
Our Politics ATLANTIC VOICI The Public Baths Re The Italo Abyssinian Quarre gove as On El tren salo do Limón el Miércoles 16 de Octubro a las a, m, y regresa de San Josó el Viernes 18 las 13 horas para pascor con nosotros.
The struggle for supremacy bet for his high mode of life must eleDevoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone ween Mr. Leon Cortes and Mr. Ocvate those under him to his stantavio Beeche is somewhat silently dard; he cannot tolerate contact Año II No. 61 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 7ht. September 1935. Editor English Section Nati but tenaciously proceeding.
with sloveness and untidiness and It is strange that up to now the will pay a wage so his employees can leading laborites seem to be on the be tidily attired. He will provide them side of Cortes, in spite of the fact with decent living quarters so he that he is stamped as being a tyran may be able to tolerate their prenic Ruler, and his ideas for the poor sence around him. And as with in The work on the Public Bath at sea just a hundred yards north of All eyes have been centered concessions which it is claim labouring man prosperity very cir dividuals so with nations; and as a the spot known as The Wash house the Bath with the current running what would have been the verdict American capitalists for oil a on, and all earts lifted to hear have beengiven to British a cumscribed and stringent. He is clai gentleman is in private life so will is proceeding under the able mana in a Southerly direction, we need med to say and to have been guided he be in public as our President. gement of engineer Montague Jones, not express what can be anticipated be placed before the League of resort Against these Mussolini of the Arbitration Committee to mineral minings as a last mom by this conviction. when. as Minister exhibiting the highest aspirations for but so far as the barrier for protect However. the Municipal board which Nations on Wednesday the 4th. protested, condemning Englan of Labour and Agriculture, he was the comfort and contentment of his ing those who will frequent this will succeed the present ons, which in power to employ labour, that two citizens in their communal life. Is it pleasure resort from the ravages of has ruled our City for eight years, fiasco.
and all has ended in a grand policy as one not so much colones per diem is quite sufficient not evident, therefore, that of the the beasts of the sea is concerned, will find that when the Tourists from humanitarian purposes of pea pay for a labourer to exist on for two men, Beeche is the better for we are feeling it is not as secure as the interior cease to come In their meeting at Paris on the but for purely self interest. to the 3rd. this Committee gave out as British and American the payment of rent, etc. and the whom to vote?
it might have been.
Bath, rendering it a financial failu their verdict that they could not ments have declared the conc support of a family. Intense antipa The only complaint his opponents We are thinking that a seawall suf re, they will have to devise plans to find any reasons for arriving at sions non existent; but Empe thy must be felt by the labouring have against him is that Beeche is ficiently strong and high would have raise the capital for effecting the any International resposability on Haile Selassie says he has no man for such an employee and the a Usurer. Why? because he lends been placed as a screen to witshtand betterments which we are now point the part of either nation in the ligations with Italy and, tenents of Communism encouraged his money, to help the poor struggl the monster breakers, which come in ing out.
and fostered in their breasts. It is ing people around him, after the ra at that spot when our currents are incident at Ualual, which is the sovereign nation, has every ris We also note that our Municipal claim by Italy for her warlike pre and power to open his doors evidently the intention of such a one te of one per cent. But this should running high. It is well known to Fathers have just got alive to the parations. No indemnity to rule with a hand of Iron and the be the very reason why he should be every resident of this locality that necessity of seggregating the sheep considered, and the was any nation or people who Committee to come in to work honestly a reby bring semi slavery into the land. voted for; the generality of rich men when the breakers come in they from the goats. in, that it is just bad no jurisdiction with regard to loyally in the exploitation of In a country where the people are hoard their moneys in Banks at six mount over the existing seawall and realized that our coloured citizens will legal costs.
educated along the proper line of per cent per annum; while the Banks continually bring a deposit of sand not be permitted to frequent the which has been presented before confer.
This is the verdict concession he feels disposed thought in political matters for pro will not, in turn, lend a dollar to the with them. We therefore fear that ty Bath in association with the Tou the League, consequently this In the meantime England tecting and safeguarding their county poor farmer only to the rich with the weight of the sand heap, rists from both the Exterior and In Body has nothing to adjudge and taking every precausion to sa interests, they would not tolerate a landowner. Octavio Beeche, seeing being thrown against these tramway terior; therefore the Piuta Bath, is so this tense question has again guard her interests in Abyssir man whose political platform is for the straitened conditions of the poor, rails, will act as a skirting and cau also to be fixed so that they, as well been postponed.
