
LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, 31 th. August 1935 GINA Thirty days for Judge, perjury.
Give your children protection. Tommy, can you tell me one o fthe uses of cowhide. Er, yessir. It keeps the cow together What to become of your youngsters if you should die before they are self supporting?
Mrs. Jones. If should die would you ever forget me?
Mr. Jones. think not. The doctor says my dyspepsia is incurable.
Yereby Hangs Tale Request From Estrella In In The Law Courts me.
Catholic School LIMON OUR COMPETITION in were Jerry. Sidney is quite a star after dinner speaker, isn he?
Frank. Star; He a regular Through any local Agent or office of the moon. See how he becomes brighter the fuller he gets.
Banco Nacional de Seguros Judge to Pat arrested for be judge. You mention that you ng intoxicated. Where did threw your wife out of a second you buy the liquor. story window through forget Pat. Your Honour, did fulness?
hot buy it. Scotchman gave it Smith. Yes, we used to live on the ground floor; and d clean forgotten we moved.
We notice you have in past the rearing of cattle and hogs, issues been thanking Mr. Sheehy it is consequently expected that SUIT FROM ZENT OVER her in the presence of his (the Aid in sickness PIGS Agent s) son when she was ca.
An old maid had a married for having granted essential ne in the near future the district Assistance in difficulty lled to his office. The son corowoman friend who had the miscessiites to the travelling public will be a busy one and offering Advice at all Times We reproduce a sentence han borated his father statement.
fortune to lose her husband; he in various sections of the Nor much traffic to the Railway, so Are The should this much needed facility ded down on the 13th, instant by The Judge also stressed the point Advantages Of Followship.
left a wish to be cremated and thern Railway Lines.
this was done. She married As we here Pandora are suffer. be granetd us, we can assure Mr. the First Aldalde in a complaint that while the defendant alleged Join second time and the second husb ing from an inconvenience thro Sheehy that he would thereby byt Benjamin McLean of Zent it was not she but her mother COURT GALEED the and went also; he too, wanted ugt the removal of the waiting be materially assisting a number against Esther Ancher of the who had contracted with No. 590 plaintiff, she did not prove it.
ANCIENT ORDER OF to be cremated. This happened house which has deprived us of of people in their efforts to im. same locality.
The Plaintiff Mc Lean claim. She should have called her motFORESTERS yet a third time. The spinster a place in which to place our prove their economic conditions lady heard about it.
goods, usually of an appreciable and who would be ever grateful od that in November 1933, the her and others to prove her claim, And Share in The Order defendant Ancher gave him aor in default of this she should Prosperity What do you think of that wo quantity apart from live stock, to him.
and also leaves us Sow to be cared for and the pro have brought a counter claim or With thanks for space, man? she said. She had hus. Cocoa, etc.
Particulars from Secretary.
duct divided between them equa an exception to the claim. She bands to burn, and can get without a shelter during rains, Limon Box 553 we therefore earnestly solicit the even one.
lly and that when he was lying had done neither. He therefore, A, Hart undivided attention of Mr.
ill in the United Fruit Co Hos on the basis of the suit, had to Sheehy to this necessity of ours.
pital in the middle of 1934, the condemn the defendant to satisfy AN OPPORTUNITY defendant along with her son the value of one half of the proThere are many unoccupied and one Bada Clark, took away duct of the Sow as well as to camps at Atalanta, one of these Special Classes for those the sow as well as four pigs return the four pigs and pay the SERVICIO DE VAPORES might, we presume to suggest, desiring a sound elemenwhich were his exclusive pro value, las per the peritos, of the Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con be taken down and re erected as tary foundation in Music, perty.
other four illegally substracted Short Hand, Typewriting a waiting room here.
escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA The defendant was called to from the crawl of the plaintiff; Many farms are now being!
and Book Keeping.
declare on certain relevant ques that she was also to satisfy the LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS established around here for the Prices Moderate tions, but she failed to respect damages and prejudices caused cultivation of coffee and cocoa REID FREDRICKS the request of the Court by her the plantiff along with the perVAPORES SALIDAS in addition to bananas, while absence at the appointed time. sonal and processal Costs of the PETEN de Setiembre much attention is baing paid to Eric Manley, Bada Clark and Suit. All these to be made good VERAGUA de Setiembre the Agent of Police, Justino within fifteen days after being QUIRIGUA 15 de Setiembre Vallejo, were called by the plain. notified.
tiff to bear out his statements. The Limon Service Bureau FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
The defendant We had the pleasure of seeing ets.
refuting representen the Plantiff while the claim, said she had nothing the defendant interests Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS the Motive Power in action last Capt. Delpratt gave the to do with this Hog question, attended to by Mr. Egerico San.
