing Dies The fifty cents bills in circula led to also issue nickel coins of the Gran Velada the purposes of moving and in engined plant was unable to tion at present are soon to be with values of one colon and twenty stalling machinery, there being duce a dividend for those intere drawn.
five cents respectively.
en beneficio de la nueva Catedral, se verifi necessary a road of 16 kilometersed in the undertaking, how lot The Banco Internacional recent An order has been sent to an cará el de Setiembre de 1935, length from the end of Rio Blan could they have kept it in operatic ly reported to the Executive that American Firm for a supply of the en el SALON DE LA ESCUELA, LIMON co farm tramway to Asuncion, as with the exchange now so muc as these bills are being so easily coins in the following quantities Entrada General 50 this place and plant has been higher.
destroyed their the cost being fi. 350, 000 in One Colon pieces; gured at ten cents each; it was con 700, 000 in fifty cents pieces and Here comes the Land of the Japanese and the sequently suggested that they be 200, 000 in twenty five cents withdrawn and nickel coins issued pieces. The supply is expected to MYSTERY OF THE STOLEN JADE DATE FOR ELECTIONS FIXED in their place.
arrive in time to be put in circulaBy a Decree published in the The elections of Deputies This suggestion was accepted tion about the commencement of scene in two acts with full Chorus of JAPANESE Official Organ, the 9th. of Fe replace those whose terms a but it was at the same time decid. TOctober.
CHILDREN, in the CATHOLIC SCHOOL HALL, bruary next has been fixed for expiring at the close of the ye LIMON, Monday 2nd September, IN AID OF THE the Presidential election for the will also take place on the sai HARBOUR IMPROVEMENTS FOR JAMAICA NEW CATHEDRAL. General Admission 50. 1936 1940 term.
After many years of considera expense of 50, 000 pounds. The tion and investigation, the govern work will, it said, include the sugment of Jamaica has decided to gested deep water channel through improve the harbours of Kingston the Palisadoes.
Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón and Port Antonio at an estimated Phonograph record, believed taken to Africa and played for ot be the only one ever made by the Emperor.
Para EUROPA the late Queen Victoria, has (SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, cently been discovered by the Edi Exports are endeavouring to resAMSTERDAM HAMBURGO)
We beg to call your attention to our remark son Bell Company of London. It tore the record, now fifty years old, at the back of receipt which reads: bears a goodwill message from the so that the Queen voice can be CARIBIA 14 de Setiembre Queen to the Emperor of Abys heard as clearly as when the recordThis bill must be paid at our sinia, a reproduction of which was ing took place.
Para GUATEMALA (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON) Caribia Be so good as to comply with this request The Republic of Argentine, long cently held at Buenos Aires, and de Setiembre noted for her cattle industry where at its close the champion short SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS and do not oblige us to suspend our service, many of the world best breedshorn Bull was auctioned for an a step which we would much regret to take. may be found, has apparently re amount equivalent to the sum of Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a: cocered from the unfavourable re. 13, 200. This is stated to be the HAPAG LLOYD Compañía Eléctrica de Limón sults of international depression. highest price paid for a bull since What is described as the world 1925, when the champion fetched AGENCIA EN COSTA RICA TELEFONO 2086 Imoblioty diskdio fratroliguel She Wall. Er deras 20hital de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultural 75, 000.
Nickel Currency To Be Issued Queen Phonograph Record HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE reoffice before the 10th of the month BULL AUCTIONED FOR 13. 200 DOLLARS


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