Egypt and the Soudan.
depreciating the moral and progres honest, striving labourer loans himse the rails to give way, then unde as the women of dubious characters. In the meantime Mussolini has 3rd, she sent two squadrons sive life of the labouring population. money at one per cent to plant and sirable visitors from the deep may may have their baths there instead taken the opportunity of present bombing planes to Nairobe, Es If Cortes really used such a platform, harvest his crop, which means only some day appear among the Bathers, of at that in the City.
ing other charges against Abys and battleships have been as his theme, in his avocational funci a payment of one colon per month and the pool be also often filled The Puita beach is undoubtedly sinia comprised in a document with a fleet of submarine des tioning (and the remark has never on every hundred colones borrowed. with debris.
the more desirable place for a bath of 100 pages; white Abys yers to guard the Suez Canal, been conclusively refuted. it is sur It this a crime?
It was anticipated that the storming resort, the only inconvenience sinia has also charged Mussolini, entrance to which is being barri prising how any of our naturalized Imagine the garden of roses this waters from the Arnold gully, fixed being that it is a mile away; but we before the League, for her warlike ed with chains and other dang members of the community of Li province would be if we had three by the Hubbard Company, would ha are thinking that when both places preparations, without a cause, in ous material, against Italy mon, who have been accustomed to men, after the type of Octavio Bee ve been intercopted by an adequa come into operation, it will be found violation of her international obli fleet of torpedo boats dispatch a decent mode of living and proper che, who would lend their money atte concrete tunnel somewhere at the that the place set apart for the gations toward her, thereby occa to that locality. The Base at treatment by their employers, the one per cent per month for the im Baptist Church and thrown into the Goats will give better results, in pa sioning unnecessary expenses to has been fully garrisoned United Fruit Company, can cons provement of our holdings.
sea below the Bath; but to have this tronage, than the more luxurious one place 1, 250, 000 men on a war brought up to its full capacit cientiously consent to vote for him. Conjecture also, that if in private body of drain waters entering the within the limits of the City.
basis to defend herself. the wartime efficiency in vier How can one vote for a man life don Octavio lends his money afoutcome of a dispute on her Italy full naval force patrol)
whose inherent desire is to see the ter so reasonable a term so that the frontier with a few Italian traders the Medterranean as a menace labouring man living in misery and borrower can improve himself, is it Tren de Excursión a San José and some native tribesmen, which England threat of closing his children the subjects of serfdorm? not evident that as President, he could have been settled in a day passage of the Suez Canal. Ne Can one really vote for a man whose will encoruge the International Bank dultos e 00 Niños e 00 argument if Italy had been peacetheless, war is inevitable, not uppermost wish is to see the worker to loan our farmers the necessary Estrada, Matina, 25 Millas 00 Siquirres a San José e 00 fully disposed.
in Africa but in Europe as always existing under an inferiority sums to bring in their crops, thus El tren correrá via Castro y Zenl e 00. No pierda esta gran oportunidad France, of course, is playing because it is looking as if in complex; to see him living as if he making every small proprietor a between points, she says she will is going to allow Latin friend had no claim to that equality of properous citizen under his own vine COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION not agree to any punishment being to sway her to such an exten existence with which God has en and fig tree; whereas Cortes would imposed on Italy, yet in the con to allow a full bonding toget dowed us all? Such a man should never think of us otherwise than as versations between Premier Laval of the Anglo Saxon relations be shunned as one would Leprosy or employees at two colones per day.
OF ANOTHER THREE DAYS EXCURSION TO SAN JOSE and Eden she professes perfect and should all the Saxon BY REQUEST OF SATISFIED PATRONS. Train will leave Limon, Wednesday Tuberculosis.
Ought not every member of the accord with the plans of Britain. and brains get fired it will On the other hand, don Octavio Limonense family to be a Bechista? Adults. 00 Children 00 The knot now is over certain awful thing for Europe.
Beeche has been in prominent posi Vote for Beeche and see your friends Estrada, Malina. 25 Miles 00 Siquirres 00 tions, locally, as also in the foreign are sensible enough to also vote for Train will run via Castro and Zent af same price as Limon. Do not miss this Last minute advices reaching us been called to arms by Mu.
opportunity of going with us.
indicate that despite the many and and Abyssynia has been offere diplomatic service of his country; he him.
COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION lengthy discussions which have al assistance of a regiment of has lived among people of the hi Our next issue will disclose what ghest altitudes in foreign life and the Municipality has done for us durready taken place at the Council the Amakolwa Tribe by their must therefore aspire to a high mark, ing the past eight years, they being meetings, the possibility of a peace tary Chief and 000 Egypt ful settlement of the struggle seem diers are awaiting an opportui his vision must be broad and elevat all Cor te vis tas, which. someone as far off as ever it was.
join the Emperor army.
ing. Any man who is distinguished says means shortsightedness.
The Cuban criminal appears to extortion plot involving the remains Meantime 50, 000 more men have be excelling the American in the of a wealthy man.
crime of kidnapping. From Hava.
na it is reported that the Superin It is charged that a band of tendent and seven employees of ghouls exhumed the body of weal.
Of Coloured Race According to an article appear. twice per month in keeping with the national cemetery at Santiago thy Spanish merchant and dollars Blessed Martin de Porres, lay Blessed Martin in recent ing in Thursday issue of our the provisions of the Law of 12th. have been arrested and held for demanding one thousand investigation in connect with an from the family for its return. brother of the Dominican Order, had brought in requests for Daily El Diario. the owners, and August 1912.
who lived in Lima, Peru, 1579. leaflets containing a praye Administrators of as also 1639, where he ministered te that end, which had been the needs of the sick and the poor buted. Blessed Martin was employ been notified by and extended his mercies even to tified in 1836, Father Agents of Police and the Inspec. is stated to a fine of one hundred terrible hurricane, regarded and airplanes are being used in rats, has become the subject of said, and great interest in tor of Farms and Commissaries colones for the first offence and as being worse than that which oc rescue work.
that for the future all such labour. 250 for any subsequent infring curred nine years ago, struck the prayers on the part of thousands of his canonization had of Catholics in the United States spontaneously among Catho ers are to be paid not less than ments.
State of Florida, last ERRATA who want him canonized There are 12. 000, 000 col Tuesday with awful results. From Catholic saint.
persons outside the Ca 400 to 500 persons are estimated In our last issue, it was stated The Rev. Edward Hughes, Church in the United State to have hun.
Vernor Lindo, editor of The Torch, a national the canonization of one of Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón ings were blown into the air like ist and Industrial Magnate of of St. Dominic, said brief news tance in bringing the lig bits of paper and two and two this country, had bought the items published on the life of To Page SEVE Para EUROPA veteran camps were completely Shettlewood and Knockalva pro(SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, destroyed.
perties in his native land. It was AMSTERDAM HAMBURGO)
Food, clothing and medicine not Knockalva, but Montpelier We beg to call your attention to our rema have been rushed to the sufferers and Shettlewood. CARIBIA 14 de Setiembre at the back of receipt which reads: Para GUATEMALA This bill must be paid at ou (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
In view of the reported intense ma especially in the vicinity of our office before the 10th of the mont. Caribia. de Setiembre activity of Japanese Agents in frontier.
these parts, particularly in SalvaBe so good as to comply with this reque SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS dor and the North of Panama, the Japanese fishing company is United States government is said supposed to have endeavoured to and do not oblige us to suspend our servic Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a: to have decided to further increase obrain certain privileges in the Bay a step which we would much regret to tak HAPAG LLOYD the Panama Canal anti aircraft of Panama and on being refused defences.
to have made a similar request Compañía Eléctrica de Limón AGENCIA EN COSTA RICA TELEFONO 2086 Anti aircraft radio detectors are from Salvador for concessions to bę, established throughout Pana along her western coast.
blioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lozano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
October 16th at am, and return leaving San Jose Friday October 18th, at 1pm Kidnapping The The Dead Likely Canonization Of Memb Quincenally Payments Being Enforced were ether having labourers in theit Parties failing to comply with Hurricane Hits Florida asa as a HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE dreds more suffered injuries. Biuld well known Capitalist, Agricultur publication of the Third Order own would be of material Acts For Canal Safety

    CommunismEnglandFranceItalyKidnappingLeón CortésMussoliniPresidentes de Costa Rica

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