Para otros informes, diríjase a las oficinas de la United Sunday to decide the question of Youths one hour and forty mi.
that it was her mother, Louisa chez.
Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica putting herself in as good a po nutes to make the runs, but it The defendant, not being saAncher, who had made the consition as possible for the Gove. was woes and for the TELEFONO 3156 tract about Peter tisfied with the decisión, has apted Cup.
Pathfinders and they could only Louis Royal and Daniel Barrett pealed to the Judge of the Civil Over 500 persons were out tomuster twenty two runs.
witness the Match of the Season was exceedingly disappointing, were brought by her to prove Court.
as it was called by some. Capt. as for many years no side ever that it was in October 1932 that her mother contracted with the Mrs. Eltina Reid Lucas gets Dixon won the toss but sent in fell down for such a low score.
plaintiff relative to the Sow. Damages against Sarah The sentiments of the coloured ces are ready to volunteer if Bri the Motive Power for the first Babb of the Motive Power Escarlet Carr and Malcom An Arthurs Jenkins and Felicia Nahabitants of Costa Rica are much tain calls them. They declare that knock and they lived up to our nearly performed one of the than Walters.
wakened in regard to the Italian as they were sent to Africa, with expectations as the Champions greatest feats, as he got wick derson were also called to state that towards the end of the Athiopian question, and the hum the West India Regiments to quell After an enormous amount ofets for almost a similar amount year 1933 the plantiff sent a Arising out of a similar to those of a the turbulent tribes, why should errors from the fielding side of runs. Well can he do it aga message by them to tell Mr. by Mrs. Lucas against Sarah complaint lings are oubled hive of bees in every they not now be sent to have a try she was able to declare at 128 inst the Excelsior tomorrow?
Ancher to come for his wife s, Arthurs and Felicia Nathan be.
aarter where they assemble. at Mussolini thirst for Blood. for the small loss of four wick.
Spectator Sow (the wife being the mother fore the Agent of Police for inThere was, we understand, an of defendant. decent and calumnious language, dea of staging a mass demons.
The Judge did not accept this the defendants were fined thirty ration in this city but it has been version, as he says in his summ colones with damages and costs; eld in check by the Authorities.
ing up, that this message appa and on appeal to the Governor lowever, after the deliberations rently referred to the agreement the fine was reduced to twenty the League of Nations in the which had taken place with the colones and damages.
ming month, it is expected there defendant mother in 1932, as The complainant then went beould be no difficulties experiend as it is evident that the Costa Banco del Estado testified to by Royal and Barrett, bore the Civil Department of JusState Bank and not to that of the defendant can Delegate in protection to her which took place Unico Emisor in November To page a small unprotected nation, must Sole Bank of Issue ate against the rebellious attitude 1933 as per declarations of the METROPOLITAN BUREAU Italy.
plantiff an his witnesses. He ofrece al público los Offers the Public the also held that the statements of Legal, Notarial General Meetings are now being held servicios de su ith respect to this matter, Business Transactions and these witnesses precluded this Services of its ibles are to be sent to the British presumption because they decla Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. red the sow was in the possession My untarnished reputation of overnment as well as to the Emror of Abyssinia, expressing o fplaintiff up to the middle of honesty. My intelligence and mpathy and willingness to serve the year 1934 which had not high calibre efficiency constitute been refuted.
transportation can be afforded.
the necessary and all important ssive Boycott of all Italian The Judge also laid great FACTORS which constitute my EN LA IN THE ods is preached, and a demonsstress on the evidence of the Iron Clad Guarantee to my acation dance is to be held at the Agent of Police for Zent, who tual and prospective CLIENTS, Mark Hall on the 9th. Sepsaid that Mc Lean had lodged who confide to my care, ditember. Invitations are out and a complaint with him against rection and administration, the definite plans will be given out as Esther Ancher, the defendant, handling of their BUSINESS and para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service soon as the cables are transmitfor having abstracted from his GENERAL AFFAIRS.
servicio bancario Rendered coral not only the sow in quesW. EGBERT POLSON It is asserted that all Exservice tion but four other pigs of his Accountant, Interpreter, Trans men of British Expeditionary for.
and that this was admitted by lator, Judicial Business Agent.
sorrows these pigs.
This DEMONSTRATION OF SYMPATHY Banco Internacional de Costa Rica SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON belles Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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