
Saturday, 31 th. August 1935 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA Mr.
Cecil Lindo In Jamaica Enlisting For Abyssinia SAL UVINA two THE RIGHT SALTS For Liver and Stomach Ailments read meса The Approaching Conflict CRICKET NEWS a most enthusiastic meeting of the movement.
Other centres Immediately after Mr. Lindorence Lopez block of grazing Ex Servicemen and other Westconcentration are to be annound had his little unpleasantness here pens, the best in the parish of Indians took place in this City on at the next meeting fixed for We with don Ricardo Jimenez, over his Clarendon. He runs away from us Wednesday night, Mr. Na nesday the 4th September.
projected mode of getting Juan Vi. now and we find him buying Shettion was voted to the chair, Mr. The cables read: To ñas (a town which in reality owes tlewood and Knockalva, the Pearson as Secretary and Britannic Majesty Foreign every thing of progress to him) a best grazing properties situate on Mr. George Cuthbert Treasurer. Afice, Downing St. London. Hu whater supply and a new school. the borders of the parishes of St.
Committee was formed to con dreds of British West Indian he left for Jamaica; and possessing James, Hanover and Westmore.
duct meetings to awaken esthusiasm Servicemen and volunteers the character he does, every time land, and noted as the two best in the Cause Abyssinian, and to to enlist and embark for servic he visits his native land something grazing properties in his Island collect funds for sending a cable in Abyssinian struggle transport startling in progressive ideals may home.
to His Majesty the Emperor of tion being afforded. Natio be expected from him.
He just recently donated Abyssinia and the British govern Chairman of Committee, Po Years ago he left us, and when 5, 000 to the King Silver Jubilee ment, expressing the desire of all Limon, Costa Rica.
next we heard he had bought out Fund of Jamaica, to show don RiBritish ex Servicemen and volunthe late Colonel Ward extensive cardo, no boubt, what his philan Invaluable for the Treatment of teers to enlist for service, if need His Majesty Haile Selassie, Liquor business, known far and thropic disposition is capable of ed, and praying transportation. dis Abeba, Abyssinia, Greeting wide by the name of Wray doing if he is approached in the Nephew. We next find him erect proper spirit of co operative Flatulence And all forms All patriotic West Indians, wish from West Indian Negroes ing to identify themselves with the Costa Rica, we solidly suppo ing an up to chate Central Sugar thods for the good of a communFactory at the Bernard Lodge Es. ity.
movement and to subscribe to the your efforts in struggle for exi Indigestion of Stomach funds to defray the necessary ex tence, thousands ready to enli tates, and purchasing the adjacent Well done don Cecilio. We properties for the cultivation of would only now like to see you Colics Disorders penses are asked to communicate for service, if transportation with Mr. Pearson, Box be arranged. Copy to British Fo canes to supply the factory. Soon founding a Hospital, or a Second137, Limon. Mr. Petgrave eign Office. Nation, Chai after, he took over the Amity ary Institution, for the education FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES of Siquirres is also appointed to re man Committee, Port Limon, Co Hall and Vere Estates as also of poor children so that your name ceive donotions and suggestions for ta Rica.
those of Appleton. On a recent may be remembered by the coming visit we see him buying the Cla generations.
MANUFACTURED BY: Curious Feat Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa SAN JOSE Evidently with the idea of si vised him of the seriousness of lencing Mr. Shaw Davis action, so he desisted.
Central American Express, the President of the LiIt is but a question of days when Africa, Tropical Asia, the AmeriOf course Mr. Davis, being ng mon Division, Mr. Mitchell, body enemy, is a frequent an the Arbitration Commission of cas and the West Indies should started ripping the roofing from friendly visitor to the meetings a the League of Nations will have join in the march. Then there are over the head of Mr. Davis and the Reorganizing Committee reached a final decision regarding the religious neighbours, the Mowent truly spectacular game of deed. The Youths down his Printery on Wednesday in or the at St. Mark the Italo. Ayssinian question, but hammendan world and the Arabs we can hardly expect anything ot will all join the colours, as do not Crickeet was witnessed on the easily for the cheap score of der to get him out. His more so Hall.
berminded confreres however ad He who runs may read.
her than war in view of (a) Mos think the laws of neutrality govern Limon Oval last Sunday by a double duce.
solini determination for full do the laws of relationship and crowd of over five hundred per It is hoped the Motive Power minion over Abyssinia. b) the friendship. Let us bury the diffe sons.
will be able to give a similar ex. DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA Italian military preparations and rences of the past in our aims and It was the occasion of the meet hibition before their guests from OctoAvenida San José (e) the failure of the Tri party resolutions for the future, and coning of the Motive Power Sports Clarendon, Jamaica, next conference. Italy is however yet a nect those resolutions as a chain Club with the Pathfinders ber.
Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad member of the League and she will which should dredge the Atlantic, Both had equal points; two each We have been hearing of and Colegio de Señoritas be going to Geneva next week, with, the Mediterrean and the Red Sea in the Competition, hence their very interesting game to be playMEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, without or against their decisions, and defying the Italians at Eritrea respective admirers were in highed between the Surtidora Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb to pursue her aims.
reach into Addis Abeba.
expectations as to the outcome captained by Mr. Henry and SURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the Now what is Mussolini trying The swamps beyond Eritrea are of the match, and members of the Costarricense on the neck of Womb to do? Is he endeavouring to sa awaiting the Italian army and other competing Clubs were also 15th. September in honour of RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small crifice his country manhood to reckon 20 per cent of them will be anxious to see what would hap. His Excellency the Governor and medium sized) by way of the Urethra maintain his Fascistic ambition? put out of commission before they pen. There were those who feltour genial Comandante, don FulFascism was born in Europe and reach the hills from whence the that, if by any chance the Path gencio Campos. The teams will Convalescent should not be tried out in Africa, machines will be producing terrifinders could to the trick, there be selected by Messrs. Arthur a smaller and weaker State. war ble slaughter among the aggres would be a look in for some other Rivers, Percy Harris and We are pleased to see Mr. has been for a few weeks for an with Abyssinia must be considered. sors.
Club particulalry the Construc Nation. It is understood that McRae, our well known Drug operation to his left eye, feeling more or less, a war against the But what really does Italy want tion; but with the Motive. Po the Surtidora intend puting on gist, who has held his own firmly and seeing as good as a boy.
Black race as it is the only remain in Abyssinia? Is she heading for wer victory, which sets her up an especially strong team selec. at the McRae Drugstore here for ing place in Africa of Independent Lake Jana with its utility toward three points, and judging the ted from all points of the lines, many years amidst all the oppres Mr. McRae is loud in his praise sovreignty, much cannot be said the Nile and the irrigation of the strength of her fine combinatso the lucky Captain Stanley sive measures and rigid competi of Dr. Cordero, his assitants ang of poor little Liberia. Abyssinia is Sahara with its 1, 000, 000 hecta: ion of attack as also her defen Butler will have to face them tion, has returned from the Optical nurses for their care and tender but a semi oval corner compared reas of cultivable lands? Should sive forces, there will hardly be! with no less a pick of genuine Clinic in San Chepe whither he nesses to him.
with the area of the continent and she be British interest will them a chance of any other drinking Costa Rican Amateurs.
is hemmed from the sea on all sides be threatened and Emperor Selas. the Champagne out of that Cup The game will be umpired by ENGLAND LOSES TEST TOURNEY by the Somalilands and Eritrea, sie is more inclined toward Britain this Season.
Messrs. Pedro Breedy and Italian, British and French) and than the other powers. The AfriLeray played a fine game for Nation.
The recent tour of the South but for a railroad from Jibouti can native is far from being satis his thirty; Scott, taking chances In the fifth and last test, South African Cricket Team in England Africa registered 476 in the firs (French) to Addis Abeba, her ca. fied with existing conditions, he as usual with the changeless bowpital would be without maritime feels himself of no inferiority and ling of the Youngsters, ran has been somewhat disappointing inning. England replied with 534 up to cricket fans, as of the five Test for six wickets and declared. connections.
will not permit such exploitation. 52; while Hunter played freely But what are the Blacks, out. He will need those million hectares for his 34. The Motive matches played, four were drawn. their second inning, the visitors Power side of Africa, going to do when in the near future, so why should closed their inning for 128 for FRANK MADURO Jr.
The other was won by the visitors complied 287 for six wickets when who are, consequently, the victors the match ended in a draw.
the echoes of the first guns are Italy be allowed to have them?
four wickets. The Trailblazers Prop.
of the tournament.
heard? Italy must consider herself could not withstand the attack at war with tkem, so the rest of Sawyers. of George Babb who got them Best native lumber all mixed, and in a very short time had of the 10 wickets for at moderate prices STATION RESTAURANT THE PEOPLES SIQUIRRES (Under New Management)
We wish to advise the PUBLIC in general that the In The Law.
The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Minutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be BERLIN LOAF recently placed on the market, has taken such a hold on the people and the demand so considerably increa From page served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Resclaim one, three, four, five and taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Sposed, that only standing orders are supplied at present; the ba tice and expressed the deprecia six relative to costs presented be ken, Se habla español, kery is however inaking preparations to increase the output tign, morály and mentally, she set apart, reducing to two colones SULLIVAN to meet the extra and growing demands.
was experiencing as a married the second claim in this regard, If you have not yet tried the loaf, come in and do so which she was born and reared, ned to pay to the plantiff the abusive, slanderous and maligntration for just such in the community in and the defendants be condemNOW, if you care to eat the best bread.
by such scandalous remarks: sum five hundred colores as da ing expressions against others malignant calumny. There Many spurious imitations of BOOTH BISCUITS when we find that on the 22nd. mages and prejudices suffered without thinking of the damages now no less than there comare being sold in some Chinese shops. None are genuine instant, the Civil Judge hands as well as the cost of this suit. they occasion and the consequen plaints of this nature before the without the name BOOTH impressed on them.
down the following sentence: cies of such a pernicious habit. Courts while a dozen others For reasons expressed by the ED. NOTE. This should be BERLIN LOAF BUTTER LOAF. BOOTH BISCUITS laws cited, articles 1011, 1047 a great lesson to those slander ty of the Organization the Hall principal Officers of this Socie.
Unfortunately for the integri could have been cited against the CAKES BUNS. CHALLENGE IMITATORS. of the Civil Code procedure it ous members of our community of the has become fa ty for the same offence. It li sresolved that particulars of whose hobby! it is to belch out Imous under the present administruly a nuience.
Madure Lumber Yard BAKERY runs, a disastrous average invenomous are is Shirts. Ties. Belts at Jamaica Store GEO. BREEDY.
LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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